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  • UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
    1 Minute Ago
    exactly.... Basic constitutional shit. But the 'blue no matter who' crew will scream that the Constitution is racist and archaic if they can't get their way.
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    1 Minute Ago
    I don’t think hes accurate at all; I agree it’s stupid. But my point remains; the same way people let criminals get bailed out and suffer no real consequences despite committing repeated crimes (big banks) under the guise of keeping this all propped up. It’s the same mentality just shoe is on other...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    2 Minutes Ago
    For not liking Trump, you're sure not hating him.
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
    2 Minutes Ago
    exactly. People like chumpdumper and blake will call you a "whataboutist" but it's absolutely true. What the fuck does sending hush money to a whore all those years ago in NY have to do with a candidate's presidential policy from 2025 through 2028? How many felonies do you think Biden has gotten...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    3 Minutes Ago
    Thats a red herring. I owe you no explanation and again you can hate it all you want. It’s my money, my right and again, there’s zero justification for what Biden and Warren have done. Unlike you evidently, I have morals and a code of right or wrong regardless of what I personally like/dislike. ...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    4 Minutes Ago
    That wasn't the point. He believes corruption will go down with Trump in office vs Biden. Do you really not get how retarded that is? Unless you're also pro conspiracy, I guess, but that's a different type of retarded.
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    6 Minutes Ago
    Just making fun of you while waiting for you to show how you need crypto in your daily life.
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    6 Minutes Ago
    I was making the point that you trying to frame voting for a “felon” as an issue, we already deal with criminals all the time at every single level and keep them in power. So it’s not a very strong point. That has nothing to do with crypto - it was an adjacent point to you trying to frame voting...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
    6 Minutes Ago
    I agree with this post. I feel like in the 2000s the GOP was more the party of authoritarianism with the illegal foreign wars, patriot act, nuthugging oligarchy, TSA/NSA expansion and all that associated big government crap. The Democrats, rightfully hammered them on that and won big tsunami wave...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    7 Minutes Ago
    It’s not a conspiracy but unless he gets found guilty for the insurrection stuff, how many politicians do we think have lied and misappropriated campaign funds etc…and it not been prosecuted? Ya, hes a felon, but it’s like someone getting a DUI. Tons of people have gotten them and tons of...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    7 Minutes Ago
    No doubt we bail out too many institutions from banks, auto makers and airlines and more. What has that got to do with you using crypto? And/ or party lines?
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Mikeanaro's Avatar
    7 Minutes Ago
    Mikeanaro replied to a thread NBA PLAYOFFS THREAD in Spurs Forum
    Fuck Mavs, White now has a ring :lobt2:
    1499 replies | 62043 view(s)
  • chubbs's Avatar
    7 Minutes Ago
    i thought the same, everything from tatum and brown seemed so fake and forced.
    417 replies | 9185 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    9 Minutes Ago
    Well, if you don’t think it swings an election, no need to gaslight me and others about it then right?
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    9 Minutes Ago
    I dont lol. I just dont need you trampling MY right to own it legally (it’s fully regulated in the USA hence being allowed to be publicly traded companies etc..). You can hate it all you want and think it’s a scam. What you cannot do is force your will upon me illegally by weaponizing the SEC and...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    9 Minutes Ago
    No it doesn't. The name he implies he broke the law and is a felon. How many counts would you be OK with to not call it a conspiracy? Or to be able to call him a felon?
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    11 Minutes Ago
    The same way bailing out banks for billions despite them getting “fined” billions for illegal and illicit activities keeps the economy from taking I guess?
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    13 Minutes Ago
    I never said it's enough to swing the election. I just can't believe how many retards we still have in this country. In 2024.
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
    14 Minutes Ago
    I'm not voting, I don't vote, but just the name "Felon Trump" implies a corrupt justice system inherent in of itself. The NY court rigged the jury from the beginning and staged the whole case. Literally nobody else, not even a terrorist, gets convicted on 34 out of 34 counts
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    15 Minutes Ago
    Earn my trust in crypto. Why do you need it so bad?
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    15 Minutes Ago
    What’s retarded is you actually believing Crypto Bros are powerful enough to swing an election and Dems still not capitulating on the issue then.
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    16 Minutes Ago
    I dont like Trump at all so as I said before Im not sure I can actually make the leap to vote for him. I just know that Im appalled with not just Dems views on crypto but the scary authoritarian actions they have taken towards it. It would be one thing not to like it or whatever but what they...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    16 Minutes Ago
    Lol how voting Felon Trump will bring "low corruption". What is wrong with you?
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
    16 Minutes Ago
    Realistically Biden is just a puppet. The legacy Dems and the deep state as you refer to, (and a lot of legacy GOP politicians are at fault here too) control his strings at this point. They want a fully centralized economy and communism by deceit and trickery rather than by force, a state-backed...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • Blake's Avatar
    17 Minutes Ago
    Hard to believe how many suckers are voting Trump/non biden because crypto. You guys are full on retard.
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
    19 Minutes Ago
    "Orange man bad" is just more gaslighting. I mean the QAnon "maga or bust" Trump dicksuckers are stupid too, but the establishment Dems make it sound like the world is going to end if Trump gets a second term, where in reality things will just be late 2010s again with low inflation, low...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    19 Minutes Ago
    lol why? Pick 4 or pick 8 in this draft is just not that different. If spurs like Cody, who cares if he is at 4 or 8 especially if they are fine with Castle, Carter, Reed, Dillingham and can for sure get one of them at 8 going into pick 4 where they don’t think Cody will make it? It’s like ATL...
    39 replies | 1317 view(s)
  • Proxy's Avatar
    20 Minutes Ago
    Mavs lucked their way this far and this Celtics team would’ve lost to any past champion. JB and JT are glorified role players that needed White and Holiday to get blowouts so they didn’t have to rely on them choking in close games. The Boston celebration was so performative. Tatum had rehearsed all...
    417 replies | 9185 view(s)
  • DPG21920's Avatar
    23 Minutes Ago
    Nah - you are just wildly ineffective in stating your case without being a condescending prick so I would argue it’s YOU that is the issue friend. But Im done with this conversation and could care less what you think in this regard (respectfully of course). It’s why I dont talk politics on this...
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
  • UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
    24 Minutes Ago
    Congrats on sounding like a 13 year old gen Z kid complaining to the teacher for flunking him because he never turned in any of his homework.
    351 replies | 25261 view(s)
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