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    Veteran scott's Avatar
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    on instagram, str8 flexin DUNCANownsKOBE's Avatar
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    i hunt fenced animals clambake's Avatar
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    har har

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    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    Yet the voter I'd law would have failed...

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    Bosshog in the cut djohn2oo8's Avatar
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    Darrin steps back in the pocket, fires to Yoni who jets down the field with WC as the lead blocker. He thinks he has a sure touchdown until WC leaves the game to stalk some chick in the hot dog line, leaving Yoni with no protection and ultimately fumbles in the end zone and its returned for a 100 yard touchdown.

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    Independent DMX7's Avatar
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    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    GOP Fires Voter Suppression Operative, but Is He Still Playing Dirty Tricks in CA
    Source: the nation
    Lee Fang on September 28, 2012 - 8:29 PM ET

    But here’s confirmation of another wrinkle in the story—the Los Angeles Times reports that Republicans were so concerned with the many scandals surrounding Sproul and his previous work, they indeed asked him to set up a s corporation to hide the payments. Here’s what Matea Gold and her colleagues reported today: “But his reputation is such that when Sproul was tapped by the RNC to do field work this year, officials requested that he set up a new firm to avoid being publicly linked to the past allegations.” The s is called “Strategic Allied Consulting,” but Sproul’s real firm carries the name “Sproul and Associates” and “Lincoln Strategy Group.

    As I noted in an update to my post on Wednesday, the California Republican Party has made $430,840 in payments to “Grassroots Outreach, LLC” this cycle for voter registration.

    Is this another Sproul s group? And are they up to the same tactics as before? Lance Williams at California Watch reports that a recent complaint in Riverside County details a number of allegations that someone affiliated with the GOP is deceiving voters to re-register them as Republicans and offering free cigarettes for signatures. They’re reportedly targeting minorities:

    One voter complained that his registration was changed to Republican after he signed what he thought was a pe ion to legalize marijuana. Another said he was told he was signing a pe ion to lower the price of gasoline , according to the affidavits

    Read more:

    of course, all this GOP voter fraud is just to 'level the playing field' of all the Democrat voter fraud going on around the country...

  8. #8
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — What first appeared to be an isolated problem in one Florida county has now spread statewide, with election officials in nine counties informing prosecutors or state election officials about questionable voter registration forms filled out on behalf of the Republican Party of Florida.

    State Republican officials already have fired the vendor it had hired to register voters, and took the additional step of filing an election fraud complaint against the company, Strategic Allied Consulting, with state officials. That complaint was handed over Friday to state law-enforcement authorities.


    The Florida Democratic Party called on the state to "revoke" the ability of state Republicans to continue to register voters while the investigation continues. Oct. 9 is the deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 6 presidential election.

    "It is clear that the Republican Party of Florida does not have the ins utional controls in place to be trusted as a third-party, voter registration organization," said Scott Arceneaux, executive director of the Florida Democratic Party.

    The Republican Party of Florida has paid Strategic Allied Consulting more than $1.3 million, and the Republican National Committee used the group for work in Nevada, North Carolina, Colorado and Virginia.

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    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    WASHINGTON — Florida elections officials said Friday that at least 10 counties have identified su ious and possibly fraudulent voter registration forms turned in by a firm working for the Republican Party of Florida, which has filed an election fraud complaint with the state Division of Elections against its one-time consultant.

    The firm of course is none other than Strategic Allied, which is basically a regurgitation of Nathan Sproul's infamous firm which destroyed Democratic registration forms in swing states during the 2004 election.

    (There are 3 updates at this link)

    Link to LA Times article about it,7654954.story

  10. #10
    Board Man Comes Home Clipper Nation's Avatar
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    Darrin steps back in the pocket, fires to Yoni who jets down the field with WC as the lead blocker. He thinks he has a sure touchdown until WC leaves the game to stalk some chick in the hot dog line, leaving Yoni with no protection and ultimately fumbles in the end zone and its returned for a 100 yard touchdown.

  11. #11
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    At least the republicans cut their ties with the company. Democrats continue to defend the likes of ACORN.

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    More fraud by Repugs' dirty tricks.

    Show proof that ACORN committed voter REGISTRATION fraud.

  13. #13
    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    9:09 am....and fox news still does not have this story posted on their website

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    Vote counting company tied to Romney

    Looking beyond the well-do ented Google choking laundry list of apparent fraud, failure and seeming corruption that is associated with Hart Intercivic, an ongoing Free Press investigation turned its attention to the key question of who owns the voting machine companies. The majority of the directors of Hart come from the private equity firm H.I.G. Capital. H.I.G. has been heavily invested in Hart Intercivic since July 2011, just in time for the current presidential election cycle. But who is H.I.G Capital?

    Out of 49 partners and directors, 48 are men, and 47 are white. Eleven of these men, including H.I.G. Founder Tony Tamer, were formerly employed at Bain and Company, and two of those men, John P. Bolduc, Douglas Berman, are Romney bundlers along with former Bain and H.I.G. manager Brian Shortsleeve.

    Additionally, four of these men were formerly employed at Booz Allen Hamilton. Booz Allen, now owned by the Bush family friendly Carlyle group, also made voting machines for the United States military. Booz Allen was also the key subcontractor for the controversial PioneerGroundbreaker program, an NSA data mining operation that gathered information on American citizens until it was shut down and replaced with even more invasive successor programs like MATRIX and Total Information Awareness.

    H.I.G. Capital employees have given $338,000 to Mitt Romney's campaign. That amounts to over $1500 per employee. Bain Capital, Mitt's former company, by comparison, only gave him $268,000. H.I.G. is the 11th largest donor to the Romney Campaign. Clearly they are working really hard for their man. It appears that they will work even harder on election night. Although not boisterously promising to deliver states where their machines are to Romney as Wally O'Dell of Diebold did for Bush in 2004, they can launder hundreds of thousands of votes and swing the vote in the crucial swing state Ohio.

    Will Mitt's cronies steal our democracy the way they stole our jobs? Time will tell, but they have certainly positioned themselves to do so if they choose.

  15. #15
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    Wow so politicians are dishonest? Get the out.

  16. #16
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Wow so politicians are dishonest? Get the out.
    This guy was in a bit of hot water, as several of his past employees were found dumping registration forms they gathered for Democratic voters in the trash.

    The third reason this is embarrassing for Republicans is that Strategic Allied Consulting was formed by an Arizona consultant named Nathan Sproul, whose past registration efforts have been the subject of numerous allegations of irregularities. In several instances, those working for Sproul — whose company has operated under several different names — were accused of discarding registration forms filled out by Democrats. The allegations were investigated, but no charges were filed.

  17. #17
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Ironic, is that Republicans trumped up outrage about ACORN caused them to make laws that will make it harder for such en ies to operate for them as well.

    Given US demographic trends, that won't end well for them. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Just when they need such organizations the most to counter that, they make it hard, if not impossible for themselves to do it. Man, is that delicious.

  18. #18
    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    October 1, 2012

    ..9:08 am cst

    Story is still missing on Fox News...

    I could have sworn these guys were frightened at the thought that voter fraud was being committed...

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    I read an article that it's true Repug/conservative FEAR, not PARANOIA, that if they get their lying, slanderous, cheating butts kicked this election, the demographics are stacked against them from here on out, as E-As become more outnumbered by N-As (Hispanic but genetically their Indians, not Spanish), As-A, Af-A.

  20. #20
    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    I read an article that it's true Repug/conservative FEAR, not PARANOIA, that if they get their lying, slanderous, cheating butts kicked this election, the demographics are stacked against them from here on out, as E-As become more outnumbered by N-As (Hispanic but genetically their Indians, not Spanish), As-A, Af-A.
    I am not sure either side is going to kick the other's butt..

  21. #21
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    I am not sure either side is going to kick the other's butt..
    I hear the Repugs are telling Gecko that they've done all they can to help him (aka $$$$ and lies), and now it's up to Gecko save his bacon in the debate(s).

    Gecko/Ryan are kicked-butt dead meat. We'll see how big Barry's coattails are for Congressional races.

  22. #22
    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    I hear the Repugs are telling Gecko that they've done all they can to help him (aka $$$$ and lies), and now it's up to Gecko save his bacon in the debate(s).

    Gecko/Ryan are kicked-butt dead meat. We'll see how big Barry's coattails are for Congressional races.
    you may be right.. it would be a great day on spurstalk if the dems won the WH and the Congress.. that would be a hoot

  23. #23
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    you may be right.. it would be a great day on spurstalk if the dems won the WH and the Congress.. that would be a hoot
    Really? This would cons ute a great day? Aim higher my friend.

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    Even Rick Scott Can’t Find Virtually Any Non-Citizen Voters

    Earlier this year, Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) began a massive voter purge that initially targeted as many as 180,000 individuals to be removed from the state’s voter rolls. It quickly emerged, however, that Scott’s lists were deeply flawed — in one case, a 91 year-old decorated World War II veteran received a purge letter falsely informing him that “you are not a U.S. Citizen” — and the purge was eventually halted after Florida’s county elections officials, including 30 Republicans, rebelled against the purge.
    Throughout this ordeal, which also included a U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit challenging the purge and a pledge by a top Scott Administration official to restart the purge, Scott insisted this purge was necessary to prevent non-citizen voters from changing the result of the 2012 election.

    Now, Scott has begun a second voter purge, albeit under greater scrutiny after the debacle that was his first attempt to prevent Floridians from voting. Despite Scott’s previous claims that non-citizen voting is a major problem worthy of a massive voter purge, his own data now undermines this claim. After comparing a state database of drivers licenses with a federal database of immigration records, Rick Scott’s Florida barely uncovered any potential non-citizen voters:

    In total, Scott’s quest for non-citizen voters flagged only 198 names of registered voters who may not be U.S. citizens — and this is in a state where over 8 million people voted in the last presidential election. Of these 198 possible non-citizens, only 39 have actually ever voted. If any of the 198 names identified by Scott’s new purge turn out to be non-citizens — itself an uncertain proposition — the most likely explanation for why many of them became registered to vote is that they accidentally registered while filling out paperwork to receive a driver’s license, not that the alleged non-citizens intentionally tried to register illegally.

    Where is Katherine Harris when the Repugs REALLY need here (again!)?

  25. #25
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Really? This would cons ute a great day? Aim higher my friend.
    Well, he did say "on spurstalk". And the comedy factor shouldn't be disregarded, imo.

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