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    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Duncan: "I don't know him"

    Two weeks after the draft, playing on the Puerto Rico olympic qualifying tournament, Manu had his first taste of playing against NBA players.
    One of his opponents was Tim Duncan, future teammate on the Spurs, and now friend of him. But at that time, he didn't even know who Manu was. The PF born in the Virgin Islands spoke with Ole with his usual poker face:

    - Did you know a player from Argentina was drafted by your team?
    I honestly didn't know that. Really?

    - Yes, of course, it's number 5. His name is Emanuel Ginobili.
    Nobody told me until now. I don't know him.

    - Have you seen him? You think he could play next to you soon?
    I don't know. From the Argentina team I only remember number 7 (Nocioni) because of the spectacular dunk he had. But the kid you mention must be talented, because not everybody catches the attention of my team and gets a spot in the draft.


  2. #2
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    lol at TD remembering Nocioni's dunk... his best one IMO was against KG playing with TAU...

  3. #3
    Still Hates Small Ball Spurminator's Avatar
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    "Emanuel Genobeeley"

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    Cool. It's funny how nobody knew who Manu was and even the commisioner couldn't even say his name right. On the other hand I know Manu said he never expected to get drafted at all. I also remember how they gave us a D for that draft. How time flies.

    Spurs D The Spurs are world champions, and they landed two players from the other side of the world -- dealing for Croatian guard Gordan Giricek and Italian guard Emanuel Ginobilli. We'll admit we don't know a whole lot about these guys because the boss won't spring for scouting trips to Europe.

  5. #5
    Respecting Decisions TFloss32's Avatar
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    Cool. It's funny how nobody knew who Manu was and even the commisioner couldn't even say his name right. On the other hand I know Manu said he never expected to get drafted at all. I also remember how they gave us a D for that draft. How time flies.

    Spurs D The Spurs are world champions, and they landed two players from the other side of the world -- dealing for Croatian guard Gordan Giricek and Italian guard Emanuel Ginobilli. We'll admit we don't know a whole lot about these guys because the boss won't spring for scouting trips to Europe.
    To be fair, David Stern can't really talk. He's got that horrible New Yorker accent combined with, what I'm convinced is, some sort of speech impediment. He absolutely butchers players' names on draft night and I get embarrased for him. I would think he'd at least brush up on the first rounders before he went up there.

    Anyone notice how he can't say "champion"? The NBA "champeen" San Antonio Spurs. Ol' Dave...bless his heart.

  6. #6
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    The guy talking is not Stern, is Rod Thorn, who used to be the NBA VP at the time.

  7. #7
    Pimp Marcus Bryant's Avatar
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    I recall "Giricek > Ginobili."

    Was Casper behind that argument? Oh, wait, that was "Payton > Parker."

  8. #8
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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  9. #9
    Govt, stay away!
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    I recall "Giricek > Ginobili."

    Was Casper behind that argument? Oh, wait, that was "Payton > Parker."

    Admiral was behind the Giricek > Ginobili argument.

  10. #10
    5. timvp's Avatar
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    I remember watching the US vs. Argentina match back in the summer of 1999 and being pretty underwhelmed by Manu. He was something like 3-for-13 or 5-for-17 or something like that. He played no defense but I remember posting on the internets back then that the one good thing about him is he seemed hyper

  11. #11
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    Se plen diez años de un día clave para Manu Ginóbili: cuando fue elegido por San Antonio en el draft. Recién ahora se sabe que los Spurs dudaban entre dos argentinos. ¿Cómo decidieron? Con una moneda... Así descartaron a Victoriano y se llevaron al flaquito desconocido en Estados Unidos.

    Ya habían pasado 56 de los 58 jugadores. Aquel 30 de junio de 1999, en Washington, a San Antonio le tocaba hacer su elección en el penúltimo lugar. Se acercaba el final del draft, el sistema que usa la NBA para que los equipos se aseguren los derechos sobre un jugador, así que el salón estaba casi vacío y no se esperaba un nombre importante. Ahí fue cuando Rod Thorn, entonces vice de la liga, hizo el anuncio tratando de pronunciar lo más claro posible: "En el número 57 los Spurs eligen a Emmanuel Ginóbili de Argentina".

    Sí, Emmanuel y no Emanuel, como se ve en el video. ¿Fotos? Ninguna. ¿Datos? Pocos. Varios medios al día siguiente lo daban como italiano en vez de argentino... Ahora, pasados diez años, la elección de Manu Ginóbili se define como uno de los grandes robos de la historia del draft. Un tapado que nadie conocía en ese momento y luego se convertiría en una figura. Hoy también se sabe que los Spurs dudaron hasta minutos antes de elegirlo. Otro argentino, Lucas Victoriano, les gustaba igual que el bahiense. ¿Cómo definieron? Tirando una moneda.

    R.C. Buford, general manager de San Antonio, reconoce que "a veces es mejor tener suerte que ser bueno. No me imaginaba que Manu iba a llegar tan lejos. Pero saber poco de un jugador significa que hay espacio para soñar. Eso pasa frecuentemente con los extranjeros". Buford había descubierto a Ginóbili en el 97, durante el Mundial Sub 22 de Melbourne (Australia), cuando trabajaba en el equipo como reclutador y buscaba joyas de cualquier procedencia. Las figuras argentinas en ese torneo habían sido Victoriano y Fabricio Oberto. ¿Manu? Arrancó de suplente y terminó como ular, pero tirando 0-8 de cancha en la derrota con Yugoslavia por el tercer puesto.

    Victoriano, que en la última temporada jugó para el Zaragoza, en el 99 pertenecía al Real Madrid y a los 22 años prometía más que Ginóbili. Tuvo una contra. Gregg Popovich, el técnico de los Spurs, no estaba convencido de dejarle la conducción a un base extranjero. Buford recuerda que en el 2001 fue durísimo convencerlo para que eligieran al francés Tony Parker en el draft... Pop tampoco daba un dólar por Manu: "Ninguno de los jugadores que quedaba parecía fundamental para el éxito del equipo, pero lo vimos más atlético que el resto y lo tomamos en nuestra segunda elección. Nunca imaginamos semejante desarrollo. Ni en nuestros sueños".

    Ginóbili esa noche soñaba, vaya a saber uno con qué, cuando el utilero de la Selección lo fue a despertar a pedido de Olé para contarle la noticia. Estaba en Macapá, un pueblito brasileño cerca del Amazonas, esperando para jugar un amistoso. Muy lejos de la NBA. "No quiero crearme falsas expectativas para no desilusionarme después. No lo tengo en cuenta seriamente", contaba el día previo al draft. Con la compu había entrado a todas las listas de candidatos y no se había encontrado en ninguna. Incluso su agente le había dicho que el más interesado era Boston (le tocaba el número 55). "No lo puedo creer. Tengo el ego por el techo. Ahora nadie me saca la NBA de la cabeza", se mentalizaba al día siguiente.

    Manu acababa de jugar su primera temporada en el Reggio Calabria, debutando en la B de Italia y brillando en el ascenso a la Serie A (17.9 puntos de promedio). San Antonio había monitoreado su crecimiento a través de Julio Lamas, el técnico de la Selección, al que Buford le mandaba mails con preguntas concretas. ¿Habla inglés? ¿Por qué no es conocido en Estados Unidos si mete tantos puntos en Italia? También lo habían visto aprovechar sus minutos en el Mundial de Grecia 98 ante rivales con más experiencia. Lamas lo bancaba en Macapá: "Se viene preparando para esta oportunidad. Ojalá sea el comienzo de una gran historia". Y los Spurs, con una moneda, se sacaban la grande.

    Fuente: Diario Ole

  12. #12
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    I didn't know that Boston was the team that showed the most interest in Manu prior to being drafted...

    And Lamas being so close to RC... that I didn't know either... do y'all want a translation? those two are the things I think we didn't know from the article though...

  13. #13
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    I didn't know that Boston was the team that showed the most interest in Manu prior to being drafted...

    And Lamas being so close to RC... that I didn't know either... do y'all want a translation? those two are the things I think we didn't know from the article though...
    If you can translate it, I'm sure people will appreciate it. I'm at work so I can't do it now.

  14. #14
    Spur Forever urunobili's Avatar
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    If you can translate it, I'm sure people will appreciate it. I'm at work so I can't do it now.
    Sir, Yes sir.

    ************************************************** **********

    It’s been 10 years of a key day for Manu Ginobili: when he was drafted by San Antonio 10 years ago. Only now we know that the Spurs were doubting in between two Argentinians, How did they make up their mind? With a coin… so Victoriano was discarded and they chose the skinny boy unknown in the USA…

    56 of the 58 players were selected already. That 30th of June 1999 in Washington, San Antonio had to make its choice a spot before last one. The end of the draft was looming, the system utilized by the NBA for teams to acquire the rights of a player, the hall was almost empty and a big name wasn’t expected. Then is when Rob Thorn NBA’s VP back then, made the announcement trying to pronounce the best way possible: “and with the 57th pick of the 1999 draft the San Antonio Spurs select Emmanuel Ginobili from Argentina”.

    Yes, Emmanuel not Emanuel as you see on the video. Photos? None. Data? Very little. Several press articles had him as Italian instead of Argentine the day after… Now, after 10 years, Manu Ginobili’s pick in the draft is considered one of the biggest thefts in the history of the draft. An unknown that nobody knew in that moment that later would become a star. Today is also known that the Spurs doubted until the very last minute to select him. Another Argentine, Lucas Victoriano was liked as much as him, and how they decided? Throwing up a coin in the air.

    R.C. Buford, San Antonio’s GM, recognizes that “sometimes is better to be lucky than good. I never imagined that Manu would get so far. But knowing little about a player means that there’s room for dreaming. That happens frequently with foreign players”. Buford discovered Ginobili in 1997 during U22 World Cup in Melbourne Australia, he was working as the team’s recruit and was looking for jewels from all nationalities. The Argentinean figures in that tournament were Victoriano and Oberto. Manu? Begun as a sub and ended up starting, he finished the tournament 0-8 against Yugoslavia for the 3rd place.

    Victoriano, that last season played for Zaragoza, in 1999 was Real Madrid’s property and at 22 he looked more promising than Manu. He had something against him though, Spurs coach Greg Popovich wasn’t convinced in giving the point to a foreign guard. Buford remembers that in 2001 was very tough to convince him to choose Tony Parker in that year’s draft… Pop also wouldn’t give a dollar for Manu: “None of the players left looked fundamental to our franchise success, but we saw him more athletic than the rest and we chose him on our second pick. We never imagined such development, not in our farthest dreams”

    Ginogili was sleeping that night, who know what he was dreaming about, when the National Team’s assistant went to his room and woke him up upon Ole’s request to tell him the news. He was in Macapa, a little Brazilian town nearby the Amazon forest waiting to play a friendly match. Very far from the NBA. “I don’t want to create any false expectations so then it doesn’t become a disappointment. I don’t take this as a serious option” he said before draft day. On the computer he checked all the mock drafts and didn’t see himself on any of them. His agent even told him that Boston was the team that had showed the more interest in him (Boston chose 55th that day). “I can’t believe it. My Ego is on the sky, now nobody will take the NBA out of my head” were his thoughts the following day.

    Manu just finished playing his first season on Reggio Calabria, debuting on Italy’s B league and shinning on it’s way to promotion to the A league (he averaged 17.9 points) San Antonio had monitored his growth through Julio Lamas, Argentine NT coach, whose emails to Buford were answers to concrete questions. Does he speak English? Why isn’t he known in the US if he scored so much in Italy? They have also seen him take good use of his minutes on Greece’s WC in 1998 in front of more experienced rivals. Lamas backed him up in Macapa: “He is preparing himself for this opportunity. Let’s wish it’s the beginning of a great story” and the Spurs with the flip of a coin won the Lotto.

  15. #15
    99/03/05/07/14 Spurs Brazil's Avatar
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    Thanks for the translation urunobili

    I don't know who was talking in that video after EJ but I doubt he knew anything about Manu but since no one knew about him he just said: the kid can shoot and play defense .

    One of the best picks ever

  16. #16
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Thanks uru...

  17. #17
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    Thanks for the translation urunobili

    I don't know who was talking in that video after EJ but I doubt he knew anything about Manu but since no one knew about him he just said: the kid can shoot and play defense .

    One of the best picks ever
    A bold fat man that said that he saw Manu play, when he was on the coaching staff of the U20 or U21 US team and they got to face Argentina. He said that Argentina played NBA kind of ball and that's why Manu's game may translate to the league.

  18. #18
    TheDrewShow is salty lefty's Avatar
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    I didn't know that Boston was the team that showed the most interest in Manu prior to being drafted...

    And Lamas being so close to RC... that I didn't know either... do y'all want a translation? those two are the things I think we didn't know from the article though...

    So we screwed the Celtics twice ?


  19. #19
    ಥ﹏ಥ DAF86's Avatar
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    A bold fat man that said that he saw Manu play, when he was on the coaching staff of the U20 or U21 US team and they got to face Argentina. He said that Argentina played NBA kind of ball and that's why Manu's game may translate to the league.
    Here, I found the vid of the bold fat man. Can you tell me who that is? at mark 0:12

  20. #20
    Spurs Lifer Dro210's Avatar
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    That's Rick Majerus... probably most famous for coaching Utah (college) when they had Keith Van Horn and went to the National Championship game.

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  22. #22
    Taco is as Taco does sir Taco's Avatar
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    "Emanuel Genobeeley"
    That's how the game NBA Live would say his name as a rookie

  23. #23
    LMA oh ffadicted's Avatar
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    And some 'Spurs fans' wanted to trade him for the 5th draft pick this year

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  25. #25
    Corpus Christi Spurs Fan Phenomanul's Avatar
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    The most noteworthy thing in that article was the tidbit where it said Buford flipped a coin to select Manu over Lucas Victoriano...

    Someone should photoshop Buford and Two-face....

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