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  1. #1
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    Trite and mendacious Bush bashing segment Saaaanipped.,lo...b,68015,2.html

    But Sheehan isn’t stopping her critique with Bush. On the contrary, she has begun to set her sights on Congress and the Democratic Party as well. When she spoke in Brooklyn on the night before, she took note of the fact that Senator Hillary Clinton voted to authorize Bush to use force in Iraq and– like most Senate Democrats–has done little to bring the troops home. Clinton, in fact, has filed legislation calling for more troops.

    In an interview after her speech, Sheehan told the Voice she was “so frustrated” by leading Democrats like Clinton “who should be leaders on this issue, but are not.” Already, she has set up a future meeting with New York’s junior senator this weekend. And she plans to sit down with the state’s senior senator, Chuck Schumer, too. “It’s time for them to step up and be the opposition party,” she said. “This war is not going to end unless the Democrats are on board with us.”

    Local anti-war activists agree, and are busy strategizing on how to kick up the pressure. “There is a real push to put members of Congress on the hot seat,” says Bill Dobbs, of the New York City chapter of United for Peace and Justice. “It’s one thing to put the blame on Bush for this whole mess, but it’s Congress who has the power to stop it. We’ve got to make them pay a price for keeping this war going.”


    Cindy's so great and smart, and she does have a come the board Democrats never rip their own party for their role in the Iraq oh, say their last Presidential candidate?

  2. #2
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Because they are without spines.

  3. #3
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    I want to see her and Hillary fight in a mudbath...

  4. #4
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    Because they are without spines.

  5. #5
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    What part don't you understand?

    Democrats and their candidates had their chance to avoid the crap going down in Iraq before it happened -- or at least make their stance clear. The candidates worried to much about polls, tried to make themselves for and against the war at the same time and ended up looking every bit the fools they were.

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    What part don't you understand?

    Democrats and their candidates had their chance to avoid the crap going down in Iraq before it happened -- or at least make their stance clear. The candidates worried to much about polls, tried to make themselves for and against the war at the same time and ended up looking every bit the fools they were.

  7. #7
    Retired Ray xrayzebra's Avatar
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    I want to see her and Hillary fight in a mudbath...

    Isn't there a name for people who want to punish themselves. And how would you seperate them from the mud.

  8. #8
    Mrs.Useruser666 SpursWoman's Avatar
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  9. #9
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Monday, September 19th, 2005
    See You in D.C.
    A message from Cindy Sheehan

    So we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.
    (MLK, Jr. Aug. 28, 1963, I Have a Dream speech)

    What Bush's Katrina shows once again is that my son died for nothing. If you listen to Bush – and fewer and fewer are, thank goodness -- we are in Iraq in part due to 9/11. All our president has been talking about has been protecting this country since 9/11. That's why people voted for him in the last election. Katrina shows it's all as sham, a fraud, a disaster as large as Katrina itself.

    Hundreds of billions of dollars and tens of thousands of innocent lives wasted later what have we achieved? Nothing. Casey died for nothing and Bush says others have to die for those that have died already.

    Enough, George! What is disgusting is not, as the first lady says, criticism of you, but rather the crimes you've committed against this country and our sons and daughters. Stop hiding behind your twisted idea of God and stop destroying this country.

    This week I arrive in Washington DC to begin my Vigil at the White House just like I did in Texas. But this time I'll be joined by Katrina victims as well. In your America we are all victims. The failed bookends of your Presidency are Iraq and Katrina.

    It is time for all of us to stand up and be counted: to show the media, Congress, and this inept, corrupt, and criminal administration that we mean business. It is time to get off of our collective behinds to show the people who are running our country into oblivion that we will stand for it no longer. We want our country back and we want our nation's young people back home, safe and sound, on our shores to help protect America. That it is time for a change in our country's "leadership." That we will never go away until our dreams are reality.

    We have so-called leaders in our country who are waiting for the correct "politically expedient" time to speak up and out against the occupation of Iraq. It is no sweat for our politicos to wait for the right time, because not one of them has a child in harm's way. I don't care if the politician is a Democrat or a Republican, this is not about politics. Being a strong leader to guide our country out of the quagmire and mistake of Iraq will require people of courage and determination to stand up and say: "I don't care if I win the next election, people are dying in Iraq everyday and families are being decimated." We as the 62% of Americans who want our troops to begin coming home will follow such a leader down the difficult, but oh so rewarding, path of peace with justice.

    It is no longer time for the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. It never has been the time for that. Our "now" is so fiercely urgent. Like my daughter, Carly, wrote in the last verse of her "A Nation Rocked to Sleep" poem:

    Have you ever heard the sound of a Nation Being Rocked to Sleep?
    Our leaders want to keep us numb so the pain won't be too deep,
    But if we the people allow them to continue, another mother will weep,
    Have you heard the sound of a Nation Being Rocked to Sleep?

    Wake up: See you in DC on the 24th.

  10. #10
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    Dude.. try to do some replies with your brain other than just trying to post the blue pill neoliberal media bull over and over.

  11. #11
    Mrs.Useruser666 SpursWoman's Avatar
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    "Bush's" Katrina?

    This woman is a F-L-A-K-E. Period. Not someone I would cite as point of reference for ANYTHING, except when to referring to someone in desperate need of electro-shock therapy.

  12. #12
    Sleeping With The Original Axis of Evil hussker's Avatar
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    I want to see her and Hillary fight in a mudbath...
    Pay Per View with proceeds going to the Bush-Clinton Katrina fund...

  13. #13
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Dude.. try to do some replies with your brain other than just trying to post the blue pill neoliberal media bull over and over.
    The you say. You could just copy and paste 85% of your replies and save yourself a lot of trouble.

  14. #14
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    "Bush's" Katrina?

    Translation, for nit pickers who couldn't find a nit if it bit her on her thingie:

    "Katrina as unprepared/mismanaged/ edup by dubya's DHS/FEMA."

    Because she's anti-Iraq war, she's necessarily a Democrat?
    Is she a registered Democrat?

    Since when does dissent againt the Iraq war require one, categorize one as Dem, Rep, or any ing thing else?
    All Democrats are against the war?
    All Repubs are for the war?

    Pro-war/anti-war is its own category, cutting across all other categories.

  15. #15
    Mrs.Useruser666 SpursWoman's Avatar
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    I don't give a if she's Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or Branch Davidian.

    This woman is a F-L-A-K-E. Period. Not someone I would cite as point of reference for ANYTHING, except when to referring to someone in desperate need of electro-shock therapy.

  16. #16
    Believe. Phil E.Buster's Avatar
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    I like this Sheehan chick...she sure knows how to stir things up.

  17. #17
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    The you say. You could just copy and paste 85% of your replies and save yourself a lot of trouble.
    That's the point.. you have no replies... just cuts from liberal news media.

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