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  1. #626
    silverblk mystix
    I absolutely don't doubt you but would like to read your source material anyway... Also what do you mean for the first 4 hours? Like eating a bunch of fruit over a long period of time? what about smoothies? I used to make myself a large bill millers mug of fruit smoothie (added nothing but juice and fruit) and drank that which would last me until 11am usually.
    The body runs on 3 cycles (I'm going off of memory here so I might not be as exact-but the gist is here)

    12 noon to 8pm ish- the body is taking in food and deciding what is going to be kept, stored as fat, etc...

    8pmish to 4 am- the body is assimilating everything and getting ready to digest, repair,etc...

    4am to 12 noon the body is repairing, fixing any health issues, discarding hair, skin,repairing cells, etc...

    When you are sleeping the body is repairing and digesting.

    When you are awake the body's first priority is of course making sure there is energy available for working, breathing, moving, thinking, seeing, the focus and energy is on body functions and what little is left can be used to digest food.

    When you are asleep the body understands that now is the time for repairing,digesting,healing,etc...since you are on sleep mode it can use all its energy fixing what needs fixing.

    When you awake the body goes back to "alert" mode. When you awake and throw a bunch of meats,cheeses,eggs, breads,etc...the body shifts and the food in your stomach receives major priority and the body begins to try and break down the food in your stomach--this is why one gets sleepy after a big breakfast.

    Fruit when eaten with other food turns to acid in your stomach and this is why you get a stomach ache when you eat fruit as a dessert or eat fruit on top of other food.

    When you wake up after sleeping for 8 hours or so--your stomach is empty. If you eat fruit at this time ---the fruit will not go to your stomach but will instead go straight to your blood stream and will become instant energy. It will not have to be digested and fresh fruit is made up of water that can be used to cleanse. Think of fresh fruit in the morning on an empty stomach as taking an "interior shower."

    The 4 hours is so that the body can finish its cycle (4am to noonish) and complete its repair job and leaving you with energy to have a very active and energetic morning.

    In the beginning you might have 4 apples or 3 bananas or a whole cantaloupe because you mentally feel as though you need to eat a lot of fruit to feel full but after a few days 1 or 2 apples will suffice.

    Another option if you really feel that you can't live without a traditional breakfast is what I sometimes do;

    I will have an apple for breakfast and then at 1 or 2 in the afternoon I will then have the breakfast of eggs/bacon/toast I basically just wait until late lunch to have breakfast.

    You still want to have the fruit if possible because of the cleansing function of the fruit. You will also discover that you always are able to have great bowel movements.

    The smoothies are great if you can discipline yourself to have fresh fruit smoothies and not the smoothies that have yogurts, sugars, chemicals,etc...

    The key words here are FRESH fruit. ALIVE foods. Not canned, dead foods. This is why cereals are not healthy. Cereals are foods that have been processed, heated,frozen,stored, preserved---in other words they are foods that have been killed and all the nutrients that are alive have been killed and turned into a cardboard confetti.

    If you want to feel healthy and alive you have to eat foods that are as fresh and alive as possible. Fresh fruits, fresh lightly cooked or steamed or better yet- raw veggies are still the healthiest things you can eat.

  2. #627
    Berlin Germany
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    So I've recently started working out again, nothing crazy just some cardio and lifting at the gym. I was wondering if weed stops muscle growth or slows it down? I'm not a stoner or anything, just a social one an maybe like once or twice a week. Should I quit entirely to get better results?

  3. #628
    silverblk mystix
    So I've recently started working out again, nothing crazy just some cardio and lifting at the gym. I was wondering if weed stops muscle growth or slows it down? I'm not a stoner or anything, just a social one an maybe like once or twice a week. Should I quit entirely to get better results?

    So that's what is wrong with you. Figures.

  4. #629
    Runrunrunawaybaby ashbeeigh's Avatar
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    Holy . Month two is the devil.

  5. #630
    Veteran Wild Cobra Kai's Avatar
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    myfitnesspal - not affiliated, etc.

    It's a smartphone app that has a web page interface, too. It's a food and exercise tracker. Everything is counted by calories, based on a daily allowance that is figured by a quick questionnaire about your gender, height, weight, lifestyle not including exercise (active, sedentary), and weight loss goals (overall) and rate (per week). Hint: if you work in an office, your lifestyle is sedentary. Your butt is in a chair 8 hours per day. Exercise is figured separately, and those calories are added to your budget on days you work out. You set up an account, which takes about a minute, and you can store personal foods or meals, and your workout types. Stuff you enter on your phone is synched to the web via your account, and vice versa, so you always know where you are on your daily count. If you're the type that does well in a group, there is a social aspect to this. You can follow your friends and they, you. I'm more of a lone wolf, and that works with this, too.

    I've been on it since Labor Day 2011, and I've lost 30 lbs. If you're looking for that quick 5-10 lbs in a week, keep looking. That ain't what this is.

    This works for me for a couple of reasons. I'm CDO (that's OCD, but alphabetized!! ) and like tracking/recording/counting things. The app also doesn't tell you that anything is out of bounds, food wise. If it fits in your budget, you can have it.

    You have to get imaginative about what you can have, too. I eat more than my share of fast food, I just almost never get fries or a sweet drink. Jack in the box has this delicious #1 sirloin burger. As prepared, it's 910 calories, almost half of my 1860 budget. Of limits, right? Wrong. I have them cut the peppercorn mayo, and voila, it's now 620 calories, nicely slotting in as a meal, even on a non-exercise day. I always cut off the mayo or sauce from any burger or sandwich. It's not always as dramatic as my example, but it usually saves anywhere from 40 to 90 calories a whack. I drink a ton of decaffeinated iced green tea, unsweetened, that I steep myself and pour over ice. I also buy Gatorade G2 by the case, 40 calories per 16.9 oz bottle. Drinks and exercise can make or break this. If you're drinking almost no calories, that's more to eat. If you're exercising, that's more to eat. For the poster above that was asking about juices/smoothies, those are EXPENSIVE, like you might as well go to 7/11 and get a giant Coke Icee, and then pop a vitamin C tablet. Juice should be drunk from a 4-6 oz juice glass. They're all high in sugar, even the non-sugar added varieties.

  6. #631
    Feels bad man Mr.Bottomtooth's Avatar
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    Just tried Insanity again. Holy I'm fat and out of shape. I did maybe half of the whole video.

  7. #632
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    myfitnesspal - not affiliated, etc.

    It's a smartphone app that has a web page interface, too. It's a food and exercise tracker. Everything is counted by calories, based on a daily allowance that is figured by a quick questionnaire about your gender, height, weight, lifestyle not including exercise (active, sedentary), and weight loss goals (overall) and rate (per week). Hint: if you work in an office, your lifestyle is sedentary. Your butt is in a chair 8 hours per day. Exercise is figured separately, and those calories are added to your budget on days you work out. You set up an account, which takes about a minute, and you can store personal foods or meals, and your workout types. Stuff you enter on your phone is synched to the web via your account, and vice versa, so you always know where you are on your daily count. If you're the type that does well in a group, there is a social aspect to this. You can follow your friends and they, you. I'm more of a lone wolf, and that works with this, too.

    I've been on it since Labor Day 2011, and I've lost 30 lbs. If you're looking for that quick 5-10 lbs in a week, keep looking. That ain't what this is.

    This works for me for a couple of reasons. I'm CDO (that's OCD, but alphabetized!! ) and like tracking/recording/counting things. The app also doesn't tell you that anything is out of bounds, food wise. If it fits in your budget, you can have it.

    You have to get imaginative about what you can have, too. I eat more than my share of fast food, I just almost never get fries or a sweet drink. Jack in the box has this delicious #1 sirloin burger. As prepared, it's 910 calories, almost half of my 1860 budget. Of limits, right? Wrong. I have them cut the peppercorn mayo, and voila, it's now 620 calories, nicely slotting in as a meal, even on a non-exercise day. I always cut off the mayo or sauce from any burger or sandwich. It's not always as dramatic as my example, but it usually saves anywhere from 40 to 90 calories a whack. I drink a ton of decaffeinated iced green tea, unsweetened, that I steep myself and pour over ice. I also buy Gatorade G2 by the case, 40 calories per 16.9 oz bottle. Drinks and exercise can make or break this. If you're drinking almost no calories, that's more to eat. If you're exercising, that's more to eat. For the poster above that was asking about juices/smoothies, those are EXPENSIVE, like you might as well go to 7/11 and get a giant Coke Icee, and then pop a vitamin C tablet. Juice should be drunk from a 4-6 oz juice glass. They're all high in sugar, even the non-sugar added varieties.
    They really aren't that expensive. I spend 11 dollars on a 6 lb bag of frozen fruit (either straight strawberries or a mix of strawberries/pineapple/papaya/mango) which comes in at 70 cal a cup (5 cups), then I put about 1 cup of juice in (just enough to keep the blender from binding) calories here vary on what kind of juice I have but call it 110 for apple juice. So now I am at 460. If I am feeling especially hungry I add a either a cup of yogurt (100 cal for the yoplait light), or I will bulk it up with the almond meal from when I make my own almond milk (1/4 cup - 160 cal).

    So best case scenario 460, worst case scenario 620, but this lasts me until I eat lunch around 1:30 or 2 so it fits fine within my 2000 cal limit that I have set for myself. I don't do this every day, just something extra to add for variety. Also, I am pretty much doing what you are doing. Eat anything I want, but track and keep below 2000. I have only been keeping an eye on my calorie intake for 2 weeks, but I have already lost 11 lbs (23 total since march 17).

    I was actually averaging 2500 calories by the end of lunch every day before I started paying attention. It's not that hard of a switch and is kinda fun to find ways to fit what you want to eat into your budget.

  8. #633
    00 06 12 13 20 21 32 44 5 bus driver's Avatar
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    holy , this thread has been going on for 2 years now? if you havent lost weight by now, just give it up

  9. #634
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    Ok, so on father's day I rode over 26 miles in 1:55, then did it again yesterday in 1:54, then again today in 1:53 (yes, I just did 52.5 miles in two days when I almost killed myself on march 17 trying to crank out 1 mile). All of this on a 38 lb el cheapo walmart MTB. I am actually at the point where I am starting to think about doing the MS 150 in october, but a big determining factor will be if I can find some money and get a new (to me) road or hybrid bike. I am down from 243.1 in March to 213.2 this morning. I feel completely different on the days that I ride. I like this .

    edit: just read over some of my last few posts in this thread. Sorry if I am repe ive.

  10. #635
    Watching the collapse benefactor's Avatar
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    I've finally got something to work towards.

    My cousin contacted me the other day and asked me to run an obstacle course with her. I said sure...and she gave me the link to the website. I had no idea what I had just gotten myself into. The Spartan Beast...12 miles and over 25 obstacles. At first I thought about declining but I watched the promo and a couple of videos of the race and the more I watched the more I wanted to do it. I haven't really had much to push me in quite some time so this seems like a good opportunity. Plus it's not until December, so I have plenty of time to get ready...and I'm going to need it.'s official...I'm signed up. Lots of training ahead.

  11. #636
    Tuff Juice TheRealCB's Avatar
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    Dallas Mavericks's official...I'm signed up. Lots of training ahead.
    Son I don't want to come off as an ass,but this race seems like an easy one to complete if you are in shape,nothing like Spartan-like training.Good luck

  12. #637
    The D.R.A. Drachen's Avatar
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    UTSA Roadrunners's official...I'm signed up. Lots of training ahead.
    Awesome Benefactor. Good luck with this. Let us know how it goes.

  13. #638
    Watching the collapse benefactor's Avatar
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    Son I don't want to come off as an ass,but this race seems like an easy one to complete if you are in shape,nothing like Spartan-like training.Good luck
    I'd say that about the three mile version of it...but this one is almost a half marathon in length with 25 obstacles. The difficult part is getting beyond that 10th mile and still having something left.

  14. #639
    Runrunrunawaybaby ashbeeigh's Avatar
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    I'm up to six miles running as training for the RNRSA marathon. It's tough, but what's tougher is the fundraising.

  15. #640
    I cannot grok its fullnes leemajors's Avatar
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    Ok, so on father's day I rode over 26 miles in 1:55, then did it again yesterday in 1:54, then again today in 1:53 (yes, I just did 52.5 miles in two days when I almost killed myself on march 17 trying to crank out 1 mile). All of this on a 38 lb el cheapo walmart MTB. I am actually at the point where I am starting to think about doing the MS 150 in october, but a big determining factor will be if I can find some money and get a new (to me) road or hybrid bike. I am down from 243.1 in March to 213.2 this morning. I feel completely different on the days that I ride. I like this .

    edit: just read over some of my last few posts in this thread. Sorry if I am repe ive.
    Here is the road bike I got for $275 about two months ago, I love it. Cut about 10 minutes off my 20 mile ride time instantly. Got it at a local LBS, could have even traded in my old bike for credit but I sold it on CL instead for $120.

  16. #641
    Tuff Juice TheRealCB's Avatar
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    ^ Pretty nice,I got mine for 500$,but it's a little heavy imo,I just gotta give more horsepower

  17. #642
    Watching the collapse benefactor's Avatar
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    A little over five weeks out from the Spartan and I'm easily in the best shape of my life. After 25 minutes of weights(5 stations, ten reps per station for 4 rounds), I did about 40 minutes of Spin(17 miles) then ran 2.5 miles at just over an 8 minute/mile pace. Finished up with 5 one minute planks with 30-40 seconds rest in between. The best part of it was though I was tired afterwards, I was far from spent. Going to push things a little further during the rest of this month but I could run the race today with confidence if I had to.

    I'm going to really clean up my diet over the next month too. I'm holding steady at 205 but if I cut out a few indulgences I can drop another 10-15 and be down to my goal weight of 190 for the race.

  18. #643
    Watching the collapse benefactor's Avatar
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    Texas Longhorns went down yesterday. Hardest ing thing I've ever done. They lied about the wound up being 13.5 miles. Took me five and a half hours. Tons of bumps and bruises and I have muscles that are sore that I didn't know existed.

  19. #644
    Allenhu Joshbar DeadlyDynasty's Avatar
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    Just got 100 units of Taitropin...gonna start on the 1st

  20. #645
    Watching the collapse benefactor's Avatar
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    Thought about bumping this thread just the other day.

    I've gone back to cycling classes only for cardio and gone back heavy on the weights. I don't know if it was the race training or what, but it seems like my metabolism has kicked up a couple of notches. I'm bouncing between 210-215, but I feel like I've lost even more fat since the race. Others are telling me the same thing when they see me too. I'm seeing a lot deeper cuts in my neck, chest and arms and I can start to see outline of my abs, which I haven't seen in well over a decade. I'd say I'm pretty close to my goal look physically so I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing to stay in maintenance mode.

  21. #646
    Rising above the Fray spursncowboys's Avatar
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    Texas Longhorns went down yesterday. Hardest ing thing I've ever done. They lied about the wound up being 13.5 miles. Took me five and a half hours. Tons of bumps and bruises and I have muscles that are sore that I didn't know existed.

  22. #647
    A neverending cycle Trainwreck2100's Avatar
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    Just got 100 units of Taitropin...gonna start on the 1st
    mah ****** doin the DWade special

  23. #648
    Kang Trill Clinton's Avatar
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    ashbeeigh....can you bless us with some progress pics?

  24. #649
    Kang Trill Clinton's Avatar
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    ashbeeigh....can you bless us with some progress pics?

  25. #650
    Runrunrunawaybaby ashbeeigh's Avatar
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    ashbeeigh....can you bless us with some progress pics?
    Nope. I've plateaued. I'm stuck. I have tried several different work out routines but nothing has worked. I need to start working on my diet. I'm working out 3/4 times a week during HIIT, total body stuff as well as running 2/7 miles just depending on how I am feeling.

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