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  1. #201
    Veteran Th'Pusher's Avatar
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    Watch the whole segment in context.

  2. #202
    Believe. boobie4three's Avatar
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    Watch the whole segment in context.

    Context? I don't need no stinking context.

  3. #203
    Believe. boobie4three's Avatar
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    Young People Still Not Signing Up For ObamaCare
    Katie Pavlich | Oct 11, 2013

    Guy already delivered the pathetic news of only 51,000 people signing up for Obamacare so far, but to make things worse, young people are still dodging the exchanges like the plague. Cathy Reisenwitz explains why in Forbes:

    Experts say that young, healthy people must enroll in ObamaCare’s health exchanges to cover the cost of insuring sicker, older people. It’s a simple math equation: Charge everyone roughly the same rate for access to basically the same product. The people who use it less will subsidize the people who use it more.

    The problem with this plan is that it hoses young, relatively poor people like me right when we least need high bills for services they’re not using. And it helps older, relatively rich people who should be able to afford the care they need. If America’s downtrodden and struggling young people are smart, they’ll opt out. Then it’ll be up to the federal government to fine them enough to make up for the shortfall.

    Before Obamacare was passed in 2010, young people expressed little interested in making healthcare insurance a priority in their budgets. At the time, health plans for young and healthy people were available for as a little as $48. It didn't matter and young people didn't want it. Nothing has changed in the at ude of the young demographic the Obama administration hoped to attract, but was has changed is the price tag.

    A report from the conservative American Action Forum found that health insurance rates for 2.7 million people aged 18 to 35 — the so-called young invincibles crucial to the health-care law’s success — would rise dramatically.

    “Due to the ACA’s sweeping market reforms, rates for low-premium plans have increased exponentially between 2013 and 2014. In fact, on average, a healthy 30 year old male nonsmoker will see his lowest cost insurance option increase 260 percent,” reads AAF’s report.

    A healthy 30-year-old would see his health insurance costs rise in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

    Pre-Obamacare premiums average about $62 per month, according to AAF, while post-Obamacare premiums average about $187 per month — a 202 percent difference. The average change between 2013 and 2014 low-cost premiums is 260 percent.

    But what about the argument young people can stay on their parents' health insurance plans? Under Obamacare, adults are eligible to stay on a parents' health insurance plan until they are 26-years-old, but it comes at a cost. First, there is no such thing as free healthcare and delaying an individual plan only diverts the costs to parents for a longer period of time. Second, treating 26-year-olds as adult-children only delays real adulthood and economic independence, which is damaging long-term to the country.

    In the end, Obamacare is bad for everyone, whether its a young person under 26 and on their parent's plan, or a young person looking to purchase a plan for themselves. Over to you, Shoshana Weissmann:

    I’m never signing up for Obamacare. As a millennial with multiple pre-existing conditions, I know Obamacare is bad for millennials and bad for anyone who will ever have a medical expense. Obamacare forces millennials to pay for other people’s health insurance, increases our health insurance and care costs, and functions like a monopoly.

    Millennials are not paying for our health care. We’re paying for other people’s health care. Obamacare exchanges work by forcing lots of young healthy people to sign up for the program and pay for the expenses of older people and sick people.

    Former President Bill Clinton admitted this, saying Obamacare “only works, for example, if young people show up.” He went on to say, “We’ve got to have them in the pools, because otherwise all these projected low costs cannot be held if older people with preexisting conditions are disproportionately represented in any given state.” Healthy young adults (specifically, their money) are the key to keeping Obamacare afloat. That does not sound like the foundation of a solid, sustainable plan.

  4. #204
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    "Obamacare forces millennials to pay for other people’s health insurance,"

    all insurance works EXACTLY like that. See how Repug/tea bagger propaganda and lies dumbs peole down?

  5. #205
    Believe. boobie4three's Avatar
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    Watch the whole segment in context.
    Even if she's deadpanning, she's actually saying what she, 0bama, and all his minions believe, and that is to bring America, as we know it, to it's knees. Socialists here and everywhere are giddy at the prospect.

  6. #206
    The Boognish FuzzyLumpkins's Avatar
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    "Obamacare forces millennials to pay for other people’s health insurance,"

    all insurance works EXACTLY like that. See how Repug/tea bagger propaganda and lies dumbs peole down?
    No it doesn't. Read up on risk management and get back to us.

    The ACA does put limits on risk categorization. I do not have the actuarial background to say whether they have merit and it is obvious nor do you.

  7. #207
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  8. #208
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    with or without healthcare, you can still go broke ass after treatment and ...

    once you remove office politics and redtape in the industry, is only when all can benefit the level of healthcare the govt/industry deems sustainable to provide for all....

    healthcare costs that costs more then ur first home purchase is just wrong....

  9. #209
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    ACA is an incredibly ambtious and huge undertaking in the best of cir stances.

    The Repugs have worked extremely hard to produce the worst of cir stances, because they know a successful DEMOCRATIC ACA would hurt the Repugs for many years.

    "Politics made things worse. To avoid giving ammunition to Republicans opposed to the project, the administration put off issuing several major rules until after last November’s elections. The Republican-controlled House blocked funds. More than 30 states refused to set up their own exchanges, requiring the federal government to vastly expand its project in unexpected ways.
    The stakes rose even higher when Congressional opponents forced a government shutdown in the latest fight over the health care law"

    So the House Repugs blocked funding for the ACA development, while a main complaint of the developers is:

    “The staff was heroic and dedicated, but we did not have enough money, and we all knew that,”

    So the Repugs, federal and state, have been a huge part of the ACA problems.

  10. #210
    Believe. AntiChrist's Avatar
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    lol, dumbass boutons

  11. #211
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Dems actually try to govern, so I give them slack, not defend every single action. (I'd love to know which PRIVATE FREE-MARKET For-PROFIT CONTRACTOR ed up the Federal exchange software.)

    Repugs intentionally, willfuly misgovern when they have the chance, and try to the Dems' attempt to govern, so I say 'em.
    The problem I see is both sides disregard the intent of the 10th amendment. Find ways around it. The Demonrats are far more guilty of such actions the the Rinos.

  12. #212
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Then what say you about this...

    Obama voted against it -- and so did every single Democrat in the Senate

    Extreme, indeed

    EDIT> What qualifies as a whimper?
    Funny that while we are still rebuilding after Katrina and 9/11, and still have troops in Iraq, that Obama is against this as a senator. Now that he wants to fund Obamacare...

    Has any reporter, on camera, reminded him of this, or are they still playing throwing beach balls at him, instead of hardball? Any of them at least throwing softballs?

  13. #213
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    Here's that 2006 vote:

    Grouped By Vote Position
    YEAs ---52
    Alexander (R-TN)
    Allard (R-CO)
    Allen (R-VA)
    Bennett (R-UT)
    Bond (R-MO)
    Brownback (R-KS)
    Bunning (R-KY)
    Burr (R-NC)
    Chafee (R-RI)
    Chambliss (R-GA)
    Cochran (R-MS)
    Coleman (R-MN)
    Collins (R-ME)
    Cornyn (R-TX)
    Craig (R-ID)
    Crapo (R-ID)
    DeMint (R-SC)
    DeWine (R-OH)
    Dole (R-NC)
    Domenici (R-NM)
    Enzi (R-WY)
    Frist (R-TN)
    Graham (R-SC)
    Grassley (R-IA)
    Gregg (R-NH)
    Hagel (R-NE)
    Hatch (R-UT)
    Hutchison (R-TX)
    Inhofe (R-OK)
    Isakson (R-GA)
    Kyl (R-AZ)
    Lott (R-MS)
    Lugar (R-IN)
    Martinez (R-FL)
    McCain (R-AZ)
    McConnell (R-KY)
    Murkowski (R-AK)
    Roberts (R-KS)
    Santorum (R-PA)
    Sessions (R-AL)
    Shelby (R-AL)
    Smith (R-OR)
    Snowe (R-ME)
    Specter (R-PA)
    Stevens (R-AK)
    Sununu (R-NH)
    Talent (R-MO)
    Thomas (R-WY)
    Thune (R-SD)
    Vitter (R-LA)
    Voinovich (R-OH)
    Warner (R-VA)
    NAYs ---48
    Akaka (D-HI)
    Baucus (D-MT)
    Bayh (D-IN)
    Biden (D-DE)
    Bingaman (D-NM)
    Boxer (D-CA)
    Burns (R-MT)
    Byrd (D-WV)
    Cantwell (D-WA)
    Carper (D-DE)
    Clinton (D-NY)
    Coburn (R-OK)
    Conrad (D-ND)
    Dayton (D-MN)
    Dodd (D-CT)
    Dorgan (D-ND)
    Durbin (D-IL)
    Ensign (R-NV)
    Feingold (D-WI)
    Feinstein (D-CA)
    Harkin (D-IA)
    Inouye (D-HI)
    Jeffords (I-VT)
    Johnson (D-SD)
    Kennedy (D-MA)
    Kerry (D-MA)
    Kohl (D-WI)
    Landrieu (D-LA)
    Lautenberg (D-NJ)
    Leahy (D-VT)
    Levin (D-MI)
    Lieberman (D-CT)
    Lincoln (D-AR)
    Menendez (D-NJ)
    Mikulski (D-MD)
    Murray (D-WA)
    Nelson (D-FL)
    Nelson (D-NE)
    Obama (D-IL)
    Pryor (D-AR)
    Reed (D-RI)
    Reid (D-NV)
    Rockefeller (D-WV)
    Salazar (D-CO)
    Sarbanes (D-MD)
    Schumer (D-NY)
    Stabenow (D-MI)
    Wyden (D-OR)

    Gawt damned Extremisssstsss
    It doesn't say how much they raised it by, but here is the one page bill:

    GPO link: H. J. Res. 47

  14. #214
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    What do you mean? They are the ones you should blame for the current shutdown. Republicans in the house passed a bill to the senate. House democrats are not passing it.

  15. #215
    Veteran Wild Cobra's Avatar
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    No problem. Put a little thought into it next time instead of letting your emotions drive your responses and you may be able to come up with the answers yourself.
    So you agree...

    Democrats are symbolism over substance...

  16. #216
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    What do you mean? They are the ones you should blame for the current shutdown. Republicans in the house passed a bill to the senate. House democrats are not passing it.
    the House bill defunded or otherwise cut into ACA. The Dems refused.

    If Repugs want to repeal ACA LAW, then go ahead and pass a LAW to repeal it. "We don't have enough votes, so we shutdown the govt"

  17. #217
    Believe. AntiChrist's Avatar
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    et tu, Ezra? Say it aint so.

  18. #218
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    But I thought the reason why the website broke was because it was so popular!!!!!

  19. #219
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    insuring the uninsured is only part of ACA

    Obamacare: The Rest of the Story

    its second great goal: to promote reforms to our overpriced, underperforming health care system. Irony of ironies, the people who ought to be most vigorously applauding this success story are Republicans, because it is being done not by government decree but almost entirely with market incentives.

    Using mainly the marketplace clout of Medicare and some seed money, the new law has spurred innovation and efficiency. And while those new insurance exchanges that are now lurching into business will touch roughly 1 in 10 Americans (the rest of us are already covered by private employer plans or by government programs like Medicare), these systemic reforms potentially touch every patient, every taxpayer.

    “This is the 90 percent of the story that doesn’t make the headlines,”

    more than 370 innovative medical practices, called accountable care organizations, have sprung up across the country, with 150 more in the works. At these centers, Medicare or private insurers reward doctors financially when their patients require fewer hospital stays, emergency room visits and surgeries — exactly the opposite of what doctors have traditionally been paid to do. The more money the organization saves, the more money its participating providers share. And the best way to save costs (which is, happily, also the best way to keep patients alive) is to catch problems before they explode into emergencies.

    Thus the accountable care organizations have become the Silicon Valley of preventive care, laboratories of invention driven by the entrepreneurial energy of start-ups.

    the sickest 1 percent of patients account for 21 percent of health care costs; 5 percent account for half of the total costs.

    One reason you may not have heard much about this part of the Obamacare story is that it is numbingly complicated. (Stephen M. Davidson of Boston University has written a concise and accessible guide to the law and its consequences.) But I suspect another reason is partisan spite. The Democrats were passionately in favor of enrolling the uninsured, but many would have preferred a government-run program, or at least a public option. What Obamacare has wrought is the kind of market-driven reformation that Republicans pretend to believe in. Which makes you wonder how much of their opposition rests on the merits, and how much is just a loathing for anything associated with Barack Obama.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 10-14-2013 at 02:50 PM.

  20. #220
    Believe. AntiChrist's Avatar
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    But I thought the reason why the website broke was because it was so popular!!!!!

    They are dropping this as a talking point as it is provably false.

  21. #221
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    They are dropping this as a talking point as it is provably false. was under-resourced and overwhelmed by the traffic, which itself was compounded by so many people hanging in for so long AND retrying multiple times, added to the Repug-starved development funds.

  22. #222
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    As y'all's hero Donald Rumsfeld would say it: "You start healthcare reform with the systems you have, not the systems you might want or wish to have at a later time"

    And Rummy's military was blowing through $500B+/year for many years and it still wasn't ready to "slam dunk" Afganistan and Iraq.

  23. #223
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    1,369 was under-resourced and overwhelmed by the traffic.

    under-resourced? Do you know how much money they spent for that P.O.S.? Epic fail

  24. #224
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    under-resourced? Do you know how much money they spent for that P.O.S.? Epic fail
    $400M. I guess most of it went to over-charging, under-performing free-market for-profit contractors, right? The Repugs did block funding.

    It's extremely disappointing that it was ed up, but I expect that will, starting from , make great strides in the next few weeks.

    Big Picture is that US health care is one ed up, hyper-complicated, wasteful, often corrupted kludgeocracy.

  25. #225
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    Glitches move downstream in health care enrollment

    For the first time since the launch of insurance exchanges under the the Affordable Health Care Act, users can more readily create accounts for themselves and begin the enrollment process through the insurance marketplace for consumers in 36 states, according to people aiding the sign-up effort.

    But the glitches that have beset the system are not all ironed out. Further into the process, error messages and other difficulties were apparent, leading to fresh frustrations for health insurers and nonprofits who want to help millions of uninsured Americans sign up for benefits.

    "We have seen progress every day," said Nasim Zahran of Miami's Borinquen Medical Health Care Centers, where hundreds of people are waiting to enroll. "Today was the first day that we got all the way to the last screen. But then an error screen popped up saying the site would be down for 72 hours," Zahran said. saw 14.6 million unique visits in its first 10 days, a larger-than-expected public response that raised hopes the initiative would meet with strong enough demand in its first year.

    At town hall meetings intended to drive people to enroll, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas is telling consumers not to rush to purchase health coverage through, given that the enrollment period runs through March 31.

    "What we are encouraging our folks in Kansas to do is give it a few weeks and let the bugs work their way out of the system,"

    The change is more in line with the approach of states such as Connecticut and California that successfully launched their own health care exchanges.

    "States have figured out how to do it. It's a harder lift for the federal government with the volume it has, but it's not different in kind," said Joel Ario, who oversaw the early plans for the state exchanges at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) until his departure in 2011.

    "Maybe they need to hire the contractors from the states that have figured this out," he said in a discussion posted to the journal Health Affairs' blog.

    They'll figure out and fix this stuff in the next few weeks, then you less anklebiters hoping that American FAILS TO MAKE PROGRESS will be slapped again, and Repug politicians will then try to claim credit, like they did when Obama's stimulus checks arrived in their states and districts.

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