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  1. #1
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    The Lunar Goddess - Yesterday

    Yesterday, you let me see your round lovely face
    So clear like it was only an arm away
    Never forget, that yesterday

    Trust me, for whatever reason you decided to leave
    The night will come for us again to meet
    Lunar goddess, in you I believe

    I can’t stop hearing that soft voice calling your name
    Plucking my heart, making me revel in yesterday

    Yesterday, I knew what you wanted me to say
    What significant role for me to play
    Never forget, that yesterday

    No matter for how long I promise I will wait
    Give me time machine bring me back to yesterday

    Yesterday, I should have given you a firm embrace
    So you’d have a reason here to stay
    in the dawn, of yesterday

  2. #2
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    LG came back from that city yesterday. I have no idea if she's returned to her hometown yet (hope not). She wasn't online the entire day so I didn't even have a chance to initiate a talk with her. Should I start talking to her on AIM as soon as I catch her online there, or wait until the new semester begins?

    Also, it seems to me that every time our eyes met, she tended to give me a big smile (much like giggling) and of course I would return a smile to her. Does it indicate that she has some interest in me, or she just thinks me funny and takes me as a joke?

  3. #3
    Post Count
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    You is playing too much. Just ask her out and be done with it.

  4. #4
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    Do you believe "falling in love at first sight"? I remember the first time LG and I noticed each other was in November last year, the lights were dim and the hall was still rather dark in the early morning, we were on our way to classroom... I walked out of the restroom (behind the stairs) while she was walking towards the stairs, so we were walking head to head. I met her at the root of the stairs and I gave her a courtesy smile, I expected that she would smile back to me, but she didn't... she looked transfixed, just staring at me with her round watery eyes, and she seemed to even have a hard time moving her feet... I think from that moment on we've been holding a special place in our minds for each other. I didn't intend to induce her tbh, but I could read the genuine love in her eyes, the same eyes I had seen time and time again in Chelsea's head during undergraduate years. God offered me a chance to redeem the crime I had done on Chelsea, and I don't wanna miss out on it that's why I'm sincerely asking for advice here.

  5. #5
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    You is playing too much. Just ask her out and be done with it.
    It's just the beginning imho. I'm gonna continue "playing" it for almost a year until both of us have graduated and are prepared for something serious. I believe that we both have affections for each other but I don't think it is the best time now to "be done with it", not for me nor for her. I just want to remain a friend to her for the next year, supporting each other in the pursuit of our dreams.

  6. #6
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    Do you believe "falling in love at first sight"? I remember the first time LG and I noticed each other was in November last year, the lights were dim and the hall was still rather dark in the early morning, we were on our way to classroom... I walked out of the restroom (behind the stairs) while she was walking towards the stairs, so we were walking head to head. I met her at the root of the stairs and I gave her a courtesy smile, I expected that she would smile back to me, but she didn't... she looked transfixed, just staring at me with her round watery eyes, and she seemed to even have a hard time moving her feet... I think from that moment on we've been holding a special place in our minds for each other. I didn't intend to induce her tbh, but I could read the genuine love in her eyes, the same eyes I had seen time and time again in Chelsea's head during undergraduate years. God offered me a chance to redeem the crime I had done on Chelsea, and I don't wanna miss out on it that's why I'm sincerely asking for advice here.

    I think there is attraction at first sight but not so sure about love? Attraction almost always gets confused with love imo. And once you get the girl and then you start going out you feel kind of like oh, this isn't as I once felt for this girl.

    Not saying you wouldn't feel the same feelings for that particular someone but often, the challenge and pursue of a girl is more thrilling and exciting than actually getting her and being in a relationship.

    Kind of like marriage. Sounds good until you're in it.

  7. #7
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    I think there is attraction at first sight but not so sure about love? Attraction almost always gets confused with love imo. And once you get the girl and then you start going out you feel kind of like oh, this isn't as I once felt for this girl.

    Not saying you wouldn't feel the same feelings for that particular someone but often, the challenge and pursue of a girl is more thrilling and exciting than actually getting her and being in a relationship.

    Kind of like marriage. Sounds good until you're in it.
    Truth. I'm also afraid she would feel the same about me, so I'm trying to delay it until both of us are mature enough to handle situations like this. It was just natural attraction at first, but after reading my "stranger in hometown" and learning what a person I truly am, she developed a true love for me I believe and that was why she sent me those hints during the summer semester. Of course there're better looking es in our city and it's not impossible for me to "get" them if I want to, but no would make me feel as much fun as I had just speaking with her, tbh.

    I believe that if our love is embedded in spirituality rather than carnality, it wouldn't be very hard for us to develop a serious relationship or even marriage. With that said, I've been training my upper muscles recently and my body is already beginning to look like a pre-Ironman Robert Downey... I just wanna do everything I can to give LG the biggest pleasure possible when the time is right, even though our relationship ain't built upon how sexy she looks or I am.

  8. #8
    notthewordsofonewhokneels Thread's Avatar
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    Fine work, Roguey. It hits the mark.

    Yes, Yesterday

    Rogue slumped into his chair and closed his eyes. Sleep came then, and with it the dreams, mirror images of what had come before on so many nights of blackness. When Rogue woke hours later the sun had failed the sky, the small windows in the door dark and lifeless.

    The tears came then, in veritable sheets, and with them Rogue's baptism.

  9. #9
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    Thanks, Thread... have you read my other 3 poems yet?

    I plan to make a poem every week (as I've done the past month) and post it on my social networking page so the "Lunar Goddess" sees my poems and knows my love for her never fades away. I don't want nothing like a serious relationship at this moment as we're both studying hard in the pursuit of our dreams. I hope such affection will be an encouragement to both of us for the remaining 1yr of school life, rather than a distraction. And when we've both graduated and found our desired jobs, it'll be time for us to consider something serious. I'd like to introduce her to you as soon as she becomes my significant other, my friend.

    We both want to work at college so we have common career aspirations, which I believe can be a solid groundwork for a romantic relationship. It ain't gonna be easy especially when we don't have Doctorate's degrees, but we'll encourage each other through the process and hope for the best. For me, a friendship like this (albeit no kissing or stuffs) sounds even more romantic than a normal relationship, imho.

  10. #10
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    received a message on AIM yesterday from Lunar Goddess... She thanked me for the college job info I collected and sent to her, and she said my tone was very humorous, but nothing special. I'm pretty sure she already knows that all these Lunar Goddess poems were composed for her, yet she hasn't shown me no reciprocal signs or any more hints since the summer semester. I kinda feel like, she set a bait in the form of those hints, I bite the bait (developing an obsession with her) and she refuses to feed me anymore... Could it be possible that she's just playing around treating me like an idiot? But her eyes and voice were so genuine last time I saw her. Maybe she knows how I think and she agrees to keep things the way they are until our graduation. For the worst scenario, even if we end up just being common friends, I'd still be very satisfied to have such a fine friend as her, tbh. I've experienced things much worse than this so I can handle it well, tbh .

  11. #11
    New York
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    Girls think they can act superior because they have a snatch. It really gets old the games they play. Celibacy was much more uncomplicated than what you're feeling now for LG eh bro?

  12. #12
    Seek True Love, within. bigzak25's Avatar
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    Yeah wtf, I thought you swore off da pussy.

  13. #13
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    Agree, it's just their nature I think. They flirt and send us hints but will always wait for us to act first. Maybe I should've remained cold towards her a bit longer, so she would've probably sent me more hints then it would've been much easier to tell if she really likes me, but I just couldn't... She knows all my mental weaknesses (she read my Stranger in Hometown), she knows that if a girl gives me a liking (even if she's just playing around), it'd be too hard for me to turn it down. I could be a Walter Model towards Chelsea during undergraduate years but right now I'm a Friedrich Paulus, I have no other option but to surrender... I can't stand it anymore, being cold to a girl who likes me, I'd rather get fooled and treated like by a girl who doesn't like me than disappoint one who does.

    LG and I have resumed contact on AIM the past 2 days tbh, though only exchanging one or two messages a day. I only briefly log in (so does she imho, because whenever I log in I see she is offline), just reply to her earlier message then log out immediately. I don't wanna get involved in an instant chat with her, not yet ready. I often spend extensive time thinking about what to text before hitting the "send" button, checking the grammar and tone again and again to make sure there's nothing improper for a friend chat. We've already become friends it seems like, I think it is a good first step for me, just as you said in the original "Lunar Goddess" thread, and I don't wanna blow it tbh.

  14. #14
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    you gonna be a man and go for it son or do i have to come to china and whip your ass?

  15. #15
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    Yeah wtf, I thought you swore off da pussy.
    Not really, I wish I could though . I tried to extricate myself from this whole mess of but the harder I tried, the deeper I was drowned. I know there's one horrible possibility that she was just playing around, she was already living happily in a relationship with someone else and she was just making fun of me... But even if that is the case, it's already too late for me to quit it because she's already cemented a spot as high as our Goddess Scarlett in my mind tbh. She may get married to someone else (like Scarlett) but I'd still love her as much as I love Scarlett, because they're both my Goddess and I don't really need to have them in my bed to love them .

  16. #16
    moral victory, tbh. Franklin's Avatar
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    you gonna be a man and go for it son or do i have to come to china and whip your ass?
    But you have to be a friend to the girl first of all, before initiating something like a relationship, right? We both need to know more about each other before considering a serious relationship imho, maybe she's known a lot about me from Stranger in Hometown and several friends of mine, but all I know about her is her name, her AIM account, the city where she came from and the fact that she is pretty. I don't even know her phone number yet tbh (though I can ask my friends or even our teacher for it anytime I need it). I don't want nothing more than just that at this point of time tbh, when we're both doing our best in the pursuit of our dreams. I think that when we've both graduated and found our desired jobs, it'll then be time for us to make it official imho. We both want to work at college and I think the common career aspiration can be a solid ground where love will germinate and flourish imho.

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