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  1. #26
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    ...if it went down like that, then it's proof of the MK Ultra program.
    this whole thing is set up. so some cop is crazy enough just to shoot a kid for no reason? this was programmed and my guess is we will never hear much about the cop that shot Ferguson. Meanwhile, we'll have more and more planned happen and we'll see more and more police in the streets. Whether it's Ebola or race wars or whatever. Know why Al Sharpton is the HNIC? It's not because the blacks want him there. It's because "they" want him there. Why is there no level headed black leader?

  2. #27
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    this whole thing is set up. so some cop is crazy enough just to shoot a kid for no reason? this was programmed and my guess is we will never hear much about the cop that shot Ferguson. Meanwhile, we'll have more and more planned happen and we'll see more and more police in the streets. Whether it's Ebola or race wars or whatever. Know why Al Sharpton is the HNIC? It's not because the blacks want him there. It's because "they" want him there. Why is there no level headed black leader?
    Sorry. Cops shoot/kill people for no reason for all the time. They seem to think its alright if they subjectively "feel threatened" even if they objectively are not. Just youtube it. It's not exactly a national secret if you follow this sort of thing.

  3. #28
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    4 Unarmed Black Men Have Been Killed By Police in the Last Month

  4. #29
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    Sorry. Cops shoot/kill people for no reason for all the time. They seem to think its alright if they subjectively "feel threatened" even if they objectively are not. Just youtube it. It's not exactly a national secret if you follow this sort of thing.
    right. They do. So "they" have plenty to choose from. Why make a big deal of this one? Because it's the right time and right place. AND, the town has equipment supplied by the Pentagon. And this wasn't just an accidental shooting or something done in the heat of the moment. This was a programmed hit, so egregious that it had to blow up.

  5. #30
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    4 Unarmed Black Men Have Been Killed By Police in the Last Month
    "Unarmed" does not mean undeserved.

  6. #31
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    "Unarmed" does not mean undeserved.
    Cops seem to handle LOTS of unarmed, and very often non threatening, even fleeing, people with shooting them to death, or if you're really lucky, just tasered, multiple times.

  7. #32
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    Cops seem to handle LOTS of unarmed, and very often non threatening, even fleeing, people with shooting them to death, or if you're really lucky, just tasered, multiple times.
    how many is "LOTS"?

  8. #33
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    a bunch

  9. #34
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    you don't have a it. thanks.

  10. #35
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    right. They do. So "they" have plenty to choose from. Why make a big deal of this one? Because it's the right time and right place. AND, the town has equipment supplied by the Pentagon. And this wasn't just an accidental shooting or something done in the heat of the moment. This was a programmed hit, so egregious that it had to blow up.
    It's a big deal because people started protesting. This could have happened anywhere the conditions were the same. Lots of towns have that equipment. I agree that this was sort of predictable, but I'm not sure who "they" are. Sorry, not buying this is a false flag psy-op or whatever.

  11. #36
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    you don't have a it. thanks.
    Did you hear about 4 killed before I posted above?

    Do a quick search, there are sites that try to keep with the cop murderers, precision lacking, with certainly no help from the lying cops and the Blue Wall, but probably 50 -100/year.

  12. #37
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    Did you hear about 4 killed before I posted above?

    Do a quick search, there are sites that try to keep with the cop murderers, precision lacking, with certainly no help from the lying cops and the Blue Wall, but probably 50 -100/year.
    a couple of those were resisting arrest and another was stalking around WalMart with a gun.

    what does your "probably" equate too? 51%? So maybe it's actually about 25 per year. And I think it's likely that you're exaggerating by 2x. My "likely" is 75%. So really, around 17 per year. Compared to all of the crimes being committed, that's pretty small. Blacks kill more whites out of hate than that.

  13. #38
    coffee is for closers Infinite_limit's Avatar
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    My God the USA is a ghetto dump

  14. #39
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    where's your empathy Limit?

  15. #40
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    a couple of those were resisting arrest and another was stalking around WalMart with a gun.

    what does your "probably" equate too? 51%? So maybe it's actually about 25 per year. And I think it's likely that you're exaggerating by 2x. My "likely" is 75%. So really, around 17 per year. Compared to all of the crimes being committed, that's pretty small. Blacks kill more whites out of hate than that.
    yep, compared to 300M+ people in USA, 17 or 200 cop murders/year is really nothing to care about, nor is total transformation of even podunk police departments into military outposts (and let's not forget the DHS army).

  16. #41
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    yep, compared to 300M+ people in USA, 17 or 200 cop murders/year is really nothing to care about, nor is total transformation of even podunk police departments into military outposts (and let's not forget the DHS army).
    at least you got around to the real problem.

  17. #42
    coffee is for closers Infinite_limit's Avatar
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    Putin laughing

  18. #43
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    at least you got around to the real problem.
    no, I'm ridiculing your stupid trick of comparing a huge number of cop-murdered people to a larger irrelevant number, you implying that the number of cop-murdered people isn't large enough for concern.

  19. #44
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    LA Cops providing mental health care

    L.A. Man Was 'Lying Down' When Cops 'Shot Him In The Back'

  20. #45
    coffee is for closers Infinite_limit's Avatar
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    LA Cops providing mental health care

    L.A. Man Was 'Lying Down' When Cops 'Shot Him In The Back'
    Blacks are Rappers. They say a-lot. I wouldn't put too much stock into what their claims are.

  21. #46
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    Missouri Governor announces St. Louis County Police to be relieved of their duties in Ferguson

    @GovJayNixon just confirmed that the State Police & Federal Authorities are going to relieve St. Louis County PD of their duties here.

    It's about time.Details as they develop.

    8:55 AM PT
    : More:
    “The governor just called me, and he’s on his way to St. Louis now to announce he’s taking away St. Louis County police out of the situation,” Clay, a Missouri Democrat, said in a telephone interview.

    He added that Nixon may ask the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation to step in.Clay said that he has been urging U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to “take over the entire situation because we will not get justice for Michael Brown and his family and friends if the St. Louis County police and prosecutor have a say.”

  22. #47
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    11 Shocking Facts About America's Militarized Police Forces

    3. The use of SWAT teams is unnecessary. In many cases, using militarized teams of police is not needed. The ACLU report notes that the vast majority of cases where SWAT teams are deployed are in situations where a search warrant is being executed to just look for drugs. In other words, it’s not even 100% clear whether there are drugs at the place the police are going to. These situations are not why SWAT was created.

    Furthermore, even when SWAT teams think there are weapons, they are often wrong. The ACLU report shows that in the cases where police thought weapons would be there, they were right only a third of the time.

    4. The “war on terror” is fueling militarization.
    It was the “war on drugs” that introduced militarized policing to the U.S. But the “war on terror” has accelerated it.

    A growing number of agencies have taken advantage of the Department of Defense’s “1033” program, which is passed every year as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, the budget for the Pentagon. The number of police agencies obtaining military equipment like mine-resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles has increased since 2009, according to USA Today [10], which notes that this “surplus military equipment” is “left over from U.S. military campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.” This equipment is largely cost-free for the police agencies who receive them.

    In addition to the Pentagon budget provision, another agency created in the aftermath of 9/11 is helping militarize the police. The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) own grants funnel military-style equipment to local police departments nationwide. According to a 2011 Center for Investigative Reporting story published by The Daily Beast [11], at least $34 billion in DHS grants have gone to police agencies to buy military-style equipment. This money has gone to purchase drones, tactical vests, bomb-disarming robots, tanks and more.

    5. It’s a boon to contractor profits.
    The trend towards police militarization has given military contractors another lucrative market where they can shop their products. Companies like Lockheed Martin and Blackhawk Industries are making big bucks by selling their equipment to agencies flush with Department of Homeland Security grants.

    In addition to the actual selling of equipment, contractors also sponsor training events for SWAT teams, like Urban Shield, a major arms expo that has attracted increasing attention from activists in recent years. SWAT teams, police agencies and military contractors converge on Urban Shield, which was held in California last year, to train and to promote equipment to buy.

    6. Border militarization and police militarization go hand in hand. The “war on terror” and “war on drugs” aren’t the only wars helping police militarization. There’s also the war on undo ented immigrants.

    The notorious Sheriff Joe Arpaio, infamous for brutal crackdowns on undo ented immigrants, is the paradigmatic example of this trend. According to the ACLU, Arpaio’s Maricopa County department has acquired a machine gun so powerful it could tear through buildings on multiple city blocks. In addition, he has 120 assault rifles, five armored vehicles and ten helicopters. Other law enforcement agencies in Arizona have obtained equipment like bomb suits and night-vision goggles.

    Then there’s a non-local law enforcement agency on the border: the Border Patrol, which has obtained drones and attack helicopters. And Border Patrol agents are acting like they’re at war. A recent Los Angeles Times investigation revealed [12] that law enforcement experts had found that that the Border Patrol has killed 19 people from January 2010-October 2012, including some of whom when the agents were under no lethal, direct threat.

    7. Police are cracking down on dissent.
    In 1999, massive protests rocked Seattle during the World Trade Organization meeting. The police cracked down hard on the demonstrators using paramilitary tactics. Police fired tear gas at protesters, causing all to break loose.

    Norm Stamper, the Seattle police chief at the time, criticized the militarized policing he presided over in a Nation article in 2011. “Rocks, bottles and newspaper racks went flying. Windows were smashed, stores were looted, fires lighted; and more gas filled the streets, with some cops clearly overreacting, escalating and prolonging the conflict,” wrote Stamper.

    More than a decade after the Seattle protests, militarized policing to crack down on dissent returned with a vengeance during the wave of Occupy protests in 2011. Tear gas and rubber bullets were used to break up protests in Oakland. Scott Olsen, an Occupy Oakland protester and war veteran, was struck [13] in the head by a police projectile, causing a fractured skull, broken neck vertebrae and brain swelling.

    8. Asset forfeitures are funding police militarization.
    In June, AlterNet’s Aaron Cantu [14]outlined how civil asset forfeiture laws work.

    “It’s a legal fiction spun up hundreds of years ago to give the state the power to convict a person’s property of a crime, or at least, implicate its involvement in the committing of a crime. When that happened, the property was to be legally seized by the state,” wrote Cantu. He went on to explain that law enforcement justifies the seizing of property and cash as a way to break up narcotics rings’ infrastructure. But it can also be used in cases where a person is not convicted, or even charged with, a crime.

    Asset forfeitures bring in millions of dollars for police agencies, who then spend the money for their own uses. And for some police departments, it goes to militarizing their police force.

    New Yorker reporter Sarah Stillman, who penned a deeply reported piece on asset forfeitures, [15]wrote in August 2013 that [16]“thousands of police departments nationwide have recently acquired stun grenades, armored tanks, counterattack vehicles, and other paramilitary equipment, much of it purchased with asset-forfeiture funds.” So SWAT teams have an incentive to conduct raids where they seize property and cash. That money can then go into their budgets for more weapons.

  23. #48
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    I think so. Headline right now in (Putin's newsbroadcaster):
    Iraq? Afghanistan? Obama puts boots on the ground in Ferguson, Missouri

  24. #49
    Veteran cantthinkofanything's Avatar
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    no, I'm ridiculing your stupid trick of comparing a huge number of cop-murdered people to a larger irrelevant number, you implying that the number of cop-murdered people isn't large enough for concern.
    Is 17 a huge number? With all the scenarios that play out in the world every day? With a police force where almost all of them carry a gun? I'm not concerned about it. I'm more concerned about the emotional response to any one event that causes more death and destruction. And political leaders who pick and choose what to pounce on to further their personal goals and gains.

  25. #50
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ TheSanityAnnex's Avatar
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    They must have read your post and decided they gave a about black people.

    Oh, right, it's black people so they don't give a .
    the Missouri Citizen’s Militia is NOW IN Ferguson to protect innocent Americans from the tyrannical ‘police state’ according to the linked facebook post from Aaron Penberthy. Missouri’s Militia was recently at Bundy Ranch protecting innocent Americans from the CORRUPT FEDS who have NOTHING BETTER TO DO THAN TERRORIZE INNOCENT Americans. Straight from the lips of Penberthy on Facebook:

    Aaron Penberthy If peaceful protesters get fired upon, it is my duty to uphold the cons ution Clay Martin. If innocent families are being attacked, I have no choice but as a human being to go defend.

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