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  1. #1
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    this clown and damned disgraced Zionist just goes from place to place spouting off lies and propaganda about Iran. Anyone remember that laughable bomb cartoon he presented to the United Nations... only for Mossad to debunk his exaggerations a few weeks after? Remember when he made up a kidnapping story to brutally bomb the defenseless people of Gaza last year killing 500 children? Someone who commits war crimes then turns around and calls the nuclear deal with Iran a "historic mistake", without giving any logic or reason rather than to reiterate Cold war fearmongering tactics. In 1995 Netanyahu said Iran was a few years from a bomb and in 2015 says the same thing. This racist bigot liar probably deserves a bullet in the head given that he has the blood of oppressed children on his dirty hands. Right wing bigot, worse than Bush and cheney even. He even has the look of a shady s bag. Anyone who supports Netanyahu, antone who supports the crimes and illegal occupation of Palestine by the usurping regime is not a friend of Ghazi.

  2. #2
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    reconsider your use of your spare time

  3. #3
    Purple and Bold! whitemamba's Avatar
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    what about those barrel bombs that your ally is dropping on children in syria?

  4. #4
    Board Man Comes Home Clipper Nation's Avatar
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    Biggest got in politics is Jeremy Corbyn, followed closely by Bernie Sanders. Two Communist cucks.

  5. #5
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    what about those barrel bombs that your ally is dropping on children in syria?
    barrel bombs are an improvisation, i bet assad wishes his country wasn't war ravaged and he had the resources to come up with more accurate cruise missiles instead. barrel bombs are very inaccurate and he isn't targeting civilians on purpose. if terrorists weren't overrunning his country then a lot of deaths could be avoided.

  6. #6
    Purple and Bold! whitemamba's Avatar
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    barrel bombs are an improvisation, i bet assad wishes his country wasn't war ravaged and he had the resources to come up with more accurate cruise missiles instead. barrel bombs are very inaccurate and he isn't targeting civilians on purpose. if terrorists weren't overrunning his country then a lot of deaths could be avoided.
    You know your , ill give you that. He has been saying its terrorists since day one when it began with peaceful protests though, and ISIS didnt enter Syria till recently, this conflict has been happening since 2011, regardless if there are terrorists in a civilian area , you dont drop heavily destructive weapons, even if there is a possibility of killing just 1 child.

  7. #7
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    He's dealing with a literal terrorist invasion, of course his methods are brutal. It's been terrorists from the start, they finally had to start admitting there were terrorists in Syria because people blew the lid wide open. It was always this way. There are going to be casualties in war but you can't just give up and surrender your country. Think about what happens to the civilians then.

  8. #8
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    The problem is that terrorists purposely hide behind civilians. We killed over a million Iraqis during the war but no mainstream media outlet will want to tell you that. We're we targeting them? No, but if even one of the best militaries in the world has casualties you can see how there would be casualties in Syria.

  9. #9
    Klaw apalisoc_9's Avatar
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    Nethanyahi is obviously a liar but Iran isn't an angel either tbhqh.

  10. #10
    Veteran hater's Avatar
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    Americans complaining about barrel bombs when Bush dropped 88,500 tonnes of bombs on civilian populations

    Now I heard it all

  11. #11
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    You know your , ill give you that. He has been saying its terrorists since day one when it began with peaceful protests though, and ISIS didnt enter Syria till recently, this conflict has been happening since 2011, regardless if there are terrorists in a civilian area , you dont drop heavily destructive weapons, even if there is a possibility of killing just 1 child.
    Iran has to side with Assad for obvious geopolitical and geostrategic reasons... I do not buy the myth of him gassing his own people although the barrel bombs cause quite a bit of collateral damage... still this is a foreign invasion by a group of well trained mercenaries... DAESH rose in the past 2 years because of the influx of cash and weapons its received from the West and the Gulf States. It is so obvious. Where did this group come from? How did it rise? It was the influx of cash and weapons. Even USA would give weapons to groups like FRee Syrian Army who would turn around and sell it to DAESH or defect to DAESH. DAESH is prouncing around in American tanks and has taken over 60%+ of Syria.

    Israel, the Gulf States, and the USA/Britain, Turkey are the lifeblood of DAESH

    Ever since 9/11 USA has been talking about interfering in Syria... even since before 9/11 it was laid out by hawks like Cheney. America could not get nations to join it in a coalition to go to war with Syria...

    Rather now they have this proxy terrorist army that has essentially destroyed Iraq and Syria as legitimate states.

  12. #12
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    A do entary once (I wish I knew the name) showed a "moderate" rebel fighting in Syria saying how simple it is: We would get a text from the Americans, go to the Turkish border and the weapons would be there for us.

    Lets not also forget the Jihadis that were trained on a USA base in Qatar.

    the Wests hands are SO obviously dirty when it comes to DAESH, its everywhere BUT the WESTERN MEDIA that has realized this fact.

  13. #13
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    Notice how there is no nationality prescribed to DAESH. It is just a band of punks and mercenaries. The Syrian Revolution had some genuine elements from the start, but now the West has corrupted it and turned it into a civil war of Assad against well equipped terrorists. Remnants of the Baath Saddam regime and Al Quada helped in the build up of DAESH, but ultimately these guys are just hired punks and killers IMHO. Throughout the Middle East theres surely thousands of men radicalized by their conditions or poverty who when offered a paycheck to go out and blow up artifacts and behead people would simply do it. , that's the definition of a mercenary... someone paid to kill.

    Well how is DAESH paying these guys? Where are they getting the weapons? How have they utilized social media and been able to sell oil out of Syria? Why are they so tactically strong? Where is the financing for all of their operations coming from?

    Yes they looted some banks in Iraq...

    But other than that, it is private backers from Gulf States like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, indirect and direct, covert and overt funding from the West, Britain, and Israel. As early as 2013 you can hear complaints from brilliant minds like George Galloway about Britain funding "throat cutters" in Syria. The rise of DAESH in the past few years was not a fluke or the mobilizing of a legitimate resistance movement, it was artificially created by the flood of $ and weapons from the West and the Gulf STates... so now DAESH is a force to be reckoned with, a thorn in Iran's side and a benefit to Israeli/American geostrategic interests.... all a part of the plan.

  14. #14
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    INSHALLAH DAESH is wiped out soon... but it would be MUCH EASIER IRAN AND HEZBOLLAH (and Russia/Assad) weren't the ONLY ones fighting these punks and mercenaries while the Gulf States, USA/Britain, Israel either sit idle or provide financial and military support... or feign that they are fighting against DAESH.

    14 months of being bombed by the worlds most powerful Air Force.... and DAESH has made territorial gains? Sounds like some half assed bombing.

  15. #15
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    One more note on Netanyahu.

    It should be noted that while this clown, this s bag, this worthless waste of human flesh goes around the world propping up Iran's "terror network" (supporting the legitimate resistance organization Hezbollah, which has defended Lebanese sovereignty that Israel has violated 5 times) it's now been proven the collusion, compliance, and collaboration of the Zionists in helping out DAESH in Syria.

    I know politics are supposed to be hypocrites and liars to some extent, but this guy just seriously needs to get knocked the out by somebody.

  16. #16
    Veteran K...'s Avatar
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    I think ergodan is a bigger , but nethy is close. I just think that benj does thing for his hardcore guys that drives opponents nuts. I mean it's not like he lost his last election, he won by running even harder to the right.

    Anyway lol at Syria being a terrorist invasion. If the US was so good at arming rebels in 2012 why do we suck so bad now? Why can't the Syrian military and Hezbollah, two effective fighting forces not be able to root out terrorists?

    Assad caused the war and jihad came to dance. If it weren't a civil war to start it's be over in six months.

    And lol the guy who shot protestors caring about accurate bombs. Assad is pretty much done wherever the Russians decide to stop playing war.

  17. #17
    Believe. spankadelphia's Avatar
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    WAAAHHH the evil American hegemony and the Zionist media WAAAAAHHH

    I wonder what a Russian or Chinese hegemony would look like? The Geneva Convention would almost certainly go the way of the tube television set.

  18. #18
    Believe..I'l Have another Biernutz's Avatar
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    what about those barrel bombs that your ally is dropping on children in syria?
    Don't forget the occasional nerve gas drop. Not all of it was destroyed Huh!

  19. #19
    Money and Hoes... Double-Up's Avatar
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    reconsider your use of your spare time
    There is no spare time in Iran.

  20. #20
    Klaw apalisoc_9's Avatar
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    When are you going to stop with the Israel is suppporting ISIS BS, OP.

    You know I think the israelis are the devil, but they don't support ISIS...

  21. #21
    Veteran Ignignokt's Avatar
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    When are you going to stop with the Israel is suppporting ISIS BS, OP.

    You know I think the israelis are the devil, but they don't support ISIS...
    Israel is not the Philipines, they have more issues to concern with than fishing and ladyboys.

    Stick with the Kawhi pumping upstairs, Ling Ling.

  22. #22
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    Israel hates Assad. So does DAESH. Thus Israe has aligned with DAESH. Its not that hard to grasp

  23. #23
    Millennial Messiah UNT Eagles 2016's Avatar
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    I support Assad because he's not a religious nutcase. He actually has the balls to eradicate jihadi terrorism without giving a about the marshmallowist PC crowd's cries of *"B-b-but wha bout duh innocent citizens!!1!1!1one!1! "* -- unlike the pansy lib in charge of the so-called best country USA -- so mad props to him for that.

  24. #24
    Veteran K...'s Avatar
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    I support Assad because he's not a religious nutcase. He actually has the balls to eradicate jihadi terrorism without giving a about the marshmallowist PC crowd's cries of *"B-b-but wha bout duh innocent citizens!!1!1!1one!1! "* -- unlike the pansy lib in charge of the so-called best country USA -- so mad props to him for that.
    You know Assad is dead man or a Russian client? by allying with Assad you are a Putin man. Congrats. Exciting brand.

    Assad didn't do anything to jihadist. Basically his people called him out for being ty and he went to war on moderate Islam. Assad is dedicated to isis because it's his only escape valve and it has bought him time by weakening al nusra, turkey, and Iran who have to fight two fronts now. Anyone who follows Assad knows he only bombs isis when he absolutly had to.

  25. #25
    Independent DMX7's Avatar
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    I can't stand the guy either.
    Last edited by DMX7; 09-18-2015 at 09:00 PM.

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