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  1. #126
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    The Wages of Assholery

    There is a price for making everyone you come into contact with think you're an asshole and a jerk.

    Claire McCaskill says today that she won't be doing any similar favors for purported American Ted Cruz. But it's not just a Democrat.

    The silence of Senate Republicans is positively deafening.

    Mitch McConnell also
    says he's not getting involved.

    Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney have both tried to put the kibosh on the growing Cruz-birther movement.

    But in the Senate, where people know Ted Cruz, virtually no one is coming to his aid.

    McCain himself is
    suggesting he's at least Cruz-birther-curious if not coming out as a full-blown Cruz birther.

    Cruz is perhaps more disliked than any of the other 99 individuals currently serving in the Senate. Think about that. That's something! And it matters.

    In the non-impossible scenario that Cruz becomes the nominee, yes, everyone will endorse him. Most will campaign for him. But that level of antipathy is quite difficult to overcome. And it will matter: at best sand in the gears of his campaign and possibly the source of much greater disruption. m_campaign=Feed%3A+tpm-news+%28TPMNews%29

  2. #127
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    Law Prof: Cruz Is Not A Natural Born Citizen And Thus Can't Be President

    The Washington Post published an op-ed Tuesday by a cons utional law professor who asserts that due to his Canadian birth, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is not a natural born American citizen and thus is ineligible under the Cons ution to be president.

    "Let me be clear: I am not a so-called birther. I am a legal historian," Mary Brigid McManamon -- a cons utional law professor at Widener University’s Delaware Law School -- wrote.

    She joins Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe in raising concerns that Cruz may not meet the "natural born citizen" requirement for presidency under the Cons ution. She previously wrote a paper about the topic in 2014.

    In the Washington Post op-ed, McManamon argued that if one turns to the "common law" definition of "natural born citizen," he or she will find that 18th century English jurist William Blackstone defined the term as a "born within the dominions of the crown of England" and that U.S. founding father James Madison called birth place "the most certain criterion" of allegiance

    Trump became politically famous for birthering about Obama, now he's trashing the wonderfully trashable Krazy Kruz with birthering.

  3. #128
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    Ted Cruz plot thickens as mother appears on Canadian voter roll

    The problems continue to mount for Ted Cruz. It turns out that both his mother and father appeared on Canadian voter rolls. This story was actually known to Talking Points Memo (TPM) back in 2013.They shared the information with Cruz's office then. Cruz's office then said that appearance on the roll was not an indication of citizenship. TPM said they sat on the story because at the time Ted Cruz was not a candidate.

    Talking Points Memo decided to to publish the story because Donald Trump made it an issue and published an article about the same do ent TPM had shared with Cruz's office in 2013. While Cruz's office dismissed his mother's appearance on the list as inconsequential, as the article points out these are certified rolls in which each person appearing on the roll was interviewed and asked to validate their citizenship. Did Cruz's mother simply tell the electoral official she was a citizen of Canada even thou supposedly she was not naturalized?

    The words of President Obama's Press Secretary Josh Earnest are rather telling.

    “It would be quite ironic,” Josh Earnest said. “If after seven or eight years of drama over the President’s birth certificate, if Republican voters were to choose Senator Cruz as their nominee, somebody who actually wasn’t born in the United States and only eighteen months ago renounced his Canadian citizenship.”

    While the birther story never had real legs for President Obama's eligibility for President, ironically they do for the bastion of the Right Wing, Ted Cruz.

  4. #129
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    In 1997, Michael Wayne Haley was arrested after stealing a calculator from Walmart. This was a crime that merited a maximum two-year prison term. But prosecutors incorrectly applied a habitual offender law. Neither the judge nor the defense lawyer caught the error and Haley was sentenced to 16 years.

    Eventually, the mistake came to light and Haley tried to fix it. Ted Cruz was solicitor general of Texas at the time. Instead of just letting Haley go for time served, Cruz took the case to the Supreme Court to keep Haley in prison for the full 16 years.

    The case reveals something interesting about Cruz’s character. Ted Cruz is now running strongly among evangelical voters, especially in Iowa. But in his career and public presentation Cruz is a stranger to most of what would generally be considered the Christian virtues: humility, mercy, compassion and grace. Cruz’s behavior in the Haley case is almost the dictionary definition of pharisaism: an overzealous application of the letter of the law in a way that violates the spirit of the law, as well as fairness and mercy.

    During the Supreme Court hearing, Justice Anthony Kennedy—left incredulous by Cruz’s position—asked him: “Is there some rule that you can't confess error in your state?”

    Egomaniac Krazy Kruz fabricated a situation that got him to plead before SCOTUS

  5. #130
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Ted Cruz didn't disclose bank loan.

    Ted Cruz helped pay for his 2012 Senate race with $1 million in loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank. He didn’t disclose this at the time, saying instead that he was financing his long-shot (and ultimately victorious) electoral effort with virtually all his family’s “personal funds.”
    Senator Cruz, a Republican now running for president, revealed the loans later in Senate ethics reports, according to The New York Times, which plays this story high on its front page Thursday. But by then he was safely in office, having run as “a populist firebrand who criticized Wall Street bailouts and the influence of big banks in Washington,” writes the Times’s Mike McIntire
    I would love to be able to walk into GS and get a $1M loan.

  6. #131
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    Ted Cruz’s college roommate recalls his creepy habits

    Apparently some people feel so strongly about Ted Cruz that they are emailing his one-time college roommate faulting him for not killing Cruz when he could.

    Screenwriter Craig Mazin and the future Republican presidential candidate were paired together as freshmen at Princeton in 1988. And Mazin has never forgotten it.

    Nor does he make any secret of loathing Cruz. He delights in tweeting embarrassing details about his roommie’s hygiene, his problems with women and his general creepiness.

    Mazin, who penned the scripts for “The Hangover Part 2” and its sequel, told The Daily Beast: “I would rather have anybody else be the president of the United States. Anyone. I would rather pick somebody from the phone book.

    In freshman-year recollection to the Daily Beast, Mazin said Cruz “had a habit of hanging out near girls’ rooms in a paisley robe. He said dorm residents often asked him to keep Cruz out of the hallway.

    The following tweets give a clue to just how deeply Cruz damaged Mazin’s psyche during that year at Princeton.

    Mazin’s views toward Cruz only hardened after the right-wing conservative announced his candidacy:

    lotsa tweets ....

    white trash Donny T or Krazy Kreepy Kruz, one of these assholes will be the Repug candidate, and you rightwingnuts, gun fellators, bubbas, rednecks, spurstalkers, creationists, Bible humpers will sheeple-ly support him.

  8. #133
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Cruz is perhaps more disliked than any of the other 99 individuals currently serving in the Senate. Think about that.
    to his credit in this election cycle. the ins utional prestige of Congress and the US government is at an all time low. voters love that insiders hate him, despite the fact that this loan and the trend of contributions to his campaign show him up as a consummate insider.
    Last edited by Winehole23; 01-16-2016 at 03:45 AM.

  9. #134
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Ted Cruz didn't disclose bank loan.


    I would love to be able to walk into GS and get a $1M loan.
    inadvertent omission.

    do GOP voters trust the FEC more than Ted Cruz?

    I doubt it. dinging Ted Cruz on hypertechnical legalities like campaign disclosure feeds into the narrative of aggrieved Christianity subject to evil secular power..

  10. #135
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    what a hypocritical bag of

    Ted Cruz Cozies Up To “Big Ethanol” In Iowa

    Cruz has gone on record opposing the Renewable Fuel Standard.

    Cruz says he favors a “free and fair energy marketplace.” That means “We should embrace all of the energy resources with which God has blessed America: oil and gas, nuclear, wind, solar, and biofuels and ethanol. But Washington shouldn’t be picking winners and losers.”

    “The ethanol lobby is bird-dogging Cruz everywhere he goes. Upset by his pledge to phase out the Renewable Fuel Standard, employees of an industry funded group — which is run by the son of the popular Republican governor — follow Cruz everywhere he goes in a camper. They hand out flyers attacking him to people at his event. They have a field operation, run attack ads, and plaster voters who might be amenable to Cruz with mailers.”

    Cruz is no dope. As a result of the pressure, he has now changed his tune, at least in Iowa. He published an op-ed piece in the Des Moines Register on January 6 en led “I’m Fighting For Farmers Against Washington.

    In it, he not only supports the Renewable Fuel Standard, he calls for eliminating the “blend wall” in the current policy which limits the amount of ethanol to no more than 15%. “If allowed full market access, mid-level ethanol products like E25 or E30 could prove quite popular with American consumers, who are increasingly concerned with fuel economy,”

    he would screw his own pastor father nutcase if it meant getting votes.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 01-16-2016 at 09:37 PM.

  11. #136
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    Damn, not even Trump has managed to derailed his campaign as hard as this got.

  12. #137
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Cruz commander...

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    Ted Cruz: John F. Kennedy Would Be A Cruz Republican Today

  14. #139
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    If Stephen King's movie Dead Zone were made today Martin Sheen's bat crazy politician character would be based on Ted Cruz. I watched that movie last week and saw a preview of Cruz's presidency

  15. #140
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    Trump's latest attack on Cruz is that nobody who actually knows him likes him. That's cold.

  16. #141
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    I believe everyone should have the right to vote. That belief is shaken by the idea that there are people who will be compelled to vote for someone because of an ad like this.

  17. #142
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    Trump's latest attack on Cruz is that nobody who actually knows him likes him. That's cold.
    none of the Repug Senators spoken in favor of his claim to citizenship, that's cold.

  18. #143
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    Cruz commander...

    That ads great! Cruz Commander!!!!!

  19. #144
    U Have Bad Understanding Sportcamper's Avatar
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    Was never seriously considering Ted Cruz but that ad has made me re think my position…Cruz will put a duck in a pot & make us Gumbo…What more do you want? Plus Cruz is one of us!

  20. #145
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    What an embarrassment that he is a senator from our state...

  21. #146
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Cruz commander...

    Im gonna go out on a limb and say he won't roll this add out if he makes the general election.

  22. #147
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    Cruz rails against 'crony capitalism,' praises wife's Goldman Sachs career

    Krazy Kruz is an "outsider"

    Their noses look alike.

  23. #148
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    It’s not just Reagan: Republicans flunk JFK history, too

    The more Republican presidential candidates cite Ronald Reagan’s policy towards Iran as an example to follow, the more obvious it is they don’t really know what happened in the 1980s. But as it turns out, the iconic GOP leader isn’t the only president about whom these candidates are confused.

    ThinkProgress noted yesterday that at least one of these candidates is equally lost about an iconic Democratic leader, too.

    Just days after attacking the values of New Yorkers, GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) traveled to New England on Sunday and attempted to claim that he was heir to the mantle of one of the nation’s most beloved presidents, Democrat John F. Kennedy.

    “JFK campaigned on tax cuts, limiting government and standing up and defeating Soviet communists,” he told a New Hampshire audience. “JFK would be a Republican today. He stood for religious liberty, and he would be tarred and feathered by the modern Democratic Party.”

    This is bonkers, and it’s worth revisiting some of our previous coverage to explain why.

    Let’s quickly dispense with some of the easy points. It’s true that Kennedy championed religious liberty, but he did so by becoming one of the strongest advocates for the separation of church and state in modern history. That doesn’t put him at odds with contemporary Democrats; it puts him at odds with contemporary Republicans. Indeed, at least one of Cruz’s GOP rivals has condemned Kennedy’s approach to religious liberty as being hostile towards people of faith.

    And while it’s also true that Kennedy was one of many presidents who maintained the Cold War, Soviet communists are no longer a threat, and they have no Democratic allies.

    And then there’s JFK’s tax cuts. This comes up from time to time, so let’s set the record straight.

    In the years following World War II, both Truman and Eisenhower kept high tax rates in place in order to help pay off war-era debts and help in post-war reconstruction. By the time Kennedy took office, the nation could afford to reduce rates, so he lowered the top marginal tax from 91% to 65%. (For comparison, note that a 65% top bracket is still far higher than today’s 39.6%.)

    In an amusing twist, many congressional Republicans opposed JFK’s plan – Republicans had not yet made the transition in earnest from an anti-deficit party to an anti-tax party, and many GOP lawmakers from the era questioned whether the nation could afford Kennedy’s tax breaks.

    But Democrats, recognizing that the nation had a small debt and almost no deficit, followed JFK’s lead and approved the “peace dividends.”

    Does that suggest JFK was some knee-jerk supply-sider, who’d be comfortable with contemporary Republican policies? Um, no. Not only was Kennedy’s plan rooted in Keynesian economics, it was also designed to spread the wealth around – the Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation determinedthat the bottom 85% of the population received 59% of the benefits of JFK’s tax cut. The top 2.4% received 17.4% of the tax cut, and the top 0.4% received just 6% of it.

    By 2015 standards, Republicans would look at such an approach as a misguided mess, failing to appreciate the importance of “job creators” in a free-enterprise system.

    There's NO LIE that Krazy Kruz wouldn't spew.

    In fact, Repugs, Fox, right-wing hate media spew nothing but LIES, myths, propaganda

  24. #149
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    This is just a devastating take down of Cruz's eligibility to run. ution/

  25. #150
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    Two Sides of Ted Cruz: Tort Reformer and Personal Injury Lawyer

    Ted Cruz says his uncompromising purity as a conservative crusader helped propel him to the top of the Republican presidential field. But his history suggests that when the cameras are off, a different Mr. Cruz emerges.

    Last week, voters learned that Mr. Cruz’s 2012 Senate campaign, in which he railed against Wall Street bailouts, was financed more by loans from Goldman Sachs andCitibank than by the family piggy bank, as he touchingly claimed on the stump.

    To that, here’s another tale of two Teds: Mr. Cruz, the Senate candidate, running as a conservative champion of tort reform in Texas while Mr. Cruz, the lawyer, quietly reaped more than $3 million while defending record-setting personal injury awards.


    And you rightwingnuts parrot the Repug/FOX/right-wing-hate-media that Hillary is a liar?

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