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  1. #2526
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    Poor bas threw his dream away for Trump and it ended up costing him.

  2. #2527
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    Anybody else think people are just voting for trump to see what happens?
    I think people are actually voting because someone like a wild card trump is out there

  3. #2528
    The Wemby Assembly z0sa's Avatar
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    that said, Trump is way more moderate than his supporters think

  4. #2529
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    Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites: We’re Sticking With Donald Trump

    From Michigan to Louisiana to California on Friday, rank-and-file Republicans expressed mystification, dismissal and contempt regarding the instructions that their party’s most high-profile leaders were urgently handing down to them: Reject and defeat Donald J. Trump.

    Their angry reactions, in the 24 hours since Mitt Romney and John McCain urged millions of voters to cooperate in a grand strategy to undermine Mr. Trump’s candidacy, have captured the seemingly inexorable force of a movement that still puzzles the Republican elite and now threatens to unravel the party they hold dear.

    In interviews, even lifelong Republicans who cast a ballot for Mr. Romney four years ago rebelled against his message and plan. “I personally am disgusted by it — I think it’s disgraceful,” said Lola Butler, 71, a retiree from Mandeville, La., who voted for Mr. Romney in 2012. “You’re telling me who to vote for and who not to vote for? Please.”

    “There’s nothing short of Trump shooting my daughter in the street and my grandchildren — there is nothing and nobody that’s going to dissuade me from voting for Trump,” Ms. Butler said.

    A fellow Louisiana Republican, Mindy Nettles, 33, accused the party of “using Romney as a puppet” to protect itself from Mr. Trump because its leaders could not control him. “He has a mind of his own,” she said. “He can think.”

    The furious campaign now underway to stop Mr. Trump and the equally forceful rebellion against it captured the essence of the party’s breakdown over the past several weeks: Its most prominent guardians, misunderstanding their own voters, antagonize them as they try to reason with them, driving them even more energetically to Mr. Trump’s side.

    Repug MISgovernment has been doing everything for the donor class and nothing for Repug voters, aka, pure voter disenfranchisement.

    Even the stupid, ignorant Repug base ain't gonna take it any more, they think.

    but they can't do anything about it.

    Watch the Repug base elect in 2016, over and over and over, the same type of Senator, Congressman, red+slave state governments that have been screwing America for 40 years.

  5. #2530
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    and some heavily modified trophy wife news

    13 facts about Melania Trump, wife of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump

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    Here's why Repug base can't do about their impotent "revolt"

    Kochs will stay out of presidential nomination fight to spend millions buying the rest of government

    "We have no plans to get involved in the primary," said James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, the Koch brothers’ political umbrella group. He would not elaborate on what the brothers' strategy would be for the Nov. 8 election to succeed Democratic President Barack Obama.Three sources close to the Kochs said the brothers made the decision because they were concerned that spending millions of dollars attacking Trump would be money wasted, since they had not yet seen any attack on Trump stick.

    The Kochs have also been in this game long enough to know that there are levers of power that are more important for their end game than the White House. After all,

    what good is having the White House if the Senate goes back to Democrats? And they can look ahead to 2020 and redistricting, so they know shoring up and increasing their state level wins is critical.

    Jane Mayer, who really did write the book on the Kochs,explained the strategy a few weeks ago:

    Where the influence of money goes so much further, and what people who are interested in this need to take a look at, is the lower levels:

    the state and even local elections.

    There's Koch money that's been going into school board races,

    questions about funding mass transit in Tennessee, or

    funding a zoo in Ohio.

    They're fighting the expansion of Medicaid in South Dakota and all over the country.

    Their organizations are flooding money into universities and colleges in order to try and recruit young people to their point of view and then train them as cadres to go into their political groups.

    It's a comprehensive system to change America.

    So presidential politics certainly is the splashiest arena, but it's not actually the place where they have the most influence. tm_campaign=Feed%3A+dailykos%2Findex+%28Daily+Kos% 29

    iow, the VRWC has been for 40+ years and will be fighting their Class War, and obviously winning ruthlessly, relentlessly.

    So all of you Pollyanas, positive thinkers, naive mofos, tell us again, in practice, how Human-Americans can win, reverse they Class War they been destroyed in?

  8. #2533
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    Republican blames Trump’s rise on Obama’s level-headedness

    If something bad happens, anywhere in the world, chances are pretty good that some creative Republicans will come up with a way to blame those developments on President Obama. It’s a skill the GOP has honed over the last seven years, and the party has become quite adept in this area.

    Naturally, then, it was sadly predictable that Republicans would even manage to blame Donald Trump’s rise on the rascally Democratic president. Obama, we’re now supposed to believe, is even responsible for the at udes Republican primary and caucus voters have towards their own party’s candidates.

    The argument has been slowly percolating in GOP media circles in recent weeks, touted by the New York TimesRoss Douthat and the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, among others. Blaming the radicalization of Republican politics is hard; blaming the president they hold in contempt is easy; so many on the right are naturally gravitating towards the latter.

    But leave it to Bobby Jindal – a failed presidential candidate, a prominent Marco Rubio supporter, and one of the worst and least effective governors in modern American history – to write an op-ed taking the argument to its silliest conclusion.

    Let’s be honest: There would be no Donald Trump, dominating the political scene today if it were not for President Obama.

    I believe that voters tend to act in open-seat presidential elections to correct for the perceived deficiencies of the in bent…. After seven years of the cool, weak and endlessly nuanced “no drama Obama,”

    voters are looking for a strong leader who speaks in short, declarative sentences.

    At a certain level, picking on Bobby Jindal almost seems cruel. The man’s failures were so humiliating, his governing agenda bombed so catastrophically, his electoral defeats were so crushing, that he’s probably better left ignored – except to serve as a model to others as how not to be a competent public official.

    But this notion that Obama must be blamed for Trump will probably linger for a while, so Jindal’s debacles notwithstanding, let’s go ahead and note the most glaring flaws in the former governor’s argument.

    There’s some truth to the idea that voters, after eight years of one president, tend to look to a very different kind of leader. With this in mind, in the broadest possible sense, it’s best not to dismiss Jindal’s framing out of hand: Obama and Trump are, in fact, opposites.

    Where the president is mature, Trump is a buffoon. Where Obama is smart and knowledgeable, Trump is careless and ignorant. Where the president is honest; Trump deceives. Where Obama appeals to the public’s intellect and the better angels of our nature, Trump’s candidacy is built on an ugly foundation of resentment and division.

    But Jindal’s thesis nevertheless falls short on two points. The first is that the right-wing Republican is convinced that the president “created the very rancor he now rails against.” For Jindal, it wasn’t Republican extremism, or GOP officials’ refusal to cooperate or compromise with the president on any issue that created a toxic political climate, it was the president’s partisan and ideological agenda.

    By any objective measure, those who’ve been conscious for the last seven years probably recognize Jindal’s observation as delusional.

    The second, and perhaps more important, flaw in the Louisianan’s argument is what it expects of Democratic voters.

    As Jon Chait joked,

    “This is your fault, Democrats. If you had elected a red-faced, racist bullying lout as president, then Republicans would be reacting today by rallying around somebody who’s intellectual, humble, and non-abusive, and we’d all be in fine shape. But nooooooo. You had to nominate a wonkish, emotionally controlled law professor, forcing Republicans to turn to an unhinged racist reality-television star in response.”
    Sure, GOP voters could be more responsible, but as Jindal sees it, they have no real choice – historical models must be honored, even unconsciously, and if Democrats chose a mature and capable leader, Republicans are instinctively obligated to rally behind a childish fool.

    With wisdom like this, is it any wonder Jindal’s approval rating in his Deep South red state reached a cringe-worthy 27%?

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 03-07-2016 at 02:49 PM.

  10. #2535
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    I'm calling 3/4 to Trump, 1/4 for Cruz today

    Zip for little Marco

    If it's a sweep I'll be surprised

  11. #2536
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    Sieg heil!

  12. #2537
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    Little Marco

  13. #2538
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    American Psycho for prez: Donald Trump’s sons epitomize the ’80s-style yuppie villainy of his campaign

    Trump’s sons are such pitch-perfect preening preps that they read as unsubtle satire rather than real people. Both of them are dead ringers for Christian Bale’s serial killer character in “American Psycho.” And while The Donald has a certain comic timing that makes his prep school bully routine funny, both of his sons are not so blessed, laying bare the grotesque soul rot that happens when mediocre white men have enough wealth and privilege that they’re fooled into thinking they are actually something special.

    In the past week, both Trump sons have made wretched fools of themselves in the media with the confidence that only comes from being rich so long that you have no one in your world who dares say no to you.

    Donald Trump Jr. granted a 20-minute interview to a white supremacist
    named James Edwards, who believes that slavery is the “greatest thing to have ever happened” to black people and that “interracial sex is white genocide.”. Trump Jr. is playing this off like he was sandbagged by some unknown who misrepresented himself, but as Gawker reports, Edwards was given press credentials by the Trump campaign, the same campaign that has repeatedly kicked reporters out of campaign events for espousing views that are seen as too liberal or too anti-racist.

    “This is clearly the mainstream media trying to turn a story into something, much like they did with my father, who I witnessed denouncing David Duke and any KKK endorsement on multiple occasions,” Trump Jr. said, dismissing the controversy.

    Obviously, that’s a load, because his father’s little know-nothing routine when asked about it is fooling no one. This little tap-dance is the same thing: Cozying up to white supremacists and then pleading ignorance when called out for it. Either the Trumps are the unluckiest people in the world, or ignorance is simply a feint they use to get away with this.

    But you can see why Trump followers would love this. Being able to contemptuously dismiss press questions about the KKK in the same tone one might arrogantly deny that you were groping the help or that the white powder in your Porsche is cocaine — i.e. like you know you have the money to get away with even the most obvious lies — must feel thrilling to the workaday Trump supporter. You can’t get away with that crap at your day job, but you can live vicariously through these well-gelled men who live in ivory towers but share your same disdain for certain kinds of people.

    Eric Trump has been hustling the same line. On CBS News, he contemptuously declared that confronting Trump about his little KKK game is “actually the worst part of politics” and that his father has seen “everything he’s ever touched” turn “to gold.”

    On Fox News, same story: “My father’s a great man” and “This is really politics at its ugliest.”

    It’s gross, but, from a certain (and bigoted) point of view, it’s also thrilling. These guys are living the fantasy, so rich and cased in privilege that they can do and say whatever they want, knowing that consequences bounce off them like Teflon. It’s like watching a movie where the rich guy pays the hotel to make a dead pros ute disappear, except this time, the fantasy of being untouchable is real. Trump supporters can’t live it, but they can vote it, and in that moment, share the dream.

    It’s not just on the racism front, either. After Buzzfeed combed through hours of audio clips of Donald Trump on the “Howard Stern Show” broing down with Stern by saying dehumanizing things about women, Donald Trump Jr. dismissed the entire thing with a flick of his Brooks Brothers’s clad wrist on Fox News.

    “He’s allowed to have a personality. He will,” he haughtily explained.

    Allowed. The word explains so much about the appeal of Trump and his crusade against “political correctness.” Trump — and his sons — are living the dream of white guy assholes everywhere, of being allowed to be as repugnant, dismissive, misogynist, racist, and egotistical as you want, with the confidence that no one will say anything about it because you’re rich.

    Trump and his sons are repulsive people, almost too good at playing the villainous preps that they, in fact, just are. But that act is selling better with the Republican base than Ted Cruz’s “my clothes don’t fit because I am down home kind of guy” act.

    People vote their aspirations, and it turns out, that for a lot of Republican voters, being a rich villain is exactly the fantasy they want to wallow in.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 03-06-2016 at 02:52 PM.

  14. #2539
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    i'm all aboard the anti-trump train, but lol at these horrible articles

    oh wait, salon

  15. #2540
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    i'm all aboard the anti-trump train, but lol at these horrible articles

    oh wait, salon
    but you never detail what's horrible

  16. #2541
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    but you never detail what's horrible
    "american psycho for prez"

    "both of them are dead ringers for Chrstian Bale's serial killer character"

    basically all the parts you bolded

    i mean c'mon

  17. #2542
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    "american psycho for prez"

    "both of them are dead ringers for Chrstian Bale's serial killer character"

    basically all the parts you bolded

    i mean c'mon
    that's journalistic license, but the point you love to miss was the Trump's sons are wealthy, en led, privileged, sociopathic assholes of wealth who don't give a about anybody but themselves.

    and the final point was that lots of Trump supporters wish they could be wealthy enough to say any old without accountability, to tell everybody to off because tons of money defends them. For these ed up Trump supporters, Trump IS The American Dream

  18. #2543
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  19. #2544
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    Anybody see this ? Romney got destroyed worse than Nanking in 1937

  20. #2545
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    "You couldn't even stand up to CNN's Candy Crowley"

  21. #2546
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    I want to do the pledge!!!

  22. #2547
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    I just came here after reading article how Trump was equaled to Hitler by some media. There are really terrified he could win.

  23. #2548
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    I just came here after reading article how Trump was equaled to Hitler by some media. There are really terrified he could win.
    There are many parallels, and there are reasons to think he is a fascist and racist, but ultimately he doesn't have the intentions of Hitler which were territorial expansion and genocide.

  24. #2549
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    DMX7, how do you explain Cruz's win in Maine? I didn't think he would win in that kind of state. Now, I'm beginning to doubt that Trump will have a big advantage in states like NY, NJ, PA, etc. True, it was a caucus and there aren't many of that format anymore. OTOH, most of the primaries moving forward are closed, not open like the earlier ones where Trump could get independents/dems. Cruz's ground game is formidable.

  25. #2550
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