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  1. #926
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    House Republicans Attempt to Foist Burdens on People with Disabilities

    The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights warned that the bill could impose a "burdensome process” on people with disabilities to pursue legal action.

    it imposed “a burdensome process before people with disabilities could file a civil action for an accessibility violation in a public accommodation case.”

    That’s because, as disability rights attorney Robyn Powell explained in a commentary for Rewire, the process would become lengthy.

    It would require a person with a disability “to give a written notice to a business owner who has barriers to access.”
    “The business owner would then have 60 days to even acknowledge that there is a problem—and then another 120 days to make substantial progress toward correcting the violation,”

    wrote Powell.

    “In other words, people with disabilities would be forced to wait 180 days to enforce their civil rights.”

    This is what y'all Trash fellators voted for, right? voted to make AmeriKKKa more of hole, right?

    screw everybody with disabilities, including crippled vets.

    Dems who voted with Repugs to screw people with disabilities


    LIST OF #SHAME: Dems who voted to reduce disability rights.


    12:21 PM - Feb 15, 2018

    Why so many Hispanics in that screw-the-cripples list?

    With a high rate of Hispanic/Latino T2 diabetes at risk for amputations, why aren't Hispanic reps voting to protect their amputated ethnic group?

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 02-17-2018 at 10:29 AM.

  2. #927
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    Trash wants to kill funding for NPR and PBS

    (because they aren't FOX nor part of the rightwing hate/paranoia media)

  3. #928
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    Trump: Gut funding for climate science, boost fossil fuels

    The Trump administration is targeting federal funding for studying and tracking climate change while boosting the continued burning of planet-warming fossil fuels.

    The White House's 2019 spending plan seeks to reduce or eliminate climate science programs across an array of federal agencies,


    gutting efforts to track greenhouse gas emissions and research to

    eliminating funding for NASA satellites that study the impacts of climate change.

    Trump has called climate change a "hoax" and

    appointed forceful advocates for increased oil, gas and coal production to lead key federal agencies overseeing environmental enforcement, energy production and public lands.

    In the 160-page budget summary released by the
    White House, the term "climate change" is only mentioned once — in the name of a science program marked for elimination at the Environmental Protection Agency.

    A week after EPA Administrator Scott

    Pruitt suggested global warming might be beneficial to humanity,

    his agency issued a 47-page strategic plan for the next five years that does not include the word "climate."

    the oligarchy's BigCarbon S running govt.

    May Trash live to watch
    Mar-a-Lago go under sea water.

  4. #929
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    GOP Takes Another Step to Control Federal Courts

    Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans ended a century-old tradition Thursday that will accelerate the appointment of right-wing federal judges in purple and blue states, where they will preside over thousands of cases that will never reach the Supreme Court.

    The move, led by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley of Iowa, was the most egregious partisan intervention in the judiciary
    since Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked 2016 hearings on President Obama's final Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland,

    "Michael Brennan gets voted out of Senate Judiciary Committee along party lines despite fact that he refused to acknowledge implicit racial bias in the justice system,"

    "Grassley kills the blue slip tradition with this vote. Brennan voted out over objection of a home-state senator."

    "Chuck Grassley's blue slip policy blocked three of Obama's African American circuit noms.

    But now he's changed his policy to ram through two of Trump's white circuit noms, inc Michael Brennan,"

    Republicans under President Trump are packing the federal courts with right-wing nominees, many of whom are not qualified to hold these lifetime posts.

    The public often underestimates the power of federal judges, especially at the appellate level. While the Supreme Court gets about 7,000 appeals annually and hears between 100-150 cases,

    federal appeals courts receive upwards of 60,000 appeals annually and are often the final arbiter of justice in America.

    The oligarchy's bloodless coup d'etat continues unabated

    America is ed and un able, for decades.

    And if you rightwingnutjob assholes think the oligarchy's coup d'etat doesn't, won't affect you and your families, that's just more proof of how ing ignorant you are.

  5. #930
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    the oligarchy's coup d'etat marches on, unstoppably, and most irreversibly, which is also Bannon's destruction of govt

    Mick Mulvaney’s destroying the CFPB — and that’s just what Trump wants

    What Mick Mulvaney is doing to the agency he’s supposed to take care of is what’s going on throughout Washington

    .... while Trash mesmerizes with his tweets.

  6. #931
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    Trump’s Science Advisor, Age 31, Has a Political Science Degree

    Because Trump has not nominated someone to head the Office of Science and Technology Policy,

    Michael Kratsios is the de facto leader

    Kakistocracy, Don The Con Trash is your patron saint

  7. #932
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    Trump proposes eliminating federal funding for PBS, NPR

    PBS CEO Paula Kerger said at a TV critics meeting last July that a number of PBS stations across the country are dependent on federal funding in order to survive.

    "PBS will not go away, but a number of our stations will," Kerger said on July 30.

  8. #933
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    I truly believe we're getting to an end of the line here with the investigation. Trump is absolutely melting down on twitter. He is in complete terror about Mueller. The walls are closing in and the behavior will only get increasingly erratic.

  9. #934
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    Trump administration is calling for elimination of program that heats homes of low-income families

    The Trump administration is once again calling for the complete elimination of a heating assistance program that helps keep the homes of low-income families warm.

    The administration is using the same arguments from a year ago when it tried to abolish the program,

    saying that it's rife with fraud

    and that no one would be left freezing if the program went away.

    "These arguments are very misleading and wrong,"

    Supporters nonetheless say the program is a lifeline for the elderly, disabled and others on fixed incomes.

    So Trash/Mulvaney claim they MUST punish customers because the businesses are cheating?

  10. #935
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    Repugs proving their bona fides as misogynists

    Republican lawmaker: Rob Porter's wife-beating wasn't a 'crime of character'

    Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney opened up several cans of worms

    in her comments on the White House’s handling of the Rob Porter scandal.

    Tenney didn’t seem to know much about the situation, but

    that didn’t stop her from having opinions.

    Lots of opinions.

    Like that domestic violence is not a “crime of character.”

    First, though, Tenney tried to dismiss the whole issue:

    “We’re also getting into the minutiae

  11. #936
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    Trump again seeks to end funding for earthquake early warning system

    The Trump administration’s budget proposal released last week again zeroed out funding for the earthquake early warning program administered by the U.S. Geological Survey.

    The president’s budget proposal for the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1 requested about $13 million less for the federal government’s earthquake hazards program,

    including $10.2 million for the earthquake early warning program.

    The administration also proposed reducing staff for the USGS’s earthquake hazards program from 240 to 222, including 15 positions that staff the earthquake early warning program.

    The U.S. Department of the Interior, which oversees the USGS, said in its budget justification that

    the reduction in the earthquake hazards program was proposed to “address higher priorities.”

    screw blue CA, and gotta try to pay for oligarchy's tax giveaway.

  12. #937
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    All y'all ST Nazis got some new friends

    Number of American hate groups increased in 2017: Watchdog

    Hair dyed Aryan blond!

    Among White Supremacy groups, neo-Nazi organizations saw the most growth

    increased by 4 percent from 2016 to 2017.

    More precisely, the number of hate groups rose from 917 in 2016 to 954 in 2017. In 2014, there were 784 hate groups — meaning,

    there has been an approximately 20 percent increase since 2014.

    Interestingly, from 2010 to 2012, the number of hate groups, according to SPLC, surpassed 1,000;

    they peaked at 1,018 in 2011, declined before reaching a trough in 2014, then began to climb again.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 02-22-2018 at 08:15 AM.

  13. #938
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  14. #939
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    What a great businessman and exemplary fair-play American citizen, displaying what makes America great (for the upper 20%)

    Trump Hotel paid millions in fines shortly after the inauguration for stiffing contractors

  15. #940
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    Christian Sharia BULL as smokescreen for Pruitt destroying American water, air, land, humans.

    Could TX, OK, KS any bigger turds onto America?

    Scott Pruitt says he's doing God's work by ignoring climate change and repealing Clean Power Act

    EPA chief Scott Pruitt was spoken to by the Almighty Himself, in deciding to roll back the Obama-era Clean Power Act.

    "Truly and clearly, the climate changes," Pruitt acknowledges.

    The good news is that Pruitt has been called to his leadership positions by the scripture!

    "It was actually Isaiah chapter one that I was reading through at that time that really spoke to my heart," he continued.

    "Specifically, in the latter part of chapter one where God says to Israel,

    'I will restore your leaders as in the days of old, your judges as at the beginning.'

    And there was just a desire that welled up in me

    to say, 'I want to be like those leaders that we had at our founding, at the inception of our country.'"

    Pruitt of course is LYING about the FFs.

    The FFs were very aware of the threat of large businesses to the FF's fragile "American Experiment", based on what they knew from the English, European experiences. eg, the wealthy, huge, monopolistic East India Tea Company getting special privileges and taxes from the King.

  16. #941
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    Anti-Semitic incidents rose sharply in Trump’s first year as president

    MAWMCA, Make America (White Male) Christian Again.

    (it never was except in white nationalist Christian supremacists sick imaginations)

  17. #942
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    Anti-Semitic incidents rose sharply in Trump’s first year as president

    MAWMCA, Make America (White Male) Christian Again.

    (it never was except in white nationalist Christian supremacists sick imaginations)

    Your father must be depressed knowing 10 million sperm and you were the fastest.

  18. #943
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    Scott Pruitt plans to close an EPA office that studies how chemicals harm children.

    Is the EPA administrator trying to look like a movie villain?

    In the name of organizational “efficiency,” Pruitt is making some big changes at his agency —

    the possible shuttering of the National Center for Environmental Research,

    best known for work to reduce children’s health risks from chemical exposure.

    In the past, NCER
    found arsenic in babies’ rice cereal and toxic pesticides exposure in the children of farmworkers.

    The center provides millions of dollars in grants each year for studying and treating things like
    childhood asthma, leukemia, and autism.

    But Pruitt seems to have decided: enough!

  19. #944
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    bou, is there ANYTHING you like about the US?

  20. #945
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    bou, is there ANYTHING you like about the US?
    Thread has nothing to do about what I like, or my opinion, just THE FACTS of how the Repugs, elected by You People, are ing up America.

    Your observational fault is expected

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 02-28-2018 at 07:27 AM.

  21. #946
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    Democrats warn against cut to offshore oil royalties

    Top Democrats on the Senate and House natural resources committees urged the Interior Department on Tuesday to drop a proposed cut to offshore oil and gas royalties, warning such a reduction would shortchange U.S. taxpayers.

    The Interior Department’s Royalty Policy Committee is due to evaluate a proposal to lower the royalty rate companies pay on petroleum produced in federal offshore waters to 12.5 percent from 18.75 percent -

    part of a plan by the Trump administration to encourage more U.S. energy production.

    “This proposal would amount to a giveaway to some of the most profitable companies in the world and rob taxpayers of potentially billions of dollars of revenues over the life of the leases,”

    the royalty committee appointed by Zinke - was “stacked with resources extraction interests.”

    The Western Energy Alliance, which represents oil and gas companies, brushed off arguments that the energy industry did not pay its fair share. “

    The oil and natural gas industry is the second largest source of revenue to the federal government after the IRS,”

    Repug kakistocracy giving away $Bs to BigCarbon, while refusing to help Puerto Rico, and then Repugs will cut Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security.

    The oligarchy ing America into un ability

  22. #947
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    Sleepy Bear at HUD spent $31K on dining set, and demoted the lady who told Carson she couldn't "find the money"

  23. #948
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    iow, Repugs and Trash, as candidate and Pres, have had EXACTLY the same monstrous "values" and policies of oligarchy all along.

  24. #949
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    A hole TX Repug, of course

    Anti-vaxxers rally around Texas GOP candidate who backs bizarre plan to build libertarian ocean cities

    a bizarre plan to build independent libertarian cities in the middle of the ocean.

    As the Texas Observer reports
    , anti-vaxxer organization Texans for Vaccine Choice has endorsed

    Republican candidate Susanna Dokupil

    to represent the district of West University Place in this year’s GOP primary against in bent Rep. Sarah Davis.

    Although Dokupil insists that she isn’t against vaccinations on a personal level,

    she has won support from anti-vaxxers after she told

    Texans for Vaccine Choice last year that “we believe in what you’re doing, we believe in parental choice and your cause and we will fight with you.”

  25. #950
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    Repugs grinding down the poor, of all colors

    Kentucky competes to be the worst state in the nation, will limit food assistance

    In addition to having to jump through regular hoops and spend hours do enting their employment in order to stay on Medicaid, they'll have to do the same now to get food assistance. The state is going to impose a three-month limit on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. After three months, many receiving assistance will have to prove they are working to be able to eat.

    Since jobs are still hard to find in significant parts of the state, this change will result in loss of food assistance and harm to economic activity in already-struggling local communities.

    By May, most of the 87,000 Kentucky adults without dependents will have to prove to the state that they work or engage in some kind of work activity such as school, voluntary employment and training programs provided by the state or workfare (a kind of unpaid internship, often with nonprofits). If they have not kept up 20 hours of work activities per week for more than three months at any point in the past three years they will become ineligible for SNAP benefits

    any Repug work requirement for public assistance must come with a guaranteed work position

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