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  1. #226
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    and widely reported on:
    A more specific threat to Clinton’s private email relates to its domain name. Unlike the State Department’s domain, Clinton’s is currently registered with a private domain registrar, Network Solutions, as a simple Whois search reveals. The domain (and thus its registrar) was certainly known to at least one hacker: The notorious celebrity hacker Guccifer first revealed it in 2013 when he spilled the emails of Clinton associate Sydney Blumenthal.
    Anyone who hacked Network Solutions would be able to quietly hijack the domain, intercepting, redirecting, and even spoofing email from Clinton’s account. And Network Solutions is far from the Internet’s hardest target: Hundreds of its domains were hacked in 2010, a year into Clinton’s tenure at the head of the State Department.

    Even if Clinton used the account only for personal messages rather than those of international importance (say, something along the lines of: “Let’s go ahead and drop those bombs, Bibi”) the notion that they could be both intercepted and spoofed through a common hacking vector is particularly troubling. “Even the most mundane of communications can be interesting to an intelligence service,” says the ACLU’s Soghoian. The NSA, he points out, thought it was worthwhile to monitor German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s personal cell phone, for instance.1

  2. #227
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    more spin in 3, 2, 1...

  3. #228
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    more spin in 3, 2, 1...
    no spin.

    Were the Ms of emails that the dubya/RNC/Rove/ head Repugs deleted on secured mail servers?

  4. #229
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    But did she receive an invite to the Playboy mansion

  5. #230
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    no spin.

    Were the Ms of emails that the dubya/RNC/Rove/ head Repugs deleted on secured mail servers?
    Dunno. It wouldn't make what HRC did any less dumb if they weren't, would it?

  6. #231
    I play pretty, no? TeyshaBlue's Avatar
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    Spun again. I can set my watch by croutons.

  7. #232
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    Dunno. It wouldn't make what HRC did any less dumb if they weren't, would it?

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    GOP’s Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

    the panel’s Democratic minority issued a statement yesterday announcing the committee’s newest milestone.

    [Thursday] marks the 700th day since the authorization of the Select Committee on Benghazi. During this time, Republicans have discovered no new evidence that contradicts the key findings of the previous bipartisan and independent investigations.

    “As House Republicans drag on their taxpayer-funded partisan attacks on Secretary Clinton closer and closer to the election, their actions have shockingly become even more partisan, secretive, and dysfunctional,” said Ranking Member Elijah mings.

    I can appreciate why these totals may seem abstract, but to put this in context, the 9/11 Commission, investigating every possible angle to the worst terrorist attack in the history of the country, worked for 604 days and created a bipartisan report endorsed by each of the commission’s members.

    The Benghazi committee is now on its 701st day, and even some congressional Republicans have admitted the panel is a partisan exercise, making it that much more difficult to justify its prolonged existence.

    Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.

    What’s more, following up on our previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

    But therein lies the point: seven separate congressional committees investigated the Benghazi attack before the Select Committee was even created. This was already one of the most scrutinized events in American history. Republican lawmakers, however, didn’t quite care for what the evidence told them, so they effectively concluded, “Maybe an eighth committee will tell us something the other seven committees didn’t.”

    That, alas, was over 700 days ago. If there’s a coherent defense for this exercise, I can’t think of it.

    well, well, Rachel, you're glossing over the fact the in the meantime, in these 700 days, the Repug Congress, deeply, relentlessly dedicated to their sacred duty of doing their job that they were elected for, has passed a ton of legislation to improve America.

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    CIA confirms Republican Benghazi Committee is lying about Hillary Clinton

    The CIA has weighed in on the Republican Benghazi Committee’s investigation of Hillary Clinton, after Democrats in the House asked the spy agency to declassify some of the numerous details which had been redacted in the various government do ents which have been presented as evidence against Clinton. So much of the context has been blacked out that it’s been difficult to tell what the do ents actually say. The response from the CIA is stunning: the Republicans are simply lying.

    All along, Benghazi Committee Chariman Trey Gowdy, a republican congressman from South Carolina, has insisted that the do ents in question were heavily blacked out because they contained information which had been classified by the CIA. But Elijah mings, a democratic congressman from Maryland, wrote a letter to the CIA asking it to reveal more details.

    The agency responded by stating that there never was any classified information in the do ents and that it hadn’t blacked out anything.

    Under pressure, Gowdy has now admitted that he himself redacted portions of the do ents without anyone’s knowledge or approval, as dug up by Daily Kos. His claim is that he decided certain details were too sensitive to be released to the public. But now that the CIA has said otherwise, he’ll have no choice but to release the full do ents in their proper context.

    And now that the CIA has confirmed Gowdy has been lying all along, he’ll have to explain that as well. This means that the CIA, the FBI, the State Department, and the Department of Justice have now all sided with Hillary Clinton over the Benghazi committee in various ways.

  11. #236
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    This is how the FBI destroys Hillary: The 10 questions that could end her White House dreams

    These questions, if answered honestly, would most likely hand the Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders

    The FBI’s upcoming interview of Hillary Clinton will be a turning point in the race for Democratic nominee, especially since Clinton won’t be able to speak to James Comey and his FBI agents in the same manner her campaign has communicated with the public.

    Unlike loyal Hillary supporters who view the marathon Benghazi hearings to be a badge of courage and countless prior scandals to be examples of exoneration, the FBI didn’t spend one year (investigating this email controversy) to give Clinton or her top aides parking tickets.

    They mean business, and lying to an FBI agent is a felony, so Hillary Clinton and her aides will be forced to tell the truth.

    The doublespeak involving convenience and retroactive classification won’t matter to seasoned FBI agents whose reputations are on the line; the entire country feels there’s a double-standard regarding this email controversy.

    Imagine if you had 22 Top Secret emails on your computer?

    Would you be able to claim negligence?

    Also, the issue of negligence is a canard. Clinton and her top aides were smart enough to understand protocol. For every legal scholar saying that indictment isn’t likely (because it’s difficult to prove Clinton “knowingly” sent or received classified intelligence), there’s a former attorney general and former intelligence officials saying that indictment is justified.

    Ultimately, every question asked of Hillary Clinton by James Comey will benefit the Sanders campaign. In a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party, one candidate is being investigated by the FBI and has negative favorability ratings in ten national polls. The other candidate, Bernie Sanders, just raised more money in February than Clinton, without the help of Wall Street or oil and gas lobbyists. If Clinton gets indicted, the Democratic establishment and superdelegates will have no choice but to rally around Bernie Sanders.

    I explain three possible scenarios in my latest YouTube segment regarding how the Clinton campaign would react to the reality of indictment. No doubt, certain supporters would still vote for Clinton, even with the possibility of criminal behavior.

    In reality, Bernie Sanders is the true front-runner, since he’s free of perpetual scandal and performs better against Trump in general election. Vermont’s Senator also isn’t linked to an FBI investigation, which used to mean automatic front-runner status in American politics.

    Therefore, below are ten questions the FBI should ask Clinton and her top aides. These questions, if answered honestly, will most likely hand the Democratic nomination to Bernie Sanders. Remember, the issue of convenience or negligence won’t be enough to cir vent repercussions from owning a private server as Secretary of State. FBI director James Comey and his agents aren’t Democratic superdelegates or beholden in any way to a political machine. They’ll demand answers to tough questions and below could be some of the topics discussed in Clinton’s FBI interview.

    1. What was the political utility in owning a private server and never using a email address?

    There was a political motive in cir venting U.S. government servers and networks. Clinton didn’t go to the trouble of owning a private server (something her predecessors never did) for work and private use, without thinking of the political ramifications.

    An editorial from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel led “Clinton’s abysmal record on open government”explains the possible political motive regarding Clinton’s unconventional email practices:

    The issue immediately at hand — and under investigation by the FBI — is Clinton’s use of a private email server for State Department communications. Clinton may have violated national security laws by making top secret do ents vulnerable to hackers and available to people without proper security clearance…

    In addition, regardless of Clinton’s excuses, the only believable reason for the private server in her basement was to keep her emails out of the public eye by willfully avoiding freedom of information laws. No president, no secretary of state, no public official at any level is above the law. She chose to ignore it, and must face the consequences…

    And donations to the foundation from foreign governments have raised conflict of interest questions for Clinton as secretary of state, an office with power over foreign affairs and favors second only to the president’s.
    As stated in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “the only believable reason for the private server in her basement was to keep her emails out of the public eye by willfully avoiding freedom of information laws.”

    We can’t even see Hillary Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speeches, do you think Clinton wanted the public to know information about her foundation?

    2. Were all 31,830 deleted private emails about yoga?

    According to ABC News, Clinton’s staff had an amusing way of deciphering how to delete over 30,000 emails:

    A Time magazine cover story about the email scandal released last week reported: “This review did not involve opening and reading each email. Instead, Clinton’s lawyers created a list of names and keywords related to her work and searched for those. Slightly more than half the total cache — 31,830 emails — did not contain any of the search terms, according to Clinton’s staff, so they were deemed to be ‘private, personal records.’”

    There was no government oversight, therefore the FBI has every right to ask why Clinton’s staff was allowed to pick and choose (through keyword searches) private emails from others that could have contained classified intelligence.

    3. Why didn’t you know that intelligence could be retroactively classified?

    This leads to the issue of negligence; a zero-sum proposition. Either Clinton wasn’t smart enough to know protocol, or breached protocol. Both scenarios aren’t good for a future presidency. Both scenarios won’t prevent legal repercussions, given the 22 Top Secret emails.

    4. Why did you use a Blackberry that wasn’t approved by the NSA?

    An article in led “Emails: Clinton sought secure smartphone, rebuffed by NSA” explains the issue of Clinton’s Blackberry:

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly released emails show a 2009 request to issue a secure government smartphone to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was denied by the National Security Agency.

    A month later, she began using private email accounts accessed through her BlackBerry to exchange messages with her top aides.

    “We began examining options for (Secretary Clinton) with respect to secure ‘BlackBerry-like’ communications,” wrote Donald R. Reid, the department’s assistant director for security infrastructure.

    “The current state of the art is not too user friendly, has no infrastructure at State, and is very expensive.”

    Standard smartphones are not allowed into areas designated as approved for the handling of classified information…
    Clinton used a Blackberry that wasn’t approved by the NSA. Along with the issue of political motive, and why she deleted tens of thousands of emails, the unsecured Blackberry use could easily lead to an indictment.

    5. What did you say to Bryan Pagliano?

    Mr. Pagliano recently received immunity. He’s told the FBI, most likely, about his conversations with Hillary Clinton. Any discrepancy in stories could lead to a felony charge for Hillary Clinton or Pagliano’s immunity to be revoked. Both have every incentive to tell the truth.

    6. Why were 22 Top Secret emails on a private server?

    This is a simple question with no logical answer cir venting political repercussions. If Clinton and her staff are able to evade this issue, future government officials will also be able to have Top Secret intelligence on unguarded private servers.

    7. Was any information about the Clinton Foundation mingled with State Department do ents?

    The answer to this question could lead to hundreds of other questions.

    8. Did President Obama or his staff express any reservations about your private server?

    President Obama’s White House communicated with Clinton via her private server. If anyone in the White House said anything about Clinton’s server, this could lead to new controversy.

    9. Did Bill Clinton send or receive any emails on your private network?

    The server was located in their home, so it’s a valid question.

    10. How was your private server guarded against hacking attempts?

    Foreign nations and hackers already tried to compromise Clinton’s server.

    These questions could easily give Bernie Sanders the nomination. I explain that Clinton faces possible DOJ indictment in the following appearance on CNN International. Although Bernie can win without Clinton’s indictment, the email controversy will most likely become a giant story very soon.

    With issues revolving around trustworthiness before the FBI interviews, Clinton won’t be able to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the Democratic nomination in 2016.

  12. #237
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    We'll see if the 50 FBI attackers can come up with enough to convict, since a failed prosecution "to always get their man" would be horribly embarrassing.

  13. #238
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    We'll see if the 50 FBI attackers can come up with enough to convict, since a failed prosecution "to always get their man" would be horribly embarrassing.
    They've already got enough, it will be up to Lynch. I almost hope Lynch refuses to indict, the storm of leaks that would come out from the FBI would be amazing.

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  15. #240
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    This will be entertaining. Let's destroy your first article with a second article posted

    "So the first test is whether Clinton knew she was putting classified information into an unclassified system. Clinton and her aides have insisted that she didn't. They say none of her emails included material that was marked as classified at the time.

    Some of her emails were later reclassified, including 22 that have been designated “top secret” — but they weren't classified when she sent or received them"

    3. Why didn’t you know that intelligence could be retroactively classified?

    This leads to the issue of negligence; a zero-sum proposition. Either Clinton wasn’t smart enough to know protocol, or breached protocol. Both scenarios aren’t good for a future presidency. Both scenarios won’t prevent legal repercussions, given the 22 Top Secret emails. ons_that_could_end_her_white_house_dreams/
    Hillary knew the protocol, she signed an SCI NDA and an additional NDA.

    A day after assuming office as secretary of state, Clinton signed a Sensitive Compartmented Information Nondisclosure Agreement that laid out criminal penalties for “any unauthorized disclosure” of classified information. … “I have been advised that the unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention, or negligent handling of SCI by me could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation,” the agreement states.
    Moreover, the agreement covers information of lesser sensitivity. (“In addition to her SCI agreement, Clinton signed a separate NDA for all other classified information. It contains similar language, including prohibiting ‘negligent handling of classified information,’ requiring her to ascertain whether information is classified and laying out criminal penalties.”) Well, that is awkward, as the FBI continues its investigation into potential negligent handling of classified information.
    Her signature on the agreement does not in and of itself make a finding of wrongdoing any more likely. But it robs her of her convenient — and irrelevant — excuse that if do ents were not marked “confidential,” she was in the clear. The do ents makes crystal clear that her critics are right: She had an independent duty to determine whether information was classified. As someone already operating a private server, Clinton cannot claim she had not been warned about her public obligations; she simply chose to ignore them.

    Nice job ting on yourself though

  16. #241
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    The extradition of Romanian hacker “Guccifer” to the U.S. at a critical point in the FBI’s criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email use is “not a coincidence,” according to an intelligence source close to the case.

    One of the notches on Guccifer’s cyber-crime belt was allegedly accessing the email account of Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, one of Clinton’s most prolific advice-givers when she was secretary of state. It was through that hack that Clinton's use of a personal account -- -- first came to light.

    Former law enforcement and cyber security experts said the hacker, whose real name is Marcel Lehel Lazar, could – now that he’s in the U.S. – help the FBI make the case that Clinton’s email server was compromised by a third party, one that did not have the formal backing and resources of a foreign intelligence service such as that of Russia, China or Iran.

    “Because of the proximity to Sidney Blumenthal and the activity involving Hillary’s emails, [the timing] seems to be something beyond curious,” said Ron Hosko, former assistant director of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division from 2012-2014.

    On Tuesday, Lazar appeared in an Alexandria, Va., federal courtroom for his detention hearing, attended by Fox News. He faces a nine-count federal indictment on computer hacking charges and, according to both Romanian and U.S. officials, is expected to be in the country for 18 months.

    A spokesman for the FBI’s Washington Field Office, which led the Guccifer investigation, had no comment on the extradition, the timing, and any potential intersection with the Clinton email probe.

    On or about March 31, Lazar was extradited 3,700 miles to Alexandria from a prison in Arad, Romania, where he has been serving a seven-year sentence for hacking crimes committed in his native country. His targets in Romania were prominent government officials and political figures whom he often taunted under the name of Micul Fum or “Little Smoke.”

    Following his 2014 conviction, Lazar was effectively neutralized in prison and no longer a threat, which makes his transfer to the U.S. all the more noteworthy.

    The 44-year-old entered the Alexandria courtroom wearing a green jumpsuit, with the yellow word "PRISONER" stenciled on the back. Lazar appeared confident and relaxed during the four-minute appearance, telling the court he did not need the translator provided for the hearing.

    According to the 15-page federal indictment, Lazar "specialized in gaining unauthorized access to the online accounts of high-profile individuals" including Clinton ally Blumenthal, who appears to be identified as “Victim 5 … a journalist and former presidential advisor who was the true owner of an AOL account with subaccounts known to the grand jury.”

    The indictment went on to note that using his alias of Guccifer on Blumenthal’s account, “Lazar attempted to conceal his iden y by accessing the account from a proxy server located in Russia.”

    In early 2013, news outlets including Russia Today and The Smoking Gun published memos from Guccifer, with excerpts of exchanges between Blumenthal and Hillary Clinton about Libya including details following the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack.

    In a 2015 prison interview from Romania with reporter Matei Rosca for, Lazar told Rosca that, "I used to read [Clinton's] memos for six or seven hours ... and then do the gardening."

    From London, Rosca told Fox News he is still in touch with Guccifer’s family, including his wife Gabriela. They “lived poor in a dusty town outside Arad. He did not profit from hacking,” he said.

    Rosca emphasized that, “Guccifer has no programming skills and guessed passwords of prominent public figures after reading their biographies.” These included books written by Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell and former president George W. Bush, who were also victimized by Guccifer’s hacking.

    “[Lazar] is a simple and delusional man who has a conspiratorial streak and perhaps wasn’t aware of the damage he was causing. His wife and daughter are back in Romania worrying about him and they have not received a phone call yet since he has been in the U.S.”

    Rosca said Lazar also claimed to have stashed “unpublished hacked material in the cloud, some of it relating to the Middle East. … He said he was expecting to collaborate with U.S. security services when the time is right. Presumably that would be now.”

    Cybersecurity and terrorism expert Morgan Wright told Fox News, “My question is, why now – why just these cases, and why was it so important to bring him [to the U.S.]? I go back to what’s in common, and that’s the exposure.”

    The Romanian government told Fox News that the request to extradite Lazar came from the FBI, but when Fox News asked when the process began, a government spokesperson said they were not authorized to comment further.

    Romanian media have reported the request came on or about Dec. 29, 2015. That would have been shortly after the intelligence community’s identification of emails beyond “top secret” on Clinton’s personal server, which became public in mid-January.

    Clinton’s deliberate choice to use a private, unsecure server based in her home and a private email address for her government business as secretary of state remains under federal investigation by the FBI while she campaigns for president. It has been widely reported in the last month that the FBI is setting up interviews with Clinton and her associates, what is believed to be a final phase in the process.

    The FBI declined comment on the case, and the timing, as did representatives from the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of Virginia and his court-appointed federal public defender, Shannon Quill.

    Hosko, who is not part of the current email probe, read the Guccifer indictment and told Fox News that Guccifer’s technical skills and intent “show the relative ease of getting very close to someone in a high place in government. Not only Hillary Clinton, but Colin Powell and George W. Bush. … It’s important on a couple of levels. Here is an individual in a relatively poor Eastern European country who was able to intrude on sensitive emails about activities in Benghazi.”

    While imprisoned in Romania, Guccifer reportedly met with the FBI, members of the Secret Service and members of Cyber Command to discuss how he accessed and read memos marked “official use only.”

    Hosko noted that commitment of resources by the FBI to extradite Guccifer to the U.S. with the cooperation of Romania is significant.

    A review of recent federal cases by Fox News found that Guccifer’s extradition appears to be an outlier. Hackers typically are extradited in the event of major financial theft, such as a 2013 case where three Romanian men stole in excess of $2 million in a cyber-fraud ring – and not in cases involving a breach of personal privacy.

  17. #242
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    If Hillary goes down, enjoy your schadenfreude, but Bernie will still smash Trump, Kruz, or any other asshole (is all they have) the Repugs go with.

  19. #244
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    If Hillary goes down, enjoy your schadenfreude, but Bernie will still smash Trump, Kruz, or any other asshole (is all they have) the Repugs go with.
    Wipe your ass

  20. #245
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    bad news for Guccifer, for sure

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    bad news for Guccifer, for sure
    Bad news for US taxpayers if Guccifer ends up in Federal prisons, costing us $30K+/year, instead of Romanian prisons, in addition to the $10Ms FBI and Repugs have already wasted trying to win the 2016 election.

  22. #247
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    Despite Immunity, Former Clinton Staffer Again Says No To Testifying To Congress
    By The Associated Press , Herald-Tribune / Friday, April 22, 2016

    A lawyer for the former Hillary Clinton staffer who helped maintain her private email server has told Congress that his client still will not appear before Senate committees investigating the matter.

    The Senate committees on the Judiciary and Homeland Security committees had renewed their request to question Bryan Pagliano about the server after news broke that the Justice Department, which is also investigating the server, had offered him immunity.

    In this Sept. 10, 2015m file photo, Bryan Pagliano, center,a former State Department employee who helped set up and maintain a private email server used by Hillary Clinton, departs Capitol Hill in Washington. A lawyer for Pagliano has told Congress that his client still will not appear before Senate committees investigating the matter. AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

    Committee leaders had told Pagliano that the immunity grant should relieve any concerns he had about being prosecuted if he testified and they requested that he appear before them. He had refused to speak with lawmakers last year, invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in declining to answer questions about the server and email setup.

    But Pagliano’s attorney, Mark MacDougall, said in a March 11 letter obtained by The Associated Press on Friday that Pagliano would continue to “respectfully decline” their invitation.
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    State Dept. Withheld Key Email From Clinton’s Private Server in FOIA Lawsuit
    Source: LawNewz

    The State Department has now acknowledged that it withheld a key Benghazi e-mail in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in July 2014. The State Department acknowledged finding the e-mail in 2014, but it was withheld in its entirety until last week.

    This latest admission comes in a FOIA lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative legal watchdog group, that seeks records related to the drafting and use of the Benghazi talking points. According to Judicial Watch, it contradicts an earlier admission made by the State Department in the same lawsuit. In a letter dated April 18, 2016, the State Department writes:


    The do ent in question is an e-mail from then Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan addressed to Hillary Clinton concerning Benghazi talking points to be used in discussions with Senators. Although redacted almost in its entirety, the e-mail is important because it contains Clinton’s private e-mail server address, [email protected]. Had the State Department disclosed the e-mail at the time of the 2014 FOIA request, it would have exposed Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server to conduct official State Department business in the early fall of 2014. The timing is significant because the disclosure would have occurred several months before the Clinton campaign says she deleted several thousand “personal” e-mails.


    As previously reported, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth was the second federal judge to grant discovery to Judicial Watch in a FOIA lawsuit. In his order, Judge Lamberth found discovery was appropriate due to the “evidence of government wrong-doing and bad faith” on behalf of the State Department in the manner in which they responded to these FOIA requests.
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    6:40 p.m. UPDATE:
    On Tuesday afternoon a State Department official issued the following statement:
    The State Department generally does not comment on matters in litigation. Here, however, there is confusion arising from an administrative error in recent correspondence in which the Department said that the do ent in question was withheld in November 2014. That is incorrect. The complete facts surrounding this do ent are set forth in a public court filing from July 2015. As described in the attached filing, the Department received the do ent in June 2015 from members of former Secretary Clinton’s senior staff, and did not withhold it until that time. The Department regrets any confusion and will be sending corrected correspondence to Judicial Watch.‎

    7:05 p.m. UPDATE:
    In a statement to on Tuesday evening, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, “The State Department can’t keep track of its cover-ups.” Fitton added, ” These changing stories are why two federal court judges granted us discovery.”

    LOL @ cover up.

  25. #250
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    6:40 p.m. UPDATE:
    On Tuesday afternoon a State Department official issued the following statement:
    The State Department generally does not comment on matters in litigation. Here, however, there is confusion arising from an administrative error in recent correspondence in which the Department said that the do ent in question was withheld in November 2014. That is incorrect. The complete facts surrounding this do ent are set forth in a public court filing from July 2015. As described in the attached filing, the Department received the do ent in June 2015 from members of former Secretary Clinton’s senior staff, and did not withhold it until that time. The Department regrets any confusion and will be sending corrected correspondence to Judicial Watch.‎

    7:05 p.m. UPDATE:
    In a statement to on Tuesday evening, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, “The State Department can’t keep track of its cover-ups.” Fitton added, ” These changing stories are why two federal court judges granted us discovery.”

    LOL @ cover up.
    A cover up is exactly what it was, and the Obama administration helped.
    Washington, DC) – The Obama State Department last week admitted it withheld a key Benghazi email of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Judicial Watch since at least September 2014. If the State Department disclosed the email when first supposedly found, Clinton’s email server and her hidden emails would have been disclosed nearly two years ago, before Clinton authorized the alleged deletion of tens of thousands of emails.The developments come in a July 2014 Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records related to the drafting and use of the Benghazi talking points (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)). The lawsuit, which forced the disclosure of the Clinton email records, seeks records specifically from Clinton and her top State Department staff:
    Copies of any updates and/or talking points given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency concerning, regarding, or related to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
    Any and all records or communications concerning, regarding, or relating to talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency.
    Contradicting an earlier statement to the court, an April 18, 2016, State Department letter admits that it found the email at issue in 2014 but was held back in its entirety:
    Also, upon further review, the Department has determined that one do ent previously withheld in full in our letter dated November 12, 2014 may now be released in part.
    The referenced November 12, 2014, letter does not reference any withheld emails. A search declaration suggests the hidden email was found in September 2014 as a result of a search in response to Judicial Watch’s lawsuit.
    The September 29, 2012, email to Clinton from then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan concerns talking points for Clinton calls with senators about the Benghazi attack. The email contains Clinton’s address.
    It is in this litigation that U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth granted “limited discovery” to Judicial Watch into Clinton’s and her aides’ email practices. Judge Lamberth ruled that “where there is evidence of government wrong-doing and bad faith, as here, limited discovery is appropriate, even though it is exceedingly rare in FOIA cases.” (U.S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan also granted Judicial Watch discovery into the Clinton email matter. The discovery plan, agreed to by the State Department, is awaiting Judge Sullivan’s approval.)
    Last week’s do ent production also includes material from a records cache of thousands of new Clinton State Department records supposedly only discovered in December 2015. The new material shows the State Department compiled extensive Libya/Benghazi-related dossiers on Republican and Democrat senators.
    “Now we know the Obama administration consciously refused to give up key information about Hillary Clinton’s email in 2014. It covered up this email both from the court and Judicial Watch,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Judge Lamberth was right when he suggested that Obama’s State Department acted in bad faith. This cover-up provided Hillary Clinton enough time to hide potentially thousands of government records. One aim of our court-order discovery will be to get to the bottom of this cover-up.”

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