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  1. #476
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    That may be so but do you really think Trump and his ilk really read the ins and outs of what's in this bill?

    The answer is no, no they didn't.

    Didn’t they allegedly write it in such a way to enrich themselves?

  2. #477
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    Trump To Delay Signing Tax Bill So The Devastating Impacts Aren’t Felt Until After Midterms

    If this is such a fine piece of legislation, why didn't congressional Republicans rush it to the White House today to get the president's signature on it?

    Trump might wait until after the holidays to officially sign the bill into law so the proposal’s most devastating impacts won’t be felt until after the 2018 midterm elections.

    Celebrations aside, President Trump may wait until next year to sign the tax bill into law,

    delaying $120 billion in automatic cuts to popular programs such as Medicare and

    sparing Republicans from having to explain them in an election year.

    Here’s why:

    If Trump signs the tax bill this month,

    it could trigger steep automatic spending cuts early next year to a raft of programs.

    But if Trump waits until January to sign the bill,

    the spending cuts would be delayed until 2019

    after next year’s congressional elections —

    giving lawmakers a full year to prevent them.

    Trump and his Republican allies in Congress know they sold the country

    an expensive bill of goods that will harm millions of people,

    whether it’s through higher taxes,

    the dismantling of Obamacare, or

    a e in insurance costs.

    But they want to avoid these devastating effects as long as possible,

    particularly with a midterm election around the corner. d&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Poli ticus+USA+%29

  3. #478
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    ‘Oh my God, is that SNL?’: Watch Don Lemon burst out laughing over Republicans’ effusive Trump praise

    Repugs mocking, fake-pandering to Trash's pitiful ego with Fake Praise

  4. #479
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    ‘Oh my God, is that SNL?’: Watch Don Lemon burst out laughing over Republicans’ effusive Trump praise

    Repugs mocking, fake-pandering to Trash's pitiful ego with Fake Praise

    LOL. Don Lemon. Take him as seriously as you would Hannity. He hates black people but has no problem profiting from pretending to be black.

  5. #480
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    Didn’t they allegedly write it in such a way to enrich themselves?

  6. #481
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    LOL. Don Lemon. Take him as seriously as you would Hannity. He hates black people but has no problem profiting from pretending to be black.
    Loved his interview with Morgan Freeman
    Last edited by rmt; 12-21-2017 at 06:10 AM.

  7. #482
    Kang Trill Clinton's Avatar
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    LOL. Don Lemon. Take him as seriously as you would Hannity. He hates black people but has no problem profiting from pretending to be black.
    This guy is obsessed with race, gotdayum lol

  8. #483
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    This guy is obsessed with race, gotdayum lol

    Coming from you, that's like Avante telling someone how to pick up legal aged pussy.

  9. #484
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    Trump just told the truth. He may wish he hadn’t.

    “I shouldn’t say this,” Trump said, “but we essentially repealed Obamacare.”
    Republicans, in rushing the tax bill to passage, kept fairly quiet about the fact that they were killing the “individual mandate” and thereby removing the engine that made the Affordable Care Act work.

    In doing so,
    they threw the health-care system into chaos without offering any remedy.

    Trump just claimed paternity of the destruction.

    he read aloud the

    stage directions that called for Republicans not to advertise that they were killing Obamacare.

    “Obamacare has been repealed in this bill. We didn’t want to bring it up,” he said.

    “I told people specifically, ‘Be quiet with the fake-news media because I don’t want them talking too much about it.’ Because I didn’t know how people would —.” Trump didn’t finish that thought,

    Trump has officially claimed full ownership of the health-care system for himself

    ●Premiums for the most popular health insurance on the individual market exchanges are estimated to rise 34 percent on average next year,

    ●Employer-based health insurance costs are forecast to rise in 2018 by the most since 2011, at 4.3 percent, according to the human resources consulting firm Mercer, and overall medical costs will be up 6.5 percent, the first increase in the rate in three years,

    The more Trump claims to have done away with Obamacare, “the more he owns problems in the health system of his making or not,”

    Susan Collins (R-Maine), who, in exchange for her vote for the tax bill, was hornswoggled into believing Congress will take action before year end on subsidies to stabilize the former Obamacare exchanges.

    That has now been put off until next year, and it will meet stiff resistance from Collins’s fellow Republicans. a5e00c6&wpisrc=nl_most&wpmm=1

  10. #485
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    This Tax Accountant's Thoughts on the New Tax Law

    Without the mandate to have insurance, health care premiums will go up, and self-employed people will have to bear the cost without employer subsidies.

    It will particularly hurt wage-earners, you who are employees. It will specifically hurt police, fire fighters, nurses and teachers. Why? Because it eliminates employee business expenses.

    Teachers can take $250 of deductions, but "Masters plus 30" education — teachers can get raises up to 30 hours past their Masters Degree — will no longer be deductible if you earn more than $65,000 as a single person or $130,000 as a married couple.

    In other words, education you pay for on your own dime to become better at your job —
    any job — will no longer be deductible starting January 1st.
    Starting in 2018, classroom supplies, photocopies, incentives, classroom decorations, class parties, union dues are all gone.

    Police, nurses and firefighters, who previously deducted uniforms and equipment, you can kiss that goodbye, along with union dues.

    Carpenters and electricians can no longer deduct equipment, tools and supplies.

    those who pay for supplies and union dues out of pocket will be hurt disproportionately compared to those who don't.

    the $10,000 SALT cap hurts my clients who live in Connecticut, New Jersey and New York, where I prepare taxes as an Enrolled Agent, licensed to practice before the Internal Revenue Service.

    This is the wave of the future, which technically expires for individuals in 2026, at which point we don't know what will happen,but the corporate tax cuts will be permanent. This will create massive budget deficits.

    Speaker Paul Ryan is already saying that the increase in the deficit means that Congress will likely attempt to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits.

    We're going to have to get back next year at en lement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,” Ryan said

    "...Frankly, it's the health care en lements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on the health care en lements — because that's really where the problem lies, fiscally speaking. In other words, Congress will be paying for tax breaks to corporations by cutting Social Security and Medicare to pay for it.

    This law Is designed to benefit they Republican donor class, who have threatened to cut off funding unless and until this has passed.

    It also is insidiously designed to social engineer our society,

    away from wage earners and

    the benefits that employers are obligated to provide,

    to become an increasingly
    non-union and non-employee based economy of

    contractors and sub-contractors,

    no benefits, sick pay, family leave, unemployment insurance, workers compensation, or vacation pay.

  11. #486
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    The Repug tax plan will force people into the gig economy which is mostly poverty level, unreliable income

    "with no benefits, sick pay, family leave, unemployment insurance, workers compensation, or vacation pay."

    ... having to pay both employee and employer payroll taxes.

  12. #487
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    Now that the GOP has passed its tax bill, Americans get to find out what's in it (Spoiler alert: It's not good)

    we now get to see how Republican theories about tax policy intersect with reality, and both experience and reason suggest this bill is going to present a host of unintended consequences.

    Seven years after the Citizens United decision made corporations into people,

    the Republican tax bill may make a lot of people want to turn themselves into corporations — or, more precisely, LLCs.

    In a break from how the tax code has worked in the past, the new Republican version provides substantial advantages to those who earn money as an owner or partner in a firm rather than an employee.

    Those who are officially considered independent contractors could find substantial tax advantages over co-workers who are classified as employees, even if they earn the same amount and do the same kind of work.

    Kansas made a similar change in 2012 as part of Republican Gov. Sam Brownback’s massive tax cut plan. It exempted pass-through income altogether from state income taxes, and the result — surprise! — was a lot more people started reporting their income that way.

    The most famous example was University of Kansas football coach David Beaty,
    who saved an estimated $37,000 a year in state income taxes by funneling most of his earnings through an LLC,

    but he wasn’t alone.

    The Tax Foundation (by no means a liberal group) analyzed the numbers and found

    a e in pass-through en y formation and in the amount of income reported as being earned by such en ies in the years

    after the Brownback cuts, leading to a drop of about $200 million to $300 million in state revenue.

    That’s as much as 5 percent of the state’s operating budget at the time.

    The tax plan not only slashes corporate tax rates but also provides even steeper cuts for companies that repatriate profits being stashed overseas. We’ve tried that before. It cost the treasury a bundle and fostered virtually no economic benefits.

    The legislation changes the inflation calculation used to adjust tax brackets, with the effect that they will rise more slowly and consequently push people into paying at a higher rate. Analysts have found scenarios in which marginal income could be taxed at a rate exceeding 100 percent.

    the tax cut bill will lead to steeper rate hikes than the fed would otherwise have approved — possibly even leading to a recession.

  13. #488
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    House Republicans Don’t Know Some Very Basic Facts About The Tax Bill They Wrote

    It took us 18 tries to find a GOP congressman who could tell us the individual income tax brackets.

    To be clear, we were just looking for seven figures: 10 percent, 12 percent, 22 percent, 24 percent, 32 percent, 35 percent and 37 percent.

    We were not looking for congressional representatives to display some savant-like ability and provide the income thresholds for each bracket. We just wanted to see if Republicans knew this one simple element of a bill they were rushing into law.

    They didn’t.

    Among the GOP lawmakers who were shaky on those specifics were

    members of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee,

    the chairwoman of the House Budget Committee (Rep. Diane Black of Tennessee) and

    the lead author of the bill in the House (Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady of Texas).

    When we pressed Brady again to name the brackets, he dismissed the question. “So please, please. Seriously? I would like to finish my job,” he said.

    Even though Brady almost certainly should know the brackets in a tax bill he is authoring, the Ways and Means chairman was in good company.

    We repeatedly asked Budget Chairwoman Black, who repeatedly claimed she knew the brackets, but would not say them.

    As the head of the Budget Committee, Black oversaw the budget vehicle that allowed Republicans to pass the tax bill through a special legislative process without any Democratic support.

    A number of House Republicans eventually admitted they didn’t know the brackets “off the top of my head.” Those were the words of Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.). And Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Ala.). And Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.).

    Republicans began their quest for tax reform by

    promising a simpler tax code ― one with fewer brackets,
    even though the relationship between brackets and simplicity is tenuous at best.

    Still, by their own words, reducing the number of brackets was a key goal. And the bill would be slightly easier to comprehend

    if there were fewer brackets ― which there aren’t ― although it still wouldn’t really be easier to file your taxes.

    House Republicans told us, time and again, that they were “very familiar” with the details of this legislation. When we suggested they didn’t have much time to read the final legislation after it was released Friday night, they said they had plenty of time.

    those lawmakers didn’t know basic facts about the bill?

    As Roger Williams ― who has an estimated worth between $20 million and $70 million ― said about the individual tax rate,

    “I know what mine’s going to be.”

  14. #489
    ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) AaronY's Avatar
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    side note but boutons besides being bad at everything else is also awful at nicknames; Trash, Repugs, hmm need a third here for joke cacence but don't have it off top of my head (help someone ?), anyway yeah so lame

  15. #490
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    side note but boutons besides being bad at everything else is also awful at nicknames; Trash, Repugs, hmm need a third here for joke cacence but don't have it off top of my head (help someone ?), anyway yeah so lame

  16. #491
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    10 reasons Democrats think the tax bill will be a political loser for Trump’s GOP in the midterms

    1. Most folks who pay lower taxes will not save enough to care.

    80 percent of taxpayers will see an increase of less than 2 percent in their after-tax income,

    “There is no history of voters being grateful for tax cuts that small,”

    2. Voters don’t just think the bill benefits the wealthy. They think it benefits the wealthy at their expense.

    3. Trump is an ineffective messenger.

    Not only does he have historically low, Bush-after-Katrina approval numbers, and stands to save millions a year from his own bill, but he’s notoriously undisciplined and struggles to stay on script.

    4. Congressional leaders aren’t good pitchmen either. “If we can’t sell this to the American people, we ought to go into another line of work,”

    5. Conservative groups have already spent more than $70 million promoting an overhaul of the tax code, by some estimates, and most people still don’t think the bill is good. How will new commercials do what the previous ones could not?

    6. The most effective GOP messages to grow support for the bill are not true.

    7. The tax debate has allowed Democrats to open an advantage over Republicans on the broader question of who voters trust more to manage the economy, which is still a top concern.

    8. By repealing the individual mandate, Republicans now own the health-care mess.

    9. Polls show voters are receptive to the argument that Republicans did not sufficiently reach across the aisle or work in good faith with Democrats to make the bill better.

    10. Ronald Reagan did not benefit politically from cutting taxes in either 1982 or 1986.

  17. #492
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    side note but boutons besides being bad at everything else is also awful at nicknames; Trash, Repugs, hmm need a third here for joke cacence but don't have it off top of my head (help someone ?), anyway yeah so lame
    christian sharia is incredibly unimaginative

  18. #493
    wrong about pizzagate TSA's Avatar
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    christian sharia is incredibly unimaginative
    don't discount knitters

  19. #494
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    Tax bill opens Alaska to oil production worth billions of dollars, strengthening America

  20. #495
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    Tax bill opens Alaska to oil production worth billions of dollars, strengthening America
    Oh, ok.

  21. #496
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    Man who left manure at Treasury Secretary Mnuchin's house comes forward, speaks out

  22. #497
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    Secret Service takes over investigation of package of manure sent to Steve Mnuchin's Bel-Air home

    It’s not clear that any local laws were violated

    even though the package provoked an extensive law-enforcement response early Saturday evening, said Officer Ray Barron, of the West Los Angeles Division of the L.A. Police Dept.

    “There was nothing other than insulting comments,” said Barron, describing a note that accompanied the box.

    “There was nothing dangerous in the box — no controlled substances. No threats were made.”

    I'm sure racist Sessions will find some way to prosecute the giver of the great gift of horse .

  23. #498
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    After Tax Reform Victory, Salt Lake Tribune Calls On Orrin Hatch To Retire

    The Salt Lake Tribune’s editorial board says it’s time for Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) to step aside.

    In a scathing Christmas morning editorial, the newspaper

    named Hatch its “Utahn of the Year”

    – a designation that recognizes a person who has had a large
    impact on the state, “for good or for ill.”

    The newspaper called Hatch, who is the longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history,

    a politician with an “utter lack of integrity”

    who has an

    “unquenchable thirst for power.”

    While the newspaper

    praised Hatch for his role in passing tax reform

    last week, it said that legislative victory, coupled with

    Hatch’s efforts in the “dramatic dismantling” of Utah’s national monuments,

    signal it’s time for an exit.

  24. #499
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    ‘Reading is fundamental’: Orrin Hatch ridiculed for thanking Utah paper that attacked his ‘unquenchable thirst for power’

    In what may very well be a case of “too long, didn’t read,”

    Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) thanked the
    Salt Lake Tribune for naming him “Utahn of the Year,”

    seemingly unaware the same paper explained

    the choice wasn’t made because they thought we he was doing a good job.

    In fact, the paper’s editorial board called on him to leave office.

  25. #500
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    Groveling Obsequious Poltroons

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