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  1. #9076
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    ^Barry politicized, and thereby compromised these government arms.

  2. #9077
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    “Flawed individuals will victimize you”: A top FBI profiler’s lessons on extreme narcissists like Trump

    There are 130 warning signs of the narcissistic personality. Trump checks off at least 90

    Navarro’s book warns that if a “person has a preponderance of the major features of a narcissistic personality,” then he “is an emotional, psychological, financial or physical danger to you or others.” As the book “The Narcissism Epidemic” explained, “A recent psychiatric study found that the biggest consequences of narcissism — especially when other psychiatric symptoms were held constant — was suffering by people close to them.”

    “Nobody seems to realize that normal rules do not apply when you are interviewing a narcissist,” this behavior expert explains to Fallows. “You can’t go about this in the way you were trained, because he is an expert at manipulating the very rules you learned.” He criticizes The New York Times for believing what Trump said when they interviewed him (which is the same point I’ve made). Finally, he warns:

    “… anyone who’s dealt with a narcissist knows you never, ever believe what they say — because they will say whatever the person they are talking to wants to hear. DT is a master at phrasing things vaguely enough that multiple listeners will be able to hear exactly what they want. It isn’t word salad; it’s overt deception, which is much more pernicious.”

    To leap to the conclusion, people on the far end of the narcissist spectrum lack empathy. And, Navarro told me, “these personality traits are fixed and rigid.” That person doesn’t change. They don’t pivot. Not what you would want in the leader of the world’s most powerful nation.

    The cult of Donald Trump?

    I came across a 2012 article from Psychology Today Navarro wrote listing “the typical traits of the pathological cult leader … you should watch for and which shout caution, get away, run or avoid if possible.” Here are just the first nine of the 50 traits he lists:

    1. Has a grandiose idea of who he is and what he can achieve.
    2. Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power or brilliance.
    3. Demands blind unquestioned obedience.
    4. Requires excessive admiration from followers and outsiders.
    5. Has a sense of en lement  —  expecting to be treated special at all times.
    6. Is exploitative of others by asking for their money or that of relatives, putting others at financial risk.
    7. Is arrogant and haughty in his behavior or at ude.
    8. Has an exaggerated sense of power (en lement) that allows him to bend rules and break laws.
    9. Takes sexual advantage of members of his sect or cult.

    Navarro writes, “If these traits sound familiar to leaders, groups, sects or organizations known to you then expect those who associate with them to live in despair and to suffer even if they don’t know it, yet.”
    Is Donald Trump Actually a Narcissist? Therapists Weigh In!”:

    “Textbook narcissistic personality disorder,”

    echoed clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis.

    “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops because there’s no better example of his characteristics,”

    said clinical psychologist George Simon, who conducts lectures and seminars on manipulative behavior.

    “Otherwise, I would have had to hire actors and write vignettes. He’s like a dream come true.”

    Are such diagnoses untenable and/or meaningless? Not necessarily, says psychiatrist Dr. Sally Satel, a resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Ins ute, in an article in Slate in October, “It’s OK to Speculate About Trump’s Mental Health.”

    these are the nine diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) in DSM-V (“Five are needed to be eligible for the diagnosis”):

    • A grandiose logic of self-importance
    • A fixation with fantasies of infinite success, control, brilliance, beauty or idyllic love
    • A credence that he or she is extraordinary and exceptional and can only be understood by, or should connect with, other extraordinary or important people or ins utions
    • A desire for unwarranted admiration
    • A sense of en lement
    • Interpersonally oppressive behavior
    • No form of empathy
    • Resentment of others or a conviction that others are resentful of him or her
    • A display of egotistical and conceited behaviors or at udes

  3. #9078
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    Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill?

    3 Professors Of Psychiatry Ask President Obama To Conduct ‘A Full Medical And Neuropsychiatric Evaluation’

    Virtually every mental health professional I interviewed told me that they believed, with 100% certainty, that Mr. Trump satisfied the DSM criteria of this incurable illness and that, as a result, he is a serious danger to the country and the world.

    Because someone afflicted with this incurable and progressive “Narcissistic Personality Disorder” simply can’t help himself.

    Here’s why:

    1. People with NPD are extremely sensitive and insecure. They psychologically require constant compliments and acknowledgement because they do not have their own internal self-esteem. They need to get it from others.

    2. If someone does criticize them, even in a Tweet or on a television comedy show, it triggers this deep and painful lack of self-esteem and they MUST lash out to relieve the pain of the criticism.

    3. They have only two modes: They are either fully your friend and love you or you are their enemy and they will do everything to discredit you or humiliate you. They can’t help it. The pain of having someone in their circle who does not approve of them or acknowledge them, (almost constantly), is too great.

    4. There are only two ways to deal with someone with NPD, and they are both dangerous. There is no healthy way of interacting with someone with this affliction. If you criticize them they will lash out at you and if they have a great deal of power, that can be consequential. If you compliment them it only acts to increase the delusional and grandiose reality the sufferer has created, causing him to be even more reliant on constant and endless compliments and unwavering support.

    5. Because they crave the attention and approval of others they develop great capacity to engage and entertain and can be quite charismatic, even to the point of developing a cult-like following.

    6. Someone with NPD will NEVER get along with any member of the press, or any media outlet that criticizes him.

    7. Someone with NPD will NEVER hire (and will fire) anyone who criticizes him. Therefore, and because they believe they know better than almost everyone else, they have a very hard time listening and taking any advice.

    Concerns Expressed by Mental Health Professionals

    The President of The United State and Commander in Chief is the only American who has ANY say over the mobilization of The United States Military, the authorization of a military strike on a perceived or real enemy and the launch of any and all of the weapons possessed by The United States Military, including 7,000 nuclear warheads.

    There is no “Fail Safe”.

    There is no “Team”.

    There is no thoughtful review.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 12-21-2016 at 03:19 PM.

  4. #9079
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    60M people being CONNED by sicko Trash is very scary.

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    The GOP Is Becoming a Pro-Putin Party. Where Is Trump Going to Lead Them Next?

    With Trump in the White House, it turns out the Republican establishment is surprisingly suggestible

    Donald Trump is in the process of creating his own reality for his party. We should be profoundly concerned about the way in which Trump not only lies but encourages his supporters to believe the lies he tells. But can he actually remake the Republican Party in the process, to change its very iden y and ideology?

    Consider this:

    Donald Trump is making the GOP, the party of Cold Warriors from Nixon to Reagan and beyond, into the

    most pro-Russian party we've seen in generations, if ever.

    Not only has Trump surrounded himself with advisers friendly to the Russian government,

    he himself praised Vladimir Putin again and again during the campaign, and

    now refuses to believe the consensus of the American intelligence community that Russia intervened in our election on his behalf.

    One might also argue that Republicans are just now realizing that

    Putin is a leader after their own hearts:

    An avatar of anxious masculinity,

    he finds democratic constraints inconvenient,

    rules with an iron hand, and

    has a habit of having his enemies killed.

    Sure, there's a difference between Donald Trump railing against the "dishonest media" and Putin's disfavored journalists winding up dead with frightening regularity, but I suppose Republicans get where Putin is coming from.

    dumbed-down sheeple are suggestible, esp under financial, etc stress.

    The parallels with Hitler and the ed up Germany after WWI are strong. That was a disaster for Germany.

    Pootin has Trash by the balls, hours of videos of Trash with s and coke, no doubt.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 12-21-2016 at 08:48 AM.

  7. #9082
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    More reality from down in Trash's rabbit hole

    Ignorance or paranoia? Trump links three unrelated attacks in his “us vs. them” worldview

    Based on zero information, our president-elect lumps distinct acts of violence into a struggle for civilization

    Donald J. Trump

    Today there were terror attacks in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany - and it is only getting worse. The civilized world must change thinking!

    5:21 PM - 19 Dec 2016

    That’s not a lot to go on — and not nearly enough to lump all three incidents together into one easily digestible package. But Trump has it all figured out, even going so far as to link the Berlin attack to the Islamic State (something authorities in Berlin have not done, since the one person they had detained has been released and the perpetrator appears to be unknown).

    Trump even has a remedy: “The civilized world must change thinking!” Presumably this means that the “civilized world,” however he defines it, has to come around to the

    Trumpian position that adherence to the Muslim faith makes a person a possible terrorist.

    Once again, we are thrown into the “clash of civilizations” rhetoric. As a presidential candidate, Trump was a big believer in framing the “War on Terror” as a struggle between the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds, even going so far as to say “I think Islam hates us.”

    His White Male Christian Warriors are hearing, believing his call to War on Muslims. I expect some of his warriors to slaughter a bunch of US Muslims, like Roof slaughtered blacks.

  8. #9083
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    Donald Trump’s questionable intelligence: All those false claims about his academic record and derision of others bespeak profound insecurity

    Our president-elect loves to talk about his intellectual gifts and academic success. Shockingly, none of it's true

    Trump frequently boasts about how smart he is. Anyone who feels compelled to tell everyone how smart he is is clearly insecure about his intelligence and accomplishments. In Trump’s case, he has good reason to have doubts.

    Trump has the kind of street smarts (what he calls “gut instinct”) characteristic of con artists, but

    his limited vocabulary,

    short attention span,

    ignorance of policy specifics,

    indifference to scientific evidence and

    admitted aversion to reading raise questions about his intellectual abilities.

    In 2004, in an interview with CNN, Trump said, “I went to the Wharton School of Finance. I got very good marks. I was a good student. It’s the best business school in the world, as far as I’m concerned.”

    Trump has repeated that claim many times since. Each time, it isn’t clear if he’s trying to convince his interviewer or himself.

    Trump frequently communicates via Twitter, which is not a good venue for displaying one’s linguistic prowess, but many observers have noted that

    Trump has a difficult time expressing himself and speaking in complete sentences.

    A linguistic analysis last year by Politico found that Trump speaks at a fourth-grade level.

    A study by researchers at Carnegie-Mellon University compared this year’s Republican and Democratic presidential candidates in terms of their

    vocabulary and grammar. Trump’s scored at a fifth-grade level, the lowest of all the candidates.

    Tony Schwartz, who spent a great deal of time with the developer while ghostwriting his book “The Art of the Deal,”noted that Trump has a very limited vocabulary.

    It would hardly be surprising if these observations infuriated the vain and insecure Trump.

    Emotionally childish and damaged, intellectually stunted and incurious (like dubya).

    Thanks, you 60M rightwingnut connable assholes.

  9. #9084
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    I just love a Boutons meltdown in the morning...starts my day off with a good laugh.

  10. #9085
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    I just love a Boutons meltdown in the morning...starts my day off with a good laugh.
    Yep, he's waken up twisted in the sheets with the realization it was not a nightmare.

    Let us proceed...

  11. #9086
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    I just love a Boutons meltdown in the morning...starts my day off with a good laugh.
    no melt down here. Having so much fun slapping you little, less Trash fellators.

    Tell us how rich you are, and whine about your taxes. Never gets old.

  12. #9087
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    Scott Walker directly appeals to Trump to let him drug test people who need food stamps

    Walker is publicly leaning on his ally before Trump even takes office.

    drug-testing is proven waste money.

    100Ks of Trash's WI white voters on food stamps aren't gonna like what Trash and Walker do to them.

  13. #9088
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    no melt down here. Having so much fun slapping you little, less Trash fellators.

    Tell us how rich you are, and whine about your taxes. Never gets old.
    You, post-election:

  14. #9089
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    Trumpites bully congressional Republicans, Politico helps

    Aw, the poor babies! Congressional Republicans have run to Politico to complain about how mean the Trumpites are to them. The big bullies.

    It’s little wonder that Capitol Hill Republicans have papered over their not-insignificant policy differences with Trump, shying away from any statement about the president-elect that might possibly be construed as critical. They’re terrified of arousing the ire of their tempestuous new leader — or being labeled a turncoat by his army of followers. […]

    Since the election,

    numerous congressional Republicans have refused to publicly weigh in on any Trump proposal at odds with Republican orthodoxy

    from his border wall to his massive infrastructure package.

    The most common reason, stated repeatedly but always privately:

    They're afraid of being attacked by Breitbart or other big-name Trump supporters. [...]

    An editor at Breitbart, formerly run by senior Trump adviser Steve Bannon, said that fear is well-founded.

    “If any politician in either party veers from what the voters clearly voted for in a landslide election … we stand at the ready to call them out on it and hold them accountable,”

    the person said.

    Good job there, Politico, giving Breitbart goons anonymity to issue threats against elected officials. That's journalism!

  15. #9090
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    Trump’s Infrastructure Financing Seems Like a Joke

    There is much research showing the benefits of spending on traditional infrastructure such as roads and bridges.

    There are also likely to be large gains from less traditional areas like broadband, where the U.S. ranks poorly among wealthy countries, and

    improving the quality of public drinking water to avoid more Flint disasters.

    Ideally, a public investment agenda would carry over into areas like early childhood education, which we know provides huge benefits to the children directly affected and the economy over the longer term.

    But based on what is known to date, the Trump plan is not likely to meet these needs.

    Because it relies on a tax credit, only projects that generate revenue would fit the bill.

    That’s fine for toll roads and bridges, but this won’t repair our water systems and schools or even pay for repairing existing roads and bridges that are publicly owned.

    And items like early childhood education would clearly not be on the agenda.

    Of course we could privatize everything in sight, but this often does not go well. And it especially does not go well in the absence of strong government regulation.

    Every believer in free market economics knows that an unregulated water monopoly will gouge its consumers.

    But based on what is known to date, the Trump plan is not likely to meet these needs.

    If the government financed $1 trillion in infrastructure through bond sales, the deficit hawks would all be screaming about the $1 trillion in new debt.

    But if contractors spent $1 trillion in infrastructure financed by decades worth of tolls and other charges the economists would be silent, even though the public would be paying for both.

  16. #9091
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    Prepare to eat , Trash and Repugs are preparing it now, my little .

  17. #9092
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    Yep, he's waken up twisted in the sheets with the realization it was not a nightmare.

    Let us proceed...

  18. #9093
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    ‘He Sounds Like a Cartoon Doctor!’: CNN Panel Cracks Up at Remarks from Trump Doctor

    A CNN panel this afternoon couldn’t help but just laugh today at recent remarks made by President-elect Donald Trump‘s doctor.
    Dr. Harold Bornstein was asked about Trump’s health and actually said,

    “If something happens to him, then it happens to him.

    It’s like all the rest of us, no?

    That’s why we have a vice president and a Speaker of the House and a whole line of people.

    They can just keep dying.”

    S.E. Cupp
    and Heidi Przybyla both laughed as Jake Tapper read that aloud. Cupp said, “At least he didn’t promise Donald Trump would live forever!”

    She also observed, “He sounds like a Muppet doctor! He sounds like a cartoon doctor!”

    Holy , Trash surrounds himself with the best people!

    The Dems should take the shrinks advice and include a neuropsychiatric evaluation for Trash along with the normal physical.

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    Trump win ignites hope for stalled Alaska copper, gold mine

    A small Canadian miner is confident Donald Trump's U.S. presidential win will let it proceed with an application for a copper and gold mine in Alaska that has been stalled almost three years by environmental regulators aiming to protect the world's biggest sockeye salmon fishery.

    Ronald Thiessen, chief executive officer and president of Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd, said he expected the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to announce in the first quarter of 2017 that it will let the application process proceed for the controversial project.

    He said the company has held discussions with Trump's transition team, including Myron Ebell, who heads the EPA transition.

    Shares in Northern Dynasty, which owns the massive Pebble deposit in southwest Alaska's Bristol Bay region, have more than doubled since the U.S. election on Nov. 8.

    The shares surged 23 percent on Nov. 9 alone.

    Kill the fish, poison the sea, why the not?

  20. #9095
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    Prepare to eat , Trash and Repugs are preparing it now, my little .
    Can someone translate this post for me? I don't speak loser.

  21. #9096
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    Trash is such a pissy little, cheap punk

    ‘Mad Alex!’ Trump Called Former Scottish Prime Minister Names in Letters About Golf Course Dispute

    Several of President Elect Donald Trump’s many ongoing controversies in recent years stemmed from Trump International Gold Links, his golf course in Scotland.

    This includes everything from
    building a wall so neighbors who wouldn’t sell their property to him couldn’t see the course (and billing them for it)

    as well as
    his opposition to a nearby wind farm that he felt would be an eyesore.

    It’s the latter that’s back in the news on Wednesday, as
    Huffington Post U.K.received the response to a public records request for

    all of the letters
    that Trump sent to Alex Salmond,

    then Scotland’s First Minister (effectively the Scottish Prime Minister).

    After a few months without a written reply, Trump started to get into attack mode, saying that

    “You seem bent on destroying Scotland’s coastline and therefore, Scotland itself — but I will never be ‘on board,’ as you have stated I would be, with this insanity.”

    He goes on to compare the

    visual of wind turbines to “looking through the bars of a prison” for Scottish citizens,

    adding that tourists won’t visit anymore for the same reason.

    But Trump insisted he was “doing this to save Scotland and honor my mother, Mary Macleod, who, as you know, was born and raised in Stornoway.”

    From there, Trump gets

    increasingly hostile, eventually taking to calling Salmond “Mad Alex, the man who destroyed Scotland”

    by suggesting that will be his legacy for centuries to come.

    Eventually, in April 2012, Salmond send a calmly written, detailed response, only for Trump to send another eight to nine (it’s unclear if he got the reply yet before he sent his next letter a week later) letters over the next year or so.

    Trash supporters, there's you next piece of low-class, childish punk Trash, as YOUR President, not mine.

  22. #9097
    License to Lillard tlongII's Avatar
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    Trash is such a pissy little, cheap punk

    ‘Mad Alex!’ Trump Called Former Scottish Prime Minister Names in Letters About Golf Course Dispute

    Several of President Elect Donald Trump’s many ongoing controversies in recent years stemmed from Trump International Gold Links, his golf course in Scotland.

    This includes everything from
    building a wall so neighbors who wouldn’t sell their property to him couldn’t see the course (and billing them for it)

    as well as
    his opposition to a nearby wind farm that he felt would be an eyesore.

    It’s the latter that’s back in the news on Wednesday, as
    Huffington Post U.K.received the response to a public records request for

    all of the letters
    that Trump sent to Alex Salmond,

    then Scotland’s First Minister (effectively the Scottish Prime Minister).

    After a few months without a written reply, Trump started to get into attack mode, saying that

    “You seem bent on destroying Scotland’s coastline and therefore, Scotland itself — but I will never be ‘on board,’ as you have stated I would be, with this insanity.”

    He goes on to compare the

    visual of wind turbines to “looking through the bars of a prison” for Scottish citizens,

    adding that tourists won’t visit anymore for the same reason.

    But Trump insisted he was “doing this to save Scotland and honor my mother, Mary Macleod, who, as you know, was born and raised in Stornoway.”

    From there, Trump gets

    increasingly hostile, eventually taking to calling Salmond “Mad Alex, the man who destroyed Scotland”

    by suggesting that will be his legacy for centuries to come.

    Eventually, in April 2012, Salmond send a calmly written, detailed response, only for Trump to send another eight to nine (it’s unclear if he got the reply yet before he sent his next letter a week later) letters over the next year or so.

    Trash supporters, there's you next piece of low-class, childish punk Trash, as YOUR President, not mine.

    You moving Boots?

  23. #9098
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    You moving Boots?
    Love Trash or Leave America? I heard that 50 years ago from the "white working class" about the Repugs' Viet Nam disaster. G F Y

  24. #9099
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    do all y'all ignorant kickers find ANYTHING in the Repug platform or in Trash's platform that will help Trash's WWC?

  25. #9100
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    Love Trash or Leave America? I heard that 50 years ago from the "white working class" about the Repugs' Viet Nam disaster. G F Y
    Dumb . Vietnam started with Kennedy and LBJ.

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