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  1. #76
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    I think Bernie sound like a nutjob.
    .. says a Trump, Carson, Palin supporter

  2. #77
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    .. says a Trump, Carson, Palin supporter
    I like Rubio and Fiorina, actually

  3. #78
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    I like Rubio and Fiorina, actually
    What do you think of Carson?

  4. #79
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    I like Rubio and Fiorina, actually
    Fiorina is your nutjob, Rubio wants to enrich the 1% fantastically (no tax on investment income, etc)

  5. #80
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    I think Bernie sound like a nutjob.
    He is quite liberal. It wouldn't surprise me you think so.

    Anything you find particularly nutty?

  6. #81
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    Ben Carson, a grifter on the wingnut welfare circuit: How he just gave away the act

    Carson will instead step off the trail to spend a couple of weeks on a book tour supporting “A More Perfect Union,“his just-released guide to interpreting the Cons ution for people who think Ben Carson ever knows what he’s talking about.

    The reaction on the right has been one of utter befuddlement. A candidate does not take time off from the Bataan Death March that is a modern presidential campaign just to read a few pages of his book to a bunch of elderly wingnuts in the back corner of the Hackensack Barnes and Noble. Especially not when he is in second place in the polls, nearly even with the frontrunner and far ahead of the rest of the pack. And he got there with hardly doing any traditional campaigning. Why stop now?

    The shock would be a lot easier to take seriously if

    a) Ben Carson had not already shown himself to have a grasp of reality best described as “tenuous” and

    b) if there was not a whole conservative ecosystem of publishers, TV and radio producers, think tanks, con artists and assorted other flimflammers all dedicated to making conservative politicians and media figures rich(er) through a combination of generous funding by wealthy benefactors and sucking money out of the pockets of rubes inclined to buy mail-order survival seeds as a hedge against the imminent Communist takeover of America, all because Fox News told them Obama is coming to steal their guns.

    It’s a perpetual motion machine of grift. Ben Carson is simply cashing in.

    Historian Rick Perlstein traced the history of the right wing’s money-making cons in a 2012 essay in The Baffler. After describing the product pitches he was inundated with by conservative publications after he subscribed to their email lists, Perlstein said this:

    [T]his stuff is as important to understanding the conservative ascendancy as are the internecine organizational and ideological struggles that make up its official history—if not, indeed, more so. The strategic alliance of snake-oil vendors and conservative true believers points up evidence of another successful long march, of tactics designed to corral fleeceable mul udes all in one place—and the formation of a cast of mind that makes it hard for either them or us to discern where the ideological con ended and the money con began.

    One need only look at the Republican candidates from the last two election cycles to see the cycle of grift at work.

    There was Ron Paul and his newsletters promising to show you how to put all your money in gold in advance of a worldwide economic collapse that never seems to arrive.
    (But please don’t cancel that subscription!)

    There was Mike Huckabee, recently busted for hawking a cinnamon-based cure for diabetes to the elderly diabetes-prone conservative base, using his 2008 campaign to land a talk show on the Fox News channel.

    There was the grandmamma of them all, Sarah Palin, who famously quit the governor’s mansion in Alaska after running for vice president in 2008 because she could make way more money babbling on Fox News occasionally, selling books defending that oft-endangered celebration of Christmas, and starring in reality shows.

    No matter how many times it happens, I never fail to be gobsmacked by how gobsmacked Republicans are when one of their own presidential candidates turns out to be a huckster shilling a get-rich-quick scheme or a miracle cure for diabetes or a fanciful interpretation of the Cons ution that gives Cleon Skousen’s corpse a stiffy.

    It is as if conservative media figures and political operatives do not read their ownpublications.

    Aside from showing up at the debates and sitting for interviews, Carson has done very little campaigning. He has not had to put forth much in the way of serious, detailed policy proposals, and he is still polling around 20 percent (the next-closest candidate in most polls, Marco Rubio, is hovering around 10 percent).

    Why shouldn’t he take advantage of his newly-raised media profile to sell his book and maybe dredge up some interest in his entire literary back catalog?

    The more books he sells, the more he can raise his speaking fees after the campaign by promoting himself as a best-selling author. The more speeches he gets highly paid to give, the more talk radio and Fox News see him as a valuable commodity to bring on as a pundit or even to give him his own show. Sure, he is already wealthy from his successful career as a neurosurgeon, but isn’t the essence of the capitalist system that conservatives revere to make as much money as you possibly can?

    Conservatives are supposed to hate the government and love the free market.

    Then they turn on their candidates who prize enriching themselves over actual governing.

    The irony is significantly more delicious than a barrel full of survival seeds.

    excellent idea, Repugs as the party of grifters duping you rightwingnut assholes for personal profit.

    It's really to see you rightwingnuts sucking up to Trump (pushing his brand), Carson (pushing his brand), Fiorina (botox endorser), pitbull and to all the other Klown Kar riders.

  7. #82
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    Ben Carson: If Only We’d Drilled Baby Drilled, We Coulda Caught Osama Bin Laden

    "Declare that within five to 10 years, we will become petroleum independent.

    The moderate Arab states would have been so concerned about that, they would have turned over Osama bin Laden and anybody else you wanted on a silver platter within two weeks."

  8. #83
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    From someone who was a med student at Johns-Hopkins when Carson was playing God there

    Ben Carson’s chilling God complex: The commencement speech I won’t soon forget

    Retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson is all over the news these days. His recent public comments have ranged from the offensive to the bizarre:

    from his assertion that he would have tackled the Oregon college gunman to the discovery that he once“bravely redirected” an armed robber he encountered in a Baltimore Popeyes.

    And how can we forget his infamous comments about how a Muslim shouldn’t be President or

    how Jews could have stopped the Holocaust had they only been armed?

    His statements are so increasingly preposterous that it’s hard to distinguish a satirical headline from a real one (like this hilarious Andy Borowitz report, “Ben Carson: Pompeii Victims Should Have Outrun Lava,” which many on social media thought was real).

    In the public consciousness, Ben Carson used to be the grape jelly to Donald Trump’s chock-full-of-nutty peanut butter.

    He was the seemingly mild-mannered straight man to Trump’s loud-mouthed crassness.

    Yet he’s gone so far off the rails these days as to appear borderline unhinged, certainly out of touch with reality.

    Ben Carson is, in the words of another genius Andy Borowitz report, single-handedly shattering the stereotype that brain surgeons are smart.


  9. #84
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    the grifter makes women cry?

    Neurosurgeon Ben Carson is running for president, and he's also selling his new book.

    And as
    NPR's Sam Sanders reports, sometimes the line between book tour and campaign gets a little blurry.

    SAM SANDERS, BYLINE: The mood at Ben Carson's book tour events has been something in between a church revival and a rock concert, with reactions like these from Addy Earhart (ph).

    ADDY EARHART: I was shaken.

    SANDERS: You were shaken.

    EARHART: Yeah.

    SANDERS: Why were you shaken?

    EARHART: I was just so nervous.

    SANDERS: She was like a teenage fan meeting a Taylor Swift or a One Direction. At every event, there are attempts at weird quick hugs, selfies taken before handlers quickly push fans away and tears, like from Kathy Yosten.

    KATHY YOSTEN: I love that man. He's wonderful. He's calm. He's intelligent. I see a goodness in his eyes. He makes me feel safe.

    SANDERS: You're tearing up right now. He means a lot to you.

    YOSTEN: Yes, he does.

    SANDERS: Also declarations like this from Beverly Belew in Fort Worth.

    BEVERLY BELEW: Oh, my heart was racing just to see his face, to walk up there and his smile. He smiled at me, and he said, welcome. And I said, I love you, Dr. Carson (laughter).

    SANDERS: And what did he say back?

    BELEW: And he said thank you.

    SANDERS: The rockstar nature of adoration at these events even extends to Dr. Carson's wife, Candy. At a bookstore in Waco, I heard a woman come up behind me and say this.

    SHERRY BAKER: Oh, my God, she was in the bathroom - Ms. Carson.

    SANDERS: Who was in the bathroom?

    BAKER: Ms. Carson, Ms. Carson.

    SANDERS: You got a picture with Ms. Carson in the bathroom.

    BAKER: (Laughter). I did.

    SANDERS: That was Sherry Baker proudly showing off a selfie she had just taken with Carson's wife. She had cornered her in the women's restroom.

  10. #85
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    Ben Carson Wants To Monitor, Defund Colleges With 'Extreme Political Bias

    Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson wants to use the Department of Education to find colleges and universities with political bias in order to deny them funding.

    During an interview on "The Blaze," Glenn Beck asked Carson if he would like to abolish the Department of Education, like many conservatives.

    "I actually have something I would use the Department of Education to do," Carson said in response. "It would be to monitor our ins utions of higher education for extreme political bias and deny funding if it exists."

    The Republican presidential candidate's proposed crusade against bias on campus was not popular with all conservatives.

    A writer for the site Hot Air described Carson's idea as "awful" and "repugnant."

    Conservatives have criticized students for pressuring conservatives to back out of speeches, and President Obama recently joined the calls for colleges not to protect students from differing points of view.

  11. #86
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Dr. Ben Carson's prescription: Abolish Medicare
    The GOP frontrunner in the latest Iowa poll would replace Medicare and Medicaid with savings accounts.

    does these guys have learned nothing from 2012?

  12. #87
    Grab 'em by the pussy Splits's Avatar
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    words put together make sentences and all, but how in the did this guy perform child brain surgery?

    “I’d prefer not to talk about security issues but I have recognized — and people have been telling me for many many months — that I’m in great danger, because I challenge the secular progressive movement to the very core,” Carson told WABC radio’s Rita Cosby Show on Thursday. “You know, they see me as an existential threat but I also believe in the good lord and we take reasonable precautions.”

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    Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery and Hitler’s gun control caused the Holocaust: The bizarro world of Iowa Republicans propelling Ben Carson’s surge

    However, in Iowa — at least with Republicans in the Hawkeye state — there’s is nothing ridiculous about that comparison at all.

    57 percent of Iowa Republicans said they found Carson’s comparison of Obamacare to slavery “very attractive,” with another 24 percent finding it “mostly attractive.”

    His historical inaccurate statement following the Oregon community college shooting that Hitler might not have been as successful if the Jews had been armed is supported by 77 percent of Iowa Republicans.

    73 percent support Carson’s call for a religious test for office excluding a Muslim from the presidency.

    According to Bloomberg, these are “likely Republican caucus participants,” including Evangelical Christians who make up 42 percent of participants in the poll.

    The poll also asked Iowa Republicans how they felt about Carson’s past research on tissue from aborted fetuses and 48 percent of respondents were turned off by that fact while another 21 percent indicated they were not sure.

  14. #89
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    Carson, Oct. 18 (2:11 mark):"As you know, 9 out of 10 nonprofits fail."The NCCS says that it’s difficult to accurately determine deaths of nonprofits from the IRS Business Master File of Exempt Organizations, the source of its data, because of limitations.

    NCCS: IRS lists of registered nonprofit organizations and Form 990 filers are a useful starting point for exploring the issue but have significant limitations.

    One limitation is that one cannot know what happened to an organization that stops filing with the IRS. It might have died, but it might have successfully merged with another organization, been acquired by one, or transformed into a government agency, church, private foundation, business, or other en y that is not required to file the 990. Alternatively, the organization might have gotten small enough (less than $25,000 in gross receipts) that it was not required to file.

    A second limitation is that the 990 is mostly a financial reporting do ent, so there isn’t going to be any indication of many of the things (like access to legal services and education) that we might hypothesize are related to an organization’s survival chances.

    Not knowing what happened to an organization that disappears heightens the problem of equating disappearance with “failure.” Some nonprofits close when they fulfill a mission that they set out to accomplish, so it succeeded rather than failed.

    So, do “
    9 out of 10 nonprofits fail”? We didn’t find evidence of that. The best data we could find from an authoritative source on nonprofits don’t support that claim.

  15. #90
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    Trump should actually be having a field day with this guy.

    Imo, if he was white, it would be total Annihilation. This guy is an absolute fruit bat. And he messed with people's heads... No one on the Republican side has said anything nuttier than this dude.

  16. #91
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    epublican presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson claimed he is in “great danger” -- and in need of Secret Service protection -- because a “secular progressive movement” opposes him, BuzzFeed reported Thursday. While some media reports claimed Carson was close to being approved for Secret Service protection, the Washington Post cited an official who said the Department of Homeland Security was still debating the matter.

    “I’d prefer not to talk about security issues, but I have recognized -- and people have been telling me for many, many months -- that I’m in great danger because I challenge the secular progressive movement to the very core,” Carson said on WABC radio’s "Rita Cosby Show" on Thursday, BuzzFeed reported. “You know, they see me as an existential threat, but I also believe in the good Lord and we take reasonable precautions.”

    Carson said the threats against him are serious, which is why the Secret Service is considering protecting him. He denied Monday that his campaign had requested protection, and that the FBI and Secret Service had approached him about possible protection.

    But according to ABC News, the Department of Homeland Security received official requests for Secret Service protection from Carson and his rival candidate -- and current GOP front-runner -- Donald Trump earlier this week. Candidates who are front-runners in a presidential race typically request protection at this point in the campaign process, ABC reported. House Speaker John Boehner, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Mitch McConnell and Sen. Harry Reid will have to approve the candidates’ requests before they are granted.


  17. #92
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    I can't decide if he actually needs to be monitored for insanity (paranoid schizophrenia) or he's just attempting to terrify his base into thinking, "THUR AFTUR OUR JAYSUS PEOPLE BEST GIT DOWN 2 VOTIN'!"

  18. #93
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    I've read Carson's books...he's not cooky .....but he's also no politician...

  19. #94
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    TYT: The Disturbing Reason Ben Carson Is Winning In Iowa

    “Iowa Republicans do more than endure fringe candidates—they embrace them. In Iowa, factional candidates excel and extremists find ground to run. In 1988, Pat Robertson took a strong second in the Iowa caucuses. In 1996, another Pat—Pat Buchanan—came close to toppling Bob Dole. In 2008, Mike Huckabee won the contest, and in 2012, Rick Santorum won a slim victory over Mitt Romney. And ahead of the 2016 Republican presidential contest, Iowa Republicans are poised to give their votes to retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

    According to the latest poll from Bloomberg Politics and the Des Moines Register, Carson is ahead of the pack with 28 percent of the vote. But more interesting are the facts behind his rise. Iowans aren’t just charmed by his demeanor, his experience, and his in experience as a politician and policymaker—although that’s definitely true—they also support his most controversial, and entirely ludicrous, ideas.”*
    Read more here:

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    I've read Carson's books...he's not cooky .....but he's also no politician...
    Carson is a 7th Day Adventist Mormon, a ed up Christian Taliban, a Christian Supremacist, iow, extremely cooky grifter, running to stroke his ego and fill his bank account.

    I apply a "religious test" to keep that mofo out of elected office, although red-state Christian Taliban would probably elect him to state-wide office.

  21. #96
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    Ben Carson opposes abortion for rape victims while comparing them to ‘slave owners’

    Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said on Sunday that believes Roe v. Wade should be overturned, and that women should not be allowed to have abortions even in the case of rape or incest.

    “Think about this. During slavery — and I know that one of those words you’re not supposed to say — but I’m saying it,” Carson said. “During slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave, anything that they chose to do. And what if the abolitionists had said, ‘You know, I don’t believe in slavery, I think it’s wrong. But you guys do whatever you want to do.’ Where would we be?”

    When it came to the rights of women, Carson insisted that they should not have the legal choice to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

    “I’m a reasonable person,”

  22. #97
    bandwagoner fans suck ducks's Avatar
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    I've read Carson's books...he's not cooky .....but he's also no politician...
    That is why he is doing well

  23. #98
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    I've read Carson's books...he's not cooky .....but he's also no politician...
    Really? Which ones did you read?

  24. #99
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    Ben Carson tried to stab someone when he was 14 years old.

    You really want to give the nuclear launch codes to a guy who tried to kill someone?

    That's disturbing and disqualifying if you ask me.

    He is also a 7th Day Adventist, and I don't know about 7th Day Adventist. I know about presbyterian, but I don't know about 7th Day Adventist.

  25. #100
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Really? Which ones did you read?
    America the beautiful....the whole book too not the 15 minute edition...

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