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  1. #126
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    That's all that matters.
    no .

    I'm soo wounded. How will I go on?
    I'm sure you'll find a way to post more stupid posts.

  2. #127
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    Ben Carson on Americans: "Many of Them Are Stupid."

    Watch the GOP frontrunner dismiss a big chunk of We the People.

    and all them supporting Carson ARE stupid

  3. #128
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    The Joke About Mrs. Ben Carson’s Appearance Is No Laughing Matter

    Benny's $Ms can't buy his wife nice threads?

    I remember when Pappy Bush was elected, Repugs were asking "What do we do about (fat, frumpy, unphotogenic) Barbara?"

  4. #129
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    Finally someone came forward and said it loud and clear. Jonathan Chait of New York Magazine has stepped forward to call out Ben Carson and his ludicrous, self-interested "presidential" campaign.

    But now Carson actually is running for president. Or is he? It is hard to tell.

    Conservative politics are so closely intermingled with a lucrative entertainment complex that it is frequently impossible to distinguish between a political project (that is, something designed to result in policy change) and a money-making venture.

    Declaring yourself a presidential candidate gives you access to millions of dollars' worth of free media attention that can build a valuable brand.

    So the mere fact that Carson calls himself a presidential candidate does not prove he is actually running for president rather than taking advantage of the opportunity to build his brand.

    Indeed, it is possible to be actually leading the polls without seriously trying to win the presidency.

    And the notion that Carson could be president is preposterous.

    The problem is not only that he has never run for elected office.

    He has never managed a large organization;

    he has not worked in and around public policy, and

    he lacks a competent grasp of issues.

    His stance on health care, the closest thing to an issue with which his professional experience has brought him into contact, is gibberish.

    He mostly thrills audiences by scoffing at evolution and

    insisting Muslims be barred from the presidency,

    stances he cannot even defend coherently.

    Truly, there is nothing to add to Chait's assessment. Carson is a major-league grifter, trying to fob himself off as a serious contender for the highest office in the land. That he is ahead in many polls is a reflection on the pitiable state of the Republican party, eager to let themselves be played by a world-class phony.
    And truly, once you read Chait's article there is nothing more to say.

    The Repugs selecting pit bull to run for "pitcher of warm spit" elevated grifterism and con men above govt policy.

    When you profess to hate and want to destroy govt, when you refuse actually to govern, then why run serious candidates?

    And, in his mastery of idiomatic, vernacular English, he now says some sent him a "submarine" when exposing lie about his supplement pimping.

  5. #130
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    So um

    Ben Carson: Egyptian Pyramids Built For Grain Storage, Not By Aliens Or As Tombs

    at anyone trying to defend this loony toon. He's like the classic idiot in a comic book or sitcom. Except some people think he's fit to lead a country.

  6. #131
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    The Joke About Mrs. Ben Carson’s Appearance Is No Laughing Matter

    Benny's $Ms can't buy his wife nice threads?

    I remember when Pappy Bush was elected, Repugs were asking "What do we do about (fat, frumpy, unphotogenic) Barbara?"

    Dude, you shouldn't go after her looks. And have you heard her sing? She has the voice of an angel.

  7. #132
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    The Joke About Mrs. Ben Carson’s Appearance Is No Laughing Matter

    Benny's $Ms can't buy his wife nice threads?

    I remember when Pappy Bush was elected, Repugs were asking "What do we do about (fat, frumpy, unphotogenic) Barbara?"

    I'm sure someone will help her with her wardrobe if he wins (those polka dots have to go). You gotta admire rich, successful men (like Federer, Carson, Pierce Brosnan) who have been married a long time to not-so-great looking women - shows a lot of loyalty/love - lots of temptation out there.

  8. #133
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    A tale of two Carsons

    Ben Carson, the soft-spoken, Yale-educated brain surgeon who has surged in the GOP presidential race, has written and spoken powerfully of divine intervention at several pivotal moments in his life.

    At the core of his narrative of spiritual redemption are his acts of violence as an angry young man — stabbing, rock throwing, brick hurling and baseball bat beating — that preceded Carson's sudden transformation into the composed figure who stands before voters today.

    In his 1990 autobiography, "Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story," Carson describes those acts as flowing from an uncontrollable "pathological temper." The violent episodes he has detailed in his book, in public statements and in interviews, include punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock, leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead; attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes; hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose; and, finally, thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.

    "I was trying to kill somebody," Carson said, describing the incident -- which he has said occurred at age 14 in ninth grade -- during a September forum at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.

    But nine friends, classmates and neighbors who grew up with Carson told CNN they have no memory of the anger or violence the candidate has described.

    That person is unrecognizable to those whom CNN interviewed, who knew him during those formative years.

    All of the people interviewed expressed surprise about the incidents Carson has described. No one challenged the stories directly. Some of those interviewed expressed skepticism, but noted that they could not know what had happened behind closed doors.

    Gerald Ware, a classmate at Southwestern High School said he was "shocked" to read about the violence in Carson's book.

    "I don't know nothing about that," said Ware, who still lives in southwestern Detroit. "It would have been all over the whole school."

    CNN was unable to independently confirm any of the incidents, which Carson said occurred when he was a juvenile.

    So it looks like Carson, typical rightwingnut Christian Taliban living in an alternative, irrational reality, not only denies facts, he makes up facts. God Loves Them Who Lie For Themselves.

  9. #134
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    Ben Carson stumped by Cuba policy questions in Florida

    Ben Carson has defied the traditional presidential playbook, taking time off from the campaign trail to promote his latest book and sign copies for hundreds of fans, even in Democratic strongholds like Tallahassee.

    He heads to more unusual ground in South Florida on Thursday: West Kendall, a Latino bastion, and Fort Lauderdale, the seat of the bluest county in Florida. Carson leads hometown candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush in the latest Florida polls, behind Donald Trump.

    "I'm a little different than most of the candidates," Carson told The Miami Herald in a phone interview Wednesday.

    Before Carson campaigns to Miami-Dade County's Cuban-American Republicans, though, he might have a little catching up to do.

    In the Herald interview, Carson appeared stumped by questions about the so-called wet-foot, dry-foot policy, which allows Cubans who reach U.S. soil to remain here, and about the Cuban Adjustment Act, which allows Cubans who arrive in the U.S. to apply for legal residency after 366 days.

    He was candid about not being up to speed.

    "You're going to have to explain to me exactly what you mean by that," Carson said, asked about wet-foot, dry-foot. "I have to admit that I don't know a great deal about that, and I don't really like to comment until I've had a chance to study the issue from both sides."

    On the Cuban Adjustment Act, he gave a similar response: "Again, I've not been briefed fully on what that is."

    When a reporter explained the outlines of the policy, Carson said, "It sounds perfectly reasonable."

    The reporter then informed him of abuses to the policy by Cubans who obtain residency and claim federal government benefits only to make frequent trips back to the island. The abuses have been do ented by The South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

  10. #135
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    Meet The Pyramid Truthers: Where Ben Carson’s Whacky Theory Came From

    Ben Carson isn't the only pyramid truther out there.

    \The GOP frontrunner's theory that archaeologists are wrong and that the Egyptian pyramids were really built by the biblical figure Joseph to store grain wasn't created in a vacuum. In the fringier corners of the Internet, variations of the pyramids-as-grain-storage argument has spawned entire blogs and a 30-minute do entary.

    Carson -- who is continuing to defend beliefs that were surfaced this week in video of a 1998 commencement address by the acclaimed neurosurgeon -- joins the ranks of pyramids truthers who believe that, warned by God of an oncoming famine, Joseph built grain storage units that exist today in the form of the ancient pyramids.

    His theory flies in the face of what has long been settled by modern archeologists: that the pyramids were built as tombs for Egyptian pharaohs.

    In a blog post Thursday morning, Richard Flower, a senior lecturer in classics and ancient history at the University of Exeter, laid out the basics of the Old Testament story of Joseph and how it's been mistakenly connected to the pyramids for centuries:

    “When one looks at the relevant part of Genesis, however, it becomes clear that it offers questionable support for Carson’s position. After interpreting Pharaoh’s dream as meaning that seven years of plenty will be followed by seven years of famine, Joseph gave instructions to the people of Egypt, saying, ‘let them gather all the food of those good years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities’. There is no reference made to Joseph building any granaries for this purpose, although it is possible that he is assumed to have done so.”

    According to Flower, the theory gained traction in Gregory of Tours’ History of the Franks, written in the 6th century, where the bishop wrote about a “city in which Joseph built granaries from squared stones and rubble with marvellous workmanship."

    “He made them larger at the base and very much smaller at the top so that wheat could be thrown in there through a tiny hole. These granaries are still visible even today,” Gregory wrote at the time, according to Flower.

    Flower suggests the theory is driven by a desire to “find an explanation for these obvious and fascinating remnants of the distant past.”

    Elsewhere, on the Internet, however, true believers are still looking for evidence to support the idea that at least one of the pyramids was built by Joseph.

  11. #136
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    Ben Carson: My ideas about creationism and pyramids are ‘not silly at all’ — they’re in the Bible

  12. #137
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    WSJ Calls Out Carson For Bungling Fact About The Founding Fathers

    The Wall Street Journal called out Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson Thursday for wrongly claiming the Founding Fathers "had no elected office experience."

    In a Facebook post late Wednesday, Carson wrote: "Every signer of the Declaration of Independence had no elected office experience...What they had was a deep belief that freedom is a gift from God."

    The Journal pointed out
    the historical inaccuracy Thursday. Thomas Jefferson, Sam Adams, John Han and many other signer of the Declaration of Independence all held elected seats in colonial assemblies, Benjamin Carp, an associate history professor at Brooklyn College, told the paper.

    A spokesman for the Carson campaign, when asked about the error, told the paper that the retired neurosurgeon had since edited his post to clarify the signers has no experience in "federal" office.

    Carson isn't the only 2016 Republican candidate who's taken liberty with the Founding Fathers' legacies.

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) misquotes the country's founders in his books and speeches so frequently that BuzzFeed reporter Andrew Kaczynski, who's been fact-checking Rand since 2013, published a letter last month asking the senator to stop using fake quotes.

    Paul dismissed
    Kaczynski as a "partisan hack" at the helm of a "ridiculous cottage industry out there of people who think they're smarter than everyone else."

  13. #138
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    I'm sure someone will help her with her wardrobe if he wins (those polka dots have to go). You gotta admire rich, successful men (like Federer, Carson, Pierce Brosnan) who have been married a long time to not-so-great looking women - shows a lot of loyalty/love - lots of temptation out there.
    Pierce's first wife was a Bond girl. Ironically, she was a Bond girls before he became Bond.

  14. #139
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Nothing to see here folks...

    You see, Carson's beliefs are inextricably tied up with his religion, and the media can't be seen to be attacking a candidates religion, right?

    But we're getting ahead of ourselves, how is this connected to his religion?

    Well, grab a beer and settle in; this is gonna take some explaining.

    Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist. One of the founders of his religion was a woman, who SDA venerates as an actual prophet, named Ellen White. White prophesied alllll sorts of things and SDAs believe these are all factual, that she is, "inerrant" or even that god directly spoke through her. Proving her prophecies to be true would mean that their faith is real.

    Ok, so?

    Back in the 1990s, there a very famous - in some religious circles - SDA pseudo-archaeologist named Ron Wyatt. He made it his life's work to use "archaeology" to prove the bible was right, but to SPECIFICALLY prove that certain Ellen White prophesies were right.

    Here's some of the things he claimed to have discovered:

    - Noah's Ark (the Durupınar site, located approximately 18 miles (29 km) south of Mount Ararat)
    - Anchor stones (or drogue stones) used by Noah on the Ark
    - The post-flood house, grave markers and tombs of Noah and his wife
    - The location of Sodom and Gomorrah and the other Cities of the Plain: Zoar, Zeboim and Admah
    - Sulfur/brimstone balls from the ashen remains of Sodom and Gomorrah.
    - The area of Djoser's pyramid complex believed to be the remains of Joseph's grain distribution bins used during the 7 year famine.
    - The Tower of Babel site (in southern Turkey)
    - How the Egyptians may have built the pyramids.
    - The site of the Israelites' crossing of the Red Sea (located in the Gulf of Aqaba)
    - Chariot wheels and other relics of the army of Pharaoh at the bottom of the Red Sea
    - The site of the biblical Mt. Sinai (in Saudi Arabia at Jabal al Lawz)
    - A chamber at the end of a maze of tunnels under Jerusalem containing artifacts from Solomon's Temple (including the Ark of the Covenant).
    - The site of the Crucifixion of Jesus
    - Christ's blood, dripped onto the Mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant beneath the Crucifixion site.

    You might have noticed something on that list, but if you didn't I'll type it again:

    - The area of Djoser's pyramid complex believed to be the remains of Joseph's grain distribution bins used during the 7 year famine.

    You see, Ron Wyatt invented a wonderful new theory, that Imhotep, who made the pyramids, was in actual fact the biblical Joseph.

    This idea was quite popular in the late 1990s, among the SDA, and surely Carson heard this idea from Wyatt, who was very well known in the church.

    And - almost certainly - Carson believes Imhotep was ACTUALLY Joseph.

    Wyatt was a serial liar though... and a conman. His wife carries on his, "work" with the "Wyatt Archeological Research" organisation... which is a for profit en y.

  15. #140
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    Pierce's first wife was a Bond girl. Ironically, she was a Bond girls before he became Bond.
    Pierce's current wife is a beautiful woman - just so overweight now. Maybe she has some medical problem. Don't think that's Mirka's problem though - 2 sets of twins - gotta hand it to her - traveling with them can't be easy.
    Last edited by rmt; 11-06-2015 at 01:17 AM.

  16. #141
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    Pierce's current wife is a beautiful woman - just so overweight now. Maybe she has some medical problem. Don't think that's Mirka's problem though - 2 sets of twins - gotta hand it to her - traveling with them can't be easy.

  17. #142
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    Ben Carson’s Bizarro-World Pyramid Madness: This Is Why Evangelicals Adore Him

    The doctor is beloved by evangelical voters, but he probably won't appeal to others. He may not even want to

    And Carson’s story of the pyramids, I think, gives us a clue to what that might be. It’s clear that it’s not enough, for evangelicals, to have their subculture and to be happy about it.

    There is a clear need to believe that their worldview and ideas are at the very center of history itself.

    Just as they need to believe that a Biblical figure like Joseph actually ran the ancient Egyptian government, they need to see themselves at the center of American culture, the true definers of it and not just a fringe subculture.

    Prominent political figures who are in national debates and getting interviewed on TV scratches that itch.

    And Carson gives them that without having to engage in the coded language that someone like George W. Bush used.

    Ben Carson is one of theirs, unvarnished and unapologetic, on the center stage. He is their mythical Joseph—an outsider of humble origins who is destined for great leadership—for now, anyway. He is going to cash in on that as long as he can.


    like pitbull , Carson is self-promoting, ignornant grifter, a fachiot, and you rightwingnuts get suckered every time

    After he flames out of politics, will Carson start his own TV show, or even an entire channel?

    Start a PAC that spends 98% of its $10Ms in revenue on "administration and overhead"?

    Carson clearly has pushed his brand of grifterism to new heights, with $10Ms revenue glittering in the not-so-distant future.

  18. #143
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    Nice to know that for Brosnan, it's not all physical appearance. Kudos to him.

  19. #144
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    Meet Armstrong Williams — the shady grifter who’s running Ben Carson’s bizarro campaign

    To explain the quixotic decision to stay out of the early primary states and cash-in on his celebrity by selling books instead, one need only look to Carson’s business manager and unofficial campaign manager, political commentator Armstrong Williams.

    In 2005, Williams’ career as a commentator took a hit when USA Today revealed he had secretly accepted $240,000 from President George W. Bush’s administration to promote Bush’s signature No Child Left Behind act by mentioning it favorably in his columns and in his media appearances.

    William’s business practices revealed that the political commentator had previously allowed his syndicated radio show, “The Right Side,” to be used by a front group representing the tobacco industry.

    Williams has guided Carson’s career from neurosurgeon to author of multiple best sellers and the subject of a television movie — helping to launch his political career as a conservative gadfly and potential presidential material.

    As noted by Jonathan Chait at New York Magazine, Carson’s campaign has all the trappings of a direct mail business operation; plowing an extraordinarily high rate of donations back into seeking even more donations while building up a potentially lucrative mailing list.

    As Chait writes,

    Spending most of your money to raise more money is not a good way to get elected president, but it is a good way to build a massive list of supporters that can later be monetized. Perhaps it is a giveaway that the official le for Armstrong Williams, the figure running the Carson ‘campaign,’ is ‘business manager,’ as opposed to ‘campaign manager.’ It does suggests that Carson is engaged in a for-profit venture.”

  20. #145
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    Carson Plummets in Polls Amid Reports He Did Not Stab Anyone

    New reports indicating that Ben Carson might not have actually stabbed anyone during his youth have sent the retired neurosurgeon plummeting in the latest Republican Presidential polls.

    Carson supporters, reeling from the news that their candidate’s past might have been devoid of stabbing, have deserted his candidacy in droves, suggesting that Republican voters viewed Carson’s stabbing as a key part of his résumé.

    Indeed, a recent University of Minnesota poll showed that a full third of Carson supporters singled out “his stabbing experience” as a top reason for supporting him for the nation’s highest office.

    In Iowa, where Carson was the front-runner before the non-stabbing bombs hit, voters like Carol Foyler, of Des Moines, expressed dismay and disillusionment that the retired doctor might have fabricated his stabbing exploits to make himself more appealing to Republican voters.

    “I was on the fence about Ben Carson, but the stabbing thing really won me over,” she said. “Now, I don’t know what to think.”

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    Ben Carson is furious that CNN quoted Ben Carson

    Carson is outraged that CNN would dare question his accounts of his own life (the details of which have shifted from telling to telling) and because—get this—the media didn't apply this level of scrutiny to President Obama! Reminded that "it's called vetting" and provided with specific instances of questions the media raised about Obama's autobiography, Carson laughed "give me a break."

    What you all did with President Obama doesn't even come close—doesn't even come close to what you guys are trying to do in my case. And you're going to keep going back, trying to find, he said this 12 years ago. It is just garbage.

    Interviewing people about the pivotal events in a candidate's past when the candidate's own public accounts of those events have changed from telling to telling? Outrageous!

    And way, way beyond years of questions about the president's birth certificate, amiright?

    But Carson certainly has mastered the "I'm a victim of the media" tone. ampaign=Feed%3A+dailykos%2Findex+%28Daily+Kos%29

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    BUSTED: Ben Carson’s campaign forced to admit he made up West Point scholarship story

    A campaign official said Carson had made up a story about meeting with Gen. William Westmoreland and being offered a scholarship to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

    Carson, the retired neurosurgeon, claimed in his book, “Gifted Hands,” that he was introduced to Westmoreland in 1969, when he was 17 years old.

    He claimed that he shared a meal with Westmoreland, who had just ended his command of U.S. forces in Vietnam, and the general was so impressed with the boy that he offered him a “full scholarship” to the military academy.

    However, West Point has no record of Carson applying or being admitted to the academy.

    “In 1969, those who would have completed the entire process would have received their acceptance letters from the Army Adjutant General,” said Theresa Brinkerhoff, a West Point spokeswoman.

    The spokeswoman said West Point would have records to prove whether Carson had pursued the application process.

    Carson’s campaign admitted the story was bogus when confronted with the evidence.

    “Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit,” campaign manager Barry Bennett told Polico. “In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer.”

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    Who Is Ben Carson's Mystery Physicist?

    “I recently had a discussion with a well-known physicist. He was talking about the Big Bang Theory and how all this obviously culminated into this wonderful, extraordinarily organized solar system that we now have, which you can set your watch by, where scientists can predict 70 years away when a comet is coming. That’s an incredible amount of organization to have originated from just a large explosion.”

    Carson then tells the story of how he supposedly stumped the physicist by asking him how he could reconcile such an “organized” universe with the laws of thermodynamics, specifically entropy, which says that systems tend to move towards disorder.

    “Well of course he has no answer for that. They never have an answer for any of these things.”

    Huh. Not just a physicist, a "well-known" physicist. And Carson says this guy was floored by his question. Apparently he had never given any thought to whether the Big Bang theory was compatible with the second law of thermodynamics.

    Conclusion: either this was the stupidest physicist ever, or else Carson was lying. I think you can guess which side I'm on, but Carson can clear this up in a trice by telling us who this hapless physicist
    was. I sure hope it's not someone who's conveniently dead.


    It's probably worth noting that conservative Christians are just generally a little gaga over the second law of thermodynamics, which they're convinced disproves the theory of evolution.

    You can yell "In a closed system!" until you're blue in the face, and it makes no difference. They've stumped you! There are dozens of more sophisticated versions of this argument, too. Carson is just extending this chestnut a little further back in time.

  24. #149
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    That religion is some wacky stuff......this is ....well

    Unstable Ben Carson is a mere puppet of his “business manager” Armstrong Williams

    who is Armstrong Williams? He’s a conservative political commentator who has enough business sense to now own several media en ies of his own. He’s also been disgraced after getting caught taking a $240,000 payment from the George W. Bush administration in exchange for making positive statements about Bush’s “No Child Left Behind” initiative on various news programs while pretending to be an impartial commentator; he was fired from at least one of those gigs after the scandal was exposed. Previously he was caught in similar secret arrangement with the tobacco industry.

    Armstrong Williams, it would seem, is simply cashing in on his friend Ben Carson’s compromised mental state, and has been for some time. At every point in the campaign, Williams has been seen pulling the puppet strings in various ways. There was the CNN interview that was cut short by Williams after the interviewer asked one too many questions about Carson’s religion (try to imagine another candidate like Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush allowing a staffer to prematurely end a TV interview for any reason). It was Williams who explained away the book tour strategy after Carson suggested he had no knowledge of it. It’s enough to make one think that when Carson stated during the debate that he didn’t know his likeness was being used by the supplement company, perhaps he was telling the truth and genuinely wasn’t aware of what Williams was doing on his behalf.

    All candidates for President have various types of handlers. And they all rely on their top staffers for advice behind closed doors. But it’s unlike anything seen before that a “business manager” is visibly making every decision big and small on behalf of a Presidential candidate who often comes off as having no idea what’s going on with his campaign, often can’t seem to remember where he claim to stand on an issue, can’t sit for an interview without the manager at his side, and is clearly too erratic to be the mind behind his own scheming financial tie-ins.

    Without knowing the specific dollars and percentages flowing from Ben Carson to Armstrong Williams on these various deals, it’s difficult to say for certain the egregiousness of their financial relationship. But the nature of this bizarre political campaign which is clearly about maximizing profits even though Carson seems to think it’s about trying to win, the ongoing nature of Carson’s shady and pointless financial endorsements, and Armstrong’s do ented history of financial dishonesty, it’s not difficult to wonder aloud if Williams has been simply using the mentally unstable Carson as an ongoing cash cow – and that this entire campaign for President is simply part of that scheme. Rather than condemning Ben Carson, should we be pitying him?

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    and, of course....

    Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson's campaign admitted Friday that the former neurosurgeon fabricated a story about applying to and being accepted at West Point. Carson's campaign made the admission in response to an inquiry from Politico. West Point has no record of Carson applying for admission, Politico said. In Carson's book "Gifted Hands," he says he got a "full scholarship" to the military academy.

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