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  1. #1
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    The U.S. House of Representatives unexpectedly defeated a bill that would fund the federal government past September 30 on Wednesday as dozens of Republicans broke with their party to push for deeper spending cuts.

    Boehner, Cantor In Big Trouble After Big CR Defeat
    By Stan Collender Sep 22, 2011, 7:01 AM

    House Democrats last night didn’t do what they have done so many times before since the 2010 election: they didn’t provide the House leadership with the votes it needed to pass a budget bill.

    A combination (you can’t really refer to it as a “coalition” because they weren’t working together) of tea party Republicans and Democrats voted against the leadership-supported continuing resolution and it went down 195 to 230 with 48 Republicans voting no.

    This may have been the worst defeat and biggest rebuke ever for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA). A number of House members told me after the vote that both leaders had worked the vote hard but couldn’t convince enough (some thought “any” was more correct) to vote for the legislation. Two members even told me that Boehner had gone to the congressional leadership equivalent of DEFCON 1 by moving way beyond twisting arms to threatening GOP members with losing their committee assignments — almost the ultimate congressional punishment — if they didn’t vote for the bill. Even that didn’t work.

  2. #2
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    $$ bill Tea bagged

    WASHINGTON-- Dozens of Tea Party Republicans revolted against House GOP leaders yesterday to help defeat a stop-gap spending bill that would keep the government open past Sept. 30.
    The vote delivered an embarrassing blow to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and increased the odds for a government shutdown next week.
    The bill died in a 230-195 vote, with 48 Tea Party Republicans voting against it.
    The Tea Party members complained that the bill spent too much. It was supposed to spend just enough to run the government until Nov. 18, giving lawmakers another seven weeks to finalize the roughly $1 trillion spending bill for 2012.
    Republican leaders hoped the stop-gap measure would squeak by with just enough support from Democrats. Six Dems voted yes.

  3. #3
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    here we go again

  4. #4
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    The that is being John Boehner
    Yet again, Tea Party purists remind the House Speaker who's really the boss. Better start the shutdown clock ...

    The federal government still probably won't shut down when the fiscal year ends next week, but suddenly it looks like it will be a close call. This is the result of what is widely and fairly being described as yet another embarrassing rebuke of House Speaker John Boehner by his own Republican members on Wednesday night.

    Boehner tried to muscle through a measure that would have funded government operations through November (a short-term extension is needed because Congress has yet to pass most of the individual appropriation bills for the fiscal year). But even though he and his lieutenants apparently did their best Tom DeLay impressions, trying to win over reluctant members by threatening their committee assignments, 48 Republicans still defied their leadership, sending the package to a 230-195 defeat.

    There are two particularly notable aspects of the vote. One is how little it took to trigger the GOP rebellion. We're talking about a two-month plan here, one that would reduce spending by 1.4 percent over the current fiscal year, to the level established by this summer's debt ceiling agreement. On top of that, Boehner also bowed to conservatives' demands that any new funding for disaster relief -- a necessity now, in the wake of Hurricane Irene -- be offset with cuts, slashing $1.5 billion from a program that encourages the production of energy efficient cars. And all of this comes as the congressional supercommittee prepares to assemble a massive long-term deficit reduction program, supposedly a top GOP priority.

    So in theory, this two-month patch job shouldn't have been a tough sell to Republican House members. And yet, dozens of them refused to go along, on the grounds that it still doesn't cut enough. This reflects the Tea Party mindset that has gripped the Obama era Republican Party. The GOP's House ranks are filled with members who themselves are true believers, or who fear what might happen to them in their next primary election if they don't act like true believers. Over and over, it creates situations like this, where the traditional tools that Boehner, as the party's leader, would use to enforce discipline just don't work.

  5. #5
    Veteran scott's Avatar
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    Why did the Democrats vote against it? Just because it was Boehner's plan and they'll be against anything he suggests? Just to embarass him?

    I expect this from the re s in the Tea Party, but I want to hear the Democrats justification for not avoiding a government shut down - otherwise, they are just playing the same politics the Republics did over the debt ceiling, and it's pretty disgusting to watch.

    This is the problem with American politics, neither side is willing to compromise on anything, anything the other side suggests is automatically wrong, and we have a bunch of Tea Party nutcases who somehow got elected.

  6. #6
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    Why did the Democrats vote against it? Just because it was Boehner's plan and they'll be against anything he suggests? Just to embarass him?

    I expect this from the re s in the Tea Party, but I want to hear the Democrats justification for not avoiding a government shut down - otherwise, they are just playing the same politics the Republics did over the debt ceiling, and it's pretty disgusting to watch.

    This is the problem with American politics, neither side is willing to compromise on anything, anything the other side suggests is automatically wrong, and we have a bunch of Tea Party nutcases who somehow got elected.
    The Democrats voted against it because they insisted that the disaster relief money also be linked to subsidies for electric cars. Boehner did not include that.

  7. #7
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    Why did the Democrats vote against it?
    Because they deemed the disaster relief sum too small. The House version was $3.65B, while the version already approved by the Senate is $6.9B.

    Now they'll probably going to try to have a vote on the Senate version of the bill.

  8. #8
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    as the articles say. The democrats are "wising up" in the end they will vote, but want to see Boehner and the main GOP sweat and look stupid in the meantime

  9. #9
    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    I don't see this story anywhere on the fair and balanced network's site... that's wierd.. but they do have a headline that states no one is fooled by Obama's visit to Ohio.. can someone help me figure this out?

  10. #10
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    I don't see this story anywhere on the fair and balanced network's site...
    here you go bro 2,000+ news sites...

  11. #11
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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  12. #12
    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    cool. If Fox was my only news source I would have never known this happened. But I would know that the GOP considers the Ohio trip to be political in nature and that Obama has lost independents in Florida..

  13. #13
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    cool. If Fox was my only news source I would have never known this happened. But I would know that the GOP considers the Ohio trip to be political in nature and that Obama has lost independents in Florida..
    fox has 5 sentences on it, they don't sound happy

    The House stunned Republican leaders Wednesday by rejecting a temporary spending bill that would have funded the government through Nov. 18.

    The vote failed, 195-230, after Democrats pulled their support for the bill and Republican leaders were forced to scramble for enough votes entirely within their own ranks. Four dozen conservatives voted against the bill because it left spending levels for 2012 higher than the cap set in the House GOP budget.

    The defeat hands leverage to congressional Democrats in a dispute over federal disaster funding. Democratic leaders objected to a GOP provision cutting funding from a Department of Energy manufacturing loan program to offset additional money for disaster relief.

    Read more:

  14. #14
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) predicted Tuesday the House will pass the 2011 spending bill on Thursday with “strong Republican support.”

    lol punked by his own team

  15. #15
    keep asking questions George Gervin's Afro's Avatar
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    fox has 5 sentences on it, they don't sound happy

    The House stunned Republican leaders Wednesday by rejecting a temporary spending bill that would have funded the government through Nov. 18.

    The vote failed, 195-230, after Democrats pulled their support for the bill and Republican leaders were forced to scramble for enough votes entirely within their own ranks. Four dozen conservatives voted against the bill because it left spending levels for 2012 higher than the cap set in the House GOP budget.

    The defeat hands leverage to congressional Democrats in a dispute over federal disaster funding. Democratic leaders objected to a GOP provision cutting funding from a Department of Energy manufacturing loan program to offset additional money for disaster relief.

    Read more:

    Well obviously it is WAAAAAY more important to point out that the President is visiting a swing state for political reason..

  16. #16
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    "disaster relief money also be linked to subsidies for electric cars."

    no, they wanted disaster relief money to be approved, but de-linked from Repug off-setting cuts in subsidies for car research.

  17. #17
    Believe. admiralsnackbar's Avatar
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    The democrats are "wising up" in the end they will vote, but want to see Boehner and the main GOP sweat and look stupid in the meantime
    God damn... these are sad days when aping the opposing party's obstructionism passes for "wising up."

  18. #18
    Take the fcking keys away baseline bum's Avatar
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    The Democrats voted against it because they insisted that the disaster relief money also be linked to subsidies for electric cars. Boehner did not include that.
    If you changed it from electric to natural gas cars then it might makes some sense.

  19. #19
    Veteran EVAY's Avatar
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    Congress did this because their 12% approval rating is too high.

    They couldn't stand all the love.

    Now this means that Texas is not going to get some of the fire disaster relief they have been asking for.

    So who will Perry be blaming for the lack of relief now?

  20. #20
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    Congress did this because their 12% approval rating is too high.

    They couldn't stand all the love.

    Now this means that Texas is not going to get some of the fire disaster relief they have been asking for.

    So who will Perry be blaming for the lack of relief now?
    that you actually think they won't pass this and avoid shutting the government down.

  21. #21
    Veteran EVAY's Avatar
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    that you actually think they won't pass this and avoid shutting the government down.
    Oh, I think they will eventually pass something to avoid a shut-down. But you can hardly argue that they are going to pass THIS, since they just blew it up.

  22. #22
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    Oh, I think they will eventually pass something to avoid a shut-down. But you can hardly argue that they are going to pass THIS, since they just blew it up.
    Yeah, you are right. The Democrats are going to have to accept that when you have 15 trillion in deficits and a budget, and then unexpected disaster expenses which have to be paid, those expenses have to be off-set with budget cuts somewhere else. Pretty basic, really.

  23. #23
    Veteran EVAY's Avatar
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    Yeah, you are right. The Democrats are going to have to accept that when you have 15 trillion in deficits and a budget, and then unexpected disaster expenses which have to be paid, those expenses have to be off-set with budget cuts somewhere else. Pretty basic, really.
    And Perry is going to have to accept that as well.

    The question is, whither the cuts?

  24. #24
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Yeah, you are right. The Democrats are going to have to accept that when you have 15 trillion in deficits and a budget, and then unexpected disaster expenses which have to be paid, those expenses have to be off-set with budget cuts somewhere else. Pretty basic, really.
    They don't really have to be. That's the false strait jacket that's being propagated because the Republicans are currently out of power.

  25. #25
    Veteran EVAY's Avatar
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    They don't really have to be. That's the false strait jacket that's being propagated because the Republicans are currently out of power.
    Did you mean to say that the democrats are out of power?

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