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  1. #1
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    came back to life and rose from the dead. If you do believe he PHYSICALLY came back to life after he was DEAD post your education level because you are one big dummy.

    Assuming he came back physically (which any semi-educated person knows never happened)...what exactly did he do and where did he go? Float up into the sky? Also why the hasn't he come back's been 2000 years already.....

    Thanks...Happy Easter and God bless

  2. #2
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    When the hits the fan I'll rise to the occasion and make no mistake about it....there will be to pay.

  3. #3
    Berlin Germany
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    Lol religion

  4. #4
    Long, Dark Blues redzero's Avatar
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    No, I don't.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    57-Chambers Woo Bum-kon's Avatar
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    RaZon with the incoherent bads.

  7. #7
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    I'm not going to get into a religious debate, or interject my opinions on it - but, your problem lies in comparing Jesus to a modern day man. You base all possibilities on what you know to be possible based on "science" or what you've seen. Christians view Jesus as more than a man, so comparing him to your neighbor is a lesson in futility.

    To quote Lost, some people are men of science and some are men of faith.

    One thing is certain, there will be an end, and one side will have made a huge mistake.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    someone needs to explain to me why his followers or believers didnt try saving his ass when he was walking with the cross....

  10. #10

  11. #11
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    someone needs to explain to me why his followers or believers didnt try saving his ass when he was walking with the cross....
    He had lost many followers by that time. Even his disciples denied him when they were called on it.

    Not to mention the huge Roman soldiers and probably the same fear of getting involved that people have now.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    57-Chambers Woo Bum-kon's Avatar
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    If God was truly all-loving, I wouldn't have to worry about being wrong, would I?

    Really doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
    Christianity in a nuts .

  14. #14
    Your so smart Online. Frenzy's Avatar
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    Believing that there is no purpose in this life then to eat,drink and be that's what real men believe.

  15. #15

  16. #16
    Spur-taaaa TDMVPDPOY's Avatar
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    so where was god to punish the romans like how he punish the egyptians with moses?

  17. #17
    Got Woke? DMC's Avatar
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    I am ignorant of physics and math, ergo God.

  18. #18
    I Aint Got No Job Gutter92's Avatar
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    Razon, your whole argument is that since at one point some things were inexplicable, and now they are...that you don't want to write off religion as fake? So basically, you're telling us to "have faith" and "hang in there" until Jesus comes back? Because while we can't understand it now...we will when he comes back? basically, you're like 99% of Christians, then?

  19. #19
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    Never really understood why all that went down like it did. Was it really necessary? Really doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
    I might be completely out to lunch on this one, but I think that it was a political/religious ploy by the priests, Pharisees, and Sadducees. Jesus was gaining in popularity and was exposing their corruption for what it was.

    His radical take on the traditions that they had in place was, imo, also costing them control over the people as well as their cushy lifestyles. At least that's my su ion since they started making plans to kill him sometime after he'd criticised them for some reason or another. And you can read about how they tried to trap him with the whole "God or Caesar" bit with the intention of getting him killed. So there's that. Even then there were a few who seemed pretty split on the issue.

    Although they were supposed to be guiding the people while waiting for the Messiah to come and deliver them a la Moses, I get the impression that many of them lost sight of the big picture and got caught up in the material things. Or in the case of the Pharisees they were so blinded by their traditions that they couldn't look past their ideas of "right" and "wrong".

    After Jesus staked his claim as the Son of God (which was blasphemous according to their religion), they simply saw an opportunity and took him to the Romans because that's how death penalty cases were dealt with I think. Pilate made his decision for political reasons as well and the rest is history.

    Someone more biblically educated can correct me though.

    so where was god to punish the romans like how he punish the egyptians with moses?
    Completely different situations imo. In the case of Egypt, God was trying to lead them to the promised land out of slavery.

    With Rome it wasn't so clear cut because I'm pretty sure that subjugation by the Romans was supposed to be part of their (the Israelites') punishment for falling away.

    Second, because while the concept (gaining freedom) was similar I don't think the goal was to deliver them physically so much as spiritually in this instance.

    Which, I think, is why Jesus ultimately had to die.

    If you look through the Old Testament, sins couldn't be forgiven without bloodshed.

    The idea I guess is that even the smallest wrong committed against an infinite being would be impossible for a finite human to pay off completely short of his/her life. The whole practice of sacrificing animals in exchange was probably a temporary sort of covering since they were finite as well.

    As the Son of God who was fully God, however, Jesus was infinite and thus his death would've been enough to fully rectify all that went wrong between God and humanity. Since I guess infinity=infinity that would mean there'd be no limits which is how everyone else got to benefit from his death. At least I suspect that was the reasoning behind God's plan here? I won't claim to know.

    The priests, Pharisees, and Sadducees on the other hand were so busy looking for a Moses (heck, they probably would've settled for a Maccabes) that they missed out on the one who could've helped them gain what so many of the better ones had spent their lives pursuing (freedom for their people, peace with God, a relationship with no pretence, etc.)

    Again, I might be completely wrong on everything but that's at least how I've interpreted this aspect of Christianity.

    I don't know, it made sense to me...

  20. #20
    I Aint Got No Job Gutter92's Avatar
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    Lol @ the idea of "God helps those who help themselves" aka "help yourself then give credit to a higher power"

    Cmon, wtf is that ? Same with the people who believe that when someone dies young its because they were good, and deserved a spot in heaven, so instead of allowing them to live their lives til natural death, god gives them the express train to heaven, cutting their lives short...such a great god you people believe in...

  21. #21
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    Lol @ the idea of "God helps those who help themselves" aka "help yourself then give credit to a higher power"

    Cmon, wtf is that ? Same with the people who believe that when someone dies young its because they were good, and deserved a spot in heaven, so instead of allowing them to live their lives til natural death, god gives them the express train to heaven, cutting their lives short...such a great god you people believe in...
    Not everybody believes that though.

    There's a lot of people who believe that it's actually the devil that causes early deaths and the like since nothing bad can come from God.

    ...Granted, that doesn't sound much better but I think it's a more tenable position.

  22. #22
    I Aint Got No Job Gutter92's Avatar
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    Not everybody believes that though.

    There's a lot of people who believe that it's actually the devil that causes early deaths and the like since nothing bad can come from God.

    ...Granted, that doesn't sound much better but I think it's a more tenable position.
    I would argue that by allowing the devil to exist and claim people, he is allowing bad things to happen, especially singe "god is almighty" and can "do anything", right?

  23. #23
    above average height mavs>spurs's Avatar
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    this thread is inappropriate

  24. #24
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    I would argue that by allowing the devil to exist and claim people, he is allowing bad things to happen, especially singe "god is almighty" and can "do anything", right?
    Hmm...Yes and no.

    I think that God is the standard of perfection and good rather than whatever other people are saying these days. This does allow for the devil without being inconsistent.

    I lean that way because absolute good imo makes evil possible. But on the other hand, evil behaviour, actions, and thought patterns don't exist without some standard to measure them against.

    Sort of like how by virtue of having questions that need to be answered on a test the standard of 100% makes it possible for an individual to fail.

    In that sense I'd say you're right because the devil doesn't exist without God.

    Personally, I see it more like God's existence makes the devil possible. Like how that 100% score, by virtue of existing, leaves room for a mark of 0%.

    This is where I think the concept of free will comes into play for humans.

    Since it's established that God can't accept anything less than perfection, can't deceive, can't go back on his word, be anything less than consistent, etc. I don't feel like the 'can do anything' school of thought is accurate. I suspect "powerful" is the concept they're looking to express.

  25. #25
    Moss is Da Sauce! mouse's Avatar
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    I'm no Bible thumper .

    But you do have one?

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