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  1. #401
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    Wisconsin Republicans worry about the rights of their apparently very stupid voters

    Yesterday we looked at the Wisconsin's GOP's legal temper tantrum over a state law that gives top-ballot position to parties who won the previous election.

    Republican legislative leaders filed a lawsuit Wednesday seeking changes to the newly redesigned ballot for the November election, claiming the one drafted by the nonpartisan elections agency unfairly benefits Democrats [...]
    The ballot design is unfair because Democratic candidates are listed first under the name of the office being sought and Republican candidates are separated by a line, the lawsuit said.

    Democrats are listed first, per state law, based on results in the 2012 election where President Barack Obama won Wisconsin. Republican candidates were listed first in 2012 because Gov. Scott Walker won election in 2010

    There's more, though. Check this out:

    The new ballot design is "extremely likely to violate the right to vote of thousands, if not millions of Wisconsin electors," the [Republican] lawsuit said.

    Got that? Placing Democrats on top, just like Republicans were on top in 2012, will violate the rights of millions of Wisconsin voters.

    draconian voter ID laws? Nope. No rights violated. Move along. Nothing to see.

    Repugs! A non-stop insult to even the low intelligence of average Americans!

  2. #402
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    Alan Keyes: Violent Conflict May Be Necessary If Congress Doesn't Oust Obama -

  3. #403
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    Tucker Carlson: Smoking in children’s cartoons is a ‘symbol of freedom and masculinity’

    "... smoking a pipe, a symbol of freedom and masculinity in America itself, the reason this country exists, tobacco, that’s like, ‘Oh, that’s outrageous. That’s a major sin.’”

  4. #404
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    Holy !

    Kashkari portrays GOP as a champion of minorities and the poor

  5. #405
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    Holy !

    Rick Perry Claims Texas’ New Abortion Restrictions Could Have Saved Joan Rivers’ Life

    RickyBobby's abortion restrictions will CAUSE deaths of TX women from backroom abortions, and increasing TX abortions from 80K to 100K due to contraception unavailability.

    Thanks, Repugs!

    And of course, admitting privileges is a total bull LIE.

  6. #406
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    Shady Wisconsin militia ‘targets’ Dem voters for arrest on open warrants in black districts

    Self-proclaimed militia group plans to confront likely Democratic voters at Wisconsin polls Nov. 4 over outstanding warrants or tax defaults.

    The Wisconsin Poll Watcher Militia clams it will check names on the 2012 recall pe ion for Republican Gov. Scott Walker and confront those voters who they believe are wanted on warrants.

    The group posted on Twitter that members would be “targeting heavy democrat districts, so it is doubtful” any Republicans would be reported.

    “We prefer our people be armed,” the self-described militia posted on Facebook. “Some will be heading to some of Milwaukee, Racine, and Beloit’s worst areas. We will be armed with a list of people to look for at each location.”

    The group asked Facebook users to privately send names of active voters who were wanted on warrants to they could have them arrested.

    “We can get our agents to watch their polling location, identify the individual, and then follow them to their residence,” the group posted, promising to call the police and have the would-be voter “picked up for processing.”

    “The group admits that they are targeting Democrats,” wrote Jason Easley, of Politicus USA. “They aren’t exactly subtle in making it clear that they are targeting African-American voters. The scheme is an attempt to intimidate African-American voters while getting around the Voting Rights Act. The point of this campaign isn’t to get felons off the streets. The ‘poll watchers’ are trying to keep African-Americans away from the polls.”

    Freedom! ( but not for non-Repugs )

  7. #407
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    Scott Brown says America is about to be destroyed by 'radical Islamic terrorists'

    “Radical Islamic terrorists are threatening to cause the collapse of our country,” Mr. Brown says. “President Obama and Senator Shaheen seem confused about the nature of the threat — not me.”

  8. #408
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    Asparagus-aspersioned Louie ALWAYS reliable

    Tea Party Congressman: Holder’s Resignation A Ploy To Distract From Horrors Of Obamacare

    Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) speculated on Thursday that Attorney General Eric Holder was resigning from office to distract attention from Obamacare and “the world falling apart.”

    “Because of the timing, I can’t help but wonder if this is the president’s attempt to change the subject from the horrors that Obamacare has caused people’s health care and the dismal economy and the world falling apart because of this president’s foreign policies or the lack there of,” the Texas Congressman said during an interview with Radio America.

    TX Repugs, y'all got some reel gud reps, yessirree!

  9. #409
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    Tucker Carlson: Smoking in children’s cartoons is a ‘symbol of freedom and masculinity’

  10. #410
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    Mort 's right-wing trashy toilet paper rag:

  11. #411
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    A vid from John Oliver's Last Week Tonight, trashing the heroine of Rand,Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan, Mark Cuban, Krazy Kruz, etc, etc.

  12. #412
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    Rick Perry: My Security Detail Would Knock An Intruder 'Dead Down'

    The White House is clearly on Texas Gov. Rick Perry's (R) mind.

    Perry took a break from discussing his presidential aspirations Tuesday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" to issue a warning to would-be intruders at the Texas governor's mansion.

    The governor talked about being unprepared for his 2012 Republican presidential primary campaign and his efforts to bone up on policy as he mulls another White House bid.

    "You know, getting knocked down and beaten up, we've always talked about it," co-host Joe Scarborough said. "Every time we go out and give speeches to young people, they say 'what's the best thing that could happen to you?' And we always say, you know what, get the left hook that you never see coming. Because the next time you get knocked down you'll see it coming."

    “Speaking of getting knocked down,” Perry interrupted. “Let me tell you, Texas governor’s detail -- do not try running through the governor’s mansion, okay. Shannon O’Neil, the lady that’s on our detail --”

    “She will knock you down,” Joe Scarborough chimed in.

    "Dead down,” Perry said. _campaign=Feed%3A+tpm-news+%28TPMNews%29

    Macho Man!

    "dead down" Is that some bubba, redneck phrase?

    Repugs prefer their Useful Idiot Presidents to be as stupid as you are.

  13. #413
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    Rick Perry: My Security Detail Would Knock An Intruder 'Dead Down'

    The White House is clearly on Texas Gov. Rick Perry's (R) mind.

    Perry took a break from discussing his presidential aspirations Tuesday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" to issue a warning to would-be intruders at the Texas governor's mansion.

    The governor talked about being unprepared for his 2012 Republican presidential primary campaign and his efforts to bone up on policy as he mulls another White House bid.

    "You know, getting knocked down and beaten up, we've always talked about it," co-host Joe Scarborough said. "Every time we go out and give speeches to young people, they say 'what's the best thing that could happen to you?' And we always say, you know what, get the left hook that you never see coming. Because the next time you get knocked down you'll see it coming."

    “Speaking of getting knocked down,” Perry interrupted. “Let me tell you, Texas governor’s detail -- do not try running through the governor’s mansion, okay. Shannon O’Neil, the lady that’s on our detail --”

    “She will knock you down,” Joe Scarborough chimed in.

    "Dead down,” Perry said. _campaign=Feed%3A+tpm-news+%28TPMNews%29

    Macho Man!

    "dead down" Is that some bubba, redneck phrase?

    Repugs prefer their Useful Idiot Presidents to be as stupid as you are.

  14. #414
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    off , no one cares about your ty articles

  15. #415
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    A vid from John Oliver's Last Week Tonight, trashing the heroine of Rand,Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan, Mark Cuban, Krazy Kruz, etc, etc.
    Oliver has made a very good show so far. Sort of like what the daily show would be, if it didn't have to out so much of its time slot to commercials.

  16. #416
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    off , no one cares about your ty articles

    Everybody pretty much thinks the same about your fascist schtick.

  17. #417
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    Everybody pretty much thinks the same about your fascist schtick.
    Random Cuck plz go

  18. #418
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    random cuck just go BTFO!!!!!

  19. #419
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    Scott Brown: People Don't 'Care About' Contraception, Equal Pay

    ... just clarifying the Repug official positions (not America's) on behalf of Christian Taliban who hate women having sex and BigCorps who hate paying men's salaries when women are 30% cheaper.

  20. #420
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    Pandering to the TX Christian Taliban. In Texas, gory gun violence is the preferred entertainment, esp "in Christ's name, for the glory of God Almighty"

    Texas GOP Lawmaker: Secularism Is Like Nazi 'Bullet Through The Throat' utm_campaign=Feed%3A+tpm-news+%28TPMNews%29

    ... and the Christian Taliban are as radical, extremist, oppressive as the Muslim Taliban.
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 10-02-2014 at 05:35 AM.

  21. #421
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Random Cuck plz go
    I'm sure your bruised ego could use the break, but sorry, not happening.

  22. #422
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    Mich GOP goes to the gutter, mailer asks people to call Dem candidate's mother who is in ho e

    This story is beyond disgusting. The Michigan Republican Party has mailed out a hit piece on John Fisher the Democratic candidate for Michigan's 61st House district. The mailer asks the recipient to call a phone number to complain about Fisher's support of the Affordable Care Act.The number they give rings at the bedside of Fisher's mother, 91-year-old Isabel Marie Kramb, who is in ho e care with congestive heart failure.

    all y'all Repugs, teabaggers, right-wingers are really, really regnant assholes for being the audience the asshole Repug candidate target with this crap.

  23. #423
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    How To Lose A Senate Election: Joni Ernst Wants to Discuss Privatizing Social Security

    Republican Iowa Senate Candidate Joni Ernst, whose castration of the swine in DC ad earned her a devoted conservative following, thinks “we all need to sit down” in a bipartisan manner to discuss privatizing Social Security.

    That alarm bell ringing in your head is warning you that “we need to sit down” is the equivalent of “It’s not you.” It is you, and by sit down and talk, they mean they have already made up their minds.

    In 2010, Tea Party Koch Republicans ran as “moderate” Republicans, and then when elected set about in a Great Collective Heist to steal from the poor to give to the rich.

    They went after unions, poor babies, unwed mothers, the elderly, the Veterans Administration, they shut down the government after wildly and irresponsibly slashing budgets – but they always had more money to give to big business.
    So when someone like that says we need to “talk” about privatizing Social Security, it should bring about the same reaction as Ernst’s proud castration ad did for sane people. Especially after the debate against her Democratic opponent is Bruce Braley in which she repeated Tea Party talking points like a broken record. tm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politic us+USA+%29

    fits in with Repug strategy that "everything, EVERYTHING, is on the table" including cutting/privatizing medicaid, medicare, social security, etc, etc.

  24. #424
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    TEXAS! Rep. Randy Weber: Can't Trust Obama On Ebola Because Of Benghazi -

    “I don’t want to sound alarmist and we don’t want people to get cast into a panic but this administration, as you well know, has a real serious credibility gap on a whole lot of things when it comes to taking things serious. Whether it’s ISIL or ISIS, whether it’s IRS, Benghazi, you can go right down the list and so it doesn’t foment faith in people to think that our administration’s on top of things when they’ve got such an abysmal track record.”

    “This guy has a record of doing things from a political standpoint, whether it’s putting off the amnesty order he wants to do after the election, there’s a lot of things he does from a political standpoint,” he said. “The denial, you know, whether it’s guys jumping the fence at the White House and they’re saying their agents acted with restraint, the denial that comes out of this administration, I mean nobody getting fired. I don’t know if he’s playing golf, I don’t mean to totally disrespect the president because he’s got his job to do, but I think he needs to sit up and take notice on some of these things.”

    Weber said Obama must arrive at the “day when he finally wakes up and realizes he’s not the smartest man in the room on every topic of interest there is and he should listen.”

    holy , you redneck Texans RILLY RILLY RILLY elect pure dumbasses

    and yeah, dubya and head had great "credibility non-gap" for being on top of things like OBL attacking US soil!

    I mean, I don't wanna disrespect those guys, because they had a lot of tax cutting, Iraq invasion planning, and vacationing to do.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 10-03-2014 at 03:37 PM.

  25. #425
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    GOPer Ernst Backed Arresting Feds Over Obamacare In 2012 Survey

    State Sen. Joni Ernst, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Iowa, once said she would support legislation that would allow "local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement" Obamacare.

    Ernst voiced her support for that, as well as supporting legislation that would "nullify" Obamacare in a Iowa State Legislative Candidates survey for Ron Paul's libertarian-aligned Campaign for Liberty in 2012. It can be viewed here.

    The question was:
    "Will you support legislation to nullify ObamaCare and authorize state and local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement the uncons utional health care scheme known as ObamaCare?"

    Ernst answered that question as "yes."

    Campaign for Liberty Communications Director Megan Stiles told TPM on Friday that the "yes" answer is what the group is looking for in candidates.

    red states!

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 10-04-2014 at 10:34 AM.

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