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  1. #26
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    8 years of failed liberal programs
    This kind of is why you rightwingnut bubbas are so ing laughable.

    which "liberal programs"?

  2. #27
    Cogito Ergo Sum LnGrrrR's Avatar
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    The idea that after 8 years of failed liberal programs America will vote for someone more liberal, and a self proclaimed socialist, is laughable! The pendelum is swinging back to my side. Put anyone you want on the D ticket. It doesn't matter! I just hope Conservatives elect a real future president and not Bush, Trump, or Christie.
    So... not the 3 conservatives who are the frontrunners in the eyes of most Republican voters? CROFL

  3. #28
    Rising above the Fray spursncowboys's Avatar
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    So... not the 3 conservatives who are the frontrunners in the eyes of most Republican voters? CROFL
    yeah good point. Because Guilianni and Clinton maintained their lead all the way through the process.

  4. #29
    Cogito Ergo Sum LnGrrrR's Avatar
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    yeah good point. Because Guilianni and Clinton maintained their lead all the way through the process.
    Your hope for Cruz seems... quixotic in nature.

  5. #30
    Rising above the Fray spursncowboys's Avatar
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    Your hope for Cruz seems... quixotic in nature.
    Yeah. So were a few others of mine though: Steve Forbes, Duncan Hunter, Anybody but McCain, etc. Kind of like Sanders though or Warren if she actually gets in, ever!
    Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and Obama (two years before the election) were probably considered illogical and wishful too.

  6. #31
    Cogito Ergo Sum LnGrrrR's Avatar
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    I think we're getting too close to the election for an unknown to really make a run, but I've been wrong before.

  7. #32
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    "Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and Obama"

    Unlike Krazy Kruz, none was an extreme left or right wing asshole

  8. #33
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    The Real Reasons Bernie Sanders is Transforming the Election: Here’s Why He Galvanizes the Left

    The pundits are confused but it's quite simple.

    CNN dubbed this “the summer of Sanders [3]” as media outlets finally picked up on the large crowds Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has attracted during campaign stops. His rocketing poll numbers in early primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire led to countless stories heralding a Sanders surge — but the story is as much about the issues as it is about the man.

    Even Republican candidates have taken notice of Sanders’ rise. Ahead of a recent stop in Madison, Wisconsin, likely 2016 contender and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker welcomed Sanders to the state with a series of tweets [4] attacking the democratic socialist once dismissed as too fringe. Walker may not have taken too fondly to Sanders attracting a record 10,000 people in his home state.

    But Sanders’ campaign, surely more so than that of any of the Republican candidates, seems to be gaining traction more for the ideas he espouses than because of a cult of personality.

    Granted, many supporters have pointed to Sanders’ straightforward manner and willingness to call out bad actors as refreshingly appealing, but unlike with Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Chris Christie, it isn’t just a brash style that’s being sold.

    Sanders makes a direct effort to address many of the issues that have arisen since the Hope & Change campaign of 2008 and it appears as though he is tapping into very real and long-simmering sentiments in the Democratic base.

    More than a protest vote against Hillary Clinton, as some have suggested, Sanders’ support appears to be support for issues Clinton’s yet to fully address. Here are some of the ways that Sanders is gaining support by leading on issues or movements that other candidates ignore:

    VA Scandal

    Sanders was chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee when Democrats last controlled the chamber, and following the VA scandal, Sanders worked with Republicans in the House to pass legislation [5] that expands health care access for veterans and makes it easier to fire underperforming officials.

    His record and work on veterans’ affairs issues has earned Sanders top awards from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the Military Officers Association of America, and now it appears as though that recognition is translating to support for his campaign. ( and from a 1960s hippie! )

    The Boston Globe writes [6] that Sanders’ “surge is partly fueled by veterans,” citing “entire Reddit threads [7] [that] are dedicated to how veterans can best pitch Sanders to other veterans” and “a Facebook page promoting Sanders to veterans.” As the Globe notes, in the early voting state of South Carolina veterans make up about 11 percent of the electorate.

    Occupy Wall Street

    The short-lived global protest movement suddenly shifted the national debate in the aftermath of the recession from talk of austerity to a focus on growing income inequality by introducing terms like the 1 Percent to national prominence in time for the 2012 campaign. But the Occupy Wall Street movement achieved no great legislative win, and after the encampments were broken down many of the grievances remained unacknowledged, let alone addressed.

    Sanders’ 2016 campaign embodies much of the demands of the OWS movement. Speaking to the largest campaign crowd of this cycle [8] in Wisconsin this week, Sanders said,

    “The big money interests — Wall Street, corporate America, all of these guys — have so much power that no president can defeat them unless there is an organized grassroots movement making them an offer they can’t refuse.”

    For activists who organized, protested and camped out in Zuccotti Park and squares across America, this message of unfinished business is powerful. The acknowledgement of a continued struggle and willingness to put up a fight is what was galvanized the Draft Warren movement and it has now seemingly shifted to Sanders.

    Student Debt Movement

    Some Occupy Wall Street activists joined a movement against student debt, which has now surpassed $1 trillion in the U.S. The activists, some of whom had refused to make any more payments on their federal student loans [9], achieved a major victory this year when Corinthian colleges (you know them by their annoying commercials hawking their schools like Everest, Heald and WyoTech) shuttered the last of their remaining U.S. campuses, and the erasure of $13 million in debt. The movement has successfully overseen the closure of campuses in Canada the year before.

    Sanders has proposed the College for All Act, [10] a plan to provide tuition-free education at public colleges funded by a small tax on Wall Street transactions.

    Citizens United

    Since the 2010 Supreme Court ruling allowing unlimited political contributions by corporations and unions saw the rise of the Super PAC in electoral campaigns, Americans are shockingly united in their opposition to such obscene levels of money in politics. The overwhelming majority of Americans, including Republicans, [11] support limits on campaign contributions.

    Sanders is the only candidate to have completely sworn off all Super PAC funds [12], although a couple of independent political action committees have formed in support of his candidacy.

    But Sanders has objected to their existence, saying, “A major problem of our campaign finance system is that anybody can start a super PAC on behalf of anybody and can say anything. And this is what makes our current campaign finance situation totally absurd.”


    The Supreme Court may have upheld the Affordable Care Act twice, but the political battle over the health care law promises to rage on five years after its passage. With health care costs rising only marginally more slowly than they before the law’s passage and a continuation of premium increases, even Democrats who support the law have called for marked improvements as millions of Americans are left uninsured because Republican lawmakers refuse to expand Medicaid.

    Sanders has promised to return the debate to early 2007, when during the Democratic presidential primary the public option was on the table.

    Sanders has long called for a “Medicare-for-all” single-payer health care plan similar to what was tossed aside as too radical shortly after the talks began on health care reform once Obama took office.

  9. #34
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    Boutons,are you going to vote for Bernie or stick with granny?

  10. #35
    Yes. I sign my name. Slutter McGee's Avatar
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    In an individualist laissez-faire world, there'd be no government left for anyone to fall back on when goes wrong i.e. natural disaster or injury. Do you really want that?
    Maybe, but at least we wouldn't have full of libs passing feel good anti price gouging laws that hurt communities when natural disasters hit.

    ter McGee

  11. #36
    Board Man Comes Home Clipper Nation's Avatar
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    Just came across this old article in which the real Bernie Sanders is exposed by leftists as a flip-flopping, pro-war statist who is just more of the same:

    Bernie became an imperialist to get elected in 1990. In August, 1990--after the Bush administration enticed Iraq into invading Kuwait--Sanders said he wasn't "going to let some damn war cost him the election," according to a staff member who was present at the time. So Sanders backed the buildup in the Persian Gulf and dumped on the left anti-imperialist peace movement, singling out his former allies like Dave Dellinger for public criticism.
    Bernie has repeatedly blocked third party building. His closet party, the Democrats, are very worried about a left 3rd party forming in Vermont. In the last two elections, Sanders has prevented Progressives in his machine from running against Howard Dean, our conservative Democratic Governor who was ahead of Gingrich in the attack on welfare.
    Since 1991 the Democrats have given Bernie membership in their Congressional Caucus. Reciprocally, Bernie has become an ardent imperialist. Sanders endorsed Clinton in 1992 and 1996. In 1992 he described Clinton as the "lesser of evils," (a justification he used to denounce when he was what the local press called an "avowed socialist"). By 1996 he gave Clinton an unqualified endorsement. He has been a consistent "Friend of Bill's" from since 1992.
    Bernie regularly rides out with the rest of the Vermont Congressional delegation defending the military contracts in Vermont against cuts by the Pentagon, while arguing that some moderation in military spending is possible on the grounds "that the threat of communism is over" (WCAX interview, 10/94)
    He promises working people, the aged, the poor, and the "vanishing middle class" that he will defend them while he repeatedly blocks the building of the anti-capitalist political movement and party that might actual make such promises legitimate.
    Gullible "progressives"
    Voting for a Hillary clone just because he's eccentric and calls himself a socialist

  12. #37
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    Maybe, but at least we wouldn't have full of libs passing feel good anti price gouging laws that hurt communities when natural disasters hit.

    ter McGee
    for example? not sure what you're referring to here...

  13. #38
    Cogito Ergo Sum LnGrrrR's Avatar
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    You're using something from 1999 against Bernie? Hmmm too bad he hasn't said anything about wars since then... and every politician defends military contractors locally. They aren't idiots. Just like you can support health care for states but not the government, you can argue that the military is too big while defending your local precinct.

  14. #39
    Board Man Comes Home Clipper Nation's Avatar
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    You're using something from 1999 against Bernie? Hmmm too bad he hasn't said anything about wars since then... and every politician defends military contractors locally. They aren't idiots. Just like you can support health care for states but not the government, you can argue that the military is too big while defending your local precinct.
    Yes, it's from 1999. So what? He didn't have the name recognition, presidential ambitions, or devoted Internet/welfare-queen fanbase back then. He was just some no-name from Vermont. Even in what is pretty much a no-pressure situation, Bernie still was a conniving career politician and a flip-flopper. It shows how manufactured his "outsider" persona really is.

  15. #40
    Veteran Th'Pusher's Avatar
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    Just came across this old article in which the real Bernie Sanders is exposed by leftists as a flip-flopping, pro-war statist who is just more of the same:

    Gullible "progressives"
    Voting for a Hillary clone just because he's eccentric and calls himself a socialist
    Petty weak tbh. Do you have anything more sensational?
    Last edited by Th'Pusher; 07-06-2015 at 10:55 AM.

  16. #41
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    "he's eccentric and calls himself a socialist"

    In the TOTAL ABSENCE of a Repug agenda
    policies (guns/god/gays/immigration/poor-vaginas), here are some of BS's very popular POLICIES:

    It’s Bernie Sanders’ America: 5 “radical” ideas Americans strongly support

    Health Care For All

    The idea is extremely popular among Democrats, with nearly 80 percent in supportaccording to a January 2015 poll by the Progressive Change Ins ute. The poll found that a majority of Americans overall supported a Medicare-for-all insurance option.

    And seven in 10 Democrats and Democratic-leaning respondents agreed with the statement, “it is the responsibility of the government in Washington to see to it that people
    have help in paying for doctors and hospital bills.” Three-quarters of Republicans and Republican-leaning respondents disagreed according to the most recent Gallup survey.

    Taxing The Rich

    Sixty-four percent of Americans say they are bothered a lot by the feeling that some corporations aren’t paying what’s fair in federal taxes, and 61 percent say the same about some wealthy people, according to a recent Pew poll. Meanwhile, 67 percent of Americans recently told Gallup they were dissatisfied with the way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S.

    Tuition-Free College

    Sanders has proposed the College for All Act, a plan to provide free education at public colleges funded by a small tax on Wall Street transactions.
    Sixty-three percent of respondents supported a similar proposal from President Obama earlier this year, including 47 percent of Republicans.

    Campaign Finance Reform

    A New York Times poll released this month found that “Americans, regardless of their political affiliation, agree that money has too much influence on elections, the wealthy have more influence on elections, and candidates who win office promote policies that help their donors.”

    Eighty-four percent of respondents said money has too great an influence on political campaigns.

    Sixty-six percent agreed that the wealthy have the most influence.

    Seventy-seven percent want to limit the amount of money individuals can contribute to political campaigns.

    Same-Sex Marriage

    Sanders has been a supporter dating back four decades, voting against 1996’s Defense of Marriage Act and supporting his state’s legalization of same-sex marriage.
    According to a May 2015 Pew poll, 57 percent of Americans agree, including most Republicans under 45.

    Sanders’ willingness to call himself a democratic socialist may set him apart in American politics but as the polling shows, his views are hardly out-of-step with American voters. ns_strongly_support/

  17. #42
    Believe. Blizzardwizard's Avatar
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    Exactly. As soon as Americans start owning up to having some socialist tendencies, you'll feel better.

  18. #43
    Still Hates Small Ball Spurminator's Avatar
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    Just came across this old article in which the real Bernie Sanders is exposed by leftists as a flip-flopping, pro-war statist who is just more of the same:

    Gullible "progressives"
    Voting for a Hillary clone just because he's eccentric and calls himself a socialist

    Well this seems bulletproof. Good post, Clippers_deux.

  19. #44
    Believe. Blizzardwizard's Avatar
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    Yes, it's from 1999. So what? He didn't have the name recognition, presidential ambitions, or devoted Internet/welfare-queen fanbase back then. He was just some no-name from Vermont. Even in what is pretty much a no-pressure situation, Bernie still was a conniving career politician and a flip-flopper. It shows how manufactured his "outsider" persona really is.
    The Paul family are known conservative hacks pretending to be 'for freedom and the good of the people '. Perfectly happy to rid of Obamacare and to remove all government aid and benefits. For the good of the people my ass.

  20. #45
    Yes. I sign my name. Slutter McGee's Avatar
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    for example? not sure what you're referring to here...
    I don't mind providing evidence to back up controversial claims, but pretty sure the existence of price gouging laws is an obvious one. And although Republican's are also responsible for them, Democrats and democratic state legislatures have been far more complicit in there existence thanks to their attempts to demonize big business.

    But I am going to assume you are a re and just explain it to you. Anti price gouging laws impede the ability for a population to exit a natural disaster area as well as impede the ability for goods, services, and equipment to enter them, because they disrupt the pricing mechanism forcing shortages.

    ter McGee

  21. #46
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    I don't mind providing evidence to back up controversial claims, but pretty sure the existence of price gouging laws is an obvious one.
    It's unsurprising to me that there are such laws, though I was not specifically aware of them. I've never lived in a disaster zone and must've missed the media furores related to price-gouging, as well as the various legislative responses thereto. If being unfamiliar with every jot and tle of state law makes me a re , so be it.

  22. #47
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    wants exploiting assholes to charge exorbitant rates for essentials during a disaster? no surprise, conservatives a socio-pathologically heartless, profit-at-all-costs driven.

  23. #48
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    Boutons, you love Bernie?

  24. #49
    Yes. I sign my name. Slutter McGee's Avatar
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    wants exploiting assholes to charge exorbitant rates for essentials during a disaster? no surprise, conservatives a socio-pathologically heartless, profit-at-all-costs driven.
    And liberals don't understand basic economics. The great rightwing conservative Paul ing Krugman agrees with me. Lets say you have a disaster, like Hurricane Katrina, and you have some guy who buys a bunch of generators drives to the affected area and tries to sell them at profit. This is a true story, and this is illegal. but what is wrong with it?

    An ignorant liberal like yourself might argue that the evil man is trying to take advantage of people. Intelligent people like myself would recognize that there are now a bunch more generators in the affected areas. So what if only rich people buy them? Now the government relief efforts don't have to worry about the rich and they can hand out more generators for the poor people.

    Ok, now other evil people trying to exploit poor people start buying more generators and taking them to the effected area because they saw the profit that guy made. Now generators are less scarce and there is compe ion, prices drop, all of a sudden the middle class is buying generators...and guess what, now government relief efforts can worry about them less and help the poor more.

    But I guess you don't give a about the poor.

    ter McGee

  25. #50
    Cogito Ergo Sum LnGrrrR's Avatar
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    Yes, it's from 1999. So what? He didn't have the name recognition, presidential ambitions, or devoted Internet/welfare-queen fanbase back then. He was just some no-name from Vermont. Even in what is pretty much a no-pressure situation, Bernie still was a conniving career politician and a flip-flopper. It shows how manufactured his "outsider" persona really is.
    I put more weight on the last 16 years than the first.

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