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  1. #1
    Board Man Comes Home Clipper Nation's Avatar
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    The only interesting candidate in the two major parties needs his own thread, tbh. As a libertarian, he's too much of a neocon for me to want him as president, but he does bring up valid issues that ought to be talked about, and he is consistently entertaining.

    Today, he's making plans to kick El Chapo's ass:

  2. #2
    🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 ElNono's Avatar
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    ugh, he's the koolaid-man of politicos... can't believe it would be you out of all people that would fall for it...

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    valid issues?

    running the Executive isn't meant to be "entertaining".

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    valid issues?

    running the Executive isn't meant to be "entertaining".
    Ugh, why is this shill defiling my perfectly good thread?

  5. #5
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    perfectly good thread?

  6. #6
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    The Donald just brushing off all his haters and doubters, not letting it affect his swag, LeBron no headband, Witten no helmet, et al.:

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    Daily Kos

    Trump won, tbh. Modern Family is garbage, anyway. A sitcom with no jokes or humor at all.

  10. #10
    A neverending cycle Trainwreck2100's Avatar
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    Trump won, tbh. Modern Family is garbage, anyway. A sitcom with no jokes or humor at all.
    That's alright because it has s, an interracial couple and a fat kid.

  11. #11
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    Trump says Phoenix officials erred in letting too many people in to his speech

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump posted a tweet Sunday claiming the City of Phoenix violated its fire code by allowing a crowd at his event Saturday that was more than three times the room's capacity.
    Trump and his campaign were declaring through the day Saturday that there were 10,000, 15,000 or 20,000 people at the event at the Phoenix Convention Center. The hall where the rally was held has a maximum occupancy of 4,200.

    Trump's tweets today said Phoenix officials "did not want to have thousands of people standing outside in the heat, so they let them in." Donald, if you happened to look at those people "standing outside in the heat," you'd notice they were protestors! (Who also made up some of the 4,200 in the hall.) The truth is, Convention Center officials offered the campaign a larger room, but Trump's people declined, because 4,000 or 5,000 in a room capable of holding 10,000 (a Sanders crowd) wouldn't present the right optics.

    Every news organization estimated the Phoenix crowd at about 4,200—a decent size but not enough for Trump's fact-free ego, which demanded Bernie-like numbers.

    Still, fire officials were adamant that they did not permit 15,000 or 20,000 people into the space.

    A spokeswoman for the Phoenix Fire Department and a person who was on-site Saturday and familiar with security arrangements said Trump was wrong.
    "There's no way that would be allowed," said Phoenix Fire Department spokeswoman S y Jamison. "No one from Phoenix fire will be wowed by Donald Trump and turn the other cheek."

    Prime Klown driving the Repug VERY CROWDED Klown Kar

  12. #12
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    5 Reasons America Needs Immigrants More Than It Needs Donald Trump

    1. People like Trump crashed our economy.

    Immigrants didn’t issue millions of bad mortgages, bundle them and then sell them to suckers, leading to the loss of trillions in wealth and 8 million jobs. Speculators like Donald Trump did. And though the richest were among those who helped engineer the crash, they’re also among the very few Americans who are soaking up the gains of the recovery.

    Our nation’s greatest economic problem is income inequality. It’s slowing our growth, depressing our economic mobility, andcorrupting our democracy. The idea that the rich know best for America has resulted in one thing: The richest getting richer.
    That’s the point of Donald Trump’s candidacy and the goal of the Republican Party. And it’s wrecking our middle class.

    2. People like Trump are polarizing our government.

    Republicans told themselves to pass immigration reform after losing in 2012. When a bipartisan bill passed the Senate — a bill that would have doubled the number of border patrol agents — the House GOP refused to vote on it. Instead they voted to deport law-abiding undo ented immigrants, over and over.

    Why? The House GOP does not need to win one Latino vote to keep its majority. And while Latinos care about far more than immigration, the issue is hugely consequential and symbolic, as it shows whether your outstretched hand is open to new Americans, or making a fist.

    For decades Republicans have used racial resentment to win elections and gut the policies that built the middle class. Now they need minorities to win the White House, and the seeds of distrust and division they’ve planted have grown into vines that threaten to strangle the party itself, the same way they have cut off all air to reform.

    3. Unlike Trump, immigrants have every interest in steering clear of wrongdoing.

    Every murder is a tragedy, but Trump’s attempt to turn Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez into a new Willie Horton betrays a cynical dismissal of reality that rises on a pungent cloud of xenophobia and opportunism.

    “We know that as a group, immigrants are actually much less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans,” Paul Waldman wrote in the Washington Post.

    The logic is pretty simple. Immigrants come here to work to support themselves and their families. Going to jail or back to Mexico screws this plan up. Avoiding law enforcement is the goal, to the point that crimes against the undo ented often go unreported, to avoid the risk of deportation. The exploitation of those in the shadows by criminals and employers is one huge reason that humanitarian groups and the Catholic Church support reform.

    Trump, in an effort to seem less racist, argues that Mexico is capriciously sending criminals north. As if saying, “Not all Mexicans are rapists, just the ones in America” is any less offensive. And while his racist invective definitely has an audience, it’s likely to be less effective than George H.W. Bush’s Willie Horton attacks for a simple reason: Violent crime was actually ing in the late 1980s, and Republicans didn’t need minority votes to take the White House.

    While undo ented immigrants have every reason to avoid gamy interests and multifarious questionable practices, we can’t say the same for Trump.

    4. Immigration reform will extend the life of Social Security.

    Donald Trump could help extend the life of America’s retirement guarantee by arguing that people like him who have benefited the most from America should pay into Social Security on all their income, the way the middle class does.

    Since the current Republican Party exists to make sure rich people don’t pay taxes, this simple fix to the country’s most invaluable social program isn’t likely. But the Senate passed a bill in 2013 that could have extended Social Security — immigration reform.

    “Here’s how the math works,” The Daily Beast’s Eleanor Clift wrote. “Five percent of the U.S. workforce is undo ented, which is some 8.1 million people. Thirty-eight percent of the 8.1 million pay Social Security taxes, which comes to roughly $12 billion a year, according to CAP estimates. That’s a pretty nice cushion for a graying America.”

    This is a common-sense way to keep the program going without asking America’s hardest-working people to work even longer.

    5. Immigrants can help solve our biggest economic problems.

    Given that President Obama has led the longest private sector expansion in American history—which has seen the unemployment rate cut faster and more dramatically than even Mitt Romney promised, as we’re on pace for the second-highest number of jobs ever created in one president’s term—Republicans have to find other numbers to whine about. Their current fixation is the labor force participation rate. It is falling, as it has for decades, mostly because those pesky Baby Boomers actually thought we were serious when we said Americans should be able to retire.

    I know Republicans just like to complain instead of trying to solve problems. But if they really want to increase labor force participation, immigration reform is the way to do it. Immigrants have showed a higher labor participation rate recently, and could help replace — and support — the legions of retiring Americans.

    Forcing all workers to join in a legal labor market, where they can’t be exploited, would also help to address our second biggest problem: stagnant wages. Immigrants have already raised wages for American workers between 0.1 and 0.6 percent. And with these workers invited to participate in and contribute to our economy, they can advance the efforts to raise salaries through a higher minimum wage and a new overtime threshold that will pay millions of Americans more for work they’re already doing.

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    A century of research says Donald Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime

    1) Native-born Americans are much more likely to be incarcerated than immigrants

    Immigration Policy Center
    The Immigration Policy Center found that immigrant men from Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala ages 18 to 39 and without a high school diploma — those who make up a bulk of the unauthorized immigrant population and would be most prone to commit crime — are incarcerated at much lower rates than native-born American men of the same age and education level. This suggests that immigrants — both unauthorized and legal — are committing much less crime.

    The analysis found this has held up for decades. In 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010, native-born Americans ages 18 to 39 were two to five times more likely to be in jail or prison than immigrants of the same age.
    In a review of the research, the Immigration Policy Center cited multiple studies that found immigrants aren't more prone to commit crime. For example, a 2013 study found that "immigrants to the US are less likely to engage in violent or nonviolent antisocial behaviors than native-born Americans. Notably, native-born Americans were approximately four times more likely to report violent behavior than Asian and African immigrants and three times more likely than immigrants from Latin America."


    Some conservatives
    point out that undo ented immigrants represent more than one-third of yearly federal sentences for criminal convictions. But the Immigration Policy Center demonstrated that the federal statistic misses the much larger state prison population, where immigrants make up a tiny fraction of inmates. The report stated, "while some may be [in federal prison] for committing a serious criminal offense, a great many more may be there because of an immigration violation. Moreover, it is important to keep in mind that the characteristics of the federal prison population do not necessarily speak to the US prison population as a whole because the overwhelming majority of prisoners are not in federal prisons. According to data from the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, federal inmates accounted for only 9 percent of all prisoners in 2010."

    The group also pointed to federal commissions from a century ago that studied the effects of previous immigration waves on crime. The Dillingham Commission in 1911 concluded, "No satisfactory evidence has yet been produced to show that immigration has resulted in an increase in crime disproportionate to the increase in adult population. Such comparable statistics of crime and population as it has been possible to obtain indicate that immigrants are less prone to commit crime than are native Americans."

    2) Since the 1990s, more unauthorized immigrants came to the US — and crime rates dropped

    Immigration Policy Center
    As the number of immigrants — unauthorized and otherwise — increased in the US, crime fell precipitously across the country. And major immigrant "gateways" — such as El Paso, San Antonio, San Diego, and Austin — have seen big crime drops along with the rest of the country, according to the Immigration Policy Center report.

    Now, immigration isn't necessarily the cause of the US crime drop — criminologists point to many, many reasons for the decline, and some are still being studied and debated to this day.

    But some criminologists believe immigration helped. John Roman, a senior fellow at the Urban Ins ute's Justice Policy Center, previously told me that upwardly mobile immigrants (and gentrifiers) help create more prosperous economic environments — because they don't push older residents out of inner-city neighborhoods, but instead create more integrated, economically healthier areas. These stronger economies then help drive down crime.


    Roman pointed to research that shows economically and racially segregated areas tend to have a lot more problems with crime. He cited the differences in crime in New York City, which has seen a lot of gentrification in recent years, and Chicago, which remains one of the most economically and racially segregated major cities in the US. While New York City has seen homicides drop over the past few decades, Chicago's homicide rate has seen a smaller decline.

    Roman acknowledged that it's difficult to study the direct effects of immigration and gentrification — making it hard to know how much, if any, of an impact immigrants may have.

    But at the very least, the Immigration Policy Center's analysis shows that increases in immigration aren't leading to huge es in crime — suggesting that the warnings of Trump and others are misguided at best.

  14. #14
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    It's crazy that people are actually talking about Trump as if he's a serious candidate.

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    It's crazy that people are actually talking about Trump as if he's a serious candidate.
    right now, he's polling at the top or very near the top. Will certainly be in the Top 10 "Debate" assholes.

  16. #16
    Veteran InRareForm's Avatar
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    I actually like that he is fearless... But this is trump and does not deserve to be our president lol

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    I actually like that he is fearless... But this is trump and does not deserve to be our president lol
    easy to be fearless when you were born on 3rd base worth $Bs

  18. #18
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    I actually like that he is fearless... But this is trump and does not deserve to be our president lol
    Bet he's not fearless enough to keep talking about El Chapo. Dude would cap his ass just to prove he could and he would be a freaking overnight folk hero in Mexico.

  19. #19
    Mr. John Wayne CosmicCowboy's Avatar
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    It's crazy that people are actually talking about Trump as if he's a serious candidate.
    Same with Sanders. Yin and Yang.

  20. #20
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    It's crazy that people are actually talking about Trump as if he's a serious candidate.
    He's more serious than that nutjob Bernie Sanders.

  21. #21
    Damns (Given): 0 Blake's Avatar
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    He's more serious than that nutjob Bernie Sanders.
    That's almost like saying cat is more serious than dog crap

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    He's more serious than that nutjob Bernie Sanders.
    Trump is running on hate, Bernie is running on help for the 99%.

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    Trump Reportedly Tells Hollywood Audience We Should Have Invaded Mexico Instead Of Iraq

    That comment reportedly drew a loud round of applause.Romero reports that Lou Ferrigno and Paul Sorvino were in attendance. In addition, right wing commentator Ann Coulter was present. Donald Trump blew her a kiss from the podium.

    Furthermore, while Trump’s demagoguery taps into white resentment to score votes, his arguments are odds with the facts. Despite all of Trump’s amplified rhetoric, illegal crossings across the U.S. Southern border are at a forty-year low. Since 2007, more Mexicans have been leaving the United States than entering it.

  24. #24
    Cogito Ergo Sum LnGrrrR's Avatar
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    Trump won, tbh. Modern Family is garbage, anyway. A sitcom with no jokes or humor at all.
    It's certainly not as funny as Trump running for president...

  25. #25
    Cogito Ergo Sum LnGrrrR's Avatar
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    Bet he's not fearless enough to keep talking about El Chapo. Dude would cap his ass just to prove he could and he would be a freaking overnight folk hero in Mexico.
    Cmon CC, this was a teeball all served up for you and you missed it. What you meant to say was "overnight folk hero in DC, California, NY, Boston..." lol

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