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  1. #51
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    Stupid Has Taken Over The GOP As Ben Carson Has No Idea What The Debt Limit Is

    The proof that ignorance has overtaken the Republican Party can be found in a recent interview where Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson appeared to have no clue about the debt limit.

    Transcript of Carson struggling with trying to answer a debt limit question on American Public Radio’s “Marketplace:”


    All right, so let’s talk about debt then and the budget. As you know, Treasury Secretary Lew has come out in the last couple of days and said, “We’re gonna run out of money, we’re gonna run out of borrowing authority, on the fifth of November.” Should the Congress then and the president not raise the debt limit? Should we default on our debt?


    Let me put it this way: if I were the president, I would not sign an increased budget. Absolutely would not do it. They would have to find a place to cut.


    To be clear, it’s increasing the debt limit, not the budget, but I want to make sure I understand you. You’d let the United States default rather than raise the debt limit.


    No, I would provide the kind of leadership that says, “Get on the stick guys, and stop messing around, and cut where you need to cut, because we’re not raising any spending limits, period.”


    I’m gonna try one more time, sir. This is debt that’s already obligated. Would you not favor increasing the debt limit to pay the debts already incurred?


    What I’m saying is what we have to do is restructure the way that we create debt. I mean if we continue along this, where does it stop? It never stops. You’re always gonna ask the same question every year. And we’re just gonna keep going down that pathway. That’s one of the things I think that the people are tired of.


    I’m really trying not to be circular here, Dr. Carson, but if you’re not gonna raise the debt limit and you’re not gonna give specifics on what you’re gonna cut, then how are we going to know what you are going to do as president of the United States?


    OK, let me try to explain it in a different way. If, in fact, we have a number of different areas that are contributing to the increasing expenditures and the continued expenditures that are putting us further and further into the hole. You’re familiar I’m sure with the concept of the fiscal gap.

    A candidate who knew what they were talking about would have answered yes or no to this simple question. Since Ben Carson seemed to have no idea what the debt limit is, his answer turned into a stumbling expedition for an explanation.

    Between Donald Trump’s lack of knowledge on everything and Carson’s lack of understanding of the issues, it is clear to see that stupid has risen to the top of the Republican Party.

    A person can make a lot of money in business or be a successful brain surgeon and not be prepared to be president. Ben Carson is Donald Trump without the offensiveness and bluster.

    Carson isn’t fit to be president, and to trust this man with the direction of the country would be a collective act of self-destructive irresponsibility. tm_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politic us+USA+%29

    Carson's stupidity and ignorance, same qualities in all the Repug candidates, is what makes him so attractive to his stupid, ignorant supporters,aka, The Repug Base.

  2. #52
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    Glad he thinks he's so funny. "That way we don't all up dead, hehehehe"

    He's laughing at the stupidity of the question.

  3. #53
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    Carson says armed Jews would have 'diminished' Holocaust

    ooops, his Christian Taliban racist base don't want no Jews shootin' no white supremacist Gestapo.

  4. #54
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    What a weird individual. It's like he wants to be out of the race

  5. #55
    ex Hornets78 Pelicans78's Avatar
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    What a weird individual. It's like he wants to be out of the race
    Or he's as dysfunctional as his party.

  6. #56
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    Ben Carson: 'PC Methodology' Is Persecuting Christians

    “I don’t think most people, if they really stopped and thought about it would say, ‘I’m anti-Christian,’ but they buy into the PC methodology and hence they find themselves going with that crowd,” he said.

    One way to stem the tide, he said, would be for Congress to pass legislation undermining the Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision. “I’m not an anarchist, it is the law of the land, but that doesn’t mean we can’t change it,” he said. “It doesn’t mean that there isn’t a reason that we have separation of powers and checks and balances, and clearly when one branch oversteps their boundaries, it’s time for the next one to act.”

    Later in the interview, Malzberg claimed that President Obama doesn’t care about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East or terror attacks in Israel, falsely claiming that the White House didn’t respond to an attack that killed three rabbis in a Jerusalem synagogue last year.

    “I don’t think he’s moved by dead Christians or dead Jews,” Malzberg said, “I think he’s moved by dead Muslims and dead thugs at the hands of police.”

    BC's PC is a VERY WIDE, LOOSE category.

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    Carson Says 'Progressive Movement' Thinks 'I'm An Uncle Tom'

    Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson told conservative radio host Dennis Prager that racism in America is "mostly" coming from the progressive movement and its members think Carson is "an Uncle Tom," according to audio clip posted Friday by BuzzFeed.

    “I’m not sure I agree that there isn’t a fair amount of racism here, there is, but it’s not where you would expect it to be," Carson said on the radio show. "It’s mostly with the progressive movement who will look at someone like me, and because of the color of my pigment, they decide that there’s a certain way that I’m supposed to think. And if I don’t think that way, I’m an Uncle Tom and they heap all kinds of hatred on you. That, to me, is racism."

    Education can elevate you past racism, Carson said.

    “Race doesn’t really keep you down in this country if you get a good education,”

    iow, BC is an Uncle Tom.

  9. #59
    Grab 'em by the pussy Splits's Avatar
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    considering there are 48 black members of Congress and 45 of them are Dems, I'd say Ben Carson is the definition of Uncle Tom.

  10. #60
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    considering there are 48 black members of Congress and 45 of them are Dems, I'd say Ben Carson is the definition of Uncle Tom.
    Not much ideological diversity among African Americans. Sad, tbh.

  11. #61
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    Not much ideological diversity among African Americans. Sad, tbh.
    Or, they're smart enough to not vote against their interests.

  12. #62
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    Or, they're smart enough to not vote against their interests.
    Dems run all the major cities. How's that workin out?

  13. #63
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Dems run all the major cities. How's that workin out?
    Eh, all the Republicans moved out and took their money when the minorities started showing up. What are you going to do?

  14. #64
    dangerous floater Winehole23's Avatar
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    whine about how the damn liberals and minorities done ed up everything.

  15. #65
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    America's Newest Political Curse: Ben Carson, the Neurosurgeon Who Can't Think

    What does it say about higher education, that you can graduate from Yale and still believe that the devil made Darwin do it?

    What does it say about medicine, that you can both be a gifted neurosurgeon and also
    declare, “I never saw a body with bullet holes that was more devastating than taking the right to arm ourselves away”?

    when Carson, a retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon, denies that climate change is man-made, or calls the Big Bang a fairy tale, or blames gun control for the extent of the Holocaust, I think he truly believes it.

    But he could not have risen to the top of his profession
    without learning the Second Law of Thermodynamics (pre-meds have to take physics), without knowing that life on earth began more than 6,000 years ago (pre-meds have to take biology), without understanding the scientific method (an author of more than 120 articles in peer-reviewed journals can’t make up his own rules of evidence).

    Yet what does it mean to learn such things, if they don’t stop you from
    spouting scientific nonsense?

    Participants in focus groups of Republican caucus and primary voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, conducted in recent days by Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, used these words to describe Carson: “deep,” “thoughtful,” “intelligent,” “smart,” “brilliant,” a “top mind.”

    I get this. According to a recent Public Policy Polling
    report, 46 percent of Carson supporters (and 61 percent of Trump supporters) think President Obama was not born in the U.S., and 61 percent of Carson supporters (and 66 percent of Trump supporters) think the president is a Muslim.

    Carson’s being called brilliant by that base ain’t baffling.

    The simple yet appalling fact is that we have at least some solid evidence that a top scientific education and a distinguished career in medicine does not make a man any less capable of believing untruths to be true and truths to be false.

    when Ben Carson blames a mass murderer’s victims for failing to foil him, I know of at least one man of science whose capacity for moral response has been absorbed by fictions.

  16. #66
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    Aides Find Ben Carson’s Inflammatory Remarks Are Helping Him

  17. #67
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    Aides Find Ben Carson’s Inflammatory Remarks Are Helping Him
    Lol, inflammatory

    Two Americans attack a terrorist on a train and are heroes. Carson describes the same scenario and its "inflammatory"

  18. #68
    Grab 'em by the pussy Splits's Avatar
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    Lol, inflammatory

    Two Americans attack a terrorist on a train and are heroes. Carson describes the same scenario and its "inflammatory"
    lol you didn't read the article

  19. #69
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    Ben Carson's Love Affair With a "Nutjob" Conspiracy Theorist

    A top GOP presidential contender has embraced the dark, paranoid, and crazy worldview of a far-right pseudohistorian

    But he has provided one important clue as to his fundamental political worldview, by repeatedly endorsing a far-right conspiracy theorist named W. Cleon Skousen, who wascharacterized in 2007 by the conservative National Review as an "all-around nutjob." Skousen came to prominence in the 1950s as a virulent anti-Communist crusader; he later claimed that a global cabal of bankers controlled the world from behind the scenes, and he once wrote a book that referred to the "blessings of slavery."

    Carson swears by Skousen, who died in 2006. In a July 2014 interview, Carson contended that Marxist forces had been using liberals and the mainstream media to undermine the United States. His source: Skousen. "There is a book called The Naked Communist," he said.

    "It was written in 1958. Cleon Skousen lays out the whole agenda, including the importance of getting people into important positions in the mainstream media so they can help drive the agenda. Well, that's what's going on now."

    Four months later, while being interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News, Carson denounced unnamed Marxists who were presently seeking to destroy American society: "There was a guy who was a former CIA agent by the name of Cleon Skousen who wrote a book in 1958 called The Naked Communist, and it laid out the whole agenda.

    You would think by reading it that it was written last year—showing what they're trying to do to American families, what they're trying to do to our Judeo-Christian faith, what they're doing to morality." (Skousen had been an FBI employee—not a CIA officer—and mainly engaged in administrative and clerical duties; later he was a professor at Brigham Young University and police chief of Salt Lake City.)

    And the most recent edition of this Skousen book boasts Carson's endorsement on the front cover: "The Naked Communist lays out the whole progressive plan. It is unbelievable how fast it has been achieved."

    Carson's repeated and full-throated endorsements of Skousen—which tend to be coupled with dire warnings about the covert scheming of Marxists and Saul Alinsky—suggest that Carson shares Skousen's belief that the civil rights movement, acceptance of sexuality, the rise of abstract art and modernism, and the advent of Medicare, Social Security, and other safety-net programs have all been part of a clandestine plot waged by Communists or other dark forces to destroy the United States.

    As Carson points out, this nefarious plotting is still in the works today.

    Carson's faith in Skousen is even more unsettling because Skousen was far more than a rabid anti-commie crusader and Red-baiter. He was a complete crank. He maintained that the Founding Fathers were direct descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel and contended that a global cabal of bankers controlled the world.

    Carson's enthusiastic embrace of this kook, who has peddled outlandish conspiracy theories and alternative histories with taints of racism and anti-Semitism, says as much about the GOP candidate as his policy positions and his anecdotes about his inspiring life story that brought him from poverty to the pinnacle of the medical profession. In recent days, Carson, a devout Seventh-day Adventist, has taken heat for his belief that Satan is behind the Big Bang theory and the promotion of evolution. His support of Skousen deserves as much attention. Skousen's world was dark, paranoid, and nutty. How is it that Carson found a home here?

    the Repug political process vomits up garbage like BC, and you rightwingnuts suck it down as legitimate Presidential material

  20. #70
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    lol you didn't read the article
    You are correct. Didn't need to.

  21. #71
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Not if Hillary wins the nomination.
    The GOP is going to have an increasingly uphill battle winning the presidency.

    People will weigh "emails/bengazi" against "you are a bunch of rapists and drug dealers" and "you are a bunch of thugs and welfare queens".

  22. #72
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Ben Carson's Love Affair With a "Nutjob" Conspiracy Theorist

    A top GOP presidential contender has embraced the dark, paranoid, and crazy worldview of a far-right pseudohistorian

    But he has provided one important clue as to his fundamental political worldview, by repeatedly endorsing a far-right conspiracy theorist named W. Cleon Skousen, who wascharacterized in 2007 by the conservative National Review as an "all-around nutjob." Skousen came to prominence in the 1950s as a virulent anti-Communist crusader; he later claimed that a global cabal of bankers controlled the world from behind the scenes, and he once wrote a book that referred to the "blessings of slavery."

    Carson swears by Skousen, who died in 2006. In a July 2014 interview, Carson contended that Marxist forces had been using liberals and the mainstream media to undermine the United States. His source: Skousen. "There is a book called The Naked Communist," he said.

    "It was written in 1958. Cleon Skousen lays out the whole agenda, including the importance of getting people into important positions in the mainstream media so they can help drive the agenda. Well, that's what's going on now."

    Four months later, while being interviewed by Megyn Kelly on Fox News, Carson denounced unnamed Marxists who were presently seeking to destroy American society: "There was a guy who was a former CIA agent by the name of Cleon Skousen who wrote a book in 1958 called The Naked Communist, and it laid out the whole agenda.

    You would think by reading it that it was written last year—showing what they're trying to do to American families, what they're trying to do to our Judeo-Christian faith, what they're doing to morality." (Skousen had been an FBI employee—not a CIA officer—and mainly engaged in administrative and clerical duties; later he was a professor at Brigham Young University and police chief of Salt Lake City.)

    And the most recent edition of this Skousen book boasts Carson's endorsement on the front cover: "The Naked Communist lays out the whole progressive plan. It is unbelievable how fast it has been achieved."

    Carson's repeated and full-throated endorsements of Skousen—which tend to be coupled with dire warnings about the covert scheming of Marxists and Saul Alinsky—suggest that Carson shares Skousen's belief that the civil rights movement, acceptance of sexuality, the rise of abstract art and modernism, and the advent of Medicare, Social Security, and other safety-net programs have all been part of a clandestine plot waged by Communists or other dark forces to destroy the United States.

    As Carson points out, this nefarious plotting is still in the works today.

    Carson's faith in Skousen is even more unsettling because Skousen was far more than a rabid anti-commie crusader and Red-baiter. He was a complete crank. He maintained that the Founding Fathers were direct descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel and contended that a global cabal of bankers controlled the world.

    Carson's enthusiastic embrace of this kook, who has peddled outlandish conspiracy theories and alternative histories with taints of racism and anti-Semitism, says as much about the GOP candidate as his policy positions and his anecdotes about his inspiring life story that brought him from poverty to the pinnacle of the medical profession. In recent days, Carson, a devout Seventh-day Adventist, has taken heat for his belief that Satan is behind the Big Bang theory and the promotion of evolution. His support of Skousen deserves as much attention. Skousen's world was dark, paranoid, and nutty. How is it that Carson found a home here?

    the Repug political process vomits up garbage like BC, and you rightwingnuts suck it down as legitimate Presidential material

    wow. Didn't know that.

    Interesting to see what conspiracy theories are being gulped down on the right these days. Nuttier and nuttier.

  23. #73
    License to Lillard tlongII's Avatar
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    The GOP is going to have an increasingly uphill battle winning the presidency.

    People will weigh "emails/bengazi" against "you are a bunch of rapists and drug dealers" and "you are a bunch of thugs and welfare queens".
    Hillary is a liar. I think most Americans realize this. That will be a problem for her.

  24. #74
    I am that guy RandomGuy's Avatar
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    Hillary is a liar. I think most Americans realize this. That will be a problem for her.
    Heh, never stopped anyone from running for president.

    Which do you want a liar or a crazy person?

    mmmm sandwich or bag....

  25. #75
    Veteran DarrinS's Avatar
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    Heh, never stopped anyone from running for president.

    Which do you want a liar or a crazy person?

    mmmm sandwich or bag....

    I think Bernie sound like a nutjob.

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