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  1. #1
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    US failure vs ISIS has put the nail in the coffin. The Russians lost patience and are moving in, apparently they have formed an alliance with Iraq, Syria, Iran and now China seems to joining in. Not to mention Germany has just thrown their hat in support of Russian forces.


    no wonder recently US decided to go all in this hand and shipped loads of nuclear weapons to Germany.

    seems to be going down... IMO US might possibly take this as a loss and regroup. Because if they push their hand on this one, all could break lose.

    Lebanese Radio: Chinese Military May Get Involved in Syria Alongside Russia, Iran
    Reuters has reported last week that Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wants China’s help in resolving tensions and unrest in the Middle East and is ready to play host to more Chinese firms once sanctions against it are lifted. “China and Iran find mutual benefits in many areas,” Zarif told his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, at a meeting in Beijing.

    INDEPENDENT MEDIA | Chinese Military Experts and Troop Deployment to Syria : Joint Russian-Chinese Development

    The situation is heating up in Syria yet again. If reports coming from Almasdar News are accurate, another troop deployment will soon be about to take place – in addition to the 2,000 Russian troops who arrived earlier this week. This time, however, the troops are coming from China. Leith Fadel of Almasdar News (the Arab Source), reported that China has now decided to commit troops and military aircraft to Syria within the next six weeks. Although the reports have not been independently confirmed, the outlet cited a senior Syrian officer in the Syrian military for the claims regarding the Chinese plans. Fadel’s information has proven accurate many times in the past.
    On Tuesday, September 22, 2015, early morning, a Chinese naval vessel reportedly traveled through Egypt’s Suez Canal to enter the Mediterranean Sea; its destination was not confirmed.However, according to a senior officer in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) that is stationed inside the Syrian coastal city of Latakia, Chinese military personnel and aerial assets are scheduled to arrive in the coming weeks (6 weeks) to the port-city of Tartous – he could not provide anymore detail.

  2. #2
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    while Russia builds bases in Syria and makes alliances with Iraq, Iran and China this is what the US is up to:

    U.S.-backed Syrian rebels gave gear to al-Qaeda group

    U.S.-trained rebels in Syria handed over American-supplied vehicles and ammunition to an al-Qaeda linked group, the Pentagon said Friday in the latest blow to a program plagued by problems since its inception.

  3. #3
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    The U.S. military said 70 rebels entered Syria on Monday to fight the Islamic State. They handed over the equipment almost immediately after entering the country.

  4. #4
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    The initial plan called for training more than 5,000 rebels per year. It hasn't met expectations. The first group of about 50 fighters entered Syria in July but came under immediate attack. Most of the initial force disbursed or was killed, leaving only a handful to fight.

  5. #5
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    Last Wednesday, General Lloyd Austin, head of US Central Command, shocked leaders in the US Senate's armed services committee when he said there were only handful of programme graduates still fighting inside Syria. "We're talking four or five," he said.

    $500 million dollar program

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    Repugs created that Middle East pile, let other countries try to clean it up.

    Thanks, Repugs! and US/UK BigOil is still pumping it out of Iraq. Russia's LUKOIL also in there, providing some motivation why Russia wants Assad in power and ISIS dead.

  7. #7
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    Most likely Syria will end up par ioned like Yugoslavia. I have a su ion Putin will allude to this Monday at the UN.

    There is no other viable solution:

    Iran would want a friendly regime dominated by Alawites (a Muslim religious minority with connectionsto Shiite Islam) to control Damascus and a secure corridor from the capital’s airport to Lebanon. Russia would want to know that its naval base at Tartus was secure, and that Syria as a whole would become neither a Sunni Islamist state nor a U.S. protectorate. Saudi Arabia would have to see Hezbollah leave Syria and Iran’s influence squeezed. Israel would need to be sure the Syrian side of the Golan Heights wouldn’t become a new playground for Hezbollah. Turkey would want a Sunni en y to control Aleppo and the north, and Kurdish autonomy limited.

    Meeting all those requirements through par ion would be tortuous. Without par ion, though, an international consensus would be impossible. That, says Balanche, is why the rash of diplomatic initiatives on Syria that have emerged since the Iran nuclear deal “are rubbish.”

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    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    With Erdogan expanding Turkey’s influence in Syria and ambitions to recons ute the “Turkic world from the Adriatic Sea to the Great Wall” of China, should SCO aspirant member Syria request aid and grant permission, China can indeed march its troops across the Silk Road to “take the fight to ETIM before threat grows.”

    s going down while Obama plays golf:
    - Russia, Iran, Turkey, Saudi, Israel, China all going for the power play

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    Will US Grasp Putin’s Syria Lifeline?

    The neocons’ obsession with “regime change” in Syria is driving another one of Official Washington’s “group thinks” toward rejecting Russia’s offer to help stabilize the war-torn country and stem the destabilizing flood of refugees into Europe,

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has thrown U.S. policymakers what amounts to a lifeline to pull them out of the quicksand that is the Syrian war, but Official Washington’s neocons and the mainstream U.S. news media are growling about Putin’s audacity and challenging his motives.

    For instance, The New York Times’ lead editorial on Monday accused Putin of “dangerously building up Russia’s military presence” in Syria, even though Putin’s stated goal is to help crush the Sunni jihadists in the Islamic State and other extremist movements.

    The dreamy Times/neocon prescription continues to be that “regime change” in Damascus would finally lead to the emergence of the mythical “moderate” rebels who would somehow prevail over the far more numerous and far better armed extremists. This perspective ignores the fact that after a $500 million training project for these “moderates,” the U.S. military says four or five fighters are now on the battlefield inside Syria.

    In other words, the members of this U.S.-trained brigade can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

    Bush’s Unaccounted-for Cash

    Further complicating Official Washington’s let’s-blame-Putin Syrian narrative is the unintended role of President George W. Bush and the U.S. military in laying the groundwork for these brutal Sunni extremist movements through the invasion of Iraq last decade. After all, it was only in reaction to the U.S. military presence that “Al Qaeda in Iraq” took root in Iraqi and then Syrian territory.

    Not only did the ouster and execution of Sunni leader Saddam Hussein alienate the region’s Sunnis, but Bush’s desperation to avert an outright military defeat in Iraq during his second term led him to authorize the payment of billions of dollars to Sunni fighters to get them to stop shooting at American soldiers and to give Bush time to negotiate a U.S. troop withdrawal.

    Beginning in 2006, those U.S. payments to Sunni fighters to get them to suspend their resistance were central to what was then called the “Sunni Awakening.” Though the program preceded Bush’s “surge” of troops in 2007, the bought-and-paid-for truce became central to what Official Washington then hailed as the “successful surge” or “victory at last.”

    Besides the billions of dollars paid out in pallets of U.S. cash to Sunni insurgents, Bush’s “surge” cost the lives of another 1,000 U.S. soldiers and killed a countless number of Iraqis, many just going about their daily lives until they were blown apart by powerful American munitions. [See, for example, the “Collateral Murder” video leaked by Pvt. Bradley/Chelsea Manning]

    But what the U.S. intelligence community is only now assessing is the collateral damage caused by the bribes that the Bush administration paid to Sunni insurgents. Some of the cash appears to have become seed money for the transformation of “Al Qaeda in Iraq” into the Islamic State as Sunnis, who continued to be disenfranchised by Iraq’s Shiite-dominated government, expanded their sectarian war into Syria.

  10. #10
    hasta la victoria, siempre cheguevara's Avatar
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    Repugs created that Middle East pile, let other countries try to clean it up.

    Thanks, Repugs! and US/UK BigOil is still pumping it out of Iraq. Russia's LUKOIL also in there, providing some motivation why Russia wants Assad in power and ISIS dead.

    Obama has much to be blamed for in the recent years. He took out Ghadafi and left Lybia in shambles and he actually believed the plan to train "moderate" rebels to take out Assad and "free" Syria was going to work

    this plan is almost as bad as W Bush's plan to send trained monkeys to fight in Iraq

  11. #11
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    What a joke the USA has become

  12. #12
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Damn, Assad must really be struggling to need all this help.

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  14. #14
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    Damn, Assad must really be struggling to need all this help.
    I think Isis struggled first needing all that USA help

  15. #15
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    I think Isis struggled first needing all that USA help
    lol another conspiracy.

    It's not like the rebels were an established country or anything. Maybe Assad shoulda kept that poison gas.

  16. #16
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    Last Wednesday, General Lloyd Austin, head of US Central Command, shocked leaders in the US Senate's armed services committee when he said there were only handful of programme graduates still fighting inside Syria. "We're talking four or five," he said.

    $500 million dollar program
    holy is this for real????

    This sounds like the plot to a Naked Gun movie

    Or Hot s part Deux

    Holy what an embarrassment

  17. #17
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    Damn, Assad must really be struggling to need all this help.

    Looks like it. So was Obama btw. Both Assad and Obama getting their pushed in. Putin says enough

  18. #18
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    lol another conspiracy.

    It's not like the rebels were an established country or anything. Maybe Assad shoulda kept that poison gas.
    Lmao "rebels." Another conspiracy.

  19. #19
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Looks like it. So was Obama btw. Both Assad and Obama getting their pushed in. Putin says enough
    What military force is taking over Obama's country?

  20. #20
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    Lmao "rebels." Another conspiracy.
    They were all rebels against the Syrian government. Where is the conspiracy here?

  21. #21
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    Actually Obama is doing way worse. Down to 4 or 5 guys

  22. #22
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    They were all rebels against the Syrian government. Where is the conspiracy here?
    they were always radical jihadis. everyone knew this except you. the narrative just fell apart over time. people were saying that al qaeda and isis were there back in 2011 and you people were like "nuh uh, muh moderate rebels muh john mccain." back when people were denying this i was the one posting the photo evidence of isis flags flying all over syria. you're a joke and not on my level at all. take your unsubstantiated lies and shove it up your ass.

  23. #23
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    What military force is taking over Obama's country?
    militant sexuality and leftism

  24. #24
    Deandre Jordan Sucks m>s's Avatar
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    not to mention the 100,000 future jihadists he wants to let in

  25. #25
    Alleged Michigander ChumpDumper's Avatar
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    they were always radical jihadis. everyone knew this except you. the narrative just fell apart over time. people were saying that al qaeda and isis were there back in 2011 and you people were like "nuh uh, muh moderate rebels muh john mccain." back when people were denying this i was the one posting the photo evidence of isis flags flying all over syria. you're a joke and not on my level at all. take your unsubstantiated lies and shove it up your ass.
    militant sexuality and leftism
    not to mention the 100,000 future jihadists he wants to let in
    lol conspiracies abound!

    muh level

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