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    Exposed: Pro-Israel Modern-Day McCarthyites Are Going to Extremes to Slime Human Rights Activists

    As pro-Israel extremism reaches new depths with the notorious Canary Mission project, the FBI investigates growing threats against BDS activists.

    The Israel lobby is redirecting resources to a new project after its failure to stop the Iran nuclear deal despite spending an estimated $30 million to halt it. Following the defeat, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered a campaign against the
    BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement that is spreading on American college campuses.

    The funding is flowing from donors closely linked to Netanyahu’s government. But the effort has almost instantly run into trouble. It is inspiring an atmosphere of incitement and intimidation, and the FBI is now investigating violent threats made against BDS activists.

    Infused with new millions from the likes of billionaires Sheldon Adelson and Paul Singer, they are recruiting from a new generation of conservative activists gathered around right-wing organizations and social networks.

    The sensibility of these activists is virulently Islamophobic, anti-Arab and conditioned by the cultural resentments of the far right.

    Those attracted to this crusade are typically Orthodox Jews and evangelical Christians enraptured by Israel’s settlement enterprise, the militarized occupation and the Republican Party.

    They also feel that they are just as threatened by Black Lives Matter as they are by the BDS movement. With encouragement from veteran right-wing operatives, these heavily funded and promoted young zealots have turned to surveillance of their opponents, engaged in monitoring Palestine solidarity activists on social media and at public events and are compiling selective dossiers to smear activists as anti-Semites and even terrorist sympathizers.

    Religion s up the planet.

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    Are Pro-Israel Bullies on US Campuses Planning Dirtier Tactics?

    A member of the University of California's governing body has called for the expulsion or suspension of students for expressing their views about Israel, under the guise of combating anti-Jewish bigotry.
    This comes as Israel lobby groups, flush with huge new injections of cash, are stepping up their efforts to silence the Palestine solidarity movement on campuses nationwide.

    During a 17 September meeting of the University of California (UC) Regents to discuss a "statement of principles against intolerance,"

    Richard Blum also threatened to have his wife, US Senator Dianne Feinstein, publicly criticize the university if it did not enforce penalties against perceived bigotry.

    Feinstein's criticism could put the university system under federal scrutiny.

    Another regent, Hadi Makarechian, agreed, according to The San Francisco Chronicle, saying that without punishment, "we're just stating a lot of stuff on paper."

    Blum and other regents, backed by Israel lobby groups, are pushing the university to adopt policies that free speech advocates warn could violate the First Amendment.

    The Board of Regents had been due to vote on whether to adopt the US State Department's definition of anti-Semitism as university policy at its meeting in July.

    That definition is based on a "working definition" of anti-Semitism once considered by a European Union body but later dropped.

    Palestine solidarity and free speech advocates point out that the government definition conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Jewish bigotry.

    A key strategy of Israel advocates, they say, has been to urge university administrators to treat criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism as one and the same.

    Failing Free Speech test

    Despite efforts to suppress it, Palestine solidarity activism is becoming more mainstream across US campuses. In California alone, 7 of 9 UC undergraduate campuses have passed resolutions in recent years calling on administrators to divest from companies that profit from Israel's violations of Palestinians' rights.

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    Netanyahu’s Dreary and Menacing UN Speech Provokes Internet Mockery

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s mean-spirited and angry address to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday was mostly as predictable as it was desperate and creepy.

    But it did contain one surprise.

    After scolding the international community for what he called its “deafening silence” over the Iran nuclear agreement,
    Netanyahu spent 45 awkward seconds silently scowling at the assembled world leaders and diplomats.

    Not since his famous cartoon bomb chart

    has a public appearance by the Israeli leader elicited so much mockery. Entertaining remixes of Netanyahu’s silent glare quickly appeared on YouTube:

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    Georgia school pays up after teacher tells first-grader his mom is ‘bad’ because she doesn’t believe in God

    A Georgia public school agreed to stop two teachers from praying in class and promoting their religious beliefs to children, but only after a secular group filed a lawsuit.

    A kindergarten teacher and first-grade teacher at Swainsboro Primary School led students in prayer before lunch last year and then singled out students whose parents complained,

    The teachers ordered those children to sit outside the classroom in a hallway while other students prayed, and one of the teachers told students their classmates couldn’t recite the Pledge of Allegiance because it contained the phrase, “under God.”

    Another teacher told one child that he should “make a good decision” and join his classmates in prayer, according to a complaint filed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

    The group also complained that
    first-grade teacher Katherine Brights told that same boy that he shouldn’t listen to his mother because she was “a bad person for not believing in God.”

  5. #5
    Grab 'em by the pussy Splits's Avatar
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    Dianne Feinstein is a horrible horrible horrible person.

    There is no shortage of American pundits who love to denounce “PC” speech codes that restrict and punish the expression of certain ideas on college campuses. What these self-styled campus-free-speech crusaders typically — and quite tellingly — fail to mention is that the most potent such campaigns are often devoted to outlawing or otherwise punishing criticisms of Israel. The firing by the University of Illinois of Professor Steven Salatia for his “uncivil” denunciations of the Israeli war on Gaza — a termination that was privately condoned by Illinois Democratic Senator Durbin — is merely illustrative of this longgrowing trend.

    One of the most dangerous threats to campus free speech has been emerging at the highest levels of the University of California system, the sprawling collection of 10 campuses that includes UCLA and UC Berkeley. The university’s governing Board of Regents, with the support of University President Janet Napolitano and egged on by the state’s legislature, has been attempting to adopt new speech codes that — in the name of combating “anti-Semitism” — would formally ban various forms of Israel criticism and anti-Israel activism.

    Under the most stringent such regulations, students found to be in violation of these codes would face suspension or expulsion. In July, it appeared that the Regents were poised to enact the most extreme version, but decided instead to push the decision off until September, when they instead would adopt non-binding guidelines to define “hate speech” and “intolerance.”

    One of the Regents most vocally advocating for the most stringent version of the speech code is Richard Blum, the multi-millionaire defense contractor who is married to Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California. At a Regents meeting last week, reported the Los Angeles Times, Blum expressly threatened that Feinstein would publicly denounce the university if it failed to adopt far more stringent standards than the ones it appeared to be considering, and specifically demanded they be binding and contain punishments for students found to be in violation.

    The San Francisco Chronicle put it this way: “Regent Blum said his wife, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., ‘is prepared to be critical of this university’ unless UC not only tackles anti-Jewish bigotry but also makes clear that perpetrators will be punished.” The lawyer Ken White wrote that “Blum threatened that his wife … would interfere and make trouble if the Regents didn’t commit to punish people for prohibited speech.” As campus First Amendment lawyer Ari Cohn put it the following day, “Feinstein and her husband think college students should be expelled for protected free speech.”

    Blum’s verbatim comments at the Regents meeting are even creepier than that reporting suggests:
    I should add that over the weekend my wife, your senior Senator, and I talked about this issue at length. She wants to stay out of the conversation publicly but if we do not do the right thing she will engage publicly and is prepared to be critical of this university if we don’t have the kind of not only statement but penalties for those who commit what you can call them crimes, call them whatever you want. Students that do the things that have been cited here today probably ought to have a dismissal or a suspension from school. I don’t know how many of you feel strongly that way but my wife does and so do I.

    Sarah McLaughlin of the campus free-speech group FIRE wrote: “Yes, a UC Regent flatly threatened the university with political consequences if it failed to craft a ‘tolerance’ policy that would punish — and even expel — its violators.”

    In response to inquiries from The Intercept, Feinstein refused to say whether her husband was authorized to make such threats on her behalf, but she refused to distance herself from them. “This is a matter before the University of California and Senator Feinstein has no comment at this time,” her Press Secretary said.

    The specific UC controversy is two-fold: whether, in combating “anti-semitism,” the university should adoptthe State Department’s controversial 2010 definition of that term, and separately, whether students who express ideas that fall within that definition should be formally punished up to and including permanent expulsion. What makes the State Department definition so controversial — particularly for an academic setting — is that alongside uncontroversial and obvious examples of classic bigotry (e.g., expressing hateful or derogatory sentiments toward Jews generally), that definition includes a discussion of what it calls “Anti-Semitism Relative to Israel.”How does speech about Israel become “anti-Semitic”? According to the State Department, “anti-Semitism” includes those who (1) “Demonize Israel” by “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” or “blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions”; (2) espouse a “Double standard for Israel” by “requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation” or “multilateral organizations focusing on Israel only for peace or human rights investigations”; or (3) “Delegitimize Israel” by “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, and denying Israel the right to exist.” The State Department generously adds this caveat at the end: “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-Semitic.”

    The ironies of this definition are overwhelming. First, it warns against advocating a “double standard for Israel” — at exactly the same time that it promulgates a standard that applies only to Israel. Would the State Department ever formally condemn what it regards as excessive or one-sided criticism of any other government, such as Russia or Iran? Why isn’t the State Department also accusing people of bigotry who create “double standards” for Iran by obsessing over the anti-gay behavior of Iran while ignoring the same or worse abuses in Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Uganda? The State Department is purporting to regulate the discourse surrounding just one country — Israel — while at the same time condemning “double standards.”

    Worse, this State Department definition explicitly equates certain forms of criticism of Israel or activism against Israeli government policies with “anti-Semitism.” In other words, the State Department embraces the twisted premise that a defining attribute of “Jews” everywhere is the actions of the Israeli government, which is itself a longstanding anti-Semitic trope.

    But most important of all, whatever you think of this State Department definition, it has no place whatsoever regulating which ideas can and cannot be expressed in an academic ins ution, particularly one that is run by the state (such as the University of California). Adoption of this “anti-Semitism” definition clearly would function to prohibit the advocacy of, say, a one-state solution for the Israel-Palestine conflict, or even the questioning of a state’s right to exist as a non-secular en y. How can anyone think it’s appropriate to declare such ideas off limits in academic classrooms or outlaw them as part of campus activism?

    To ban the expression of any political ideas in such a setting would not only be wildly anti-intellectual but also patently uncons utional. As UC Irvine School of Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky put it today in an LA Times op-ed:“There unquestionably is a 1st Amendment right to argue against (or for) the existence of Israel or to contend that it should meet (or not have to meet) higher standards of human rights than other nations.” Even the now-retired Executive Director of the Anti-Defamation League Abraham Foxman — while arguing that “the effort to support boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, is sinister and malicious and is having a negative effect on Jewish students on some campuses and on the wider Jewish community” — acknowledged in May that such bans would be clearly uncons utional:
    Legislation that bars BDS activity by private groups, whether corporations or universities, strikes at the heart of First Amendment-protected free speech, will be challenged in the courts and is likely to be struck down. A decision by a private body to boycott Israel, as de able as it may be, is protected by our Cons ution. Perhaps in Europe, where hate speech laws exist and are acceptable within their own legal frameworks, such bills could be sustained. But not here in America.

    But none of that seems to matter to Dianne Feinstein and her war-profiteering husband, Richard Blum. Not only is Blum demanding adoption of the State Department definition, despite the fact that (more accurately: because) it would encompass some forms of BDS activism and even criticisms of Israel. But, worse, he’s also insisting that it be binding and that students who express the ideas that fall within the State Department definition besuspended from school or expelled. And he’s overtly threatening that if he does not get his way, then his wife 0- “Your Senior Senator” — will get very upset and start publicly attacking the university, a threat that public school administrators who rely on the government for their budgets take very seriously.

    This behavior is as adolescent as it is despotic. Does anyone believe that college and post-graduate students should be able to express only those ideas about Israel that Dianne Feinstein and her war-profiteering husband deem acceptable?

    It’s no mystery what this is really about. The Israeli government and its most devoted advocates around the world are petrified at the growing strength of the movement to boycott Israeli goods in protest of the almost five-decade occupation. As Foxman conceded, the boycott idea “seems to be picking up steam, particularly on college campuses across the United States. While no universities have yet adopted or implemented BDS, there are a growing number of campuses — now up to 29 — where student organizations have held votes to determine whether they support BDS.” Just this week, the City Council of Reykjavik, the largest city in Iceland, voted to boycott all Israeli goods as long as the occupation persists (days later, the City quickly retracted the vote, citing the unexpectedly intense “backlash” from Israel).

    After the horrific massacre they committed in Gaza last summer, followed by its devastating defeat on the Iran Deal, the Israeli government is rapidly losing the PR battle around the world, and they know it. The boycott movement scares them above all else because it is predicated on the truth that they are most eager to suppress: the similarities between what Israel is doing to the Palestinians and the apartheid policies of South Africa (which were undermined by a global boycott movement and which the world now universally regards as evil).

    Since they are losing the debate about this movement, the Israeli government and its loyalists are instead seeking to suppress it altogether, to literally outlaw it. Recall that in May, the right-wing Canadian governmentthreatened hate speech charges against those who advocate a boycott of Israel; the country’s Liberal Leader, Justin Trudeau, decreed via Twitterthat “the BDS movement, like Israeli Apartheid Week, has no place on Canadian campuses.” Back in 2013, the ADL took out a full-page adin the New York Times announcing that “the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel — known as BDS — is anti-Semitic hate speech.”

    The effort to formally re-define “anti-Semitism” to include certain criticisms of and activism against the Israeli government has been coordinated and deliberate. That history is laid out with ample evidence here by the non-profit group Palestine Legal; here by Ali Abunimah’s book The Battle for Justice in Palestine, the relevant portion of which was published by The Intercept; and here by the writer and activist Ben White. In essence, this re-definition was first promulgated by Israeli lobbyists and academics, imposed with varying degrees of success on the EU, and then successfully imported into the Clinton-led State Department.

    It’s one thing to apply political pressure to induce governments to adopt speech-repressive definitions of “anti-Semitism” that are non-binding. It’s another thing entirely to try to import them onto state-run college campuses where they are used to outlaw the expression of certain forms of criticisms of the Israeli government. And it’s another thing entirely for a prominent public official like Dianne Feinstein to have her husband throw their ample financial and political weight around in order to threaten and bully school administrators to ban ideas that this power couple dislike and punish the students who express them.

    The obvious goal with this UC battle is to ins utionalize the notion on American college campuses that activism against the Israeli government is not merely wrong but is actually “hate speech” that should subject its student advocates (or professors) to severe punishment. If this menacing censorship is allowed to take hold in an academic system as large and influential as the University of California, then it’s much easier for the censors to point to it in the future as a model, in order to infect other academic ins utions in the U.S. and around the world. That’s all the more reason to vehemently oppose it in this instance. If defenders of Israel are determined to defeat the boycott movement, they’ll have to find other ways to do it besides rendering its advocacy illegal and, in the process, destroying the long-cherished precept of free speech in academia.

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    Why Are Dianne Feinstein and Janet Napolitano Backing a McCarthyite Push Against Palestine Activists?

    Not only do they want to forbid demonstrations against Israeli policy on campus, they want to effectively ban the BDS movement, which advocates boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel to pressure the country into respecting the human rights of Palestinians.

    Shockingly, the extreme demand that the UC system adopt a definition of anti-Semitism that would effectively classify most forms of Palestine solidarity activism as hate speech,

    and punish them as such, has won support from some of California’s most influential Democrats.

    They include Janet Napolitano, the President of the University of California and former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Also backing the campaign is Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein and her husband, the UC Regent andscandal-stained arms profiteer Blum.

    According to lawyer Ken White, the Democratic power couple has threatened to
    “make trouble if the [university administration] didn’t commit to punish people for prohibited speech.” Blum has vowed that anyone who violated the new speech code be punished or expelled.

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    University of Illinois censured after professor loses job over tweets critical of Israel

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    Ten Commandments Removed From Oklahoma Capitol, Governor Would Kill To Get Them Back

    The day after workers yanked the big ol’ Ten Commandments Monument from the Oklahoma Capitol grounds and moved it to a conservative think tank, Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin called on the state legislature to pass an amendment to the state cons ution to bring it back.

    Fallin made it clear that she would do anything for
    love the monument, and she’d even do that.

    The state Supreme Court ordered in June that the monument
    violated the Oklahoma Cons ution by expending state funds to support religion.

    Fallin had initially
    pledged to ignore the court order, but apparently someone explained to her what “Supreme” means.

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    God Tells Televangelist Felon To Wear Black Panties, Probably Means World IS Ending

    I went to get dressed and got — I pray about what I wear. I really do. I know I look stupid sometimes, but the last time God told me to wear a color, it was red. And what happened that day? The stock market crashed.

    Today, God said, “I want you to wear all black.”

    Even my shoes are black.

    My underwear is black.

    My socks are black.

    When God says, “Get the sin out,” He meant get the sin out.

    When you took over your enemy, you were to destroy the every part of the enemy.

    And I’m in a mourning because people aren’t ready.

  10. #10
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    ... direct quotes from Bakker

  12. #12
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    ^ ette

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    Co-workers call USAF dental technician a 'witch'; she's fired

    An Air Force dental technician was fired after her co-workers accused her of being a witch, according to the Air Force Times.

    Deborah Schoenfeld said her colleagues at the Epes Dental Clinic at Fort Meade, Md., harassed her because of her Hindu faith, claiming she was a spawn of Satan for practicing yoga and meditating.

    They stopped short of claiming that she turned them into newts.

    Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation — which took up the case on Schoenfeld's behalf — wrote Air Force officials this week, informing them that "an incredibly volatile, hostile and toxic evangelical Christian work environment under your direct command has resulted in the pernicious harassment, disenfranchisement, and firing of a once valued member of your team."

    The alleged harassment violates Defense Department and Air Force directives as well as the U.S. Cons ution, Weinstein stated.

    He noted that "a particular offending party has effusively celebrated (Schoenfeld's) replacement by a Catholic woman by saying publicly that 'It's good to see we got an angel, since last time we had the devil.'"

    Two of Schoenfeld's former co-workers, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed her account to the Air Force Times and said that

    other employees at the dental clinic are devoutly Christian and deeply su ious of Hinduism. One of the former co-workers said Schoenfeld was referred at the office to as a "Hindu witch."

    Weinstein said in the letter to Air Force officials that Schoenfeld was advised by superiors to pray against the recent Supreme Court ruling against same sex marriage, as it is "an abomination to their religion."

    She was "openly disparaged" for not having evangelical Christian views and told that doing yoga would cost her her soul.

    We can only guess what harsh words they have for atheists who don't floss.

    holy ing , Christian Taliban are really ing crazy ers.

    It's well known that AF Academy is Christian Taliban hole, but a dental lab?

    Sounds like the Hindu witch will be depositing a wonderful check from taxpayers.

  14. #14
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    Co-workers call USAF dental technician a 'witch'; she's fired

    An Air Force dental technician was fired after her co-workers accused her of being a witch, according to the Air Force Times.

    Deborah Schoenfeld said her colleagues at the Epes Dental Clinic at Fort Meade, Md., harassed her because of her Hindu faith, claiming she was a spawn of Satan for practicing yoga and meditating.

    They stopped short of claiming that she turned them into newts.

    Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation — which took up the case on Schoenfeld's behalf — wrote Air Force officials this week, informing them that "an incredibly volatile, hostile and toxic evangelical Christian work environment under your direct command has resulted in the pernicious harassment, disenfranchisement, and firing of a once valued member of your team."

    The alleged harassment violates Defense Department and Air Force directives as well as the U.S. Cons ution, Weinstein stated.

    He noted that "a particular offending party has effusively celebrated (Schoenfeld's) replacement by a Catholic woman by saying publicly that 'It's good to see we got an angel, since last time we had the devil.'"

    Two of Schoenfeld's former co-workers, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed her account to the Air Force Times and said that

    other employees at the dental clinic are devoutly Christian and deeply su ious of Hinduism. One of the former co-workers said Schoenfeld was referred at the office to as a "Hindu witch."

    Weinstein said in the letter to Air Force officials that Schoenfeld was advised by superiors to pray against the recent Supreme Court ruling against same sex marriage, as it is "an abomination to their religion."

    She was "openly disparaged" for not having evangelical Christian views and told that doing yoga would cost her her soul.

    We can only guess what harsh words they have for atheists who don't floss.

    holy ing , Christian Taliban are really ing crazy ers.

    It's well known that AF Academy is Christian Taliban hole, but a dental lab?

    Sounds like the Hindu witch will be depositing a wonderful check from taxpayers.

    This is another reason why we're a nation of cucks. People are so mentally weak. Can't help themselves when confronted with people of differing views. Cucks. Those people should have been fired.

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    How Pro-Israel Fanatics Have Teamed up with Right-Wing Operatives to Crush Free Speech on Campus

    A McCarthyite 'underground operation' to silence speech critical of Israel has a wider anti-progressive agenda.

    At a Texas Retreat convened last June by long-time neoconservative agitator David Horowitz, a baby-faced operative named Charlie Kirk outlined an “undercover, underground plan” to “control student funding,” “censor professors” and “get rid of free speech zones.” His plan focused on channeling right-wing money into a full-bore attack on the grassroots movement to boycott, sanction, and divest from Israel as a means to pressure the country into respecting Palestinian human rights, known as BDS. The BDS movement has spread across US campuses and European capitals since it was devised by Palestinian civil society groups in 2005.

    Described by the National Journal as “the future of the conservative movement,” the 21-year-old Kirk is rapidly emerging as one the most influential right-wing campus organizers. Speaking before an audience of hundreds of conservative activists in a hotel ballroom in Dallas,

    Kirk laid out a strikingly authoritarian vision to systematically eradicate progressive political culture from American universities.

    “What we’re doing in states like California, Massachusetts and New York, is we’re starting...a rather undercover, underground operation that is designed for one purpose only,” Kirk explained. “

    And that is to run -- and win -- Student Government Association races the same way we look at Congressional campaigns.

    If we can successfully retake the student governments...on these really, really far left campuses such as UC-Irvine, UCLA, and we run the student government association races with the same money, time, energy and resources [as] we do a Congressional campaign, then we can start to effective, neutralizing factor on these campuses.

    You can control student funding, you can censor professors, you can get rid of free speech zones, you can then balance the curriculum, you then can use your student government post as a bully pulpit.”

  17. #17
    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    How Pro-Israel Fanatics Have Teamed up with Right-Wing Operatives to Crush Free Speech on Campus

    A McCarthyite 'underground operation' to silence speech critical of Israel has a wider anti-progressive agenda.

    At a Texas Retreat convened last June by long-time neoconservative agitator David Horowitz, a baby-faced operative named Charlie Kirk outlined an “undercover, underground plan” to “control student funding,” “censor professors” and “get rid of free speech zones.” His plan focused on channeling right-wing money into a full-bore attack on the grassroots movement to boycott, sanction, and divest from Israel as a means to pressure the country into respecting Palestinian human rights, known as BDS. The BDS movement has spread across US campuses and European capitals since it was devised by Palestinian civil society groups in 2005.

    Described by the National Journal as “the future of the conservative movement,” the 21-year-old Kirk is rapidly emerging as one the most influential right-wing campus organizers. Speaking before an audience of hundreds of conservative activists in a hotel ballroom in Dallas,

    Kirk laid out a strikingly authoritarian vision to systematically eradicate progressive political culture from American universities.

    “What we’re doing in states like California, Massachusetts and New York, is we’re starting...a rather undercover, underground operation that is designed for one purpose only,” Kirk explained. “

    And that is to run -- and win -- Student Government Association races the same way we look at Congressional campaigns.

    If we can successfully retake the student governments...on these really, really far left campuses such as UC-Irvine, UCLA, and we run the student government association races with the same money, time, energy and resources [as] we do a Congressional campaign, then we can start to effective, neutralizing factor on these campuses.

    You can control student funding, you can censor professors, you can get rid of free speech zones, you can then balance the curriculum, you then can use your student government post as a bully pulpit.”

    "a baby faced operative"

    A Chilling Image...
    WhoTF writes this stuff? " A baby faced operative". Chucky appear before my eyes...
    Seriously, this writing is hilarious boots.

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    "a baby faced operative"

    A Chilling Image...
    WhoTF writes this stuff? " A baby faced operative". Chucky appear before my eyes...
    Seriously, this writing is hilarious boots.
    so you are distracted by one phrase, you superficial jerk.

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    Texas governor blasts ‘malicious’ atheist group for challenging ‘In God We Trust’ motto on cop cars

  21. #21
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    New governor just as bat re ed as the last two

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    my unders, my frgn whites pgardn's Avatar
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    so you are distracted by one phrase, you superficial jerk.

    Did the baby-faced operative take out a college liberal by being all babyfaced and luring him into a vegan deli?
    Im sorry to seem superficial with such a tale of horror and woe.

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    Ted Cruz And Ben Carson Appear In Film Promoting A Radically Anti-Gay Pastor And Slavery Defender

    Pastor Douglas Wilson is a radically right-wing pastor from Idaho who

    defends slavery,

    calls for gays to be exiled and

    adulterers to be put to death.

    In 2012, he was invited to speak at Indiana University, which led to protests and confrontation and now, a right-wing do entary about the controversy called "The Free Speech Apocalypse."

    Directed by Darren Doane, perhaps best known for directing Kirk Cameron's "Saving Christmas," which is literally one of the worst films ever made, the new movie presents Wilson's experience of going up against the left-wing "tolerance buzzsaw" and, amazingly, features appearances by Ted Cruz and Ben Carson:

    The Free Speech Apocalypse exposes the strategies of the anti-God, anti-traditional, hyper-liberal elite and offers perspective on the cultural decay that has accelerated across the country over the three years since Wilson's visit to Indiana University.

    Worst yet, The Free Speech Apocalypse demonstrates clearly the erosion of free speech and religious liberty in America. The right to hold your own opinions if they differ from leftist agendas is vanishing at an alarming rate, and it's time for ordinary Americans to wake up and speak out.

    This do entary features (among others) Sweet Cakes owners Aaron and Melissa Klein, as well as presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Dr. Ben Carson outlining the concerns they have that unelected judges are ruling against the common citizen's Cons utional right to free speech.

    A trailer posted on the film's website prominently features both Cruz and Carson:

    total BULL and LIES and PERVERSION of the Cons ution, but, like the Repugs, that's all the Christian Taliban have to offer.

  24. #24
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    High school football coach says ‘agreement with God’ authorizes him to lead team prayers

  25. #25
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    Church opposes DC's proposed bike lane because ‘rights of religious freedom’
    The District government is going through the rather municipally boring process of determining where to build a bike lane on the east side of downtown.And one church has given a charged response to some proposals, saying that a bike lane near its property would infringe upon “its cons utionally protected rights of religious freedom and equal protection of the laws.”

    Are they serious? Yes. Yes, they are.

    The parking loss would place an uncons utionally undue burden on people who want to pray, the church argues, noting that other churches already have had to flee to the suburbs because of similarly onerous parking restrictions. The church says that DDOT lets cars park diagonally on the street during busy times, which would be seemingly impossible if a protected bike lane were on the street.

    The city says is it listening to all sides and hasn't made a decision yet. The debate is
    going to continue to heat up:

    Jimmy Russell, who attends Bethel Baptist nearby, says its not fair what the city is doing. The church was there first and should not have to lose its parking. But, Martin Moulton, resident and vice president of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association, cites the need for hundreds of people to get to work and school by bike in the area of 6th St..
    Spokesman for DC's Transportation Department, DDOT, Sam Zimbabwe said, "Sixth street is interesting because it is one of the few streets that connects all the way north and south."

    Freedom! To as stupid as ya wanna be!

    Much abused, much perverted "freedom" of religion, speech, guns is being rammed down everybody's throats.

    Thanks, SCOTUS5 S!

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 10-16-2015 at 02:12 PM.

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