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  1. #1
    uups stups! Cant_Be_Faded's Avatar
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    Anyone notice the severe shortage on media coverage about Hurricane Rita, at least in comparison to Katrina?

    I swear to god they started talking about Natalee Holloway (mom interview) again the day AFTER Rita hit land.

    Gotta love it.

    My dad said theres alotta going on as far as Rita Recovery goes. Victoria alone sent alot of manpower, trucks, generators, and what not....he said other cities sent their personell there to help out.

    The thing was, that everyone though the Red Cross or some sort of agency would be there to organize them. Noone was there. Everything is going all disorganized. This is in the area slightly north of Port Arthur.

  2. #2
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    I honestly don't think the American people can take any more recovery screw-up stories. We've reached our breaking point. If more disorganization is happening, I'm glad I'm not hearing about it. As Timmy says "Lalalalalala....I can't hear you, I can't hear you"

  3. #3
    e^(i*pi) + 1 = 0 MannyIsGod's Avatar
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    The impact isn't nearly as large as Katrina. Easy explanation.

  4. #4
    Multimedia Spurs
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    what a damn boring week.

    Manny, when's the next hurricane?

  5. #5
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    Because there is no Bush to bash for Rita.. so no Sean Penn and Ophrah and 1000 others trying to get in on the Bush bashing...

  6. #6
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    I swear to god they started talking about Natalee Holloway (mom interview) again the day AFTER Rita hit land.
    Bingo. Now you wouldn't want the press to actually have do their job and report about the slow fed reaction to Hurricane Rita, right? You can't blame it on Rick 'The Hair' Perry or TX local officials because they're all Republican. So, well change the subject back to Natalee Holloway and pretend none of it is happening. So it is said by Rupert Murdoch and other News dictators, and so it shall be done. Stupid sheeple.

  7. #7
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    107 Texas Lives lost to Hurricane Rita

    Sept. 29, 2005

    A 2-year-old Houston girl crushed beneath the wheels of a pickup; a Sugar Land man and his two young children fatally pitched from their overturning car near Madisonville; a 92-year-old La Marque woman dead after losing consciousness while stuck in highway gridlock — Hurricane Rita's tales of sorrow rolled in Wednesday as the death toll climbed.

    A Chronicle survey of Houston-area counties and those along major evacuation routes to the north and west indicates that at least 107 people were killed by last week's hurricane or died in accidents or from health problems associated with the evacuation of 2.5 million people from their homes.

    One day before the expected announcement of a state-county-city task force to examine the problems that plagued the exodus, which doubled or tripled the travel time between Houston and other Texas cities, Mayor Bill White conceded, "I don't think the evacuation should be a disaster in itself."

    State Rep. Garnet Coleman, D-Houston, whose wife spent more than 12 hours in a U.S. 290 traffic jam, called for a careful review of the evacuation. "People are downplaying the fact that people died in the evacuation and that is not right," he said. "Is the chance of dying greater in the movement than in the storm? That's the question we need to consider."
    Houston Chronicle

  8. #8
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    Blame him for Houston running out of gas?

    So.. Perry and Bush conspired to make Houston a huge town with cloggy traffic..

    What about your precious liberal media where is the Rita concert?

    Oh wait No BUSH bashing going on. .so they are like off the radar..

    Admit it .. liberals ing suck when it comes to disasters.. they do one thing. .complain.. meanwhile..

    People that joined the military. which you guys try to make look bad.. are expected to ing fix everything..

  9. #9
    W4A1 143 43CK? Nbadan's Avatar
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    Hey Ditto-head, We're talking about what is actually reported to be happening in TX and SW Louisiana versus the story Texas officials, the FEDS, and the corporate press are putting out...

    Perry today called last week's massive evacuation from the Houston area a success, despite hours-long traffic jams and a scarcity of fuel

    Maybe Perry should ask the relatives of the 104 Texans who have died if the evacuation was a complete success?

    "They've had four years to plan how to evacuate a city, and this is the best they can do? Mayor of Houston, 'Run for your lives!' Mayor of Galveston, 'Run for your lives!' Mayor of Brownsville, "Corre por su vida!"

    That about sums it up. 0 planning for evacuating a city except for "Run for your lives!"

  10. #10
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    Hey Ditto-head, We're talking about what is actually reported to be happening in TX and SW Louisiana versus the story Texas officials, the FEDS, and the corporate press are putting out...
    When have I ever quoted Limbaugh?

    You sir are a true moron...(for calling me a ditto head).

    What kind of drug induced world do you live in? We don't have spaceships and transporters..

    What we have are crews pulling new power lines.. 5 million mre's.. ice trucks etc.

    What you are doing is looking for some suffering and attaching that to the Bush administration somehow..

    Meanwhile real people are trying to help. and again.. neolibs like you are sitting on your ass just complaining.. without really doing anything.

  11. #11
    SW: Hot As Hell
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    Hey Ditto-head, We're talking about what is actually reported to be happening in TX and SW Louisiana versus the story Texas officials, the FEDS, and the corporate press are putting out...


    Maybe Perry should ask the relatives of the 104 Texans who have died if the evacuation was a complete success?

    "They've had four years to plan how to evacuate a city, and this is the best they can do? Mayor of Houston, 'Run for your lives!' Mayor of Galveston, 'Run for your lives!' Mayor of Brownsville, "Corre por su vida!"

    That about sums it up. 0 planning for evacuating a city except for "Run for your lives!"

    How many of those who died didn't evacuate and were supposed to? Is the 104 death toll including the 24 that died on the bus when it caught fire? Even a hundred dead is nothing compared to how many lost their lives in LA. But who cares about the facts. In your eyes no republican can ever do anything right.

  12. #12
    Mrs.Useruser666 SpursWoman's Avatar
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    Republicans are now responsible for overturned cars and the mortality of 92 year old women and someone running over a 2 year old little girl?

    Tragic, definitely....but WHAT THE does that have to do with the evacuation? "Oh, if they weren't on the highway those things would never have happened?" Like they'd never been in a car before? Like those kinds of things don't happen everyday in *real* life? You guys are totally grasping.

  13. #13
    Mrs.Useruser666 SpursWoman's Avatar
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    They've had four years to plan how to evacuate a city, and this is the best they can do? Mayor of Houston, 'Run for your lives!' Mayor of Galveston, 'Run for your lives!' Mayor of Brownsville, "Corre por su vida!"

    That about sums it up. 0 planning for evacuating a city except for "Run for your lives!"

    By the way....Houston has always been near the coast where there has always been the possibility of a hurricane. They've had a lot longer than 4 years to plan an evacuation...this didn't just become a necessity since a Republican became governor.

  14. #14
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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    Republicans are now responsible for overturned cars and the mortality of 92 year old women and someone running over a 2 year old little girl?

    Tragic, definitely....but WHAT THE does that have to do with the evacuation? "Oh, if they weren't on the highway those things would never have happened?" Like they'd never been in a car before? Like those kinds of things don't happen everyday in *real* life? You guys are totally grasping.
    The poor liberals are searching for moral high ground by bashing at every opportunity and are to illiterate to realize that America is tired of all this. They think they are posturing for the next election but are in effect singing their own death sentence. Dan likes to make predictions and gloats that he is always right but he will continue to just complain when he and his kind are defeated once again in 2008. Let him continue on his wrong path to self destruction if he wants. It's just sweeter that way. You will never be able to reason with him. He is blinded by hate and knows no other way.

  15. #15
    Roll The Dice Hook Dem's Avatar
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    Republicans are now responsible for overturned cars and the mortality of 92 year old women and someone running over a 2 year old little girl?

    Tragic, definitely....but WHAT THE does that have to do with the evacuation? "Oh, if they weren't on the highway those things would never have happened?" Like they'd never been in a car before? Like those kinds of things don't happen everyday in *real* life? You guys are totally grasping.
    The poor liberals are searching for moral high ground by bashing at every opportunity and are too illiterate to realize that America is tired of all this. They think they are posturing for the next election but are in effect singing their own death sentence. Dan likes to make predictions and gloats that he is always right but he will continue to just complain when he and his kind are defeated once again in 2008. Let him continue on his wrong path to self destruction if he wants. It's just sweeter that way. You will never be able to reason with him. He is blinded by hate and knows no other way.

  16. #16
    Injured Reserve Vashner's Avatar
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    NBAdan = Owned on rita...

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