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  1. #301
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    they are all S anyway, right, white male Christian misogynists?

    Trump Administration Moves To Roll Back Birth Control Coverage

    Will hardeners still be covered by Medicare Advantage or Part D?

  2. #302
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    Donald Trump Reportedly Plans To Withdraw From Paris Climate Deal

    Trash's name on withdrawal, but it's 100% VRWC/BigCarbon/Repug strategy.

  3. #303
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    as always, against all evidence from other states ...

    Gov. Walker Would Drug Test the Poor

    As he prepares to run for a third term, Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, ever the devotee of low-road, right-wing politicking, is hoping the Trump administration will allow his state to be the first in the nation to mandate the drug screening of childless individuals who apply for Medicaid help.

    The politics of sloganeering that blames the poor for being poor did not get far with

    welfare officials in the Obama administration, who cautioned that the Walker initiatives violated federal law.

    But Mr. Walker obviously sees better prospects in trying again with the Trump administration.

    If he succeeds, mandatory drug testing for Medicaid enrollment would affect an estimated 148,000 of the 1.2 million people receiving state health care support.

    They are either totally impoverished or members of the working poor earning less than $12,060 a year.

    Refusal to be tested would result in denial of health care for six months, with repeated state confrontations likely to follow.

    America The Beautiful, with Repugs ing Americans and America in every way available.

  4. #304
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    Kobach ‘Voter Fraud’ Commission Gets Fast Thumbs Down

    Lacking even the veneer of bipartisanship, the Kobach Commission represents an assault on basic voting rights.

    The Kobach Commission (sometimes referred to as the Pence Commission) on voter fraud was created in the way so many things have been in the Trump administration.

    It started with an angry and completely unsubstantiated tweet,

    echoing a campaign trope,

    followed by public statements doubling down on the message,

    followed by a half-baked executive order.

    The Commission was created

    to investigate the allegations of Trump’s alternative universe, where massive voter fraud cost the president millions of votes.

    The true voter fraud—creating obstacles to the right to vote—is not part of its mandate.

    Kris Kobach is of course the perfect choice.

    As Kansas secretary of state, he has made his reputation seeking to make it as difficult as possible for people in Kansas to vote, and by fanning the fantasy of massive voter fraud.

    Kobach has been sued four times by the ACLU for his efforts to prevent people from voting, and lost all four cases.

  5. #305
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    Jeff Sessions’ Civil Rights Agenda Chills Former DOJ Prosecutors

    Sessions’ DOJ is signaling to move resources away from the types of cases and investigations that affect the more vulnerable members of U.S. society, attorneys who previously worked for the Civil Rights Division under President Barack Obama told Rewire.

    “Overall, the budget reflects that vulnerable populations can count on less protection from the Justice Department,”

    “I think [it’s] going to be less aggressive in certain areas that really need federal attention when it comes to protecting cons utional rights and ensuring people’s safety.”

    a paragraph on voting rights removed language from the previous administration about “focus[ing] on detecting and challenging practices that violate Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act,” which prohibits voting practices that discriminate on the basis of race and color.

    Among the changes in priorities, noted those who spoke to Rewire, are the shifts in approaches to police violence, discrimination against foreign-born workers, and school segregation.

    budget’s omission of any commitment to prosecute illegal use of force by police officers, on which he worked closely.

    “It’s not shocking, and it’s shocking,” Bains said. “It’s not shocking because we’ve seen the signs already from this attorney general that he wants to pull back from police reform. It is shocking because this is an urgent set of issues. And to completely back away from this work such that it doesn’t even appear on the list of priorities, I think, is going to be really detrimental to the country.”

    Sessions early on ordered a sweeping review of these court orders and has indicated a desire to close some of them (he cannot close them alone; a judge would need to make a ruling).

    For instance, just last month Sessions
    unsuccessfully attempted to delay and re-examine a consent decree with the Baltimore Police Department before it was put in place, even though local officials welcomed police reforms.

    the Civil Rights Division might be used as a propaganda generator to further the Trump administration’s narrative that immigrants are stealing U.S. jobs.

    “And now what the Sessions Justice Department is trying to do is essentially turn that around and say we’re going to use that anti-discrimination provision as a tool to go after employers who are discriminating against American citizen workers,

    to try to develop a program that’s going to have basically a propaganda function of trying to tell a story to American citizen workers that immigrants are coming and taking your jobs.”

    The very last agenda item listed in this budget request also shook the civil rights attorneys

    It is essentially a commitment that DOJ’sCivil Rights Division will collaborate with the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights to review “regulatory materials,” as well as the approximately 170 consent decrees entered into with schools districts that DOJ has found to not be complying with federal desegregation laws.

    Already, Sessions’ DOJ withdrew guidance (joined by the Department of Education) that federally funded schools have to ensure that transgender students can access bathrooms consistent with their gender iden ies.

    “It’s clear that they’re going to try to get rid of Obama-era regulatory guidance that had enhanced civil rights protections for students, and it’s clear that they’re going to go through desegregation decrees and try to get rid of those as well,”

    There you have it, ST racists, bigots, xenophobes, YOUR Repug party is the party of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, HATE, and ing non-Euro-whites every which way possible.

    That's why Repugs put a ing life-long racist as the USA's top racist goon.

  6. #306
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    less gun fellator greasebag news

    Kansas State legislator reminds fellow legislator he's carrying a gun before she casts her vote.

  7. #307
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    Bannon seeking to take over US governmental messaging abroad

    White House eyes Bannon ally for top broadcasting post

    With sweeping new powers, the position would oversee public media reaching 100 countries.

    The Trump administration’s leading candidate to head the Broadcasting Board of Governors, a position that with recent changes would give the single person unilateral power over the United States’ government messaging abroad reaching millions, is a conservative do entarian with ties to White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation.
    Michael Pack, the leading contender for the post, is currently president and CEO of the Claremont Ins ute and publisher of its Claremont Review of Books, a California-based conservative ins ute that has been called the “academic home of Trumpism” by the Chronicle of Higher Education.

    The truly alarming piece of this story:

    Should he be appointed by President Donald Trump and confirmed by the Senate, Pack would be the first CEO of the BBG without a board as a firewall because of a little-noticed provision in last December's National Defense Authorization Act which disbanded the bipartisan board which controls the BBG.

    Prepare for Breitbart conspiracy theory-driven propaganda to be spread around the globe — under the au es of the U.S. government — should Pack be appointed and confirmed by the Senate.

    Sinister? You bet.

    The BBG controls Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia and the Middle East Broadcast Network, which cons utes the largest public diplomacy program by the U.S. government, reaching an audience of 278 million by broadcasting in 100 countries and 61 languages.

    Under the new arrangement, the board of governors will be replaced by an advisory panel.

    Once confirmed,

    the new CEO could hire their own directors for the five networks under BBG and theoretically push whichever message he or she chose without the board’s approval.

  8. #308
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    Trash is crapifying America's name around the world

    Tillerson visits New Zealand: Kiwis respond with disdain and disgust...(and water-filled condoms)!

    now 2017 in New Zealand has hit rock bottom with a visit from Trump’s itinerant oiler and handshaker Rex Tillerson.

    At least we Kiwis were well prepared to give him a suitably chilly welcome.

    Some context: while New Zealand’s relations with the US have been slightly rocky since 1987 when we adopted a nuclear-free policy (and were unceremoniously dumped as a US ally),

    we are also known for our unnaturally high levels of hospitality and politeness.

    Until now...

    Tillerson’s visit, as reported in newspapers around the world,

    has been greeted with lines of kiwis giving him what we might call a ‘unique local salute comprising the raising of the middle finger in a gesture of elevated alertness’,

    followed by a very frosty press conference with the New Zealand Prime Minister (who even mentioned the previously unmentionable diplomatic rupture in 1987),

    all of which took place while protestors outside pelted an effigy of Trump with water-filled condoms.

    cheeky bas s, those Kiwis!

  9. #309
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    Trash is crapifying America's relationships with its allies

    Sen. Corker Shocked Silent After Learning of Trump Tweets Calling Qatar a State Sponsor of Terror

    While speaking to reporters earlier today, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) was completely shocked over recent tweets sent by President Donald Trump, as his conversation with the press was the first time he was made aware Trump’s statements.

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    Here Are 20 Questions Betsy DeVos Flagrantly Dodged During Her Latest Senate Hearing

    DeVos has developed a penchant for evading difficult questions, and Tuesday’s hearing was no exception. Here are 20 questions she flagrantly dodged from 13 Republicans and Democrats.

    Roy Blunt (R-MO)

    1. “On May 19, the Department of Education put out a new proposal where there would be only one principle [loan] servicer. I’m inclined to think that is not the best direction to go. Why did you make that decision as opposed to letting the department, as it had been doing, allocate loans to servicers who are having the best experience and the best results?”

    Patty Murray (D-WA)

    2. “Your budget proposed a cut of $578 million in this funding for districts that don’t adopt your proposed policies… Are you aware your budget would result in these cuts?”

    3. “What do you tell Republicans who feel strongly that the federal government shouldn’t use federal education dollars to bend states and school districts to their will?”

    4. “Given that agencies certainly have the option to respond to inquiries and be transparent above and beyond what President Trump’s White House is saying, do you plan to respond to inquiries from Democrats, or just ignore them and only respond to Republicans?”

    Durbin (D-IL)

    5. “Whether it’s a question of gainful employment so the students don’t get so deeply in debt, they don’t have a chance to pay back their student loans. The defrauding of students by these schools [has] been shown over and over again. The question is, what are you going to do about this?”

    Richard Shelby (R-AL)

    6. “How does the Department of Education expect to be able to continue to effectively meet the needs of our state, all of our states, if you are going to cut the programs (such as technical education) rather than improve them?”

    Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)

    7. “What should you say to Raymond and other [poor] students who will no longer have a place to go after school, who are going to go home without supervision, where they can get into trouble because their parents aren’t going to be home, who are not going to have the homework assistance, who are not going to have the help they need to succeed in school?”

    Brian Schatz (D-HI)

    8. “How are we going to come up with $9 billion [for programs cut], or do you think there should be $9 billion less spent in education overall?”

    9. “Do you include the cut of 40,000 teachersfederally funded in that category called duplicative (or ineffective) or could be supported by some other en y?”

    Jeff Merkley (D-OR)

    10. “Are you saying that if you have a private school, [since] private schools generally set their own admission policies, they will not be able to discriminate against LGBTQ students?”

    11. “You cut in half the federal work study program. Why not encourage students to be able to hold a job in college and reduce their debt, rather than making them have higher debt?”

    S ey Moore Capito (R-WV)

    12. “Last week, you testified in the house that you were going to have a willingness to review these rejected [Upward Bound, West Virginia State University] applications, and I am asking you for the same commitment today, and if you have been doing that?”

    Joe Manchin (D-WV)

    13. “Is there any flexibility that you have that we could work to help some of the schools, programs that were cut through the money that they are not going to be asking from you for choice?”

    John Neely Kennedy (R-LA)

    14. “What percentage of the elected officials in America that give advice about elementary and secondary public education do you think really know what is like to be in a classroom?”

    15. “Would you support a bill that said that any elected official… that makes policy for elementary and secondary education should be required to subs ute teach in a public school at least once a year?”

    Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)

    16. “How would $20 million for compe ive grants make up for or replace the more than $1.5 billion in formula funding for programs that could support career and technical education and STEM education effortsin every state?

    17. “How do these truly draconian cuts reflect anything other than an effort to push college further out of reach to more and more young people?

    Marco Rubio (R-FL)

    18. “In a country that has become so diverse and so different geographically, and along so many different lines, how does this budget account for that in terms of the federal role in incentivizing compe ion and innovation, while still understanding [how] to address some of the basic things in the school system? If a kid doesn’t have access to wi-fi nowadays, they are going to struggle to be able to complete homework.”

    Chris Murphy (D-CT)

    19. “Does your proposal require any of these [charter school] companies to disclose their profits?”

    20. “What protections—specific protections—will be in your program to make sure that taxpayer dollars don’t just end up enriching the pockets of the folks that own these companies?”

    y Devos is the ty govt we get from VRWC/Repugs whose strategy is to destroy govt.

  11. #311
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    Crapifying Repugs from TX, always with us

    ‘Round up everybody’: GOPer calls for mass firings at DOJ because of the ‘conspiracy afoot’ against Trump

    Reep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Sunday called for mass firings at the Department of Justice because he believes that there is a “conspiracy” to destroy President Donald Trump.

    According to the Texas congressman, former FBI Director James Comey was “lying” in his testimony last week when he alleged that Trump pressured him to drop an investigation related to Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election.

    “I believe I heard him say he did the memo [about possible obstruction of justice] then he talked with some of his colleagues,” Gohmert insisted to Fox News host Julie Banderas.

    “We need to round up everybody he talked to because they were all conspiring against the president and all conspiring against their oath of office, conspiring against their own employment agreement.”

    “We have a conspiracy remaining afoot in the Department of Justice that is going to be out to destroy this president and they’ve got to be fired, if not worse,” he added.

    ing Texans who elect ing assholes

  12. #312
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    Abstinence-only, rebranded: Failed right-wing sex-ed policy returns as “sexual risk avoidance”

    Under a clinical-sounding label, the shame-and-ignorance approach of the Bush era makes a comeback under Trump

    The devil’s bargain Christian conservatives made with Trump is easy enough to understand:

    They ignore his history of sexual incontinence, including rumors of a literal “pee tape,” and

    he gives them more power over the sex lives of private individuals, especially young people and women.

    In office, President Trump has done just that, launching a mul ude of attackson legal abortion and contraception access.

    the White House proposed a budget that would slash nearly every government expenditure, but would

    increase spending on abstinence-until-marriage programs by $277 million.

    Last week, it was revealed that

    Valerie Huber
    , the head of a pro-abstinence organization called Ascend, will join the Department of Health and Human Services as chief of staff to the assistant secretary for adolescent health

    , a position that will allow her to push for more support for abstinence-until-marriage programs in schools.
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 06-12-2017 at 09:07 AM.

  13. #313
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    'Nonsense': Powerful Republican denounces White House information shut-out

    An already contentious move by Republican President Donald Trump

    to block opposition Democratic lawmakers from getting information about his administration

    received its most scathing criticism yet on Friday - from one of the most powerful Republican members of the U.S. Senate.

    Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa, in a more than 2,100-word letter to the White House,

    asked Trump to rescind

    unprecedented guidance that told executive agencies they do not have to honor requests for information from lawmakers in the minority party, currently the Democrats.
    This week in hearings all over Capitol Hill members of both parties have criticized the information block. Democrats have posited that the

    Trump administration is trying to hide mistakes, problems or wrongdoing from them.

    Obama was lawless!

    Obama overreached!

    Surprising that Grassley would give a about Trash's AUTOCRACY, and how many other Repugs will back him up?

  14. #314
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    any bets on whether the d Repug govt by corporate oligarchy will approve Monsanto + Bayer merger?

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    A tweet from Trump’s legal team shows he doesn’t understand what being president is about

    Mark Corallo @MarkCorallo1

    All US Attorneys work for and at the pleasure of POTUS. There is nothing abnormal with the executive speaking directly with his employees.
    8:17 AM - 11 Jun 2017

    Mark Corallo @MarkCorallo1

    I'd Preet refused to accept the President's call, he deserved to be fired.
    8:17 AM - 11 Jun 2017

    they’re not the president’s “employees” and

    they don’t “work for” the president.

    Like the FBI director, the Cabinet, the generals and admirals who command the American military, and other key officeholders,

    they work for the American people and they swear an oath of allegiance to the Cons ution.

    Public officials work for the public

    That public servants work for the public and not to serve the president is the basic difference between a free, law-governed society and a dictatorship. The FBI’s own website contains a useful essay written by FBI Academy legal instructor Jonathan Rudd about the significance of the oath of office.

    It is significant,” he writes, “that we take an oath to support and defend the Cons ution and not an individual leader, ruler, office, or en y ... a government based on individuals — who are inconsistent, fallible, and often prone to error — too easily leads to tyranny on the one extreme or anarchy on the other.”

    Some public servants have civil service protections. Others are political appointees who the president can fire at will. But regardless of their employment status,

    public officials have an obligation to the law and to the public interest, not an obligation to cater to the president’s whims, insecurities, or desire to see his associates evade legal accountability for their actions.

    The Trash/WH/Exec storm of autocracy and ignorance.

  16. #316
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    This profile of Trump's budget director has an unintentionally revealing anecdote

    Looking through a recent jobs report, Mick Mulvaney asked his aide for help, the Washington Examiner’s Alex Pappas wrote in the opening lines of a profile on President Donald Trump’s budget director. Mulvaney, who runs the Office of Management and Budget, couldn’t find the cross section showing government jobs:

    As Mick Mulvaney takes a seat at the long wooden table in his office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, he yells out to an aide about the jobs report just released by payroll processor ADP.

    "I can't find the subset for government jobs," the president's budget director says. "Could you find that, please?"

    It’s an unintentionally revealing anecdote about the man who constructed Trump’s budget proposal.

    Mulvaney couldn’t find the “subset for government jobs” because there is no subset for government jobs.

    There are subsets for small, midsize, and big private business, and cross sections for different industry types.

    The average person might not know this, but the average person isn’t in charge of the federal budget — and, by extension, implementing the president’s agenda.

    This isn’t the first gaffe Mulvaney — a former US representative — has made. His budget proposal to Congress appeared to make a $2 trillion accounting error, double-counting the economic benefits from tax reform.

    That was a mistake so “egregious” according to Larry Summers, that the former Treasury secretary and National Economic Council director said it was “a logical error of the kind that would justify failing a student in an introductory economics course.”

    calls himself a “policy wonk and government junkie.” Just not a jobs data junkie, perhaps.

    Like Ryan, another "policy wonk" is a total incompetent, bullshtting FRAUD.

    I bet he wanted the govt job report to see how badly the Repugs are ing up govt by defunding, destaffing it.

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    Repugs ing up America and the democratic myth, while continuing to suppress the media

    Journalists Face New Limits On Press Access In Covering Congress

    Reporters on Capitol Hill are facing alarming new restrictions when trying to interview senators, journalists from multiple media outlets said Tuesday.

    NBC News reporter Kasie Hunt tweeted that “reporters at Capitol have been told they are not allow [sic] to film interviews with senators in hallways.”

    Reporters have traditionally been able to wait outside meetings and hearings and approach senators with question as they come and go. But now reporters are being told they need permission from the specific senator and the REPUG Senate Rules Committee. &utm_campaign=Journalists%20Face%20New%20Limits%20 On%20Press%20Access%20In%20Covering%20Congress&utm _content=Journalists%20Face%20New%20Limits%20On%20 Press%20Access%20In%20Covering%20Congress+CID_5ec9 910ed383d4f823f269700a5279f7&utm_source=Email%20ma rketing%20software&utm_term=Read%20More&ncid=newsl tushpmgnewsJournalists%20Face%20New%20Limits%20On% 20Press%20Access%20In%20Covering%20Congress

  18. #318
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    Repugs ing up America and the democratic myth, while continuing to suppress the media

    Journalists Face New Limits On Press Access In Covering Congress

    Reporters on Capitol Hill are facing alarming new restrictions when trying to interview senators, journalists from multiple media outlets said Tuesday.

    NBC News reporter Kasie Hunt tweeted that “reporters at Capitol have been told they are not allow [sic] to film interviews with senators in hallways.”

    Reporters have traditionally been able to wait outside meetings and hearings and approach senators with question as they come and go. But now reporters are being told they need permission from the specific senator and the REPUG Senate Rules Committee. &utm_campaign=Journalists%20Face%20New%20Limits%20 On%20Press%20Access%20In%20Covering%20Congress&utm _content=Journalists%20Face%20New%20Limits%20On%20 Press%20Access%20In%20Covering%20Congress+CID_5ec9 910ed383d4f823f269700a5279f7&utm_source=Email%20ma rketing%20software&utm_term=Read%20More&ncid=newsl tushpmgnewsJournalists%20Face%20New%20Limits%20On% 20Press%20Access%20In%20Covering%20Congress

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    Jeff Sessions personally asked Congress to let him prosecute medical marijuana providers

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions is asking congressional leaders to undo federal medical marijuana protections that have been in place since 2014,

    The protections, known as the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, prohibit the Justice Department from using federal funds to prevent certain states "from implementing their own State laws that authorize the use, distribution, possession or cultivation of medical marijuana."

    Sessions's citing of a "historic drug epidemic" to justify a crackdown on medical marijuana is at odds with what researchers know about current drug use and abuse in the United States.

    The epidemic Sessions refers to involves deadly opiate drugs, not marijuana.

    growing body of research (acknowledged by the National Ins ute on Drug Abuse) has shown that

    opiate deaths and overdoses actually decrease in states with medical marijuana laws on the books.

    you to , racist.

    Another Repug stinky asshole believing his hateful ideology and vindictiveness override science and compassion.

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    Report Finds That ARPA-E Is Working, Even as Trash Seeks to Shut It Down

    A six-year study finds R&D and commercial successes for the DOE blue-sky energy research program. Trump wants to defund it.

    ARPA-E’s initial $400 million budget, part of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, was followed by $180 million in 2011, $275 million in 2012, $251 million in 2013, and $280 million in 2014 and 2015, bringing its total budget to just under $1.5 billion.

    With that money, the agency has funded hundreds of R&D projects, from universities and DOE labs to private-sector players both large and small.

    Technologies that have received ARPA-E funding range from energy storage and electric vehicles to semiconductors and software.

    These projects, in turn, have collectively won $1.8 billion in private follow-up funding, or a 20 percent margin on initial investment, according to the latest data.

    More than 50 projects so far have developed into startups, and 68 have moved to other government agencies.

    The Trump administration’s proposed 2018 budget calls for eliminating funding for the agency, along with a host of other DOE programs that support climate change research, clean energy development and efficiency.

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    Apparently There Are Two Kinds of Government Shutdown

    “At times there could be a good shutdown, at times there may not be a good shutdown. There could be reasons at various times why that is the right outcome.”

    — Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, quoted by The Hill, when asked about President Trump’s tweet earlier this year that “Our country needs a good ‘shutdown’ in September to fix mess!”

    the super-wealthy predatory, vulture capitalist doesn't GAF, either way.

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    U.S. Halts New Rules Aimed at Abuses by For-Profit Schools

    The Trump administration is delaying new rules that would erase the federal loan debt of student borrowers cheated by for-profit colleges.

    The announcement by the Education Department on Wednesday came just weeks before the rules, finalized during the Obama administration, were to take effect on July 1.

    The new rules stood to benefit students from failed for-profit colleges already seeking to have their loans forgiven, as well as others who might be eligible to do so. They also established tougher standards intended to check the flow of further federal funds to rogue for-profit operators.

    “My first priority is to protect students,”

    Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said in a statement issued by the department. “Fraud, especially fraud committed by a school, is simply unacceptable. Unfortunately, last year’s rulemaking effort missed an opportunity to get it right. The result is a muddled process that’s unfair to students and schools, and

    puts taxpayers on the hook for significant costs

    (who else is going to pay for the students fraud? govt made/backed the loans.
    Devos's first priority is to stop govt spending and give the savings to Bigcorp and the wealthy)

    The department said it would “develop fair, effective and improved regulations to protect individual borrowers from fraud, ensure accountability across ins utions of higher education and protect taxpayers.”

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    Pruitt under fire again for misleading Congress on his email use

    Pruitt’s conflicting testimony raises questions about accountability at EPA.

    When now-EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt testified at his confirmation hearing earlier this year, he misled senators about his email use as Oklahoma attorney general. Now, legislators are raising questions about whether he fully disclosed the details of his email use even after the original mistake was brought to light.

    In January, Pruitt testified in writing that he used two email addresses — one for business, and one for personal use — as attorney general. In May, Pruitt conceded, again in writing, that he had used the personal email address for business purposes while holding office. Now, it turns out that Pruitt used at least two business email addresses within the attorney general’s office.

    The additional address was revealed in newly released email records, which were requested by the Center for Media and Democracy several years ago.

    Earlier this week, Democratic members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee sent a letter to Pruitt, saying his repeated failure to fully disclose his email use raises “serious questions” about whether he can “be trusted to inform Congress about your communications as EPA administrator.”

    All these Repugs mother ers don't GAF about ethics, law, truth, protocol, transparency, committing treason, or ANYTHING because they are immune to reproach, having the oligarchy supporting, financing them.

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    File under BigCorp War On Labor, and ideology of "privatizing govt function without oversight"

    How Trump’s Executive Order Would Undermine Quality Apprenticeship

    The Trump administration released an executive order authorizing the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to move forward with efforts to permit third parties—such as industry groups, trade associations, companies, and other nonprofit and for-profit providers—to certify Registered Apprenticeship programs.

    So-called industry-certified apprenticeship programs would undermine quality apprenticeships

    • Undermines the definition of apprenticeship. The executive order defines an apprenticeship as an “arrangement that includes a paid-work component and an educational or instructional component, wherein an individual obtains workplace-relevant knowledge and skills,” a major departure from the existing federal definition, which is much more specific regarding the structure of on-the-job training, and the wage schedule.
    • Undermines quality assurance. According to the executive order, the secretary of labor could allow third parties broad discretion in how they ensure that these programs meet quality standards. It is unclear from the order whether those standards would be the existing federal standards, or new standards developed by the third party or by the DOL.
    • Undermines wage requirements. The executive order only addresses wages to the extent that it acknowledges that an apprenticeship arrangement is paid. It does not address scheduled wage increases, meaning that workers enrolled in these programs may not be guaranteed a raise as their skills progress. Additionally, the new definition of apprenticeship offered by the executive order, coupled with the lack of clarity on wages and wage progression, makes it totally unclear whether apprentices would be classified as employees and paid at least minimum wage.
    • Opens the door to federal funding without safeguards. As Registered Apprenticeships, these new programs—which would not necessarily have to adhere to existing federal standards—would also be eligible to access federal dollars through programs such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

    • Undermines credibility and portability of Registered Apprenticeship among employers. Given that these programs will be also be known as Registered Apprenticeships, it will be difficult for employers to know whether a former apprentice has received training that meets the applicable federal standards, or whether the apprentice participated in a lower-quality program that did not meet the same standards. In addition to undermining employers’ faith in apprenticeship, it may also undermine portability of the Registered Apprenticeship credential, as employers will be less inclined to view it as a signal of skills mastery.

    President Trump’s apprenticeship executive order represents yet another broken promise to workers

  25. #325
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    President Trump chooses inexperienced woman who planned his son Eric's wedding to run N.Y. federal housing programs

    She’s arranged tournaments at Trump golf courses, served as the liaison to the Trump family during his presidential campaign, and even arranged Eric Trump’s wedding.

    Now President Trump has appointed longtime loyalist Lynne Patton — who

    has zero housing experience and claims a law degree the school says she never earned

    to run the office that oversees federal housing programs in New York.

    "Heckuva job, Lynnie"

    "Heckuva job, Bennie"

    This how Repugs INSULT the very idea of govt and competence in govt.

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