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  1. #126
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    State GOP Wants Victims of Gun Violence To Prove They Did Not Deserve To Be Shot

    A Florida Republican believes the prosecutor should have to prove why the victim of a stand-your-ground shooting didn’t deserve to be shot.

    Take the case of Curtis Reeves.

    Reeves is a retired police officer currently on trial in Florida for shooting and killing 43-year-old Chad Oulson at a Florida movie theater. Oulson’s wife was also injured.

    All this over Oulson using a cell phone during the previews and later, throwing popcorn at Reeves.

    Reeves is claiming self-defense under Florida’s stand your ground law.

    In testimony, Reeves said,

    “I realized I was in a life-or-death struggle. He was no longer a loudmouth. He was now a very definite threat. I would have to take decisive action if I wanted to survive this thing.”

    As the Miami Herald’s Fred Grimm notes, Reeve’s “burden” is low.

    Under the statute, it doesn’t matter if Oulson had been an actual, real-life threat. Reeves only needs to convince Barthle that in his mind, Oulson was about to do him grievous bodily harm.”
    Yet, Republican state Senator Rob Bradley believes the law has it wrong.

    Under Bradley’s idea of justice, Reeves shouldn’t have the burden of proving he acted in self-defense. Rather,

    the prosecutor should have to prove why Oulson and his wife, who was also injured, didn’t deserve to be shot.

    That’s what a law that Bradley proposed amounts to.

    He offered the convenient rational that this is about preserving the principle that that state has the burden of proof in criminal law “from the beginning of the case to the end.”

    Critics argue this law would require the state to convict the defendant twice – and in reality, the burden is shifted to the victim’s family – not the state. m_campaign=Feed%3A+politicususa%2FfJAl+%28Politicu s+USA+%29

    Shot dead by a sicko cop for using cellphone and throwing mortally dangerous popcorn!

    How Repug civilization rolls in slave state FL.

  2. #127
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    Following Trash's ecample, Repugs intimidate the press, Repugs being unconditional lovers of America

    House Intelligence chair tells press to be 'careful': 'Do you want us to investigate you?'

    House Intelligence Committee Chairman—and Trump transition team member—Rep. David Nunes (R-CA) gave a press gaggle Thursday a not so subtle warning to the press about pursuing the Trump-Russia connections.

    I'm sure some of you are in contact with the Russian embassy so be careful what you ask for here, because if we get —if we start getting transcripts of any of you or other Americans talking to the press, then we can,

    do you want us to conduct an investigation on you or other Americans because you were talking to the Russian embassy?

    I just think we need to be careful.

    This is the Nunes who said that there was "a lot of nothing" in the reports of National Security Advisor Mike Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador weeks before the Trump administration was a thing. And after Flynn was forced to resign over "a lot of nothing":

    Yeah, that’s not how this works. Congress doesn’t declare "executive privilege" on behalf of the executive branch. The branch it’s Congress’s duty to oversee. 0c2e4143dd2d8c15&source=email-tom-hanks-fuels-the-white-house-press-corps-with-a-gift-and-a-message-about-the-american-way&email_referrer=tom-hanks-fuels-the-white-house-press-corps-with-a-gift-and-a-message-about-the-american-way&email_subject=tom-hanks-fuels-the-white-house-press-corps-with-a-gift-and-a-message-about-the-american-way

  3. #128
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    GOP congressman: Women should celebrate that they get to listen to Trump, not that they won suffrage

    GOP Rep. Kevin Cramer, allegedly Mitch McConnell's top recruit to take on Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp in Northa Dakota next year, is really, really not helping his cause. During a "radio town hall" Wednesday morning, Cramer decided what the world truly needs is more men commenting on how their women colleagues dress professionally:

    "But by the way, did you notice how poorly several of them were dressed as well?

    It is a syndrome.

    There is no question, there is a disease associated with the notion that a bunch of women would wear bad-looking white pantsuits in solidarity with Hillary Clinton to celebrate her loss.

    You cannot get that weird."

    "But at the same time, they looked silly.

    I don't buy their argument that it was a celebration of suffrage.

    I think they should be celebrating the fact that there were women members of Congress sitting in a joint session,

    listening to the President of the United States on equal footing as a co-equal branch—

    and sort of get over this notion that somehow we have to be offended all the time."

    Repugs! sexist pigs, "offending women all the time"

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 03-03-2017 at 02:45 PM.

  4. #129
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    Trump administration considering separating women, children at Mexico border

    Women and children crossing together illegally into the United States could be separated by U.S. authorities under a proposal being considered by the Department of Homeland Security,

    Part of the reason for the proposal is to deter mothers from migrating to the United States with their children

    The policy shift would allow the government to keep parents in custody while they contest deportation or wait for asylum hearings. Children would be put into protective custody with the Department of Health and Human Services, in the "least restrictive setting" until they can be taken into the care of a U.S. relative or state-sponsored guardian

    Currently, families contesting deportation or applying for asylum are generally released from detention quickly and allowed to remain in the United States until their cases are resolved. A federal appeals court ruling bars prolonged child detention.

    "With safety in mind,

    the Department of Homeland Security continually explores options that may discourage those from even beginning the journey,"

    About 54,000 children and their guardians were apprehended between Oct. 1, 2016, and Jan. 31, 2017, more than double the number caught over the same time period a year earlier.

    mmigrant rights advocates have argued that Central America's violent and impoverished conditions force mothers to immigrate to the United States and that they should be given asylum status.

    Repugs caused Central American countries to become violent, lawless, failed states. Racist, xenophobe Trash is denying political asylum to women and children fleeing failed states created by St Ronnie and the Repugs.

  6. #131
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    Trump administration considering separating women, children at Mexico border

    Women and children crossing together illegally into the United States could be separated by U.S. authorities under a proposal being considered by the Department of Homeland Security,

    Part of the reason for the proposal is to deter mothers from migrating to the United States with their children

    The policy shift would allow the government to keep parents in custody while they contest deportation or wait for asylum hearings. Children would be put into protective custody with the Department of Health and Human Services, in the "least restrictive setting" until they can be taken into the care of a U.S. relative or state-sponsored guardian

    Currently, families contesting deportation or applying for asylum are generally released from detention quickly and allowed to remain in the United States until their cases are resolved. A federal appeals court ruling bars prolonged child detention.

    "With safety in mind,

    the Department of Homeland Security continually explores options that may discourage those from even beginning the journey,"

    About 54,000 children and their guardians were apprehended between Oct. 1, 2016, and Jan. 31, 2017, more than double the number caught over the same time period a year earlier.

    mmigrant rights advocates have argued that Central America's violent and impoverished conditions force mothers to immigrate to the United States and that they should be given asylum status.

    Repugs caused Central American countries to become violent, lawless, failed states. Racist, xenophobe Trash is denying political asylum to women and children fleeing failed states created by St Ronnie and the Repugs.

    Good. Scare the the beans out of their wet backs.

  7. #132
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    DOJ halts review of Memphis Police Department

    Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland and Police Director Michael Rallings invited the COPS program to Memphis "for a collaborative review of both community-oriented policing and the use of deadly force," city spokeswoman Ursula Madden said.

    "We haven't yet signed an agreement, but we do expect a formal announcement in partnership with the DOJ tomorrow," she said.

    U.S. Attorney Edward L. Stanton III mentioned a reform initiative in September at an announcement that a federal review of the fatal shooting of Darrius Stewart concluded with insufficient evidence to support charges against former Memphis police Officer Connor Schilling.

    Something has changed

    The U.S. Department of Justice said Friday that it has ended its federal review process of the Memphis Police Department.

    “The Department of Justice’s COPS Office will no longer proceed with the collaborative reform process with the City of Memphis and Memphis Police Department,'' Justice Department officials said in a news release Friday morning.

    In case anyone is wondering:

    It is not known why the review process was halted.

    Repug DoJ won't investigate any Fergusons, etc. Repug "law and order" means brutalizing, locking up, killing knitters.

  8. #133
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    Looks like Great Lake states that voted for Trump are losing their Great Lakes restoration project

    President Donald Trump and Republicans plan on obliterating the EPA’s budget this coming year, many of the people who voted for him might be getting a rude awakening.

    States like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin enjoy the waters of the Great Lakes, and the EPA is one of those agencies that tries to ensure that those lakes can be enjoyable for generations to come.

    The National Association of Clean Air Agencies confirmed for the Free Press late Thursday that an initial proposal from the White House Office of Management and Budget calls for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to be cut from $300 million a year to about $10 million.

    would decimate a program that has helped pay to restore wetlands and improve water quality across the Upper Midwest.

    Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Pennsylvania — Great Lakes states that backed Trump in the election last year — have all received funding under the initiative, which many lawmakers of both parties in the region have steadfastly supported even when other Republicans have moved to reduce it.

  9. #134
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    Sikh community asks for hate-crime probe after man is told ‘go back to your own country’ and shot

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    ‘You Stupid Stupid B*tch’: Roger Stone Goes On Profane Twitter Freak Out

    Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr

    @yashar go yourself, u talentless asswipe
    11:18 PM - 4 Mar 2017

    Roger Stone @RogerJStoneJr

    Really? @ananavarro is fat, stupid and ing Al Cardenas
    11:20 PM - 4 Mar 2017

  11. #136
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    Schmuck a l’orange budget proposes $1.3 billion in cuts to Coast Guard

    President Donald Trump's proposed budget guidance is asking for $1.3 billion in funding cuts to the U.S. Coast Guard at a time when the service is doing more than ever, and is already severely under-resourced.

    Trump's budget would cancel a $500 million ship that is already in production, and would likely hit other areas of the Guard, which specializes in interdicting drugs, human trafficking, and keeping a close eye on what Russia is doing in the Arctic.

    In addition to its operations targeting drug smugglers and human traffickers, the Coast Guard has been in and out of the Arctic region with its ice-breaking ships, especially as Russia attempts to claim parts of the region, and its rich resources, for itself.

    The Arctic, which has roughly 13% of the world's oil and about one-third of its natural gas, could potentially turn into a South China Sea-like situation.

    That's because, like China has done with its creation of artificial islands in that region to gain control of shipping lanes, Russia and its fleet of 40 icebreakers has exerted itself in the Arctic to become the dominant player.

    What other CG activities are at risk by this short sighted FUBAR administration? Non Homeland Security missions include:

    CG also engages in scientific research support including climate science

  12. #137
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    Paul Ryan brags about gutting Planned Parenthood on International Women’s Day

    “This is what we’ve been dreaming about doing,” the House Speaker told reporters. It’s a “conservative wish list,” the speaker said. Ryan then ticked off parts of the legislation that should thrill conservatives, before concluding that it gets

    “Washington out of the business of being a nanny state.”

    “It ends funding to Planned Parenthood

    and sends money to community centers,”

    Ryan boasted.

    What the bill actually does is stop federal Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood—that means stripping the organization of millions in federal funds.

    Vox pointed out, that would hit poor women the hardest but impact anyone that relies on Planned Parenthood’s services if clinics are forced to close as a result. n=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29

    Pope Franky should excommunicate this sociopathic asshole.

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    The G.O.P. wants to let your Internet service provider sell your browsing history to third parties—without asking first.

    Recode reports that Congress could imminently vote to roll back privacy rules imposed during the end of Obama’s tenure as president.

    Last year, the Federal Communications Commission, under the direction of former Democratic chairman
    Tom Wheeler,

    mandated that broadband providers get their customers’ permission before selling or giving their data to advertisers and other third parties.

    Senate Republicans are now set to vote Thursday to scrap the rule.

    Repugs ing America and Americans, un able.

  14. #139
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    Trump appoints leading opponent of LGBT civil rights to lead civil rights office

    President Donald Trump appointed Roger Severino, a leading anti-LGBT activist, to lead the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Civil Rights. In doing so, Trump potentially gives Severino an opportunity to dismantle civil rights protections he criticized as a staffer at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

    In 2016, for example, Severino co-authored a Heritage report criticizing proposed Obama administration rules preventing discrimination against transgender patients within the health care system. Protecting trans people against such discrimination, Severino warned, would “penalize medical professionals and health care organizations that, as a matter of faith, moral conviction, or professional medical judgment, believe that maleness and femaleness are biological realities to be respected and affirmed, not altered or treated as diseases.”

    Similarly, in 2007, Severino published a law review article en led “Or for Poorer? How Same-Sex Marriage Threatens Religious Liberty,” where he claimed that marriage equality would lead to “both government compulsion of religious ins utions to provide financial or other support for same-sex married couples and government withdrawal of public benefits from those ins utions that oppose same-sex marriage.”

    As the head of the HHS civil rights office, Severino will not only be able to push from within the department to dismantle existing protections for LGBT Americans,

    he could also potentially push for special rights for anti-LGBT employers and health providers

    — such as regulations explicitly permitting these employers and providers to engage in discrimination if they believe that their faith requires them to do so.

    Christian Taliban and Christian Sharia.

  15. #140
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     Why Does Trump Want to Stop Investigating Chemical Accidents?

    Eliminating a critical agency that costs as much as four Mar-a-Lago trips.

    t’s a safe assumption that most Americans have not heard of the US Chemical Safety Board.

    Donald Trump is certainly banking on that, since he proposed scrapping it in his recent budget proposal.

    But if the small agency is indeed defunded, the results could be catastrophic—and we might be left wondering, as the bodies are counted after some large chemical disaster, why nobody was angry when the CSB went away.

    Modeled after the National Transportation Safety Board, which famously investigates plane crashes and explains to everyone what happened, the CSB choppers into chemical plants after a serious accident, particularly when dangerous chemicals were released or workers were killed.

    The engineers at CSB do a detailed, sometimes years-long process audit of what went wrong, and then puts out a report.

    (If you want to get lost in a fascinating YouTube rabbit hole, check out the CSB’s channel, which has developed a small cult following for its well-produced explanations of complex chemical accidents.)

    “There are things that American industry does that would make accidents like Bhopal look small,”
    BigChem is poisoning, sickening, killing us all and the environment.

    West, TX anyone?

    A small but critical step in Bannon's "deconstruction of the administrative state" aka DESTRUCTION

  16. #141
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    And some of us thought MJ White, Holder were were conflicted?

    Trump’s SEC Nominee Has a Major Conflict-of-Interest Problem

    Jay Clayton is tied to big banks and corporations—and that could hold up fraud enforcement.

     He served as Goldman Sachs’s lawyer during the Wall Street bailout, allowing it to emerge from the financial crisis relatively unscathed.

    He helped
    deliver failed investment bank Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase and other failed investment bank Lehman Brothers to Barclays.

    defended Ally Financial in its foreclosure fraud settlement with the government and

    represented Deutsche Bank in its “mirror trade” Russian oligarch money laundering scandal.

    He was the lawyer of record with mortgage servicer Ocwen during a scandal so distasteful the CEO was
    forced to resign.

    Oh yeah, also his
    wife is a broker at Goldman Sachs. (She reportedly plans to step down upon Clayton’s confirmation.)

    Matt Taibbi
    rightly suggested that Clayton would be “the most conflicted SEC Chair ever,” and given the history of SEC chairs, that’s saying a lot.
    Clayton’s non-bank clients raise more alarm.

    They include

    Valeant, the scandal-ridden pharmaceutical company, and

    Volkswagen, which deceived the public by cheating-diesel emissions tests.

    According to
    Public Citizen, Clayton’s family gets millions of dollars in annual dividends from a private company named

    WMB Holdings,

    some of which Clayton plans to retain even if confirmed. This company and its affiliated partners (Delaware Trust Co and CSC)

    conduits for creating s corporations and other sketchy vehicles used in tax evasion and money laundering.

    Public Citizen found apparent links between these companies and Mossack Fonseca, the notorious Panamanian law firm at the center of the Panama Papers scandal.

    hold up enforcement? how about PREVENT!

    Preet Bharara was going after Wall St and Fox News execs, he got fired after Trash promised not to replace him.
    Last edited by boutons_deux; 03-25-2017 at 10:22 AM.

  17. #142
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    Trump To America: “Do Not Worry,” I Will Not Stop Trying To Take Health Care Away

    Trump is publicly rooting for the failure of a law that has helped millions of Americans.
    After failing to pass a deeply unpopular health care plan that would’ve been a catastrophe for millions of Americans, Donald Trump told the American people on Saturday not to worry, he wasn’t going to stop trying.

    Donald J. Trump

    ObamaCare will explode and we will all get together and piece together a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE. Do not worry!
    9:37 AM - 25 Mar 2017

    As ALWAYS, Trash is LYING

    Repugs don't GIVE A about citizens' welfare/health care, only about unending tax cuts for the oligarchy.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 03-25-2017 at 11:54 AM.

  18. #143
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    Defense budget is nothing but redistribution of wealth from taxpayers to BigCorp

    Trump’s Military Buildup Promises Little For The Working Grunts

    Once again, the big money goes for the fancy weapons, while the troops carry old rifles.

    The USS Gerald R. Ford, the new aircraft carrier President Donald Trump praised recently, is costing some $13 billion to build.

    That doesn’t count the airplanes.

    It’s the most expensive naval vessel in history, and it will fit easily into the “massive” military buildup Trump has demanded.

    But at Camp Lejeune, the sprawling Marine Corps base where the working-class military lives, trains and deploys, there’s not enough money for Cpl. Edward L. Kiser, an anti-tank gunner, to train properly.

    Kiser, a 20-year-old from Butler, Pennsylvania, needs to be proficient at firing TOW missiles in the desperate heat of battle to kill enemy tanks about to overrun his position.

    “I’ve been in the Marine Corps two years, and I’ve only shot the thing one time,” said Kiser.

    The U.S. soldiers and Marines confronting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria are facing so-called “rag-tag” fighters equipped with tiny surveillance and attack drones, which let those forces hunt down Americans and kill them from the sky.

    Americans have neither. Again, no money for that.

    the initial numbers suggest those who really benefit will be the ones who always benefit: the big defense contractors and their enablers at the Pentagon and Congress.

    The last people to see that flood of spending will be the ones most likely to fight and die: the grunts.

    Not included in those plans:

    money for the best infantry weapons,

    the safest troop-lift helicopters,

    the most protective lightweight body armor.

    Instead, grunts will have to settle for budget leftovers with antiquated rifles, helicopters built for their grandfathers during the Vietnam War and communications gear that is overweight and unreliable.

    Any you suckered, adored vets have countering facts?

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    White Supremacists Are Now Targeting High Schools

    According to one white nationalist leader, "students are perfectly primed for a push towards racial consciousness.”

    In addition to the more than 100 incidents at college campuses across the United States, white supremacists have targeted at least four high schools in recruitment drives so far in 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

    The report is the latest to raise concern about a surge in incidents of hate, which have included multiple waves of bomb threats targeting Jewish Community Centers as well as threats and arson attacks against mosques.

    “It is widely understood that the election of Donald Trump is a sign of rising white consciousness,” Taylor wrote on his website shortly after Trump’s inauguration in January. “Now is the time to press our advantage in every way possible.”

    The post also included a call to arms for followers, including instructions to put up posters, particularly targeting students.

    “Attractive posters placed in high-traffic areas—and that also include URLs of established white-advocacy organizations—can not only draw attention to our movement but also cause a tremendous media stir. Students are perfectly primed for a push towards racial consciousness.”

    Trash's / Repugs' AmeriKKKa

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    Trump presented German leader Angela Merkel a printed 'invoice' for what he thinks they owe Nato

    The current sitting president is an idiot manchild.

    On a related note:

    During last weekend's meeting between Idiot Manchild and German leader Angela Merkel,

    the idiot manchild allegedly handed Merkel a printed "bill" for roughly 370 billion Euros,

    the amount Donald Trump thinks Germany "owes" Nato.

    The US President is said to have had an “invoice” printed out outlining the sum estimated by his aides as covering Germany’s unpaid contributions for defence. [...]
    But the bill has been backdated even further to 2002, the year Mrs Merkel’s predecessor, Gerhard Schröder, pledged to spend more on defence.

    Mr Trump reportedly instructed aides to calculate how much German spending fell below two per cent over the past 12 years, then added interest.

    Merkel should say: "So sue me"

  21. #146
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    Trump presented German leader Angela Merkel a printed 'invoice' for what he thinks they owe Nato

    The current sitting president is an idiot manchild.

    On a related note:

    During last weekend's meeting between Idiot Manchild and German leader Angela Merkel,

    the idiot manchild allegedly handed Merkel a printed "bill" for roughly 370 billion Euros,

    the amount Donald Trump thinks Germany "owes" Nato.

    The US President is said to have had an “invoice” printed out outlining the sum estimated by his aides as covering Germany’s unpaid contributions for defence. [...]
    But the bill has been backdated even further to 2002, the year Mrs Merkel’s predecessor, Gerhard Schröder, pledged to spend more on defence.

    Mr Trump reportedly instructed aides to calculate how much German spending fell below two per cent over the past 12 years, then added interest.

    Merkel should say: "So sue me"

    I saw this. How totally classless. This guy is completely shameless and making a mockery of the office that will live long beyond his time there.

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    Canada's largest school board will end class trips to the U.S. due to Trump's travel restrictions

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    Trump signs bills reversing Obama regulations

    President Trump rolled back more Obama-era regulations Monday, signing four bills that reverse rules on education, land use and federal purchasing.

    Promising to "remove every job-killing regulation we can find," Trump said even more regulation-cutting bills were on the way.

    The resolutions of disapproval reached the president's desk through the Congressional Review Act, a rarely used tool that allows Congress to fast-track a bills to reverse regulations. Before Trump, the law had been used successfully only once in its 21-year history.

    Trump has now signed a total of seven, a pace that has surprised even experts. "There are several that weren't on my radar at all,"

    Previous bills have

    reversed Obama regulations banning Social Security recipients with a mental impairment from buying a firearm,

    restricting the dumping of mining waste in streams and rivers, and

    requiring energy companies to disclose how much they're paying foreign governments

    In fact, now half of all bills Trump has signed so far have been these regulation-killing resolutions.

    The rules canceled by Trump's pen include:

    ► The "Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces" rule, which barred companies from receiving federal contracts if they had a history of violating wage, labor or workplace safety laws. That regulation, derided by critics as the "blacklisting" rule, was already held up in court.

    "The rule simply made it too easy for trial lawyers to go after American companies and American workers who contract with the federal government," White House press secretary Sean er said.

    President Obama had pushed the rule through an executive order in 2014. But with the rule wiped off the books, Trump then signed an executive order revoking Obama's order and directing agencies to rescind any policies implementing it.

    ► A Bureau of Land Management rule known as "Planning 2.0," that gave the federal government a bigger role in land use decisions. The rule was opposed by the energy industry.

    ► Two regulations on measuring school performance and teacher training under the Every Student Succeeds Act, a law Obama signed in 2015 with bipartisan support.

    Trump's action effectively precludes federal action on any of those rules, since the administration is now barred from issuing any new rule that is "substantially similar" to the ones that were just overturned.

    That's one reason Congress has used the Congressional Review Act so sparingly in the past. Dudley said this Congress clearly has an appe e to cut even some more obscure regulations. "If there's a really focused group that is interested in this regulation and doesn’t like it, Congress might take it up," she said.

    Americans gonna be SO SICKENED, impovershed by Trash's "winning"

    Repugs UP everything they touch. Pro-Business, Pro-pollution, ANTI-citizen.

    Last edited by boutons_deux; 03-30-2017 at 09:29 AM.

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    Colbert torches GOP’s ‘clean coal’ push: ‘It sounds like an oxymoron but so does President Trump’

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    Danger, Yogi: Republicans Intentionally Make It Legal to Hunt Hibernating Animals

    The NRA-backed bill overturns an Obama-era regulation meant to protect biodiversity in Alaska's wildlife refuges.

    Republicans in Congress passed a bill to repeal a set of Alaska’s wildlife regulations to favor a specific group of citizens: sport and trophy hunters. Republicans have

    allowed for shooting of hibernating bears with cubs;

    using airplanes to scout and shoot grizzly bears; and

    baiting and trapping bears with steel-jawed, leghold traps on federally owned land in Alaska.

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