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  1. #76
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    . You basically echoed everything I just said, especially the bolded. And I gathered the facts about their respective play styles from simply looking at the data (the fact Ronaldo is so assist dependent illustrates that he primarily hangs around the box looking for scoring opportunities while Messi is more "creative.")

    And yes, the stats do imply he's also better moving without the ball and "reading the game," so it goes without saying. That's the hallmark of any great player in ALL goal sports, since great players know how to consistently put themselves in advantageous situations (many of which are indeed 1v1). Breaking down team defenses and getting a great player in a 1v1 matchup (or in space to work with) is an important tactic in any goal sport, and Messi knows how to do it better than all (not that I watch, but it's clearly obvious from the stats). I know you soccer s think your cute little game can't be quantified, but nothing about soccer puts it above the explanatory power of statistical analysis. Basketball and hockey have more innate chaos than soccer and metrics are strong in both of those sports, because North American sports aren't stuck in the 1900s with regard to player evaluation.
    son penaldo is great at moving without the ball, that's how he gets that many tap ins .. messi is just better at moving without the ball in the construction phase , at quick passing and he also has positional gravity everywhere so that easily makes him deadlier ... your stats show no difference regarding this between players like messi/ronaldo/zidane/xavi/totti/baggio etc because they are worthless, you are such an amateur that you don't even know what stats are used in football. Most advanced metrics are potential metrics on space, that's the latest I've heard of from a that's actually an assistant coach in 2. Bundesliga, and are used in conjuction to combination (both active members and passive spacers) to the positional style employed by attack AND defense.

    stick to simpleton stats tbh 'merica

  2. #77
    My Favorite Faded Fantasy The Gemini Method's Avatar
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    World War two reject mad because the bald sand he likes isn't even a top 10 player of all-time.

  3. #78
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    we almost solo'd the planet tbh, while y'all boys got a couple of bandwagon wins and choked all over the place you think we would've lost in ing vietnam and korea, or that we'd need 10 years in afghanistan?
    Last edited by dfens; 01-26-2018 at 05:28 PM.

  4. #79
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    we almost solo'd the planet tbh, y'all s mad, y'all mericans don't even have one quarter of our military history ... just bandwagon wins and chokes all over the place
    bragging about regular season wins
    lost the 2 biggest wars in your history
    but we beat france

  5. #80
    65 tons of American pride Canyonero's Avatar
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    we almost solo'd the planet tbh, y'all s mad, y'all mericans don't even have one quarter of our military history ... just bandwagon wins and chokes all over the place
    son are you secretly hoping for another WW? You know what they say, "third time's a charm"

  6. #81
    My Favorite Faded Fantasy The Gemini Method's Avatar
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    we almost solo'd the planet tbh, while y'all boys got a couple of bandwagon wins and choked all over the place you think we would've lost in ing vietnam and korea, or that we'd need 10 years in afghanistan?
    You decide to fight one war on a behalf of losing a Duke to assassination and took a L from Somme and the Luddendorff Offensive that you decided to give power to a noted Anti-Semite and nut job. To only take the L again to a Commies and a half interested U.S military and have the audacity to call out Vietnam/Korea and the current idiotic wars we're still involved in. For shame, Nazzee.

  7. #82
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    bragging about regular season wins
    lost the 2 biggest wars in your history
    but we beat france
    we beat france when it had 25% of europe's population and it had been THE major contender for a thousand years... kinda like america beating a russia-china alliance today.
    we beat the ing roman empire into submission
    we beat the russians empire in ww1 (greater than the soviet union)
    we fought the mongols back
    we fought ALL of ing europe in the seven years war and came out on top
    we cucked y'all boys and your allies at bulge with 15% of our army... if it weren't for Russia just lol.

    who y'all s beat tbh? mexico? the confederates? resource starved japan, that's your greatest victory, some s kamikazeing because they lacked fuel and also had horrible tactics ... just lol. you didn't have the balls to go at ussr or china even though you wanted it. you got chokes in vietnam, afghanistan, iran, korea, cambodia, laos and now in syria.

  8. #83
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    You decide to fight one war on a behalf of losing a Duke to assassination and took a L from Somme and the Luddendorff Offensive that you decided to give power to a noted Anti-Semite and nut job. To only take the L again to a Commies and a half interested U.S military and have the audacity to call out Vietnam/Korea and the current idiotic wars we're still involved in. For shame, Nazzee.
    yeah, let's ignore the 20 years of growing militarism in europe before ww1, it's not like there were other crises before .. smh son.
    versailles decided that , sign dumb treaties win dumb prizes, just lol talking about nut jobs and anti-semites with trump as president, wtf son.
    half interested ... y'all s wanted NOTHING to do with us before '44, and we checked you with 15% of our army (the worst 15% too), and y'all even got the pride to mention it as a win. Smh kobe did more for his first le than you did to win ww2.
    Lmao audacity to call extended failures where you choke after choke after choke because you have no goals/discipline/strategy/tactics. y'all s treat war like a hobby smh.

  9. #84
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    son are you secretly hoping for another WW? You know what they say, "third time's a charm"
    we're winning one right now with our economy..

  10. #85
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    regular season victories
    we beat france before losing the war!

  11. #86
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    regular season victories
    we beat france before losing the war!
    son does the usa have ANY victories besides tiny japan and empty mexico? honest question, did y'all s beat anything else? simple question tbh so please stop ducking.
    yet you tell me about regular season wins when we beat the mother ing roman empire in their prime

  12. #87
    Savvy Veteran spurraider21's Avatar
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    son does the usa have ANY victories besides tiny japan and empty mexico? honest question, did y'all s beat anything else? simple question tbh so please stop ducking.
    yet you tell me about regular season wins when we beat the mother ing roman empire in their prime
    how do you think the roman empire collapsed? on a big battlefield against germans?

  13. #88
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    how do you think the roman empire collapsed? on a big battlefield against germans?
    never conquered even though they tried many times, we moved in uninvited and beat them from the inside to form new kingdoms -> franks, ostrogoths, visigoths, lombards, goths, saxons, angles, vandals, alans, suebi, burgunds ... which in time led german SPQR emperors and to kingdoms in france, low countries, germany, north italy, south italy, ukraine, balkans, england even north africa.

    make no mistake about it, rome's long collapse is because of us. Like or not we are the GOAT warriors.

  14. #89
    SeaGOAT midnightpulp's Avatar
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    never conquered even though they tried many times, we moved in uninvited and beat them from the inside to form new kingdoms -> franks, ostrogoths, visigoths, lombards, goths, saxons, angles, vandals, alans, suebi, burgunds ... which in time led german SPQR emperors and to kingdoms in france, low countries, germany, north italy, south italy, ukraine, balkans, england even north africa.

    make no mistake about it, rome's long collapse is because of us. Like or not we are the GOAT warriors.
    Rome was already crumbling and was a far cry from the height of their power by the time you "conquered it." And when you did invade, you basically set fire to all of their intellectual, scientific, artistic, and literary achievements that many consider the start of the Dark Ages. The Ostrogothic Kingdom took power following Rome's collapse, and contributed absolutely nothing to culture in their 60 year (lol 60 years) reign.

    "GOAT" Warriors.

    The Romans (now under the Byzantine name) slapped your up and down, from North Africa (they destroyed the Vandals in North Africa) to ransacking the Goths in Italy in a decisive reconquest. The Byzantine Empire lasted some 900 years after, while the remnants of the Germanic tribes cobbled together some joke called the Holy Roman Empire.

    The Romans were right in nicknaming the Germanic tribes "Barbarians." They tried countless times to civilize you, but it wouldn't take, and you responded like the proverbial chimp who flings its in anger.

  15. #90
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    Rome was already crumbling and was a far cry from the height of their power by the time you "conquered it." And when you did invade, you basically set fire to all of their intellectual, scientific, artistic, and literary achievements that many consider the start of the Dark Ages. The Ostrogothic Kingdom took power following Rome's collapse, and contributed absolutely nothing to culture in their 60 year (lol 60 years) reign.

    "GOAT" Warriors.

    The Romans (now under the Byzantine name) slapped your up and down, from North Africa (they destroyed the Vandals in North Africa) to ransacking the Goths in Italy in a decisive reconquest. The Byzantine Empire lasted some 900 years after, while the remnants of the Germanic tribes cobbled together some joke called the Holy Roman Empire.

    The Romans were right in nicknaming the Germanic tribes "Barbarians." They tried countless times to civilize you, but it wouldn't take, and you responded like the proverbial chimp who flings its in anger.
    the ostrogothic kingdom was followed by the lombards (germanic) so just lol at your 60 years argument.
    rome started collapsing because the phyrric victory in the marcomanni (germanic) wars you peasant.
    byzantines couldn't even contest italy lol, went in fought, then left.
    the holy roman empire lasted 4x the entire history of your banana country tbh. that the hre kept europe christian and held france in check for a thousand years.
    voltaire (the guy with the quote) was mad at us tbh because we beat his ass.


    all green hues are germanic.

    arguing history with merycans,

  16. #91
    SeaGOAT midnightpulp's Avatar
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    the ostrogothic kingdom was followed by the lombards (germanic) so just lol at your 60 years argument.
    rome started collapsing because the phyrric victory in the marcomanni (germanic) wars you peasant.
    byzantines couldn't even contest italy lol, went in fought, then left.
    the holy roman empire lasted 4x the entire history of your banana country tbh. that the hre kept europe christian and held france in check for a thousand years.
    voltaire (the guy with the quote) was mad at us tbh because we beat his ass.


    all green hues are germanic.

    arguing history with merycans,
    From "500 AD"

    Justin kicked your asses out about 40 years later. Your map is before the reconquest. Look how the colors change in just 65 years.

    You also lost that North Africa slice around 530 (checking wiki): Ah, 533.

    Italy, (and the Mediterranean) was the most important overall region during the early middle-ages, so holding that area was more important than sitting around freezing to death and committing incest up in Northern Europe.

    Cherry picking a map just right after the fall of Rome. I don't know much about the history of the Germanic tribes in Spain, so let's see how long you held on to that territory.

    A dispute weakened the kingdom before the Arab invasion in 711.
    ~211 years. Not bad, until you lost it to the Arabs (isn't that happening in Germany again? ).

    The HRE:

    The Holy Roman Empire covered much of Europe and lasted for over a millennium, but has long been regarded as ineffective and largely irrelevant to broader historical issues.

    Also, Napolean went scorched Earth on the HRE, validating Voltaire. Too bad he didn't live to see it.
    Last edited by midnightpulp; 01-27-2018 at 11:16 AM.

  17. #92
    Deutschland über alles dfens's Avatar
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    From "500 AD"

    Justin kicked your asses out about 40 years later. Your map is before the reconquest. Look how the colors change in just 65 years.

    You also lost that North Africa slice around 530 (checking wiki): Ah, 533.

    Italy, (and the Mediterranean) was the most important overall region during the early middle-ages, so holding that area was more important than sitting around freezing to death and committing incest up in Northern Europe.

    Cherry picking a map just right after the fall of Rome. I don't know much about the history of the Germanic tribes in Spain, so let's see how long you held on to that territory.

    ~211 years. Not bad, until you lost it to the Arabs (isn't that happening in Germany again? ).

    The HRE:

    Also, Napolean went scorched Earth on the HRE, validating Voltaire. Too bad he didn't live to see it.
    did we start Rome decline? yes
    did we par ion the the western roman empire? yes
    did Rome decline and then fall because of us? yes.
    eastern roman empire is the roman empire in name only, it's just a greek empire.
    did ALL of rich italy stay in the HRE and under Austria till 1800 ? yes, it was contested, but we're the ones to keep it.

    and we went scorched earth on france b2b2b after that tbh ... too bad napoleon didn't live to see it.

  18. #93
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