ACLU is running circles around Kris "voter fraud commission" Kolbach

Wonkette's legal expert is having a lot of fun watching the Republican official flounder where actual evidence is, like, important.

Tuesday, [expert witness] Richman testified that one of his methods for determining who might be a non-citizen used this very scientific method: He and a graduate student assistant looked at the names of people who had registered to vote under the federal “motor voter” law but had not provided proof of citizenship, and decided which names sounded really foreign. If both Richman and the assistant agreed, then that person was flagged as a probable non-citizen. We swear we are not making that up.

ACLU attorney Dale Ho asked Richman how he’d assess a really crazy foreign-sounding name like “Carlos Murguia,” and Richman said yes, that’s a name he would probably flag. Ho then pointed out that’s the name of another federal judge at the courthouse where the trial’s being held (above quoted passage is from this one)