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  1. #26
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    First time I heard Charlie Patton "The King of Mississippi Delta Blues", I thought he sucked. It took me awhile to "get it" now he's the best example of that music.

    It's taken me awhile to warm up to New Japan. BUT.....still prefer the WWE.
    WWE has a ton of talent they're sitting on but how can you prefer it to NJPW? If you are somewhat interested in NJPW now, but don't necessarily prefer the junior high flyer style check out the matches from the most recent G1 Climax.. Omega had amazing matches with everyone they matched him up with, high flyer or not.. Check out some Kota Ibushi and Tetsuya matches too, all three of them are killing it right now in Japan

  2. #27
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    WWE has a ton of talent they're sitting on but how can you prefer it to NJPW? If you are somewhat interested in NJPW now, but don't necessarily prefer the junior high flyer style check out the matches from the most recent G1 Climax.. Omega had amazing matches with everyone they matched him up with, high flyer or not.. Check out some Kota Ibushi and Tetsuya matches too, all three of them are killing it right now in Japan

    Pro rasslin' really is a lot like a soap opera. The angles. mic skills, fueds, the silliness of it all is a big part of the attraction. And as you know those in that biz are some pretty interesting characters. A lot more to this than actual..wrestling...ability. The politics involved, the behind the scenes going ons.

    Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan, are gigantic in the biz, yet neither one of them could "wrestle" a lick. The Roadwarriors?

    I get the...WOW~~~...that we see in New Japan but.....without a story to tell, an angle to sell it's just a cheap thrill, nothing sustains.

    Right now The Shield have reunited and the whole roster is down on them, so what now? Where is Triple H vs The Undertaker going, ....Shawn Michaels? Orton vs Jeff somebody going to really get hurt, they are pushing it.

    I have seen a dozen or so (three in waiting) New Japan shows, think I've seen the roster. Yes the action is amazing, so many.......never seen that before. But, they come up short selling.........can't wait to see where this goes.

    Yes, Kenny Omega is fantastic.

  3. #28
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    Pro rasslin' really is a lot like a soap opera. The angles. mic skills, fueds, the silliness of it all is a big part of the attraction. And as you know those in that biz are some pretty interesting characters. A lot more to this than actual..wrestling...ability. The politics involved, the behind the scenes going ons.

    Dusty Rhodes, Hulk Hogan, are gigantic in the biz, yet neither one of them could "wrestle" a lick. The Roadwarriors?

    I get the...WOW~~~...that we see in New Japan but.....without a story to tell, an angle to sell it's just a cheap thrill, nothing sustains.

    Right now The Shield have reunited and the whole roster is down on them, so what now? Where is Triple H vs The Undertaker going, ....Shawn Michaels? Orton vs Jeff somebody going to really get hurt, they are pushing it.

    I have seen a dozen or so (three in waiting) New Japan shows, think I've seen the roster. Yes the action is amazing, so many.......never seen that before. But, they come up short selling.........can't wait to see where this goes.

    Yes, Kenny Omega is fantastic.
    You need to watch more if you think NJPW doesn't have character, gimmicks, light story line.. they're just more more subtle unless you're Bullet Club..

    Look at Tetsuya Naito's entire gimmick.. It's all based around the fact that he was force pushed as a baby face for so many years, finally gets to headline Wrestle Kingdom, then gets subbed out of the main event because of a ty fan reaction (kinda like Batista did when they tried to force an Orton vs Batista WM XXX main event).. He goes down to Mexico and reinvents himself into the "tranquilo" gimmick so basically gets over for being exactly opposite of what NJPW wanted.. now his gimmick is to constantly on NJPW's legacy every chance he gets. It's not much, but it adds another layer to the match for sure.

  4. #29
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    You need to watch more if you think NJPW doesn't have character, gimmicks, light story line.. they're just more more subtle unless you're Bullet Club..

    Look at Tetsuya Naito's entire gimmick.. It's all based around the fact that he was force pushed as a baby face for so many years, finally gets to headline Wrestle Kingdom, then gets subbed out of the main event because of a ty fan reaction (kinda like Batista did when they tried to force an Orton vs Batista WM XXX main event).. He goes down to Mexico and reinvents himself into the "tranquilo" gimmick so basically gets over for being exactly opposite of what NJPW wanted.. now his gimmick is to constantly on NJPW's legacy every chance he gets. It's not much, but it adds another layer to the match for sure.
    There is no pro rasslin' without story lines, gimmicks, we all know the Japanese do lack "peronality" they can't sell emotion worth a damn. , just look at the facial expressions of the crowd, there it is. In a word.....bland.

    Every week in the WWE we find an interesting character in some new predictament, angle, bit. And we do see a whole other level of interesting personalities.

    Kenny Omega stands out like a sore thumb in New Japan because he is charismatic, interesting and extremely talented, BUT....he would just blend in over in the WWE. Just another...............

    YES....variety is the e of life, so if I want....WOW...never saw that before....I need some New Japan and the great Jim Ross. But when it comes to getting lost in fueds, politics, angles,gimmicks, interesting characters.......WWE.

  5. #30
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    There is no pro rasslin' without story lines, gimmicks, we all know the Japanese do lack "peronality" they can't sell emotion worth a damn. , just look at the facial expressions of the crowd, there it is. In a word.....bland.

    Every week in the WWE we find an interesting character in some new predictament, angle, bit. And we do see a whole other level of interesting personalities.

    Kenny Omega stands out like a sore thumb in New Japan because he is charismatic, interesting and extremely talented, BUT....he would just blend in over in the WWE. Just another...............

    YES....variety is the e of life, so if I want....WOW...never saw that before....I need some New Japan and the great Jim Ross. But when it comes to getting lost in fueds, politics, angles,gimmicks, interesting characters.......WWE.

    Just because you don't understand the culture and their spin on it doesn't mean Puro isn't everything that is "pro rasslin.".

    The biggest difference between Jap wrestling and American wrestling is that EVERY match has a reason- even if it's for ranking position- nothing happens for no reason other than filling tv show time.

    You're ignorant to Puro and it's obvious. You don't know what good wrestling is, you think Roman Reigns should be booked like Cena. You probably LOVED TNA from 07-15 and thought it was amazing.

  6. #31
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    Just because you don't understand the culture and their spin on it doesn't mean Puro isn't everything that is "pro rasslin.".

    The biggest difference between Jap wrestling and American wrestling is that EVERY match has a reason- even if it's for ranking position- nothing happens for no reason other than filling tv show time.

    You're ignorant to Puro and it's obvious. You don't know what good wrestling is, you think Roman Reigns should be booked like Cena. You probably LOVED TNA from 07-15 and thought it was amazing.
    Then there is always reality.

    Have never watched TNA other than flipping stations and there it was. So it got 3-5 minutes of......this sucks. So add that to all the times you are 100% wrong about. What I have watched however is....

    WWA out of LA
    Big Time Wresting...NORCAL
    World Class...Texas
    TONS of Youtube videos

    Been into the rasslin' since the late 50's. I think I have it figured out by now and a pretty good judge of what's good.

    Dude, are you capable of sticking to the topic of a thread? Why this need to be a total asshole? Just talk about the wrestling guy and cool it with the YOU ARE....ok punk?

    YES....I'm just now starting to pay attention to New Japan so OBVIOUSLY I'm ignorant of......where is the count?.....why no interesting story lines?....why only an hour? BUT....the action is second to none,! The characters are not as interesting.

    Dude, trust me I know what's good, ok?

  7. #32
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    Then there is always reality.

    Have never watched TNA other than flipping stations and there it was. So it got 3-5 minutes of......this sucks. So add that to all the times you are 100% wrong about. What I have watched however is....

    WWA out of LA
    Big Time Wresting...NORCAL
    World Class...Texas
    TONS of Youtube videos

    Been into the rasslin' since the late 50's. I think I have it figured out by now and a pretty good judge of what's good.

    Dude, are you capable of sticking to the topic of a thread? Why this need to be a total asshole? Just talk about the wrestling guy and cool it with the YOU ARE....ok punk?

    YES....I'm just now starting to pay attention to New Japan so OBVIOUSLY I'm ignorant of......where is the count?.....why no interesting story lines?....why only an hour? BUT....the action is second to none,! The characters are not as interesting.

    Dude, trust me I know what's good, ok?
    You don't know what's good. And this is on topic. You were discussing Jap wrestling and you don't understand it and said it has no storylines. It does. Just because you're culturally inept and ignorant doesn't mean what you said is true.

  8. #33
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    You don't know what's good. And this is on topic. You were discussing Jap wrestling and you don't understand it and said it has no storylines. It does. Just because you're culturally inept and ignorant doesn't mean what you said is true.
    Wrong once again. Dude, do you ever get anything right?

    When it comes to angles, mic skills. generating interest in the character, storylines...New Japan totally sucks, that from a guy with far more experience than you have...ok? , I can talk rasslers you've never even heard of, trust me.

    BUT...............if just talking in ring action, yep.....LOVE IT. does end there. Everything else........BORINNGGGGGGGGG.......ok guy?

    Now how about....ok ok ok I was wrong about you and TNA......ok?

  9. #34
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    Mr. Moto
    Sholhi "Giant" Baba
    Kenji Shibuya
    Mitzu Arawakawa
    Mr. Saito
    Mr. Fuji
    Prof.Taru Tanaka
    Antoni Inoki
    Jushin "Thunder" Liger
    The Great Muta
    Jumbo Tsuruta

    All had one thing in common......they all sucked at selling the story. In a word....bland. The Japanese struggle with showing emotions. We all see it. And we see it in the rasslin', they aren't .....exciting.

    Just look at the fans in New Japan, there it is right there. Totally different that what we see with all other Pro Rasslin' crowds.

  10. #35
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    Wrong once again. Dude, do you ever get anything right?

    When it comes to angles, mic skills. generating interest in the character, storylines...New Japan totally sucks, that from a guy with far more experience than you have...ok? , I can talk rasslers you've never even heard of, trust me.

    BUT...............if just talking in ring action, yep.....LOVE IT. does end there. Everything else........BORINNGGGGGGGGG.......ok guy?

    Now how about....ok ok ok I was wrong about you and TNA......ok?
    All you got to do is watch the interviews after matches to get the storylines in New Japan. That's as old school as good old school rasslin gets.

    You don't understand it. You mock the culture because they don't react raucously like Americas do. You don't understand it.

    You think Roman Reigns is over. You don't understand what's good.

  11. #36
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    All you got to do is watch the interviews after matches to get the storylines in New Japan. That's as old school as good old school rasslin gets.

    You don't understand it. You mock the culture because they don't react raucously like Americas do. You don't understand it.

    You think Roman Reigns is over. You don't understand what's good.
    Wrong again.

    Dude, when you have seen Freddie Blassie in his prime, Ray Stevens, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair sell an angle, trust me......New Japan totally sucks when it comes to that aspect of the sport. And I don't give a damn what you think,'re 100% wrong.

    Dude, it's not about understanding , it's about the Japanese are unemotional.....ok guy? I've been there, ok?

    Roman Reigns has been in how many Wrestlemania main events....why?

    Dude, are you ever right about anything?

  12. #37
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    Wrong again.

    Dude, when you have seen Freddie Blassie in his prime, Ray Stevens, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair sell an angle, trust me......New Japan totally sucks when it comes to that aspect of the sport. And I don't give a damn what you think,'re 100% wrong.

    Dude, it's not about understanding , it's about the Japanese are unemotional.....ok guy? I've been there, ok?

    Roman Reigns has been in how many Wrestlemania main events....why?

    Dude, are you ever right about anything?
    Showing you don't know...per par. Reigns is in Wrestlemania events because Vince loves him. He doesn't draw and the last three years with him on top, the company's live event attendance has gone down, Raw shows heavier than SD, noticeably. He's so disliked, he even ed up the Undertaker's retirement. Just stop.

    You were wrong about why people didn't like working with Vader.

    You think Hogan was the biggest star ever when Austin made thrice the money in 1/3rd the time.

    You think Reigns is money.

  13. #38
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    Showing you don't know...per par. Reigns is in Wrestlemania events because Vince loves him. He doesn't draw and the last three years with him on top, the company's live event attendance has gone down, Raw shows heavier than SD, noticeably. He's so disliked, he even ed up the Undertaker's retirement. Just stop.

    You were wrong about why people didn't like working with Vader.

    You think Hogan was the biggest star ever when Austin made thrice the money in 1/3rd the time.

    You think Reigns is money.
    Wrong again, wow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Well aware of all that as usual, but it simply doesn't matter. Who was given the job to retire The Undertaker....Roman Reigns. Who just ran off Brock Lesnar....Roman Reigns Who said anything about money? I was talking about who is the top Dawg in the WWE, yep....Roman Reigns. Why is that? Why does Vince and myself who know more about the sport tan anyone else, have him ruling?

    I was 100% right about Vader, even showed you where guys had said they didn't like working with him. What you didn't read it?

    Hulk Hogan is without question the biggest rasslin' star ever. Dude, people who have never seen a rasslin' match know who Hulk Hogan is.

    Dude, Do you get off being wrong all the time?

    3. Ric Flair – Not as athletic as Savage, but better on the mic. Flair is No. 1 on a lot of people’s lists, but he did most of his great work in the minor leagues of the NWA and WCW.
    2. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin – Austin was the face of the WWF/WWE during its most popular period ever in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Great on the mic, great in the ring.
    1. Hulk Hogan – Sorry wrestling geeks. It’s true. If you took a survey of 100 people on the streets of New York today – in 2017 – and asked them to name one pro wrestler, Hulk Hogan would still be mentioned more than anyone else. He was the first person in the history of man to take pro wrestling mainstream.
    Last edited by Avante; 09-05-2018 at 06:13 PM.

  14. #39
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    Wrong again, wow~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Well aware of all that as usual, but it simply doesn't matter. Who was given the job to retire The Undertaker....Roman Reigns. Who just ran off Brock Lesnar....Roman Reigns Who said anything about money? I was talking about who is the top Dawg in the WWE, yep....Roman Reigns. Why is that? Why does Vince and myself who know more about the sport tan anyone else, have him ruling?

    I was 100% right about Vader, even showed you where guys had said they didn't like working with him. What you didn't read it?

    Hulk Hogan is without question the biggest rasslin' star ever. Dude, people who have never seen a rasslin' match know who Hulk Hogan is.

    Dude, Do you get off being wrong all the time?

    3. Ric Flair – Not as athletic as Savage, but better on the mic. Flair is No. 1 on a lot of people’s lists, but he did most of his great work in the minor leagues of the NWA and WCW.
    2. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin – Austin was the face of the WWF/WWE during its most popular period ever in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Great on the mic, great in the ring.
    1. Hulk Hogan – Sorry wrestling geeks. It’s true. If you took a survey of 100 people on the streets of New York today – in 2017 – and asked them to name one pro wrestler, Hulk Hogan would still be mentioned more than anyone else. He was the first person in the history of man to take pro wrestling mainstream.

    Doesn't make Hogan the top wrestler ever. That's Austin. Austin sold more ppvs, sold out more arenas than Hogan did in his WWF and WCW runs where he was the top face and top heel in a 12 year period. Austin did that in 3 years. Obliterated every financial record Hogan set. Took the WWE from nearly bankrupt in late 97 to a billion dollar company that went public in less than 14 months.

    You can't be this stupid. Austin is the most successful wrestler, ever. Money says so. Statistics say so. Vince McMahon says so. Doesn't matter what Avante says or thinks.

    Stay on the shallow end of the rasslin pool, old man.

  15. #40
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    Doesn't make Hogan the top wrestler ever. That's Austin. Austin sold more ppvs, sold out more arenas than Hogan did in his WWF and WCW runs where he was the top face and top heel in a 12 year period. Austin did that in 3 years. Obliterated every financial record Hogan set. Took the WWE from nearly bankrupt in late 97 to a billion dollar company that went public in less than 14 months.

    You can't be this stupid. Austin is the most successful wrestler, ever. Money says so. Statistics say so. Vince McMahon says so. Doesn't matter what Avante says or thinks.

    Stay on the shallow end of the rasslin pool, old man.

    Dude..........................IMPACT.............. ....ok stupid?

    One of a ton.....

    Not the best looking, not the most talented, and not the most respected, however, Hulk is The Biggest draw and most popular and well known wrestler in wrestling history! People who don't watch wrestling know the name Hulk Hogan! How many fans in attendance for Hogan vs Andre, Hogan vs Rock, Hogan vs Warrior? Remember, pro wrestling is not olympic wrestling, it's not entirely real like a sport, it's entertainment! Hulk and Vince M have done more for wrestling than anybody else! From Japan, Canada, and the States, Hulk has received the loudest and longest ovations/cheers in history! Love him or hate him, Hulk Hogan is, by far, the Greatest wrestler of all time! Facts are Facts!

    Hulk Hogan couldn't wrestle a lick, ok dummy? I am talking about his place in ....Pro Rasslin;....history, got it? NOBODY....made a bigger ...IMPACT...on the sport than Hulk Hogan.

    Rookies, sheesh~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Make No Mistake About It: Hulk Hogan Had The Biggest Impact On Wrestling

    Last edited by Avante; 09-05-2018 at 10:33 PM.

  16. #41
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    Wrong once again. Dude, do you ever get anything right?
    His analysis was spot on

  17. #42
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    His analysis was spot on
    Steve Ausin is not a bigger name that Hulk Hogan. The impact Hogan made on the biz has never been matched.

  18. #43
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    Steve Ausin is not a bigger name that Hulk Hogan. The impact Hogan made on the biz has never been matched.

    You're saying that subjectively you idiot. I am giving you quantifiable evidence to prove who the biggest star is.

    Senile Pedo: "Hulk Hogan made the biggest impact ever. Everyone knows it".

    Expert Chucho: "Well, to show who made the biggest impact, let's talk figures. It's safe to say the most impact would be the person who the most people came to see and that's Austin. He drew way more money, sold out more arenas and sold more PPVs in a 3 year run than Hogan did in a decade.

    Want to talk about impact? How about the fact that under Austin, the WWF KILLED off all of it's compe ion and became a nearly global monopoly?" He impacted the business well beyond Hogan's impact.

    Get over it. You're 100% wrong, per par. Are you going to deny these facts like you denied little Pinoy girls their innocence? You can't deny it the way Judy can't deny herself a full carrot cake for dessert.

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    You're saying that subjectively you idiot. I am giving you quantifiable evidence to prove who the biggest star is.

    Senile Pedo: "Hulk Hogan made the biggest impact ever. Everyone knows it".

    Expert Chucho: "Well, to show who made the biggest impact, let's talk figures. It's safe to say the most impact would be the person who the most people came to see and that's Austin. He drew way more money, sold out more arenas and sold more PPVs in a 3 year run than Hogan did in a decade.

    Want to talk about impact? How about the fact that under Austin, the WWF KILLED off all of it's compe ion and became a nearly global monopoly?" He impacted the business well beyond Hogan's impact.

    Get over it. You're 100% wrong, per par. Are you going to deny these facts like you denied little Pinoy girls their innocence? You can't deny it the way Judy can't deny herself a full carrot cake for dessert.
    Do you have any idea at all what is even being talked about here?

    PRE...HOGAN vs POST..HOGAN....ok?

    No pro wrestler ever did what Hulk Hogan did and if you can't see it then that explains why you think little kids can run a 20,00, dude......just how damn dumb are you? why others could do what they did, you really can't figure that out?

    Work with me here stupid.

    Where was pro football before THE GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED....Colts vs Giants sudden death game?

    Stupid, what IMPACT did Elvis make, how about The Beatles?

    All that really has to be explained to you, really?

    Dummy, Hogan is the guy who brought fans to the sport, you really don't know that?

    What an idiot.

  20. #45
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    The territories are not technically back, but you can see a rise in non-WWE sanctioned promotions. Interesting to see what happens when Vince calls it quits or bites the dust. TNA was the closest things to real compe ion, but they decided to hire Vince Russo (twice) and of course Hogan and Nash came in and sucked everything dry. Dixie Carter - yikes!

    NXT (Triple H) has been outperforming Vince's Raw and Smackdown PPVs for years....Vince just needs to move on already and let it ride.

  21. #46
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    The territories are not technically back, but you can see a rise in non-WWE sanctioned promotions. Interesting to see what happens when Vince calls it quits or bites the dust. TNA was the closest things to real compe ion, but they decided to hire Vince Russo (twice) and of course Hogan and Nash came in and sucked everything dry. Dixie Carter - yikes!

    NXT (Triple H) has been outperforming Vince's Raw and Smackdown PPVs for years....Vince just needs to move on already and let it ride.

    Make no mistake about it. TNA was never considered compe ion. TNA considered Vince compe ion but when your're best show is still about 3 million away from your "compe or"'s show on the same time and you sell only 10% to 30% of the monthly ppvs they do, you're not a compe or. Giving old dudes jobs that weren't working doesn't make you a compe or. LOLTNA.

    And yeah, Vince needs to die. He's never giving up power unless he's physically incapable . He's a control freak and a workaholic.

  22. #47
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    Make no mistake about it. TNA was never considered compe ion. TNA considered Vince compe ion but when your're best show is still about 3 million away from your "compe or"'s show on the same time and you sell only 10% to 30% of the monthly ppvs they do, you're not a compe or. Giving old dudes jobs that weren't working doesn't make you a compe or. LOLTNA.

    And yeah, Vince needs to die. He's never giving up power unless he's physically incapable . He's a control freak and a workaholic.

    Vince needs to die??? We are talking fake ass rasslin' here, ok little man? Vince need to die??? Dude, what's wrong with you?

  23. #48
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    I miss how things were when we had all the territories. Wild Bull Curry in Texas, Dangerous Danny McShane, Out west Ray Stevens, Pepper Gomez, Fred Blassie, The Detroyer. In the midwest the Brusier, Verne Gagne, while up in Canada Czaya Nandor, Killer Kowalski. Back East Bruno Sammartino, "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers. Down south Jackie Fargo, Sputnik Monroe.

    Best of times.

    Must have been 50 big name rasslers,

  24. #49
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    Wrestling is good. Those guys make a big work on their body and skills to perform such fights. I don't often watch WWE on TV but I use the app on my tablet to know better about fight results and fighters' statistics. Here is the description. It allows watching after all of the compe ions and viewing the best moments using smartphone or tablet. Very convenient stuff, especially while on the road.

  25. #50
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    And I think boxing is a hundred times more spectacular and more interesting than wrestling.
    Being into the history of both, I'd be hard pressed to come up with which one is more anything. Both a long and interesting story,

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