Spurs still have too many holes in their lineup to have too much confidence in their making the play-in. Vassell is one of the worst starters in the league and gets crazy usage for such a bad players. Barnes is just average — nice to have him as a veteran, but let’s be real. Keldon Johnson is one...
I can't blame Kangz fans for how they are feeling right now. This is their "Kawhi" moment, in terms of losing their franchise player for a not-so-great return, and their looking for answers. But whereas Kawhi truly snaked his way out of here, the Kangz share more of the blame in this one.
Fox is...
Makes sense. Trades will have to fill the void of fewer free agent signings due to lack of teams with cap space.
Wesley and Branham will be on expiring contracts this summer. They could be useful additions to those three guys to aggregate in trades.
IT reporting USC's Doug Belk is another name to know for the new safeties coaching search.
One of the funny ass parts this this dumbass story is that Politico Pro has so many hill subscribtions because they do all the policy breakdowns so congress knows what they signed/what to bitch about so they don't have to actually pay someone to read it. You're bitching about a policy bloomberg...
If Atlanta finishes #8 and San Antonio #12, the probability that at least one of them lands in the top 4 of the draft is 31%.
So we’re looking at a roughly 1 in 3 chance that we get one of Flagg, Harper, Bailey, or Edgecombe.
Libs cut off their nose to spite their face when they chose to Resist!
To think all they had to do was acknowledge his victory, give him his due, and cut a few deals and it would have been business as usual for the deep state
did any of you read the article? :lol
its bullshit
well before the trade, gilbert arenas on his podcast (not the most reliable source) just speculated that knecht isnt passing enough to bronny, and that if lakers want bronny to get some shine, they shouldnt play knecht next to him since...
BKN is the ONLY team who projects to have cap space this summer, according to Keith Smith on the Front Office Show. He's predicting we'll have a wild summer filled with trades as a result. I'm here for it!
One thing that potentially works in our favor - *I think* MEM's moves yesterday gives them...
A couple of days ago they asked him about Luka trade and he said he's still grieving.
Who knows what's going on in there, there will surely be big moves in the summer.
Washington is the player I really like, I don't think he will like playing SF since AD went there to play PF.