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  • tim_duncan_fan's Avatar
    1 Minute Ago
    tim_duncan_fan replied to a thread CASTLE > WEMBY in Spurs Forum
    To be honest, a player with that preference for a "jumpsuits only, no post skills" style of play may benefit from having a superstar guard who attacks the defense and generally takes the lead, whether that superstar guard turns out to be Castle or otherwise.
    12 replies | 1052 view(s)
  • buttsR4rebounding's Avatar
    16 Minutes Ago
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • Donald Sterling.'s Avatar
    18 Minutes Ago
    Donald Sterling. replied to a thread Spurs: Aye what is this BS????? in NBA Forum
    Further proof Wembolbol doesn't want to win organically. He will for sure cheat the process and jump on a superteam sooner rather than later. Spurms are done :lol
    10 replies | 415 view(s)
  • John B's Avatar
    25 Minutes Ago
    Skills set Wemby has more than Timmy, but Timmy knew how to win games at a young age. Wemby will win battles against Timmy, but Timmy will win the war. Because as somebody said, right now Wemby is still all over the place. Tony and Fox. Fox is the better scorer, but Tony is the better Alpha. ...
    61 replies | 2359 view(s)
  • LakerHater's Avatar
    49 Minutes Ago
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • LeBowen's Avatar
    52 Minutes Ago
    Castle saved the league from a huge embarrassment, modern NBA players are so weak. If not for Castle, it would've been a McClung showcase, pathetic. Don't get me wrong, McClung deserves 50s for all of his dunks, but he's a professional dunker, not an NBA player. They should either get 3 more...
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • SupremeGuy's Avatar
    1 Hour Ago
    SupremeGuy replied to a thread CASTLE > WEMBY in Spurs Forum
    There's some truth to this tbh. I wanted to say it a few weeks ago... well I wanted to say "Imagine if in a few years Castle is Batman and Wemby is Robin?" Castle has that dog in him. Wemby needs to find it.
    12 replies | 1052 view(s)
  • Russo21's Avatar
    1 Hour Ago
    Russo21 replied to a thread CASTLE > WEMBY in Spurs Forum
    Victors disappointing average games are the equivalent of Castle's good games. Victor just set the bar stupidly high for himself, and with good reason. If you don't reach that bar for a little while and somebody else is clearing his by a mile and it seems like <> >< Castle seems amazing, Victor...
    12 replies | 1052 view(s)
  • tim_duncan_fan's Avatar
    1 Hour Ago
    He's the new "the Spurs have done it again." Haven't had one of those in a while.
    1435 replies | 142998 view(s)
  • John B's Avatar
    1 Hour Ago
    John B replied to a thread All-Star Weekend Thread in Spurs Forum
    I don’t think I would want to see McClung the 4th time. Castle should’ve won that by degree of difficulty and not by props.
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • Ice009's Avatar
    1 Hour Ago
    Where does he know Ime from? Have they crossed paths during one of the previous Olympics or something? Can't recall where he would have gotten to know him. Unless he just likes what he did with the Celtics and likes his coaching from afar.
    96 replies | 4393 view(s)
  • Ice009's Avatar
    1 Hour Ago
    Ice009 replied to a thread All-Star Weekend Thread in Spurs Forum
    Yeah, good points. I don't love what they did, but if you don't have to hit the shot, it's not a real skills challenge. You should have to hit the shot. The NBA are the ones that made the stupid contest. Can't blame someone smart for exploiting it to show it's not a real skills challenge....
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • RC_Drunkford's Avatar
    2 Hours Ago
    this guy is taking over All-Star weekend by himself. He's been the talk of the town so far.
    1435 replies | 142998 view(s)
  • polandprzem's Avatar
    2 Hours Ago
    When I said Castle should start instead of cp3 who was the guy to say it was a bad idea. There were few here.
    1435 replies | 142998 view(s)
  • polandprzem's Avatar
    2 Hours Ago
    Absolutely great thing Wemby and CP3 did. If you do not have to hit the shot then go. I was tellin it few years ago. What's the point of shooting in this contest? Overall that's not a skills challenge. Those pass rings are bigger then Atlantic. 3pt contest was a disgrace. SDC - I thought...
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • BG_Spurs_Fan's Avatar
    2 Hours Ago
    What’s changed is the players. Spurs were good at DRB% when they were competitive with the big 3 and even after that with LMA but they’ve not been good for years now. Also nowadays it’s a bit different as there are way more long rebounds due to the increased volume of threes, so positional plus...
    48 replies | 2404 view(s)
  • Gibbz's Avatar
    2 Hours Ago
    Gibbz replied to a thread All-Star Weekend Thread in Spurs Forum
    Skills Competition, Adam Silver: Take All-Star Weekend more seriously! :soapbox: Also Adam Silver: The team that actually tries and exploits the rules in our retard game is disqualified To do that and then award the G League prop merchant over the pure dunker in the Dunk Contest was...
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • TheBallsbreakers's Avatar
    2 Hours Ago
    Wemby just went out and said it was his idea to exploit the Skills Challenge loophole.
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • Chillen's Avatar
    3 Hours Ago
    Exactly. I think Booker will go to Houston. So Durant maybe can dictate a trade to Spurs. Both Rockets and Spurs have a boatload of draft picks and that's what the Suns want along with young players back. Pretty sure Ishbia would love to let Beal rot in a rebuild especially after he pretty...
    96 replies | 4393 view(s)
  • spurraider21's Avatar
    3 Hours Ago
    That was fun skills challenge drama was fucking hilarious and more people are talking about the DQ than the actual competition. Tbh i don’t even know who ended up winning :lol. 10/10 imo, just hilarious as for the dunk contest… wow i really did not expect that type of performance by...
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • velik_m's Avatar
    3 Hours Ago
    1305 replies | 22396 view(s)
  • Trainwreck2100's Avatar
    4 Hours Ago
    Trainwreck2100 replied to a thread Spurs: Aye what is this BS????? in NBA Forum
    Spurs were the betting favorites too, lots of people lost money, which is why the guy shut them up afterwards and didn't let that lady talk to them
    10 replies | 415 view(s)
  • Trainwreck2100's Avatar
    4 Hours Ago
    Knowing how professional dunkers work the whole reason for McClung's hoverboard was not for the spin, but because when they tried it in practice they didn't have enough height. So they needed something to give him that extra lift. The ladder was fucking dumb he just held to ball in the rim. Not...
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • DAF86's Avatar
    4 Hours Ago
    Yes, that's what I meant. DRB%. That has always been Pop's design, don't fight for offensive rebounds so that you can get back into transition D, but be elite on the defensive end. It was working this season, I don't know which could be the causes for it to downgrade so badly.
    48 replies | 2404 view(s)
  • Trainwreck2100's Avatar
    4 Hours Ago
    his tragic ass dunk contest was hilarious, "let me run the length of the court, oh no I fucked it up, let me run it again, oh no, now i'm too tired to dunk because of all this running"
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • ChumpDumper's Avatar
    4 Hours Ago
    For what, Darrin? Whom do you figure you'll have to kill?
    1305 replies | 22396 view(s)
  • Seventyniner's Avatar
    4 Hours Ago
    For a long time the Spurs were top 3 in DRB% but towards the bottom in ORB%.
    48 replies | 2404 view(s)
  • cd98's Avatar
    4 Hours Ago
    cd98 replied to a thread All-Star Weekend Thread in Spurs Forum
    McClung is short with great hops. That really helps dunks that he does that are repeats of other dunkers still look cool. If McClung were 6’6, his dunks would be good, not great. Castle brought very little emotion to the crowd. He did ok dunks, but did nothing to get the crowd behind him.
    575 replies | 14049 view(s)
  • DarrinS's Avatar
    4 Hours Ago
    If we have to, we will.
    1305 replies | 22396 view(s)
  • slick'81's Avatar
    5 Hours Ago
    I wanted budenholzer for years ! Him and udoka could of been had but pop couldn't let go
    172 replies | 10524 view(s)
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