View Full Version : Manu's New Article (With Translation)

07-02-2008, 10:15 AM
"La bandera es una distinción que no puedo disfrutar; tengo la cabeza en cualquier parte"
Por Manu Ginóbili
Publicación: 02-07-2008

Estoy a mil y haciendo varias cosas en esta visita a Buenos Aires, cumpliendo con los compromisos y saliendo para San Antonio en unas horas. Hubo un cambio de planes respecto de la lesión en el tobillo y tuve que armar el viaje casi de urgencia. Como el trabajo de rehabilitación ya terminó y ahora deben darme una nueva inyección para desinflamar el tendón del tobillo, los médicos prefirieron que me la aplicaran en San Antonio.

Por suerte, ahora los especialistas de acá y los que contrataron en los Spurs se pusieron de acuerdo y piensan igual. El hecho de que las dos partes lean la misma página significa un gran alivio para mí. También me favorece adelantar el viaje, que en un principio iba a ser dentro de 4 o 5 días, porque de esa forma puedo empezar antes con la preparación y concentrarme con el equipo en Rosario, el viernes próximo.

Hay que esperar el resultado de esa inyección, que no será inmediato porque durante 4 días voy a tener el tobillo inmovilizado. Si todo va bien, genial; de lo contrario habrá que tomar una decisión respecto de mi viaje a Pekín. Además, no era bueno esperar tanto porque la férula que tenía en el tobillo podía hacerme perder fortaleza en los gemelos. Las cosas cambiaron, pero por suerte todos están de acuerdo en los pasos por seguir y hasta es posible que un kinesiólogo de los Spurs viaje al país para chequear mi recuperación.

Por lo pronto, hice todo los tratamientos que me recomendaron durante estos días que estuve en Bahía Blanca, lo que no me impidió descansar, pasar mucho tiempo con mi familia y mis amigos, y comerme todos los asados que tenía ganas.

De todos modos, la situación no es fácil para nada. La incertidumbre es muy grande y en este momento estoy más pendiente de mi tobillo que de los Juegos Olímpicos. Ni sé contra qué equipos vamos a jugar en la gira. Lo único que quiero es curarme, estar bien y empezar a entrenarme porque ya perdí bastante tiempo. Normalmente, diez días antes de una concentración empiezo a correr y a hacer pesas, pero esta vez no pude. Es una de las cosas que más me molesta.

Si bien no soy de engordar por la inactividad y antes del Mundial de Japón con 4 semanas de entrenamiento intenso llegué bien, esta vez es distinto porque tuve el tobillo inmovilizado y caminando muy poco. No hice nada de actividad física.

La preocupación de los Spurs es lógica. Con Pop (Gregg Popovich, el técnico) tuve algunos contactos en la primera semana que volví al país y después sólo cruzamos dos e-mails para coordinar mi viaje.

Me comentaron que hay gente que cree que no quiero ir a los Juegos Olímpicos. Lamentablemente yo no los puedo convencer de lo contrario, pero los dirigentes de la Confederación, mis compañeros, el cuerpo técnico, los médicos de acá y los de los Spurs y mi familia saben muy bien que estoy haciendo todo lo posible por estar en Pekín. Si no me creen, no puedo hacer nada.

Respecto de la condición de abanderado que el Comité Olímpico acaba de asignarme para la ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos, no significa en este momento una presión extra porque sigo teniendo las mismas ganas de jugar. La bandera no cambia mi objetivo. Tampoco es una distinción que hoy pueda disfrutar ni llegar a comprender bien. Tengo la cabeza en cualquier lado. Más adelante seguramente la valoraré, pero desde ya que significa un enorme orgullo y me pone feliz. También es un honor, como el hecho de que la propia presidenta del país me la entregue el viernes en el Cenard. Seguramente el 8 de agosto, en Pekín, sabré realmente lo que todo eso significa y sentiré una gran emoción y enorme alegría.

No quiero despedirme sin referirme a las declaraciones de Rubén Wolkowyski. Lo primero que quiero afirmar es que no las comparto y mantengo mi apoyo absoluto al cuerpo técnico. Fueron críticas que no suman, que no tienen mucho sentido haberlas dicho en este momento y que espero no perjudiquen al grupo. Que no lo tengan en cuenta para este equipo quizá provocó su enojo y por eso dijo lo que dijo.

Pasado mañana estaré de vuelta para concentrarme con el equipo y viajar a Rosario. Espero que todo salga bien. Por ahora tengo mucha expectativa y una gran incertidumbre.

07-02-2008, 10:30 AM
never fails to be entertaining. "lose strength in the binoculars"? :lol

07-02-2008, 10:32 AM
(I think he wrote all this at the airport when boarding to go to San Antonio)

“Being the flag bearer is a distinction that I can’t enjoy; my head is everywhere right now”

By Manu

I am at full speed right now and doing several things in my visit to Buenos Aires, being there for my commercial compromises and leaving to San Antonio in a couple of hours. There were some changes regarding my rehab with the ankle and I had to set up this trip almost urgently. As the work and treatment on the ankle is finished and now I need a final injection to lower the tendon size on the ankle, the doctors thought it was more convenient if I do this in San Antonio

Luckily, now the specialists here and the ones hired by the Spurs are agreeing and thinking the same way. The fact that both parties are now on the same page alleviates me a big deal. It also favors me having this trip earlier than originally scheduled in 4, 5 days from now, because that way, I could start with the preparation earlier and go to the training camp in Rosario next Friday.

We now have to wait the results of the injection; it won’t be immediate because I’ll have to immobilize the ankle for 4 days after it. If everything goes well, great, otherwise we’ll have to make a decision about my trip to Beijing. Furthermore, it wasn’t any good wait too long because the spur that I had on the ankle could make me lose strength on my leg’s muscles. Things changed now, but we are all lucky that everybody agrees on the following steps to follow and it is also possible that the Spurs kinesiologyst travel with me to check on the rehab and workouts.

So far, i have done all the treatments that were recommended during my days in Bahia Blanca, and that wasn’t a show stopper for me to get good rest, spend a lot of time with family and friends and ate all the “asados” (barbecues) I wanted.

Anyhow, the situation is not easy. Uncertainty is big and in this moment I am more concerned about my ankle than of the Olympics. I don’t even know which teams we have friendly matches scheduled against in our preparation tour. The only thing I want is to heal, be fine and start training because I already lost a lot of time. Normally, ten days before camp I start running and weight lifting, but this time I couldn’t. that’s one of the things bothering me already.

I generally don’t have a tendency to gain weight because of inactivity and before Japan’s World cup, 4 weeks of intense training was enough for me to be fine. But this time is different because my ankle has been immobilized and I have walked very little. I didn’t do any physical activity.

Spurs being worried is very logic. We had a couple of phone calls with Pop the first week and then just a couple of emails to coordinate my trip.

It has been brought to my attention that some people are saying that I don’t want Togo to the Olympics. Unfortunately I can’t convince all first hand of the opposite, but Confederation Front Office, my teammates, the coaching staff, the doctors here and in San Antonio and my family know very well that I am doing all possibly to be in Beijing. If they don’t believe that I can’t do anything for them.

In regards to the condition of being the flag bearer that the Argentinean Olympic committee has just designated for me, it does not mean additional pressure because I still have the same willingness to play that I always had. The flag does not change my objective. It isn’t also a distinction that I could enjoy today or even get to understand. I have my head somewhere else. When the time passes by I will probable value that fact that the flag will be give to me by the president next Friday at Cenard (Argentinean High Performance Sports Facility). Surely the 8th August in Beijing, I will know what it means and I will feel a great emotion and happiness.

I do not want to say goodbye without referring to Ruben Wolkowyski’s declarations in the press. The first thing I want to say is that I don’t share his opinion and the coaching staff has my absolute support. Those were critics that do not bring anything and have little sense to be said on this moment. I hope that this doesn’t affect the team. Probably he being left out for this team provoked his anger and that’s why he said it.

Past tomorrow I’ll be back to join the team at Rosario’s camp. I hope everything goes fine. For now, I have great expectations and a big uncertainty.

07-02-2008, 11:13 AM
How about you post something better first before I delete it. Sound good to you? :lol

Guys translation is finished.

OV please proceed.

07-02-2008, 11:16 AM
Guys translation is finished.

OV please proceed.

You got it.

07-02-2008, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the translation. What did Ruben Wolkowyski say?

07-02-2008, 11:56 AM
Thanks for the translation. What did Ruben Wolkowyski say?

He said that the coach is "killing the NT"

in other order of things:

Chad Bergman,assistant athletic trainer of the Spurs will be traveling with Manu back to Argentina and i think all along the way till the Olympics

07-02-2008, 12:30 PM
He also said that the list of players is done By Cludio Villanueva (an Argentinean player contracts guy/manager), that the guy has a bad attitude and that the preparation for the WC in 2006 wasn't good.


07-02-2008, 12:46 PM
He also said that the list of players is done By Cludio Villanueva (an Argentinean player contracts guy/manager), that the guy has a bad attitude and that the preparation for the WC in 2006 wasn't good.


In other words: he's angry because he's out. Let's be honest, Wolkowyski is 34 years old.

07-02-2008, 12:52 PM
Well it looks like Manu is going to be playing.

07-02-2008, 12:53 PM
Well it looks like Manu is going to be playing.

He had better not get injured!!! :pctoss

07-02-2008, 01:27 PM
Manu also shaved his head for the olympics. he is not fucking around

07-02-2008, 01:33 PM
Manu also shaved his head for the olympics. he is not fucking around

If he was fucking around he should be shaving something else!

07-02-2008, 01:35 PM
Manu also shaved his head for the olympics. he is not fucking around

get ready for the Spurs tattoo on the bald spot and the headband! :lol

07-02-2008, 03:11 PM
It would be quite an honor to be your nation's flag bearer at the Olympics.

Notwithstanding that fact, I can certainly understand why this is a difficult process for Manu.

07-02-2008, 03:19 PM
If he was fucking around he should be shaving something else!


07-02-2008, 03:26 PM
It would be quite an honor to be your nation's flag bearer at the Olympics.

You can do that with a boot on and don't actually have to play in the games. :)