View Full Version : McDonald: Maggette coveted by several teams

Marcus Bryant
07-02-2008, 11:55 PM

Maggette coveted by several teams

Web Posted: 07/02/2008 11:52 PM CDT

By Jeff McDonald
Express-News Staff Writer

The Spurs are expected to soon make an offer to free agent swingman Corey Maggette, if they haven’t done so already.

After that, the wait begins.

Maggette seems to be a popular man in the early stages of this summer’s NBA free-agency period, with as many as four other teams reported to have also contacted him to make known their interest.

To land him, the Spurs will have to outpitch the likes of Orlando, Utah, Boston and Miami — all of whom have made Maggette an offer, according to various news reports — as well as any other suitors who might emerge in the coming days.

Maggette, 28, became a free agent earlier this week after opting out of his deal with the Los Angeles Clippers, with whom he had spent the past eight seasons.

With a week to go before the moratorium on free-agent signings ends July 9, the Spurs and Magic appear to be the front-runners for Maggette’s services.

The Spurs are believed to be willing to offer him a multi8year deal, starting with their midlevel exception worth $5.8 million for the first year, according to multiple league sources.

Newspaper reports out of New Orleans indicate the Hornets, who also have a midlevel exception to offer, might also have interest in Maggette.

Philadelphia, one of the few teams with enough salary cap space (around $11 million) to outbid the Spurs for Maggette, could join the fray as well. The 76ers, however, appear intent to first chase another free-agent swingman, Atlanta’s Josh Smith.

Golden State, having recently shed a $17.8 million contract when Baron Davis opted to sign with the Clippers, is another possible destination.

Maggette has suggested he would be willing to sacrifice the size of his paycheck to play for a proven winner.

The early consensus around the league paints this summer’s Maggette sweepstakes as a two-horse race between the Spurs and Magic.

Maggette spent his rookie season of 1999-2000 in Orlando, and his parents still maintain a home in the area. The Magic can offer Maggette roughly the same deal as the Spurs.

The Spurs’ purported interest in Maggette is not surprising. He would give them another athletic scorer on the wing, capable of creating his own shot.

Maggette has averaged 16.1 points over his nine-year career, and has produced three seasons of at least 20 points per game. He averaged 22.1 points last season.

The Spurs tried to trade for him during the 2006-07 season, but that deal fell through.

Utah also has expressed interest in Maggette in the past. The Jazz signed Maggette to an offer sheet in 2003, but the Clippers matched that offer to keep him in Los Angeles.

Ginobili in town: Spurs guard Manu Ginobili was back in San Antonio on Wednesday in attempts to shore up his status for next month’s Olympic Games in Beijing.

Ginobili has been battling inflammation in his left ankle throughout the summer, which has cast his availability for Argentina’s national team in doubt. He traveled from Argentina to San Antonio this week to receive another anti-inflammatory shot.

“I want to be Manu again at the Olympic Games,” he told the Argentine newspaper Clarin.

Ginobili’s ankle has been immobilized in a boot for the past two weeks. It will remain immobilized for four more days, after which time he will be re-examined.

Spurs coach Gregg Popovich has said Ginobili should “definitely not” play in the Olympics if his ankle has not sufficiently healed. Ginobili, who has been selected to carry his country’s flag in the opening ceremonies, agrees.

“If my ankle hurts in the middle of July, I will not go,” he told Clarin.

[email protected]

Marcus Bryant
07-02-2008, 11:59 PM
The early consensus around the league paints this summer’s Maggette sweepstakes as a two-horse race between the Spurs and Magic.

07-02-2008, 11:59 PM
Although we already know what McDonald will say before he writes something, thanks for posting. Best part about this is the Manu stuff.

T Park
07-02-2008, 11:59 PM
Hope he is right.

07-03-2008, 12:00 AM
"Maggette has suggested he would be willing to sacrifice the size of his paycheck to play for a proven winner."

Spurs can offer him the MLE, a starter position, and immediate title contention.

Orlando-not a proven winner
Utah-not a proven winner
Miami-rebuilding...can they even afford him?
Boston-proven winner, but can they offer more than the Spurs? He wouldn't be a starter.
Philadelphia-not a proven winner
Golden State-not a proven winner...probably rebuilding soon.

07-03-2008, 12:01 AM
Ah, I hadn't even seen that line. If it really is between the Spurs and Magic, we have a very solid chance. I hope the "around the league" part means it's some execs thinking that and not just some lousy wannabes that just happen to work for a team.

07-03-2008, 12:02 AM
Good news about Manu really. Don't mind him play for his country, but I would prefer he play healthy.

Still would be shocked if Maggette turned down more money to play for the Spurs. Lets hope the MLE is enough.

07-03-2008, 12:04 AM
I'd put the Spurs' chances at around 20% right now. Not great but a lot better than the .1% I had them before the postseason began. It'll still take a number of events to go exactly right, including the teams under the salary cap finding and securing other targets, but it's looking about as good as could be hoped for at this point.

That said, hopefully the Spurs are coming up with plan B, C and D. I'm assuming they are since we're also hearing names such as Delfino, Hayes and Mason.

07-03-2008, 12:05 AM
Eh, by the time July 9th comes around, people will expect C. Maggette to make
a decision.
I think he'll wait, just to see how much NBA teams want his services.
When that day comes, people here will bitch and moan about why he hasnt made a choice.

07-03-2008, 12:07 AM
Damn this is going to drag on forever....guess Delfino and Mason is plan B...

07-03-2008, 12:07 AM
I'd put the Spurs' chances at around 20% right now. Not great but a lot better than the .1% I had them before the postseason began. It'll still take a number of events to go exactly right, including the teams under the salary cap finding and securing other targets, but it's looking about as good as could be hoped for at this point.

That said, hopefully the Spurs are coming up with plan B, C and D. I'm assuming they are since we're also hearing names such as Delfino, Hayes and Mason.

i hope those guys are plans x, y, and z, cause those guys are bums, and will only drop the average age of the team

T Park
07-03-2008, 12:08 AM
ITs such a shame the Spurs just can't offer more.

Hes such a dang perfect fit.

07-03-2008, 12:08 AM
I expect it to last a while. With the possibilities, Maggette would be dumb not to wait and see what happens with GS and Philly, but at the same time, he could lose out if they don't sign him, and the other teams targeting him already find someone else.

T Park
07-03-2008, 12:08 AM
i hope those guys are plans x, y, and z, cause those guys are bums, and will only drop the average age of the team

They are young for one thing


Fuck all you do is bitch like a bitch.

07-03-2008, 12:12 AM
Hornets also have the MLE to offer him?

Newspaper reports out of New Orleans indicate the Hornets, who also have a midlevel exception to offer, might also have interest in Maggette.

07-03-2008, 12:13 AM
i hope those guys are plans x, y, and z, cause those guys are bums, and will only drop the average age of the team

The only thing bum about them is that you'll be bummed when if the Spurs don't at least get these guys and resign their own old free agents.

07-03-2008, 12:13 AM
Hornets also have the MLE to offer him?

Any team over the salary cap has the MLE to offer.

Edit:Unless they are close to going over the luxury tax threshold, then in that case, they might not want to offer anything.

T Park
07-03-2008, 12:13 AM
They are over the salary cap so yeah, i'm sure they have it.

07-03-2008, 12:15 AM
Hornets also have the MLE to offer him?

I don't many teams that have used the MLE this year, so just about every team has it. Some teams don't need a SG/SF. Some teams are trying to free up cap space, other teams are trying to keep space open for 2009 or, especially, 2010.

07-03-2008, 12:15 AM
Hornets also have the MLE to offer him?

Seems like everyone does... would suck if he went to the Hornets...

07-03-2008, 12:17 AM
Hmmm....I just came across this guys...

Chris Duhon could decide this week's end if he wants to sign with Orlando Magic

By Tim Povtak and Brian Schmitz | Sentinel Staff Writers

11:03 PM EDT, July 2, 2008
Free-agent point guard Chris Duhon could finalize contract terms with the Orlando Magic by the end of the week after spending Wednesday with coaches, players and General Manager Otis Smith.

Duhon, who played the past four seasons with the Chicago Bulls, is scheduled to return home this morning, where he will decide whether to sign with the Magic, or the New York Knicks. He visited New York on Monday.

"The visit here went really well,'' said Kevin Bradbury, Duhon's agent, Wednesday night from his Orlando hotel room. "Chris wants to help a team win a championship. That's what Orlando is trying to do. That's different than a team looking to rebuild. He was flattered that a team of this caliber wants him.''

Free agents can begin signing July 9, but they can reach verbal agreements earlier.

The Magic were expected to offer Duhon a three-year deal worth close to $10 million.

The signing of Duhon would end any pursuit of Los Angeles Clippers guard Corey Maggette.

The Magic were one of several teams that let Maggette know July 1 that they could offer him a contract that started with the middle-class salary cap exception of $5.8 million. Maggette is hoping to receive a larger package.

Duhon would be coming to Orlando as a backup to starting point guard Jameer Nelson, giving the Magic a better defensive presence at the position. It also would end any possibility of re-signing Carlos Arroyo.

Although Duhon might have a better chance to start elsewhere, Bradbury said Duhon would be fine working behind Nelson.

"Chris just wants a well-defined role,'' Bradbury said. "He knows Jameer is the starter, but the Magic want him. Actions speak louder than words. He was the first free agent they brought in.''

Duhon played in 66 games last season, 18 as the starter. He averaged 22.8 minutes, 5.8 points and 4.4 assists.

He met with Coach Stan Van Gundy and Smith at the RDV Sportsplex during the day, then went out with several Magic players Wednesday evening.

"Out of respect for the teams that showed interest, we'd like to get something done (quickly),'' Bradbury said. "We won't hold anyone up.''

Also on Wednesday, Courtney Lee, the Magic's first-round draft choice, passed his physical and began practicing with the club's summer-league team. He has yet to sign his rookie contract, but he has a guaranteed tender that kicked in as soon as the Magic drafted him last Thursday. It protects him in case of injury.

Lee's agent, Jason Levien, said Wednesday that Lee and the Magic would come to terms soon.

"We're going to get it done this weekend, within the next several days," he said. He is expected to sign a four-year, $6 million contract.

The Miami Heat, Chicago Bulls, Seattle SuperSonics and New Jersey Nets join the Magic in the summer-league games beginning Monday afternoon at RDV Sportsplex. Patrick Ewing will coach the Magic. The games are not open to the public.


Marcus Bryant
07-03-2008, 12:18 AM
Spurs and Magic can offer Maggette the same basic spiel. That is, take the MLE for 3 years with an option after the 2nd year to become a free agent in the summer of 2010, at which time we'll take care of you. Orlando has roughly $39 mil in salary currently slated for the 2009-10 season. The Spurs have $34 mil. Orlando might have a decision to make with Turkoglu, just like the Spurs will have with Ginobili. Orlando will have the Amway dog and pony show with brunch at Tiger's house. The Spurs will have the mariachi show with a guest performance by George Strait. Orlando offers playing in a less stacked conference and playing in his hometown. Spurs offer playing on a championship proven squad for which he could help land Larry O'Brien #5.

07-03-2008, 12:18 AM
They are young for one thing


Fuck all you do is bitch like a bitch.

i'd rather us just go in with the guys we have now, these guys won't make a shit of difference

and fuck, all you do is follow me around like a bitch, get off my dick, if you don't like what i have to say stop reading, that fucking simple, my user name is right next to the post, as soon as you see it scroll down, or go to my profile and add to ignore list, simple as that

The only thing bum about them is that you'll be bummed when if the Spurs don't at least get these guys and resign their own old free agents.

i won't be bummed, these guys won't make a shit off difference, right now it's maggette or bust for me, and we probably don't have that high a chance to get him so i'd just rather stay the same even if it does mean another early exit from the playoffs

07-03-2008, 12:20 AM
Its so funny how free agents know their pecking order. Its always the big fish, then the next wave, then the next. Its like they know exactly the caliber of player they are and know when its their turn to make a decision. I assume magette will wait o see what happens with josh smith. As much as we all want it to happen, I think money will ring dominate over winner.

Big P
07-03-2008, 12:21 AM
Looks like GS or Philly for Maggs..

Marcus Bryant
07-03-2008, 12:22 AM
The Magic were expected to offer Duhon a three-year deal worth close to $10 million.

The signing of Duhon would end any pursuit of Los Angeles Clippers guard Corey Maggette.

The Magic were one of several teams that let Maggette know July 1 that they could offer him a contract that started with the middle-class salary cap exception of $5.8 million. Maggette is hoping to receive a larger package.

Duhon would be coming to Orlando as a backup to starting point guard Jameer Nelson, giving the Magic a better defensive presence at the position. It also would end any possibility of re-signing Carlos Arroyo.

Although Duhon might have a better chance to start elsewhere, Bradbury said Duhon would be fine working behind Nelson.

"Chris just wants a well-defined role,'' Bradbury said. "He knows Jameer is the starter, but the Magic want him. Actions speak louder than words. He was the first free agent they brought in.''

Interesting. 3 yrs/$10 mil would definitely use the MLE. I guess they're looking to fill out their bench before they consider making a run at the best FA available. I would not say that Orlando would be an easy competitor for Maggette in free agency, but if they land Duhon then that would change.

07-03-2008, 12:22 AM
Spurs and Magic can offer Maggette the same basic spiel. That is, take the MLE for 3 years with an option after the 2nd year to become a free agent in the summer of 2010, at which time we'll take care of you. Orlando has roughly $39 mil in salary currently slated for the 2009-10 season. The Spurs have $34 mil. Orlando might have a decision to make with Turkoglu, just like the Spurs will have with Ginobili. Orlando will have the Amway dog and pony show with brunch at Tiger's house. The Spurs will have the mariachi show with a guest performance by George Strait. Orlando offers playing in a less stacked conference and playing in his hometown. Spurs offer playing on a championship proven squad for which he could help land Larry O'Brien #5.

Don't forget they have Disney World to offer.

07-03-2008, 12:23 AM
Yeah, if GS or Philly offer 10+ million for him, I really couldn't blame him for taking it. It's somewhat ironic that Maggette wants to play for winner, and then the Clips sign Baron Davis as soon as he opts out. Baron should make the Clips a winner (as long as Brand stays of course.)

07-03-2008, 12:23 AM
Don't forget they have Disney World to offer.

SA has splash town........ well if it's still open lol

07-03-2008, 12:25 AM
If he goes to Golden State, they will not be able to keep Azubuike and/or Pietrus. Maggette wants to go to a contender and GS is far from that.

Philly is a possibility, but they are all over Josh Smith right now. So much of their focus is on him that Maggette will slip by. They do need a SG though.

07-03-2008, 12:25 AM
SA has splash town........ well if it's still open lol

Hell, if he likes animals, throw in the damn zoo. :lol

07-03-2008, 12:26 AM
ITs such a shame the Spurs just can't offer more.

Hes such a dang perfect fit.

Oh yeah, its possible to give him more money, but that would in a
sign and trade deal.
But the spurs would have to give up 1 of their big 3 to do so.
Shouldnt bother you that much, since you want him that badly. :rolleyes

07-03-2008, 12:26 AM
SA has splash town........ well if it's still open lol

Schlitterbahn > Disney World > Splashtown

Close enough to SA.

07-03-2008, 12:30 AM
If he goes to Golden State, they will not be able to keep Azubuike and/or Pietrus. Maggette wants to go to a contender and GS is far from that.

Philly is a possibility, but they are all over Josh Smith right now. So much of their focus is on him that Maggette will slip by. They do need a SG though.

if maggette truly wants to go to a contender he should only consider the spurs or the celtics, maybe the magic but with lewis on that team they are destined to never win cause he's not a winner when it comes down to clutch time

man i hope he comes, he'd do wonders for us and for manu

Marcus Bryant
07-03-2008, 12:35 AM
Looks like GS or Philly for Maggs..

We'll see. Yes, GS is throwing a lot of $ at Brand, but they could use a big and I'm sure there's some level of revenge in bumping up his price for the Clippers. I think they move on to Josh Smith next. He'd be a good fit there and they can outbid the Sixers and really put the pressure on the Hawks. I don't see the Warriors making Maggette a ridiculous offer. They could make a solid one with the idea that they would use their cap room to land some talent and shuffle it later. But they really seem determined to avoid bad contracts for non-star players. Well, they did that with Davis too. Maggette wouldn't put them in the playoffs given their current crew. They could try to land both Maggette and Smith, but they might not have enough cap room to pull that off.

As for the Sixers, they have the cap room to make him a very nice offer. Iguodola and Miller will end up with new contracts this year and the next. I guess the issue would be if he would want to join them long-term. Sure, they are offering $11 mil starting for Smith, but what would be their offer for Maggette? Maybe they will use it rather than lose it. Do they offer Maggette a 5 year deal for $58 mil (starting at $10 mil)? If they try something lower (say, 5 years, $50 mil - starting at $8.6 mil) would they be willing to let Maggette opt out in the summer of 2010?

It might turn out that Maggette's availability for a MLE contract depends on the Sixers landing Smith. I think the Sixers are more likely to go after Maggette if they strike out on Smith than the Warriors would be.

T Park
07-03-2008, 12:36 AM
Oh yeah, its possible to give him more money, but that would in a
sign and trade deal.
But the spurs would have to give up 1 of their big 3 to do so.
Shouldnt bother you that much, since you want him that badly. :rolleyes

Can't do the sign and trade due to the Clippers renouncing his rights.

Spurs rock
07-03-2008, 12:37 AM
Don't forget Seaworld and Six Flags. :D

Big P
07-03-2008, 12:46 AM
We'll see. Yes, GS is throwing a lot of $ at Brand, but they could use a big and I'm sure there's some level of revenge in bumping up his price for the Clippers. I think they move on to Josh Smith next. He'd be a good fit there and they can outbid the Sixers and really put the pressure on the Hawks. I don't see the Warriors making Maggette a ridiculous offer. They could make a solid one with the idea that they would use their cap room to land some talent and shuffle it later. But they really seem determined to avoid bad contracts for non-star players. Well, they did that with Davis too. Maggette wouldn't put them in the playoffs given their current crew. They could try to land both Maggette and Smith, but they might not have enough cap room to pull that off.

As for the Sixers, they have the cap room to make him a very nice offer. Iguodola and Miller will end up with new contracts this year and the next. I guess the issue would be if he would want to join them long-term. Sure, they are offering $11 mil starting for Smith, but what would be their offer for Maggette? Maybe they will use it rather than lose it. Do they offer Maggette a 5 year deal for $58 mil (starting at $10 mil)? If they try something lower (say, 5 years, $50 mil - starting at $8.6 mil) would they be willing to let Maggette opt out in the summer of 2010?

It might turn out that Maggette's availability for a MLE contract depends on the Sixers landing Smith. I think the Sixers are more likely to go after Maggette if they strike out on Smith than the Warriors would be.

I agree & neither bodes well for the Spurs...IMO more than likely Atlanta will match any offer for Smith & Brand will sign with the Clipps...leaving GS & philly scrambling to spend their money..all its going to take is for some team to offer him +$7 mil a year for 2 or 3 years & he can opt out whenever..which migh open another door, Josh Childress..if Atlanta matches for Smith, they might not be as inclined to pick up a full MLE offer for Childress after shelling out $11 mil for Smith plus signing all the rookies & Joe Johnson in a couple, Marvin Williams..etc...I'm not trying to be a downer, I want Maggs here just like the rest of ya'll, its just going to take what basically amounts to a miracle.

Marcus Bryant
07-03-2008, 12:52 AM
I'm not sure the Spurs want to play the game with a restricted free agent. They apparently have Maggette high on their list and that seemed to be before it appeared that the Clippers would have to renounce his rights and limit his options to the point that he could conceivably sign for the MLE. The Spurs seem to be favoring unrestricted free agents this summer. Can't blame them.

Big P
07-03-2008, 12:55 AM
I'm not sure the Spurs want to play the game with a restricted free agent. They apparently have Maggette high on their list and that seemed to be before it appeared that the Clippers would have to renounce his rights and limit his options to the point that he could conceivably sign for the MLE. The Spurs seem to be favoring unrestricted free agents this summer. Can't blame them.

True....Pietrus then if not Maggs.

Marcus Bryant
07-03-2008, 12:58 AM
Something to consider, the Spurs inquired about Childress during last season. They have interest in him. He'd be a nice fit as that long perimeter team player who can hit the glass and help win games. We've yet to see them linked to any interest in him now. That could change, I suppose. But I think the Hawks would be glad if a team could get him to sign an offer sheet for the MLE.

Maybe if the Hawks match a larger offer sheet for Smith, much larger than one starting at $11 mil that Philly is offering, might Childress come into play.

And, of course, who's to say the Warriors might not make a run at Childress themselves?

07-03-2008, 01:24 AM
Something to consider, the Spurs inquired about Childress during last season. They have interest in him. He'd be a nice fit as that long perimeter team player who can hit the glass and help win games. We've yet to see them linked to any interest in him now. That could change, I suppose. But I think the Hawks would be glad if a team could get him to sign an offer sheet for the MLE.

Maybe if the Hawks match a larger offer sheet for Smith, much larger than one starting at $11 mil that Philly is offering, might Childress come into play.

And, of course, who's to say the Warriors might not make a run at Childress themselves?

I can see GS going the Childress route.

They seem to be in a possible rebuilding phase soon, and Childress would definitenly add to their list of young talent.

07-03-2008, 02:46 AM
Sixers have much bigger needs than Maggette. They need a power foward if they ever want to make that next step. They are well under the cap so they should work on a deal for a PF (Zach Randolph/Chris Wilcox/Kristic/Nene). Plus they have Thad Young waiting in the wings as well. I just dont see why they need him (Other than playing him to deal him for greater value later). If that is their reason, then it does make some kind of sense.

I dont even consider the Celtics in the race. They need to work on bringing back Posey. I dont fault him for wanting that kind of cash. He is worth every penny and even when he starts to slow down, his contract will be nearing an end. Celts cant play games like this. Win now and face hell later.

07-03-2008, 02:49 AM
And, of course, who's to say the Warriors might not make a run at Childress themselves?Bringing home the Stanford alum might help the Warriors bring back fans after the BDiddy debacle.

Spurs Brazil
07-03-2008, 08:23 AM
Those McDonalds articles sucks.

Me, here from Brazil, could write the same thing today just readind reports in internet.

I think he has 0 sources

07-03-2008, 09:34 AM
Maggette to Spurs makes the most sense for Magette and the Spurs.
Spurs can give him a player option so he can get a better deal right when the Spurs have cap space.
Magic - will have to make a choice between him and Hedo and frankly Hedo's better.
Boston - will have three players under contract in that 2010-11 window, KG, Pierce and Perkins, plaus Rondo to resign and $44 million tied up already.
Philly - bigger immediate needs.
GS - Only if he wants to continue playing for lottery teams and without Davis they need to be looking for a PG.
Jazz - they suck
Rockets - they suck