View Full Version : Current, former Sonics upset by the team's exit

07-03-2008, 03:42 PM
By Percy Allen

Seattle Times staff reporter

Kevin Durant has a home on Mercer Island.

In NBA parlance, two words sum up the Sonics' move to Oklahoma City: Bad trade.

"I would say so, but then I'm a little emotional right now," said Damien Wilkins, who has played his entire four-year NBA career with the Sonics. "I'm really, really mad. I'm disappointed for the city of Seattle. I'm disappointed for the fans and the people that supported us for the last 41 years."

Kevin Durant, who won the rookie-of-the-year award last season with the Sonics, expressed dismay when told his first season in Seattle would be his last.

"I'm a little shocked and a little disappointed," he said. "First of all, I didn't know we would be leaving Seattle this soon. I feel for the fans in Seattle.

"Even though it wasn't a great year for our team, they always supported us. I feel for the fans. Me and my family made Seattle our new home, and it's going to be tough getting up and moving."

Durant, who is taking classes at the University of Texas, received a text message from his cousin who told him the city of Seattle and the Sonics agreed on a settlement. Slowly, Durant discovered more details, including the $45 million buyout.

Finally, he heard the team would begin moving immediately and play the 2008-09 season in Oklahoma City.

"When I heard it, I didn't know what to believe," said Durant, who bought a $2.8 million home in Mercer Island last year. "We've got to move on, continue to be professional and play basketball."

Sonics players — current and retired and across the country and local — had difficulty coming to grips with the news.

"I'm overwhelmed," said Spencer Haywood, who played five seasons in Seattle and has his retired No. 24 jersey hanging from the KeyArena rafters. "I have a lump in my throat with the idea of it. I thought there was a fighting chance, but also felt in my heart that it wouldn't happen because of the owners' vote.

"There's a lot of fond memories. I can't believe all that money in Seattle and we end up like this. Man, that's deep. I grew up there. But what do you say when the Mayor and everybody else is taking the money and moving on? I'm just a guy who enjoyed my time in Seattle as a player."

Several ex-Sonics harped on the missteps that have led a proud franchise with a 1979 NBA championship to extinction. And others are optimistic local investors will succeed in returning the NBA to Seattle.

"I think Steve Ballmer has the right idea for another team," said Talvin Skinner, who played three years with the Sonics. "If he can get a petition of people together it would make sense. But he can't mess with Howard Schultz. He has to get some people that actually know basketball and people with some influence, like Fred Brown."

"I hope the new ownership group and the state Legislature combine their efforts to upgrade the Key to NBA standards," said agent Eric Goodwin, who represents Durant and former Sonic Gary Payton. "Then someday Seattle fans can see Gary Payton's Sonics jersey raised to the rafters as Kevin Durant plays on the KeyArena floor again. It could happen."

But not this year.

For the first time in 41 years, the NBA will not include the Sonics when the season begins in the fall.

"I think about the guys who were on the championship team," longtime Sonics broadcaster Kevin Calabro said. "I think about the 40th anniversary we had two years ago and all the greats we had here. I think about the passing of D.J. [Dennis Johnson]. I think about Bob Blackburn. I think about the founders of this team, like Dick Vertlieb [the Sonics' first general manager].

"Then I think about guys like Luke Ridnour and Nick Collison, two guys who really represent the best of the NBA. ... They're all connected. All of them. In big ways and small ways. And for now, all we have are the memories to remind us this used to be a pretty good basketball town."

Percy Allen: 206-464-2278 or [email protected]

07-03-2008, 03:43 PM
Who in the hell is Kevin Durant's financial advisor!? He could've hired me for a fifteen second consultation and the most important thing I would've told him is to rent his first year in Seattle, not buy. :lol

07-03-2008, 04:02 PM
He has enough money. Reselling and buying a new home won't be a problem for him. Glad to know he's back in Austin taking classes.

baseline bum
07-03-2008, 04:02 PM
Who in the hell is Kevin Durant's financial advisor!? He could've hired me for a fifteen second consultation and the most important thing I would've told him is to rent his first year in Seattle, not buy. :lol


No shit. It's too late to complain now. The time for Wilkins to speak up was when there was a real chance.

07-03-2008, 04:08 PM
He has enough money. Reselling and buying a new home won't be a problem for him. Glad to know he's back in Austin taking classes.

I would like to see more of Benjamin Franklin's concept of thrift applied here. Its not about him having enough money, its a bad financial decision. The housing market is awful and its just a big hassle having to sell a house and uproot. Its just a wasteful expense. But, maybe the guy loves Seattle and wants it to be his permanent home. But if I were him or any other NBA player, I probably wouldn't buy a home until after my rookie contract was up or at least I had a strong indication that I would be staying in that market, such as Manu when he came to San Antonio.

Anyway, hopefully one of those courses he's taking at UT is a finance or investment course.

07-03-2008, 04:19 PM
I agree. Poor financial decision. But this isn't something that will set him back for years. Hopefully this will be his only poor decision.

07-04-2008, 01:26 PM
I don't think the market for multi-million dollar houses on Mercer Island ever gets soft. There'll be another Microsoft millionaire along any minute now, if not two or three to fight over it.