View Full Version : ESPN Panel Chose Duncan and Nowitzki Instead of Duncan and Garnett

02-02-2005, 09:33 PM

At first I thought that they were crazy. But they're arguments for Nowitzki over Garnett were very true.

What would your starting forwards be?

02-02-2005, 09:44 PM
Same. Garnett is proving last year's apparent leadership was an absolute fluke. He is a stat queen not a winner.

Plus one of these days he will pull a Artest in a game, he is also a true thug.

02-02-2005, 09:47 PM
I don't know if I'd go that far. While the Timberwolves have played quite poorly Garnetts numbers are very similar to his numbers last year when he was an MVP.

Nowtizki has put up better numbers than last season but I wouldn't say they are considerably better as Garnett puts up four more boards, three more assists, and shoots five percent better from the field. While the rest of their numbers are quite similar, the exception being Nowitzki averages four more points and shoots better from the three and shoots more.

He's certainly improved but I think it's a little unfair that because the Timberwolves are playing badly that Garnetts stock drops so badly, he's clearly the same player he was last year, their problems are with other players, not him....

T Park
02-02-2005, 09:49 PM
he is also a true thug.

keep saying things like about him and Iverson,

and youll be accused of being a racist like me.

Watch it.

02-02-2005, 09:51 PM
How is he a thug? I could agree with you about Iverson and you could back it up by saying he's been arrested and countless other things but I am not aware of anything Garnett has done?

And yeah you probably are racist if you call every black basketball player a thug unless there is some proof that he is (ala Iverson)....

02-02-2005, 09:53 PM
Tell you what, after today's game against the Suns, Garnett won't have much of case, he's playing like crap!

02-02-2005, 09:57 PM
That's what averages are about, you don't think Tim Duncan has had bad games and great games, of course he has.

02-02-2005, 09:57 PM
Garnett with 12 and 13 with half a quarter to play. He also has as many assists as he has turnovers (3)

Nash, on the other hand, has 15 and 3 with 11 assists. The difference being, his team is up 30.

02-02-2005, 09:59 PM
Are you actually going to argue that Garnett is more valuable to the Wolves than Nash is to the Suns?

02-02-2005, 10:11 PM
This thread is about Garnett and Nowitzki, not Nash....

Kori Ellis
02-02-2005, 10:17 PM
How is he a thug? I could agree with you about Iverson and you could back it up by saying he's been arrested and countless other things but I am not aware of anything Garnett has done?

I always question it when people call Garnett a thug too. What has he ever done that is thuggish? You can maybe say he's a punk for hitting his teammate, but other than that he's an upstanding citizen, right? "Thug" usually involves some sort of criminal activity.

02-02-2005, 10:37 PM
You can maybe say he's a punk for hitting his teammate...
That's probably how I'd put it, although technically, that's criminal had Rickert chosen to press charges.

02-02-2005, 10:42 PM
Just for comparison's sake, Nowitzki had 20 and 5 with 2 assists and 4 turnovers in his game tonight.

Garnett finished with his 12/13/3/3.

.....I'm not sure what those numbers mean, but they mean something!!!

02-02-2005, 10:46 PM
That's probably how I'd put it, although technically, that's criminal had Rickert chosen to press charges.

I guess that makes Michael Jordan a thug also as he hit Steve Kerr in practice once.... Damn bunch of thugs...

02-02-2005, 10:50 PM
"keep saying things like about him and Iverson,

and youll be accused of being a racist like me.

Watch it."

I for one resent your comments - which had nothing to do with racism period and I am not sure were made in jest:

I live in Philly and admire Iverson for his competetive nature (and his maturation). Plus my spouse is bi-racial (1/2 hispanic, 1/2 caribbean black) and I have spent my life working in the area of fighting disparities in the realm of public health work and on boards or in collaborative efforts with the of boys and girls, CentroHispano, 100 Black Men and the more.

However, one cannot deny that Garnett has twice sucker punched team-mates and makes references to war, guns, battle repeatedly.


02-02-2005, 11:01 PM
I have to say that AI showed me more character during the Olympics than I ever thought I'd see from him. Those games this summer and his demeanor in handling all of the things that went on over there seemed to indicate a maturity that is refreshing. He took great pride in representing his country and seemed truly humbled to have been named a captain of that team. He handled the adversity with class and dignity that many professional athletes sorely lack. I couldn't believe that I was watching Allen Iverson. That, coupled with the fact that he's stayed out of trouble for a while now, is bringing me away from the Iverson as Thug idea. People change and should be acknowledged positively for making positive change.

Garnett, on the ohter hand, doesn't seem to evidence the same maturity. He may just be ridiculously competitive, but no degree of competitiveness should ever get you to the point of taking swings at anyone -- and certainly not your own teammates. I don't like KG's demeanor this season. He's not seemed handle adversity very well.

02-03-2005, 12:02 AM
Main Entry: thug
Pronunciation: 'th&g
Function: noun
Etymology: Hindi thag, literally, thief
: a brutal ruffian or assassin :
- thugˇgery /'th&-g(&-)rE/ noun
- thugˇgish /'th&-gish/ adjective

02-03-2005, 08:42 AM
keep saying things like about him and Iverson,

and youll be accused of being a racist like me.

Watch it.

oh man, I missed that one

Who accussed you of being racist?

02-03-2005, 09:42 AM
KG was getting The Duncan Treatment last night by the Suns. Double and triple teaming on the ball. Double teaming off the ball to deny the entry. Man the Pups truly suck on O and D now. They are UNATHLETIC. They are SCREWED.

02-03-2005, 10:16 AM
KG isn't a thug. He's a bitch. Get it right!

02-03-2005, 10:35 AM
I must say I didn't expect my prediction about Minn to be SO true. They are old, they are tired, their players have quit, and they are on the the outbound train to lottery-ville.

Hard to believe Garnett had his chance and missed it because Alien is injury prone.

Sucks to be him.

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving punk. I have always disliked him, and will continue to do so. His attitude is grating (perhaps his fans see it as passionate, I see it as annoying). He is very athletic and talented, but he is missing something, and that something is very glaring this year.

02-03-2005, 11:06 AM
The only reason espn(SUCKS) chose DUNCAN and Nowitzki is because they are playing with top 4 teams in the league,as t-pups are just bad and Garnett can not do it by himself.We all know espn(SUCKS) never liked the DUNCAN and the SPURS untill this year they have no choice,but to give the SPURS credit.


02-03-2005, 11:12 AM
Thug? You want a thug example?

How about when he rabbit punched TD from behind in the 99 playoffs, during a timeout?

Is that a good enough example?

02-03-2005, 12:29 PM
I actually the word punk better than thug and am truly sorry for going over-board perhaps about the perception about my earlier comment that I was being called a "racist".

We having a child of a slightly "biracial" nature, despite my wife's relativelyfair complexion from Panama (her wonderful family is like the spectrum of skin tones - which is common down there), have ourselves encountered "Soft" racism periodically in America (unlike when we lived in Europe for a few years). Case in point she, with her accent soon after her arrival despite perfect English, was told there was no room in a private day care = when I being white had been told there was just the day before = believe me after we found out there really was the matter was not left to rest and it was resolved to the betterment of all.

That is one thing by the way I love about the Spurs, their international culture and diversity. I honestly believe Pop is like Lombardi, without prejudice and would play a green man if it helped them win. Like Lombardi I believe he treats them all with tough love, or as Henry Jordan said like dogs in a loving way.

Spurs rule and thank god we have Duncan over Garnett - it nothing about color, it is about class (as well as that special something that winners have).


02-03-2005, 12:51 PM
Nowitzki has put up all-star numbers recently playing within his teams system despite playing through an ankle sprain and then dealing with the flu the last couple of weeks...their comparative numbers over the last month...


9.8 rebounds
3.1 assists
1.5 steals
2 blocks


13.9 blocks
5.4 assists
1.3 steals
.9 blocks

02-03-2005, 01:26 PM

13.9 blocks
5.4 assists
1.3 steals
.9 blocks

impressive. :spin

Mark in Austin
02-03-2005, 02:14 PM
Garnett might act like an ass, but he's not a thug. I wouldn't consider Iverson a thug either.

Karl Malone, on the other hand...

02-03-2005, 02:15 PM
Dirk has stepped up his game this year. He's actually become a reliable defender... especially compared to the liability he used to be. A lot of this has to do with moving back to the PF position and having Dampier to back him up. And with the kind of success the Mavs have had this year (and they have not been without their fair share of injuries) I think he would definitely be a worthy starter.

02-03-2005, 02:17 PM
Thug? You want a thug example?

How about when he rabbit punched TD from behind in the 99 playoffs, during a timeout?

Is that a good enough example?

Well just to be specific, it wasn't exactly a time-out. It's not like Garnett walked to the Spurs bench and punched him in the back of the head. David Robinson and Joe Smith got into it, IIRC, and Duncan was trying to break it up and Garnett pushed him in the back of the head or something. How about the mother's day comments he made to Tim knowing his mom was dead or the in-your-face talking he did that time they both got ejected at the SBC?

Garnett's a punk.

02-03-2005, 02:42 PM
Well just to be specific, it wasn't exactly a time-out. It's not like Garnett walked to the Spurs bench and punched him in the back of the head. David Robinson and Joe Smith got into it, IIRC, and Duncan was trying to break it up and Garnett pushed him in the back of the head or something. How about the mother's day comments he made to Tim knowing his mom was dead or the in-your-face talking he did that time they both got ejected at the SBC?

Garnett's a punk.

You can also add the "street cred" knowledge of "gats" he threw in during a postgame interview in last season's playoffs: Something to the effect of saying "next game we are going to come to the court with 45's, uzzies, bazooka's, sawed-off shotguns, etc....."

I know that may not seem as bad... but, personally I don't associate my life with weapons. People that do are either in the armed forces, goverment officials (police, FBI) or criminals. I'm not including hunters in here because they are in a world of their own....

02-03-2005, 03:32 PM
keep saying things like about him and Iverson,

and youll be accused of being a racist like me.

Watch it.

Nothing about your post--just wondering why you have the vidio replay of a rather routine drive and kickout pass as a signature or whatever they call it> Surely there are better videos of Manu available.

02-03-2005, 07:22 PM
[QUOTE]West center
Likely fan selection: Yao Ming

Stein's selection: Yao Ming

Comment: With Amare Stoudemire and Duncan insisting on being listed as forwards, Yao has no reasonable opposition. It doesn't hurt that Yao, in spite of all the bashing this season, is still averaging a productive 18 and 8.[QUOTE]

I would say Brad Miller is the second best center in the NBA. The Kings are winning without Peja and C-Webb, something Amare couldn't do without Nash. Unbelievable how Miller is still underated. Besides Shaq, he is the closet thing to a top center of the mid-90s.

02-03-2005, 07:24 PM
i don't like kg but i'd still take him over dirk right now.