View Full Version : Oil Companies Export Record Gas While American Consumers Bled Dry

07-08-2008, 01:25 PM
Again, for anyone to think it's "our" oil is living in a simplistic and ignorant dream. More proof that the rhetoric coming from this petroleum-based administration and McCane of "drill, drill, drill", as a way to benefit the American people, is simply nonsense in the context of the world oil market.

As Oil Firms Seek Drilling Access, Exports Set Record
By Reuters

While the U.S. oil industry wants access to more federal lands to help reduce reliance on foreign suppliers, U.S.-based companies are shipping record amounts of gasoline and diesel fuel to other countries.

A record 1.6 million barrels a day in U.S. refined petroleum products were exported during the first four months of this year, up 33 percent from 1.2 million barrels a day over the same period in 2007. Shipments this February topped 1.8 million barrels a day for the first time during any month, according to final numbers from the Energy Department.

The surge in exports appears to contradict the pleas from the U.S. oil industry and the Bush administration for Congress to open more offshore waters and Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling.

"We can help alleviate shortages by drilling for oil and gas in our own country," President Bush told reporters this week. "We have got the opportunity to find more crude oil here at home."

CNBC (http://www.cnbc.com/id/25518912)

So much for the weak-ass 'lack of refining capacity because of pansy enviros' straw-man arguments Republican like to play....on to the 'we need more arctic drilling straw-man'....

07-08-2008, 02:03 PM
the free market at work.
the refiners get better prices exporting than selling domestically.

Why are the US oilcos not exploring and drilling in the permitted/leased US areas?

They'd rather invest in Iraq fields than in US fields?

07-08-2008, 04:30 PM
shhhhhhhhhh, conservatives are napping through this thread.

07-08-2008, 05:35 PM
oil companies are eeeeeviLLLLL. :sleep

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-08-2008, 06:10 PM
Again, for anyone to think it's "our" oil is living in a simplistic and ignorant dream. More proof that the rhetoric coming from this petroleum-based administration and McCane of "drill, drill, drill", as a way to benefit the American people, is simply nonsense in the context of the world oil market.

As Oil Firms Seek Drilling Access, Exports Set Record
By Reuters

CNBC (http://www.cnbc.com/id/25518912)

So much for the weak-ass 'lack of refining capacity because of pansy enviros' straw-man arguments Republican like to play....on to the 'we need more arctic drilling straw-man'....

Refining capacity is down the list. This just in - in a global economy, if someone will pay higher for a commodity elsewhere, then that's where it will be sold.

On to the taxing the oil cos. more will solve all our problems straw-man.

07-08-2008, 07:03 PM
Refining capacity is down the list. This just in - in a global economy, if someone will pay higher for a commodity elsewhere, then that's where it will be sold.

On to the taxing the oil cos. more will solve all our problems straw-man.

exactly. now we can all admit that drilling would not save america.

listen to aggie, conservatives.

Wild Cobra
07-08-2008, 10:38 PM
Come on guys, get real. The US ships allot of it's oil from Alaska to Asia at market price and buys other oil at market price. Total shipping is reduced this way. It does improve the profit margins and reduce the pump prices from what they would be if we didn't.

Oil is rather fluid...he he...

There are reasons for this. Will you lemming libtards stop jumping to conclusions please.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-08-2008, 11:45 PM
Come on guys, get real. The US ships allot of it's oil from Alaska to Asia at market price and buys other oil at market price. Total shipping is reduced this way. It does improve the profit margins and reduce the pump prices from what they would be if we didn't.

Oil is rather fluid...he he...

There are reasons for this. Will you lemming libtards stop jumping to conclusions please.

I just want to hear what the liberal solution is to our energy problems.

* tax oil companies (who will pass it on to us - that works out well...)

* no nuke plants

* can't drill for natural gas in the Great Lakes; meanwhile Canada is setting up shop and having a field day up there

* no new refineries

* can't drill on the continental shelf or in Alaska

* have to use ethanol, which gives us worse gas mileage and drives up food prices

Seriously, when are you fuckers on the left going to come up with some semblance of a viable energy policy other than tax the oil companies?

This shit is getting old.

Wild Cobra
07-09-2008, 12:29 AM
Seriously, when are you fuckers on the left going to come up with some semblance of a viable energy policy other than tax the oil companies?

This shit is getting old.

I don't think they have a plan.

I think their real agenda is to make more than 50% of the people rely on government so the elitist can run the country as dictators.

07-09-2008, 01:09 AM
I don't think they have a plan.

I think their real agenda is to make more than 50% of the people rely on government so the elitist can run the country as dictators.


What are the libs on this forum opinion of this statement?

07-09-2008, 02:30 AM
I just want to hear what the liberal solution is to our energy problems.

1. Get a real Treasury Sectary instead of a crony capitalist before the dollar is worth less than the peso.

2. Regulate the speculative oil markets so that investors have to take possession of the oil before they can dump more money into the speculative markets

Those 2 things alone will drop gas to $2 - $2.50 a gallon....remember than under Dubya gas prices have gone up almost 400% while oil demand in the U.S. has only gone up 2% and is now declining....

07-15-2008, 12:59 PM
It's like this never existed to the pro-drill crowd...

07-15-2008, 01:07 PM
Read the article...

Apparently most of it is Diesel which is in much higher demand in other countries than ours because they use it for their power plants...

The biggest share of U.S. oil products exported went to Mexico, Canada, Chile, Singapore and Brazil.

Interesting... I wouldn't have problems with not exporting to these countries... but quite a few of them are SUPPLYING oil to us... so to say that they couldn't get some refined goods back would create problems.

Specifically the 3 I highlighted are and will be in the future our largest suppliers of foreign Oil... Would probably be best not to piss them off...

John Felmy, the chief economist at the American Petroleum Institute, said a portion of the oil products exported, especially diesel, was fuel that did not meet U.S. clean air requirements and therefore could not be sold in America. "You may have some that you're not able to use," he said.

George Gervin's Afro
07-15-2008, 01:26 PM
So, if we allow the oil companies to drill in our backyards that oil be placed on the world market? Then the drilling does nothing for Americans? So then why are conservatives still sucking oil companies c*ck? The moral of the story is that more drilling won't ease any burden on the avg American...

George Gervin's Afro
07-15-2008, 01:27 PM

What are the libs on this forum opinion of this statement?

It makes zero sense.

07-15-2008, 03:24 PM
So, if we allow the oil companies to drill in our backyards that oil be placed on the world market? Then the drilling does nothing for Americans? So then why are conservatives still sucking oil companies c*ck? The moral of the story is that more drilling won't ease any burden on the avg American...

What the hell does exploration have to do with refining?

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-15-2008, 06:07 PM
1. Get a real Treasury Sectary instead of a crony capitalist before the dollar is worth less than the peso.

I agree, but this has nothing to do with our current dependency on oil, inability to build nuclear power plants, etc.

2. Regulate the speculative oil markets so that investors have to take possession of the oil before they can dump more money into the speculative markets

Agreed, but this does nothing to solve our current dependency on oil.

Those 2 things alone will drop gas to $2 - $2.50 a gallon....remember than under Dubya gas prices have gone up almost 400% while oil demand in the U.S. has only gone up 2% and is now declining....

:lol Under 'Dubya' with a Republican Congress gas went up about $1.25. Under W. with a democratic Congress that ran in 2006 on the platform of, in part, solving this country's energy problems, gas has doubled.

In case you're mathematically challenged:

Under Bush + Republican Congress: gas went up 100%

Under Bush + Democratic Congress: gas went up 200% from where it was when they took over.

Typical liberal though, blame Bush when the Democratic trash in Congress has basically doubled the cost of gasoline since taking over.

And you're completely ignoring the fact that while demand has slightly regressed in the U.S., it has increased dramatically in Asia, while the worldwide supply of refined petroleum has marginally decreased over the same span of time.

So in short, quit trying to change the fucking topic and quit with the witch hunts. What are the Democrats who championed themselves as the liberators of America from its dependence on oil in 2006 doing to actually solve this country's energy problems, other than their apparent 'plan' of making it so fucking expensive to buy gas that we all either break down and buy a Yaris or become dependent on socialist promises like Obama to give the common American (well, those dumb enough to buy into his promises of hope, errr, government handouts) more money from the federal govt. to buy gasoline.

It's comical that you will attack the treasury secretary, when you've got Obama and Pelosi up there saying part of the solution is for the feds to give Americans money to buy gasoline with, which further erodes the value of the dollar.

But hey, don't let the facts get in your way, it's more fun to cluelessly bash the administration while you're fucking saviors in D.C. do shit to fix our energy problems.

07-15-2008, 07:01 PM
NEWSFLASH, new rules for the United States Citizen

*No companies are allowed to make profits anymore... you are upsetting nbadan and boutons.

*No person can decide what to do with their paychecks. You are to hand them to your neighborhood block captain, who will forward them to the government. The government will decide what is best for you.

More rules to come and please remember to make your medical appointments 2 years in advance for emergency care and 5 years for routine care.

07-15-2008, 07:24 PM
NEWSFLASH, new rules for the United States Citizen

*No companies are allowed to make profits anymore... you are upsetting nbadan and boutons.

*No person can decide what to do with their paychecks. You are to hand them to your neighborhood block captain, who will forward them to the government. The government will decide what is best for you.

More rules to come and please remember to make your medical appointments 2 years in advance for emergency care and 5 years for routine care.

You forgot:
* There will be a mandatory 10% deduction on your paycheck to pay for the Freddie and Fannie rescue plan.

07-15-2008, 07:24 PM
We need an energy plan that can find a new reusable, or more abundant energy source.

Drilling is just a short term answer, it just delays the same problems we have now for future generations.

I blame both parties, we should have had a better plan years ago, and now we are stuck with this.

07-15-2008, 08:00 PM
Under 'Dubya' with a Republican Congress gas went up about $1.25. Under W. with a democratic Congress that ran in 2006 on the platform of, in part, solving this country's energy problems, gas has doubled.

In case you're mathematically challenged:

Under Bush + Republican Congress: gas went up 100%

Under Bush + Democratic Congress: gas went up 200% from where it was when they took over.

Typical liberal though, blame Bush when the Democratic trash in Congress has basically doubled the cost of gasoline since taking over


It takes a year or two for Congressional action to start hitting consumers in the pocket book, so any effects on the economy we are feeling now, higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher prices in general are residue of the Republican do-nothing congress and its unwillingness to do its job and regulate the markets

07-15-2008, 08:27 PM
We need an energy plan that can find a new reusable, or more abundant energy source.

Drilling is just a short term answer, it just delays the same problems we have now for future generations.

I blame both parties, we should have had a better plan years ago, and now we are stuck with this.

There's enough blame to go around...

Dubya for using the Treasury Dept like his own personal ATM and for destabilizing the energy markets with his rush for oil in Iraq and his threat of war against Iran...

Congress for not learning its lesson of the 70's and mandating more fuel conservation, alternative energy exploration, subsidizing cheap oil, and for not using its oversight power of the unitarian president...

...and finally, consumers for demanding bigger vehicles with less fuel efficiency, falling asleep in its responsibility to be responsible stewards to the earth's depleting resources and neglecting its oversight of Congress and the unitarian president while they launched a unnecessary war and prepare to launch another..

Wild Cobra
07-15-2008, 11:07 PM

It takes a year or two for Congressional action to start hitting consumers in the pocket book, so any effects on the economy we are feeling now, higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher prices in general are residue of the Republican do-nothing congress and its unwillingness to do its job and regulate the markets

That's true in most cases. However, when policy makers are clearly not for the consumer, producers immediately take action to raise prices. As soon as a congress had power that is not consumer friendly, prices raise dramatically because they know the congress will do nothing to stop them.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-15-2008, 11:13 PM

It takes a year or two for Congressional action to start hitting consumers in the pocket book, so any effects on the economy we are feeling now, higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher prices in general are residue of the Republican do-nothing congress and its unwillingness to do its job and regulate the markets

It takes a year or two for any Congressional action to start hitting consumers?

How long did it take from the time they decided to distribute welfare checks, I mean 'economic stimulus checks', to us all after that passed?

How long did it take the oil futures market to drop today after Bush gave his speech?

You love making excuses when it's the liberal Congressional fucks screwing up. Typical.

Pelosi told us all in 2006 that the Democrats were going to fix our energy problems. If it takes a year for what Congress does to impact us, what does that say about their first year with control of things in D.C.?

You can try changing the topic and making excuses all you want, the bottom line is they aren't doing shit except standing around, blaming Bush, and saying 'hey, I've got an idea, let's tax the oil companies.'

Which isn't a solution to the problem.

But of course the end game for the Democrats is to make big oil and the Republicans look bad (as if they needed help) so they can take over the WH and Congress next year and really fuck America hard with their socialist agenda.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-15-2008, 11:14 PM
That's true in most cases. However, when policy makers are clearly not for the consumer, producers immediately take action to raise prices. As soon as a congress had power that is not consumer friendly, prices raise dramatically because they know the congress will do nothing to stop them.

Nonsense, this was all an evil plot by W., Cheney, and the Republicans, even though the Democrats had the majority in Congress...

07-16-2008, 02:12 AM
But of course the end game for the Democrats is to make big oil and the Republicans look bad (as if they needed help) so they can take over the WH and Congress next year and really fuck America hard with their socialist agenda.

Yeah, it's all about imposing an evil 'socialist agenda'....get real dude...put down the crack pipe....the Democrats have been weak, I've posted about it so many times in this forum I have calluses on my fingers, but they don't hold a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and Dubya is always there to watch the back of big business...Hopefully that will change in November...but the problem isn't just big oil, its Wall Street, it's Pennsylvania Ave and it's main street USA....Unlike you and your kind who let the Republican Do-nothing Congress do nothing while Dubya has imposed his Pinochet government in America and cronies drown our nation in a bathtub of debt, Progressives will hold this Congress accountable for FISA, for not acting in the best interest of consumers by regulating oil market speculation and if they don't fulfill their pledge to end the imperialistic war in the Middle East....book it!

07-16-2008, 09:16 AM
I've posted about it so many times in this forum I have calluses on my fingers,

You should try and make real life friends then and you won't have to spend every fucking minute of your life on this site.

George Gervin's Afro
07-16-2008, 12:38 PM
That's true in most cases. However, when policy makers are clearly not for the consumer, producers immediately take action to raise prices. As soon as a congress had power that is not consumer friendly, prices raise dramatically because they know the congress will do nothing to stop them.

So if we approve the offshore drilling will prices come back down? using your logic they would. According to your logic allowing oil companies the right to drill ,in areas where they previously couldn't, will prove that congress is on the consumers side? Did I get this straight?

07-16-2008, 12:48 PM

It takes a year or two for Congressional action to start hitting consumers in the pocket book, so any effects on the economy we are feeling now, higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher prices in general are residue of the Republican do-nothing congress and its unwillingness to do its job and regulate the markets

newsflash -- democraps have had control of both houses for some time now.

EDIT> And congress has a lower appproval rating than Bush.

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-16-2008, 01:03 PM
newsflash -- democraps have had control of both houses for some time now.

EDIT> And congress has a lower appproval rating than Bush.

Dan's not strong on math, you'll have to forgive him. He meant to say two years, but his timeline for when the Democraps took over is off :lol

George Gervin's Afro
07-16-2008, 01:07 PM
Dan's not strong on math, you'll have to forgive him. He meant to say two years, but his timeline for when the Democraps took over is off :lol

didn't the do nothing gop congress have 6 yrs?

Wild Cobra
07-16-2008, 06:52 PM
So if we approve the offshore drilling will prices come back down? using your logic they would. According to your logic allowing oil companies the right to drill ,in areas where they previously couldn't, will prove that congress is on the consumers side? Did I get this straight?
I cannot say they will come down. There is a minimum of two years to get it to the pumps. It will at least reduce the future increases somewhat. The more we put into the global oil market, the lower the prices will be by simple supply and demand.

I do believe there will be in immediate reduction. We have now had two consecutive days of oil trading lower. It could be a result of the executive order. Oil should be higher than it has in the past, but now it may be above the level supply and demand can maintain. I don't know for sure, of the above. I just know that everyone speculates in the industry when it comes to price.

07-16-2008, 07:08 PM
I do believe there will be in immediate reduction. We have now had two consecutive days of oil trading lower.

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the lower consumer confidence numbers and people spending less on frivalous stuff....right?

07-16-2008, 07:13 PM
the oil speculators/manipulators listened to sad-sack Bernanke and other negative US economic news (retail/wholesale inflation, airlines and autos tanking), and decided their bubble might not be so strong vs a US recession causing reduced oil demand.

Result is that they traded the price of oil WAY down in the last day or two.