View Full Version : All Aboard! The Hagee Censor Express

07-08-2008, 01:32 PM
Less Hagee on anything can't be a bad thing, but one has to wonder if Hagee's close relationship with GOP Presidential candidate John McCain, and McCain's subsequent non-endorsement, disendorsement has anything to do with Hagee's lawyers having him removed from Youtube....

Hagee's Revenge? Videos Of Controversial Pastor Removed From YouTube
Sam Stein | The Huffington Post | July 8, 2008 10:52 AM

Late last week, with no prior notification, lawyers for the controversial evangelist John Hagee had a series of videos concerning the pastor removed from YouTube. The clips spanned from the contentious to the mundane; some included footage lifted from sermons Hagee had already made public, others involved documentaries made by filmmakers inside Hagee's conventions. All told more than 120 videos were taken down in the abrupt sweep. The timing was, perhaps, more peculiar than the move itself.

Clips that had been online for well over a year were now being subjected to "third-party" copyright infringement claims. And while Hagee had not been in the mainstream press since he and Sen. John McCain ended their official relationship a month prior, Hagee's Christians United for Israel annual summit is just days away, and at least one prominent McCain backer (Sen. Joseph Lieberman) is set to be in attendance. Two individuals who have documented Hagee and posted clips on some of his more noteworthy sermons (including those interpreted as anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and anti-gay -- Hagee, Wilson noted, once claimed that the Anti-Christ will be German, gay, a "blasphemer" and "partly Jewish - as was Adolf Hitler, as was Karl Marx") believe that nefarious motives were behind the YouTube shakedown.

"Obviously Hagee's minions orchestrated this move to suppress bad publicity ahead of their July summit," said Max Blumenthal, a freelance writer and videographer whose documentary on last year's Christians United for Israel summit was viewed by hundreds of thousands. "This is a response to the McCain debacle and concern over bad publicity for Lieberman's appearance," he charged.

"My guess is that videos Hagee's people think are the most damaging are the ones they targeted," said Bruce Wilson, who first highlighted Hagee's claim that the Holocaust was God's means of hastening the apocalypse by driving the Jews to Palestine. "Clearly, the conference at the end of July and the fact that Lieberman is going to be there also played a role. That's my guess. They certainly don't want people to see the more controversial stuff."

Huff (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/08/hagees-revenge-videos-of_n_111373.html)

...now if we can just get Hagee to censor himself on radio and TV too....