View Full Version : Listen Spurs Fans

07-09-2008, 12:59 AM
God damn i love our team...

I am so mad right now i can't even put it into words...I don't know about you guys but i wanted Corey Maggette. But since that wouldn't work i had a hopefull list of: MPietrus, JR Smith, and well who cares i'll say Eduardo Najera...the only reason i list him is in the hope we do not get him.

I feel like we are an athletic supporting cast away from making this happen. How to get this?, well i'm not sure i'm not going to say i have all the answers, but i damn sure would not bring back the same team we had last year. I'm pretty sure with this week's events we are headed to overpay Kurt Thomas and probably Finley or Barry. If it were me, i would do the following:

1. Cut Jacque Vaughn and bite his salary up, Hill's the real back-up
2. Sign Javotkas and absorb that luxury tax scenario, i'm sorry but if a talented player lay in Europe you think teams like Chi, LA, or Bos would worry about a 1M to solidify a team...none-the-less a dynasty possibility
3. I would let other teams worry about Barry, Finley and Horry, i know they are all worth something, but none of these guys WIN championships...at most i'd sign one of them..at this point i could take barry/finley flip a coin
4. I'd grab a hungry bunch of guys that are pissed off at their current situation or contract. I know this sounds stupid but i want a bunch of guys that are either pissed or hungry for a title. The guys that come to mind are Barnes, Dorell Wright, and Jarvis Hayes.
5. The only problem i see right now is that the Spurs are more focused on solidifying the perimiter. I agree with the guys that say we are weak on the block, if we don't bring over Robertas J, i think we are selling ourselves short, and i don't think Ed Najera is answer i want a beast or a potential beast to have Duncan's back. I want a guy who will dunk the ball off double teams and not lay it in like Headband Oberto.

Spurs Glory,

07-09-2008, 01:02 AM
Dude we cant even attract small fries to come and play in S.A

i tell you what, while we are ahead of it, might as well get rid of the 2010 sweepstakes plan, there is no chance a franchise FA will come and sign for the spurs that summer

Big P
07-09-2008, 01:06 AM
1. JV will be the 3rd guard Pop likes to carry..for the minimum it doesnt get any better.

2.Javtokas is making more money over seas..not gonna happen.

3. At this point its probably Barry AND Finley

4. Second teamers there...while one of them would be nice for a cheap salary, lets face it, they won't be the difference maker, say a Maggette would ahve brought to the Spurs

5. If were relying on eduardo to be the savior of the offseason, it might be over befoer it begins.

07-09-2008, 01:18 AM
Not many players wanna play for Pop..not many players wanna come to a city that is 'po dunk'

duncan is an outcast.

hes not the type of teammate you can go to a strip club or bar with

neither is manu

tony parkwe will sign with LA when his contract is up

spurs are fucked until duncan retires...

then its time for a fresh start

fresh coach

fresh players

maybe we will actually get some real black players then.

07-09-2008, 01:57 AM
i agree 110 percent..

The Spurs dynasy as we know it is dying...Duncan, Ginobili, and Bowen are the dying breeds of our team. I agree TP is not a life-time player and he will bolt. I just hope we will be the team ppl remember in years to come because of our championship run not that we are remembered as the team that bust b/c we will not survive drafting players we will never buy-out (RJ, Scola, Splitter)

I like our draft bc George Hill is a great player for now...good PG..good back up...but if i was us i would of drafted DeAndre Jordan and atleast given us a teenage talent at post to help TD and maybe build up (ala Bynum)

Hey live by the small market die by the small market

07-09-2008, 02:00 AM
Not many players wanna play for Pop..not many players wanna come to a city that is 'po dunk'

duncan is an outcast.

hes not the type of teammate you can go to a strip club or bar with

neither is manu

tony parkwe will sign with LA when his contract is up

spurs are fucked until duncan retires...

then its time for a fresh start

fresh coach

fresh players

maybe we will actually get some real black players then.

Wow you are a fucken idiot.

07-09-2008, 03:02 AM
Not many players wanna play for Pop..not many players wanna come to a city that is 'po dunk'

duncan is an outcast.

hes not the type of teammate you can go to a strip club or bar with

neither is manu

tony parkwe will sign with LA when his contract is up

spurs are fucked until duncan retires...

then its time for a fresh start

fresh coach

fresh players

maybe we will actually get some real black players then.

The guy should be drived out!

07-09-2008, 03:24 AM
That was one big load of stupid.

07-09-2008, 04:11 AM

WOOOO PIG! Like our little brothers who take our clothes when they don't fit.