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07-15-2008, 01:58 PM

Texas Triangle still dangerous
Becoming the best Texas has to offer ain’t getting any easier.
by Earl K. Sneed

The wheelings and dealings of the three teams that makeup the Texas Triangle have resembled a game of Texas Hold Em’ this summer.

Dallas, Houston and San Antonio have all kept their “poker faces” on, while quietly making moves this offseason to address immediate and future needs. This decade has proved one thing true in the state of Texas, if you win the state you become a legitimate contender to take the Southwest Division and make a serious run through the Western Conference. While these teams may continue dealing - since each still has one or two more holes left to fill - it is safe to say none of the three has done anything detrimental to their playoff chances. With that said, making the playoffs and winning a championship are two completely different things, and in a state as BIG as Texas, simply making the playoffs will not suffice. So which team is title ready?

Analyze this.

San Antonio

The Spurs are the one team in the state with a surefire Big 3, and with Duncan, Parker and Ginobili at the core, you don’t have to do much to add the right championship pieces. Throw in an aging defensive stopper in Bruce Bowen, and the Spurs headed into this offseason knowing that they needed to get younger and more athletic, with young Lakers, Hornets and Blazers squads coming strong next season. So GM R.C. Buford and Coach Greg Popovich turned their attention to adding youth and athleticism to their bench by trading the draft rights of guard Goran Dragic for 6-6 forward Malik Hairston, and then drafting guard Gorge Hill and forward James Gist. All moves that will probably not have immediate dividends. The Spurs are expecting a lot, however, from their major summer acquisition, former Wizard guard Roger Mason, Jr.

Last season, Mason proved to be a valuable reserve in the Wizards’ backcourt, averaging 9.1 points in 21.4 minutes a game, while also shooting .398 from behind the arch in 80 of 82 games. The Spurs are expecting that same contribution from Mason, which could signify the end of the Michael Finley era in San Antonio. With Finley, Robert Horry, DerMarr Johnson, Damon Stoudamire and Kurt Thomas all free agents, it remains to be seen how many more new faces will be walking along the River Walk, but after missing out on the Brent Barry sweepstakes, the Spurs will certainly have to make moves to replace the timely three point shooting that he provided. If San Antonio is once again to be “Titletown, TX” the Spurs can no longer rely solely on the Big 3 for scoring.


The draft day trades that Rockets’ GM Daryl Morey made to get Donte Greene and Joey Dorsey created a lot of buzz around “Clutch City”, but luring sharpshooter Brent Barry away from San Antonio spoke volumes throughout the state, and more importantly around the league.

While Barry is not a No.1, 2 or 3 scorer, he is a proven winner and a clutch shooter in a city that has been everything but clutch of late. While getting Yao Ming back from the left foot stress fracture injury that he suffered in February is atop the Rockets’ concerns list, putting enough talent around Yao and T-Mac to make it out of the first round of the playoffs is a close No.2. Re-signing Dikembe Mutombo seems to be all but a done deal, but re-signing free agent forward Carl Landry may or may not be apart of that puzzle. The 6-9 forward adds versatility and range to a position that is becoming crowded with Louis Scola, Chuck Hayes and Joey Dorsey, so Landry may become the odd man out, due to his avoidance of getting an MRI on his injured knee. If the Rockets decide not to re-sign Landry, it could be to make a serious play at free agent forward James Posey, but don’t count on it. Expect to see Landry remain with the team and transition into the 3 position over time.

After missing out on Corey Maggette the Rockets seem primed to make a big move still, and with the trade rumors of T-Mac to Detroit for Chauncey Billups and Rasheed Wallace circulating, you have to believe that Houston will make more waves before the summer concludes. T-Mac changing zip codes probably won’t happen, but actively pursuing a mid-level exception free agent may be the answer. Also, keep an eye on forward Mike Harris to make a push for a roster spot this offseason.


New Head Coach Rick Carlisle may have the toughest task on his hands to win with what he already has. Dallas’ offseason moves speak less about pushing to win now, and more about building young talent for the future. In recent years, the Mavs’ have not done a great job of grooming young pieces to be key players in the future. Signing low risk, high reward Gerald Green showcases a changing of the guard.

Green is not a go to scorer, and he is becoming a journeyman, now on his fourth team in as many years, but he is still a good young talent, as the 22-year-old is showing in the Las Vegas’ summer league. Green has yet to find the right fit in a team that can win without him being a key contributor while he progresses, so Dallas maybe the right place. Dallas needed to add a go-getter to meet Jason Kidd’s lob passes at the rim, and Green can do that. If he develops a consistent jumper than he could be a valuable piece to the Mavs’ bench, and could be a quiet but key piece of the Mavs’ future.

Re-signing J.J. Barea and Antoine Wright, while also bringing back DeSagana Diop may not make a lot of splashes around the league, but they were moves that needed to be done to add sufficient backups to the point guard, shooting guard and center positions behind Jason Kidd, Josh Howard and Eric Dampier.

Someone to keep an eye out for is forward James Singleton, who may prove to be this year’s Brandon Bass in the summer league averaging 15 points. At 6-8, Singleton’s post play could take the last roster spot that was expected to be challenged by Pops Mensah-Bonsu, who is weighing his options to play in Europe.
If Ron Artest can talk his way into a trade, which is becoming more and more inevitable each day, expect for Rick Carlisle and Owner Mark Cuban to be willing and active players in the trade discussions. Otherwise, what you see is pretty much what you’ll get come October for this Mavs’ squad.

And the Winner is….

At face value, you have to like what Houston hands down in comparison to Dallas and San Antonio. The Rockets have made the best long-term moves, while also giving themselves a legitimate chance to challenge now in the West, but as far as winning the state of Texas, it’s all in how they play the cards they’ve been dealt.

07-15-2008, 02:09 PM
That's right babe, Rockets!

I love hanging out on this forum, somehow I always read rockets new at here first.

07-15-2008, 02:20 PM
Well, based on offseason moves made, I do like what the Rockets have done thus far. I think Brent Barry is going to be a major piece for them and IF McGrady and Yao stay healthy they can get out of the first round. But as always, it's always a big IF with those two.

I'm still not too sure on Dallas. Re-signing Diop definitely helped them and I think a whole year with Jason Kidd can definitely help them, but I still don't see them as title contenders and being able to keep up with younger athletic teams like the Hornets or physical, defensive teams like the Spurs.

As for the Spurs, it's too early to judge, but I guess they did do what we've wanted them to do this whole time; get younger. Still not sure I like Finley on the bench over Barry, I think he's going to be missed. But I do like that we finally got a good prospective backup at least for Parker. And I would have liked to have gotten JR Smith over Mason Jr, but it was always a far reach. Next season depends a lot on Mahimi and Mason Jr. almost as much as as the health of the Big 3. They're going to be depended on more than ever to keep Ginobili/Parker/Bowen/Duncan fresh for the playoffs.

That being said, I still think it's going to come down to the same 3 or 4 teams to come out of the West; Spurs, Hornets (or Jazz), or Lakers.

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2008, 02:26 PM
but luring sharpshooter Brent Barry away from San Antonio spoke volumes throughout the state, and more importantly around the league.

Assuming the Spurs wanted him back.

07-15-2008, 02:43 PM
After watching donte greene drop 40 on phx in summer league play 12-20 shooting 11-12 from the line, if he can play half as good against the best players in the world its going to be very exciting in Houston. Joey dorsey is a beast, dont want to get over excited but rockets gm daryl morey deserve alot of props. If you havent seen, or know who joey dorsey is heres a lil youtube clip http://youtube.com/watch?v=jsrqWztehGk

Marcus Bryant
07-15-2008, 02:45 PM
Unless summerleague teams will be on the NBA regular season schedule, take your hand out of your pants.

07-15-2008, 02:51 PM
No need to hate man, as i stated if he can play half as good against the best players in the world it will be exciting. I didnt say greene was going to be dropping 40 in the nba

07-15-2008, 02:52 PM
After watching donte greene drop 40 on phx in summer league play 12-20 shooting 11-12 from the line, if he can play half as good against the best players in the world its going to be very exciting in Houston. Joey dorsey is a beast, dont want to get over excited but rockets gm daryl morey deserve alot of props. If you havent seen, or know who joey dorsey is heres a lil youtube clip http://youtube.com/watch?v=jsrqWztehGk

Belinelli was a beast last year in the Summer League. So, don't ejaculate just yet. Playing well in the Summer League doesn't necessarily translate to playing well in the NBA, but if you can't play in the Summer League -- you typically won't play in the NBA.

07-15-2008, 02:54 PM
I didn't respond in the Berry thread, but now that I see this I'm more pissed. I liked him, but he is the enemy now. An accidental kick in the calf will not bother me.....

07-15-2008, 02:54 PM
No need to hate man, as i stated if he can play half as good against the best players in the world it will be exciting. I didnt say greene was going to be dropping 40 in the nba

You said Daryl deserved props when they may both turn out to be crap. The only one getting over-excited is you.

The Franchise
07-15-2008, 02:54 PM
All Donte Green has to do is hit the open shots he will be provided and I will be happy.

07-15-2008, 02:54 PM
All those open looks head rafer and battier got from teams focused more on tmac and yao if those same looks are there for barry and greene i highly doubt rockets have another year where they are shooting 33% as a team from behind the 3pt arch.

07-15-2008, 02:57 PM
Bold prediction #1: Yao and TMac don't play 50 games together. In other words, a 5-8 seed maybe and a 1st round exit as usual....but miraculously Yao gets healthy enough to play an entire summer for China...

Bold prediction #2: Dirk chokes away a good regular season by allowing a 6'4" shooting guard to dominate him...Jason Terry talks a big game and talks and talks with nothing to show for it....Mark Cuban complains about everything...and low and behold Rick Adelman looks confused during the playoffs

07-15-2008, 03:06 PM
See the problem with tmac is he takes time off for little nagging injuries. Tmac knows the team dosnt have players who can carry the team when hes out, so the team has to pamper tracy. If rockets had a player who could come in when tmac wants to take time off usually around the holidays, and could hold their own the rockets wouldnt miss tracy and tracy would think twice before taking time off for every little injury.

07-15-2008, 03:09 PM
See the problem with tmac is he takes time off for little nagging injuries. Tmac knows the team dosnt have players who can carry the team when hes out, so the team has to pamper tracy. If rockets had a player who could come in when tmac wants to take time off usually around the holidays, and could hold their own the rockets wouldnt miss tracy and tracy would think twice before taking time off for every little injury.

I gotta say if TMac and Yao could stay healthy then the rest of the West should be worried but it's tough since Yao punishes himself with rehab every year only to be healthy for part of the season....

07-15-2008, 03:21 PM
i needed that laugh....as hot, as it is outside(mercy hot)....coming into the a/c and reading this article made me laugh....it went down well with that coffee...thanks alot whoever wrote this article....

07-15-2008, 03:23 PM
The thing about Houston is that with Rick Adelman coaching no championship is ever happening.

George Gervin's Afro
07-15-2008, 03:42 PM

Texas Triangle still dangerous
Becoming the best Texas has to offer ain’t getting any easier.
by Earl K. Sneed

The wheelings and dealings of the three teams that makeup the Texas Triangle have resembled a game of Texas Hold Em’ this summer.

Dallas, Houston and San Antonio have all kept their “poker faces” on, while quietly making moves this offseason to address immediate and future needs. This decade has proved one thing true in the state of Texas, if you win the state you become a legitimate contender to take the Southwest Division and make a serious run through the Western Conference. While these teams may continue dealing - since each still has one or two more holes left to fill - it is safe to say none of the three has done anything detrimental to their playoff chances. With that said, making the playoffs and winning a championship are two completely different things, and in a state as BIG as Texas, simply making the playoffs will not suffice. So which team is title ready?

Analyze this.

San Antonio

The Spurs are the one team in the state with a surefire Big 3, and with Duncan, Parker and Ginobili at the core, you don’t have to do much to add the right championship pieces. Throw in an aging defensive stopper in Bruce Bowen, and the Spurs headed into this offseason knowing that they needed to get younger and more athletic, with young Lakers, Hornets and Blazers squads coming strong next season. So GM R.C. Buford and Coach Greg Popovich turned their attention to adding youth and athleticism to their bench by trading the draft rights of guard Goran Dragic for 6-6 forward Malik Hairston, and then drafting guard Gorge Hill and forward James Gist. All moves that will probably not have immediate dividends. The Spurs are expecting a lot, however, from their major summer acquisition, former Wizard guard Roger Mason, Jr.

Last season, Mason proved to be a valuable reserve in the Wizards’ backcourt, averaging 9.1 points in 21.4 minutes a game, while also shooting .398 from behind the arch in 80 of 82 games. The Spurs are expecting that same contribution from Mason, which could signify the end of the Michael Finley era in San Antonio. With Finley, Robert Horry, DerMarr Johnson, Damon Stoudamire and Kurt Thomas all free agents, it remains to be seen how many more new faces will be walking along the River Walk, but after missing out on the Brent Barry sweepstakes, the Spurs will certainly have to make moves to replace the timely three point shooting that he provided. If San Antonio is once again to be “Titletown, TX” the Spurs can no longer rely solely on the Big 3 for scoring.


The draft day trades that Rockets’ GM Daryl Morey made to get Donte Greene and Joey Dorsey created a lot of buzz around “Clutch City”, but luring sharpshooter Brent Barry away from San Antonio spoke volumes throughout the state, and more importantly around the league.

While Barry is not a No.1, 2 or 3 scorer, he is a proven winner and a clutch shooter in a city that has been everything but clutch of late. While getting Yao Ming back from the left foot stress fracture injury that he suffered in February is atop the Rockets’ concerns list, putting enough talent around Yao and T-Mac to make it out of the first round of the playoffs is a close No.2. Re-signing Dikembe Mutombo seems to be all but a done deal, but re-signing free agent forward Carl Landry may or may not be apart of that puzzle. The 6-9 forward adds versatility and range to a position that is becoming crowded with Louis Scola, Chuck Hayes and Joey Dorsey, so Landry may become the odd man out, due to his avoidance of getting an MRI on his injured knee. If the Rockets decide not to re-sign Landry, it could be to make a serious play at free agent forward James Posey, but don’t count on it. Expect to see Landry remain with the team and transition into the 3 position over time.

After missing out on Corey Maggette the Rockets seem primed to make a big move still, and with the trade rumors of T-Mac to Detroit for Chauncey Billups and Rasheed Wallace circulating, you have to believe that Houston will make more waves before the summer concludes. T-Mac changing zip codes probably won’t happen, but actively pursuing a mid-level exception free agent may be the answer. Also, keep an eye on forward Mike Harris to make a push for a roster spot this offseason.


New Head Coach Rick Carlisle may have the toughest task on his hands to win with what he already has. Dallas’ offseason moves speak less about pushing to win now, and more about building young talent for the future. In recent years, the Mavs’ have not done a great job of grooming young pieces to be key players in the future. Signing low risk, high reward Gerald Green showcases a changing of the guard.

Green is not a go to scorer, and he is becoming a journeyman, now on his fourth team in as many years, but he is still a good young talent, as the 22-year-old is showing in the Las Vegas’ summer league. Green has yet to find the right fit in a team that can win without him being a key contributor while he progresses, so Dallas maybe the right place. Dallas needed to add a go-getter to meet Jason Kidd’s lob passes at the rim, and Green can do that. If he develops a consistent jumper than he could be a valuable piece to the Mavs’ bench, and could be a quiet but key piece of the Mavs’ future.

Re-signing J.J. Barea and Antoine Wright, while also bringing back DeSagana Diop may not make a lot of splashes around the league, but they were moves that needed to be done to add sufficient backups to the point guard, shooting guard and center positions behind Jason Kidd, Josh Howard and Eric Dampier.

Someone to keep an eye out for is forward James Singleton, who may prove to be this year’s Brandon Bass in the summer league averaging 15 points. At 6-8, Singleton’s post play could take the last roster spot that was expected to be challenged by Pops Mensah-Bonsu, who is weighing his options to play in Europe.
If Ron Artest can talk his way into a trade, which is becoming more and more inevitable each day, expect for Rick Carlisle and Owner Mark Cuban to be willing and active players in the trade discussions. Otherwise, what you see is pretty much what you’ll get come October for this Mavs’ squad.

And the Winner is….

At face value, you have to like what Houston hands down in comparison to Dallas and San Antonio. The Rockets have made the best long-term moves, while also giving themselves a legitimate chance to challenge now in the West, but as far as winning the state of Texas, it’s all in how they play the cards they’ve been dealt.

On paper the Rockets win again :rolleyes

07-15-2008, 04:43 PM
Cyrstal ball says, Dallas doesn't make the playoffs this year or next