View Full Version : Congrats!

02-04-2005, 01:31 PM
Great game last night, I couldn't come right after the game because I wasn't at home.

Wish you luck.

Here is hoping Tim Duncan is OK

We really need Kobe back but I liked the effort the Lakers put in the 4th quarter.

02-04-2005, 01:48 PM
Is it really you, LG?

02-04-2005, 01:52 PM
I agree with Lakergod...now I must fellate myself

02-04-2005, 02:04 PM
Kori, can you please check LG's IP. I cannot believe this is really the same person...

02-04-2005, 02:08 PM
Great game last night, I couldn't come right after the game because I wasn't at home.

Wish you luck.

Here is hoping Tim Duncan is OK

We really need Kobe back but I liked the effort the Lakers put in the 4th quarter.

fuck you too man... :smokin :p

02-04-2005, 02:08 PM
Hey, at least he's finally found some levity and realism. This is not the Lakers year.
Too many injuries..player issues, coaching issues, and issues in general. Next season is a little more promising...as the unknown is more favourable than the present.

02-04-2005, 02:16 PM
I believe he is mocking us ... can y'all not see it?

02-04-2005, 02:54 PM
LAGod has moved up at least for one day in the annals of trolldom from a bore > to a realist and a good fan of his team = fair enough.Good job.

Solid D
02-04-2005, 05:22 PM
Gracious in defeat, LAG. Thank you.

I think we all have a sense of Own3rship in this win.
:) jk

T Park
02-04-2005, 05:31 PM
Too many injuries..player issues, coaching issues, and issues in general

Afraid to tell you.

Even if there were no injuries, or issues, your team wouldnt be much better.

They are a mediocre team at best, that simple.


what the hell happened to Brian Grant, he used to be a somewhat decent player.

Now hes just invisible out there.

02-04-2005, 05:37 PM
way to man up. and show some class, Good luck finding a spur fan to do the same...

You people should get down on your knees and thank ALA himself, That I take the time from my busy schedule to even reply to some your posts. There are at least 7 other websites asking why I don't post there? and yet
Out of all the other websites the www has to offer thanks to al Gore? I Choose Spurs Report to be the one for me to say ..and I quote ...."Tim Duncan is Hurt" and that was over a week ago,

From now on you all can call me Mousetradamus................


Life and Prophecies of Mousetradamus

Solid D
02-04-2005, 05:49 PM
Nice to see you check in, mouse.

You are good people....

BUt THen sO WaS Benedict ARnOLd.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


02-04-2005, 06:27 PM
way to man up. and show some class, Good luck finding a spur fan to do the same...

give me a break where were you after we beat the mavs mr. class?

02-04-2005, 06:29 PM
what the hell happened to Brian Grant, he used to be a somewhat decent player.


02-04-2005, 07:13 PM
Apology not accepted. You must admit you were pwned.

Oh, and Kori, nice of you to change my motto. ;)

02-04-2005, 07:15 PM
I don't buy this bizzaro LakerGod

02-04-2005, 07:52 PM
i really think he/she is being honest. appreciate it.