View Full Version : The X-Files. I want to Believe

07-24-2008, 07:38 AM
Anyone here going to check this one out? This is the other movie that I have been waiting for after Batman.....


07-24-2008, 09:49 AM
Sorry dude, but when you post I can't get past looking at your sig. What did you say?

07-24-2008, 11:12 AM
Sorry dude, but when you post I can't get past looking at your sig. What did you say?

X-Files dude, X-Files, focus....:lol

07-24-2008, 12:25 PM

07-24-2008, 12:44 PM
I used to be a big fan but I am not sure I am interested anymore. A netflix movie for sure.

If anyone is a big fan of David check him out on californication. Awesome show.

07-24-2008, 12:47 PM
I used to be a big fan but I am not sure I am interested anymore. A netflix movie for sure.
If anyone is a big fan of David check him out on californication. Awesome show.

Thats what I am used to hearing from alot of people... I just want to see whats it all about.

07-24-2008, 12:52 PM

Thats what I am used to hearing from alot of people... I just want to see whats it all about.

I think I would almost rather see them do a mini series than a movie.

But the day it is releases to DVD it will be at the top of my queue…just don't feel like dropping $8 and going alone since nobody I know cares about it. That is very much a niche movie.

Mister Sinister
07-24-2008, 01:00 PM
Eh, I might give it a shot. Not like I'm doing anything tomorrow.

07-24-2008, 01:09 PM
Eh, I might give it a shot. Not like I'm doing anything tomorrow.

You could see the Batman again.

Mister Sinister
07-24-2008, 01:19 PM
You could see the Batman again.
Oh, I'll probably do that, too.

07-24-2008, 10:32 PM
I want to see it but I think that it's going to be good or real bad. So I'll wait for feedback first... thankfully I still have my X-Files DVDs

07-24-2008, 10:50 PM
I like the first movie. This one doesn't look interesting. I'd rather spend my money to see Dark Knight again.

Taking it to the Hole
07-24-2008, 11:12 PM
I have to see this movie being an x-files fan, but I am not thinking it is going to be a spectacular movie by any stretch. Just wouldn't mind seeing Mulder and Scully back together. :)

07-24-2008, 11:29 PM
I will.
"I want to believe" sub title is still goofy for me though

Aggie Hoopsfan
07-25-2008, 12:01 AM
Gillian looks smokin' in the trailers.. Will prolly go just because of that.

07-25-2008, 09:04 AM
I have to see this movie being an x-files fan, but I am not thinking it is going to be a spectacular movie by any stretch. Just wouldn't mind seeing Mulder and Scully back together. :)

Exactly. I want to see if this is going to be IT for the series as a whole.

07-25-2008, 03:44 PM
Tom Long: 'The X-Files: I Want to Believe' -- Grade: D
Plodding 'X-Files' fails to excite

There are five stages of grief involved in watching "The X-Files: I Want to Believe." They are:

"The X-Files: I Want Something to Happen."

"The X-Files: Still Waiting for Something to Happen."

"The X-Files: I Want To Stay Awake."

"The X-Files: Are You Kidding Me?"

"The X-Files: I Want My Money Back."

Throughout each stage you wonder: Was this stuff always this bad? Or is this simply the fabled "worst episode ever"?

Either way, this film is at best just a bad episode of the '90s TV phenom, painfully stretched out and so disappointing it has to rank as one of the year's great failures.

It starts with heroes Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) living together in a farmhouse. Scully is now a doctor at a Catholic hospital, Mulder has apparently been hiding from the FBI for some years now. Who remembers why? Who cares?

Apparently, the FBI is so dumb it forgot to look at Scully's house for her ex-and-current partner. The film is filled with idiocies like this, by the way.

Out of the blue, Scully is asked by an FBI agent (Amanda Peet) to find Mulder. All will be forgiven if he brings his paranormal knowledge forward to help in the search for a missing FBI agent.

The Feebs specifically want Mulder to evaluate a pedophile priest psychic (Billy Connolly) who has led them to a severed limb buried in a field of snow. So, Mulder signs on and begins asking the sort of incisive questions only a paranormal expert could, things like "What are you seeing?" and "What are you seeing now?"

Eventually the pedophile priest, after more walking along in fields of snow, discovers a bunch of severed limbs and heads and such frozen in ice. This leads Mulder and the FBI to conclude that somebody must be cutting people apart. And they might live somewhere near all this snow.

Really, the FBI should sue this film.

Playing within all this is a Lifetime movie in which Scully frets over a little boy she's treating at the hospital who has an apparent terminal illness. Scully wants to try some radical approach to save the kid. The mean priests at the hospital -- Catholic priests can't catch a break in this movie -- want to just send the kid off to die.

The viewer will want to send this entire side-plot off to die. What, Scully's been a doctor this long and she's never had a patient with a terminal illness?

It just keeps getting worse, and at a very slow pace. And then there's the ending, which manages to be simultaneously embarrassing, senseless and dull.

It would be mean to reveal the end, and not because it will ruin anyone's enjoyment of the movie. No one's going to enjoy this movie.

It would be mean to reveal because all those involved are probably terribly embarrassed already and there's no sense in kicking them while they're down.

Well, OK, there's a little sense. Duchovny and Anderson are fine actors who must have really wanted their paychecks because braving it through this script must have been grueling.

The real culprits here are writer-director-creator Chris Carter and writer Frank Spotnitz, who have demeaned the memory of their TV show with an overly hokey, plodding and downright dumb film.

Maybe aliens from outer space came down and ate their brains. Maybe there was a vast conspiracy to cover up all the truths behind the original show by ruining its reputation.

Whatever. It all comes down to "The X-Files: I Want to Leave."


Not so interested anymore. I knew this movie had potential failure written all over it, I hoped it wouldnt. Sounds like it did.

07-28-2008, 07:14 AM
This movie has to be the worst movie I have seen so far this year. VERY disappointing for a X-Files film. They would had been better off making this into a television episode rather than making this into a movie. I'm sitting there waiting for something to happen and it never did.

This was a bad version of Suspect Zero/Turistas poorly executed imo. Very disappointing.....:depressed

peewee's lovechild
07-28-2008, 07:44 AM
This movie has to be the worst movie I have seen so far this year. VERY disappointing for a X-Files film. They would had been better off making this into a television episode rather than making this into a movie. I'm sitting there waiting for something to happen and it never did.

This was a bad version of Suspect Zero/Turistas poorly executed imo. Very disappointing.....:depressed

Yet another reason not to watch this.

07-28-2008, 08:04 AM
Yet another reason not to watch this.

It would had been a good movie for other characters playing in it, and not named X-Files. I guess I just expected more from an X-Files movie given how the last movie ended. It pretty much just gave us updates on what Mulder and Scully were currently up too. The trailers were very decieving.....

Also I can understand the writers wanting to cast a black character in as an FBI agent. But Xzibit??...... How about Morris Chestnut or someone along those lines. Xzibit just doesn't make a very believable FBI agent.

Richard Cranium
07-28-2008, 08:23 AM
No, and your sig ain't all that.

Ronaldo McDonald
07-28-2008, 12:49 PM
Very good film. The problems and questions Mulder and Scully had in the movie aren't answered fully like almost all movies, out of convention, do. Definitely worth seeing if your an X-file fan or not.

Grade: B+

07-28-2008, 01:11 PM
Very good film. The problems and questions Mulder and Scully had in the movie aren't answered fully like almost all movies, out of convention, do. Definitely worth seeing if your an X-file fan or not.

Grade: B+

Did you lol, when they showed Bush and the X-Files music played? That part was hillarious....:lmao

07-28-2008, 01:22 PM
You could see the Batman again.

lol me and my cousin went to see batman the other day, she hadn't seen it yet and she got to the theater before me and it was sold out...so i told her to buy tickets to x files and wait for me to get there. we snuck into dark knight and sho nuff there were still a few good seats left. insider tip from someone who used to work at a movie theater, when they put the sold out stickers on the showtimes in the box office, rarely if ever are they 100% sold out.

07-28-2008, 01:33 PM
what a shit movie.

Ronaldo McDonald
07-28-2008, 02:07 PM
Did you lol, when they showed Bush and the X-Files music played? That part was hillarious....:lmao

That was funny.

Ronaldo McDonald
07-28-2008, 02:15 PM

Not so interested anymore. I knew this movie had potential failure written all over it, I hoped it wouldnt. Sounds like it did.

fwiw, that is a horrible review of the movie. Go see the movie and form your own conclusions about it instead of listening to some jackass who is paid to be caustic.

07-28-2008, 02:21 PM
fwiw, that is a horrible review of the movie. Go see the movie and form your own conclusions about it instead of listening to some jackass who is paid to be caustic.

I concur. :tu

07-28-2008, 02:24 PM
I want to believe it doesn't suck, but the TV show lost me right before T-1000 joined the cast.

07-28-2008, 07:46 PM
I have to agree with Chump. They jumped the shark with the terminator joining the cast. I was a huge fan of the series but I believe it went a few seasons too long. This movie scares me in the way that I will remember the show being even worse than it was.