View Full Version : The NBA's Top Five Power Forwards

08-02-2008, 02:20 AM
Bleacher Report doesn't thrill me but this write-up on Duncan was too nice to pass on. :smokin


The NBA's Top Five Power Forwards
The debate about the top five power forwards is one of the hardest in the league, right up there with the Lebron verses Kobe topic.
by Richard Le

Power forwards are the enforcers of the NBA. They usually play the opposite side of the paint of the centers, but are also known to be quite versatile. Of the many power forwards in the league, a staple of the best big men is averaging around twenty points and ten rebounds.

The debate about the top five power forwards is one of the hardest in the league, right up there with the LeBron verses Kobe topic. While there is no real right and wrong when comparing elite and very similar players, there seems to be a core group of players who seem to always get shuffled around in and on the outskirts of the top five power forwards.

5. Chris Bosh

Chris Bosh, the face of the Toronto Raptors, is known for his small forward like versatility. He is a prototypical power forward rebounder averaging between 7.4 and 10.7 rebounds throughout his five-year career thus far. Chris Bosh is a potent scorer with superior athleticism and ball handling for a big man.

He can take it to the rack and play the perimeter very well against other bigs, and has a repertoire of reliable moves in the low post as well. Chris Bosh is known to be really unselfish and is a good passer out of double teams. Being only twenty-four years old, Chris Bosh has yet to peak, and he's already a solid twenty-and-ten player who's best years are yet to come. Though not a superior interior defender like some other elite power forwards, Bosh is an above average defender who can block shots should the occasion arise.

Career Averages: 19 points, nine rebounds, two assists, and one block.

4. Amare Stoudemire

Amare Stoudemire is a prototypical monster. He is a beast on the offensive end of the floor. His knee injury did not seem to slow him down in slightest, and helped him develop a very dependable mid-range jumper to complement is torrid inside game.

Amare is a slam dunk artist able to get to the rim and finish with a ferocity not seen since Vince Carter's Raptor days. Though not known for his fundamental low post moves, Amare is a dominant scorer with a skill set that is very similar to Lebron James' repertoire.

Amare put up monster numbers while playing out of position as a center, but with the addition of Shaquille O'Neal, Amare averaged a monstrous 29 points and nine rebounds for the remainder of the season. That proves that when Amare plays power forward for a full duration of a season, he is one of the most dominating players in the NBA.

Career Averages: 21 points, nine rebounds, one assist, one steal, and 1.6 blocks.

3. Dirk Nowitzki

Dirk Nowitzki, alongside underachiever Rasheed Wallace, has the most versatile skill set for a power forward. He is one of the best shooters in the NBA, and that is surprising considering power forwards are supposed to be bullies in the paint.

Don't take his shooting to mean he is one dimensional, like Andrea Bargnani so far in his career. Dirk Nowitzki can play the low post just as well as other solid power forwards in the NBA. With a turn around fade away jump shot that is almost impossible to stop, Dirk can go from premier shooter to dependable post player every possession.

Though not known as a premier interior defender, he makes up for it by being a low turnover, offensive nightmare. With a career average of 1.9 turnovers, Dirk Nowitzki is one of the most efficient players in the NBA. Want proof? Dirk Nowitzki won the 2006/2007 MVP through his stellar contributions to the 67-win Dallas Maverick squad.

Career Averages: 22 points, 8.6 rebounds, .379 3P%, .870FT%, .471FG%

2. Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett is one of the most emotional and intense players in the NBA. He is one of the best interior defenders in the league. He is a horse that plays with 100% effort every game. He has one of the best and most efficient mid-range jump shots in the NBA and is a terror on the low block. His variation of the "Dream Shake" is but a few of the moves KG employs in the post.

Garnett can run the floor and finish with ferocity. He can play like a small forward and drive in and finish, or he can play like a five and become a terror in the paint on both ends of the floor, though he feels just right setting up on the outside for one of his money mid-range J's. On top of that, Kevin Garnett is possibly the best passing power forward in the NBA today, with a career assist average that rivals those of premier shooting guards and small forwards. When Kevin Garnett is on his game he is impossible to guard.

Career Averages: 20 points, 11 rebounds, 4.4 assists, 1.4 steals, 1.6 blocks.

1. Tim Duncan

Move over Sasha, Tim Duncan is the real "Machine". This man is a twenty-and-ten machine, averaging that amount since his rookie season. The only two seasons he did not average twenty-and-ten ('05-'06 eighteen and eleven and '07-'08) sandwiches another twenty-and-ten year, meaning Tim Duncan is barely slowing down despite his age.

This man is the prototypical power forward, a player all power forwards should model their game after. An above average but not spectacular athlete, Tim Duncan gets it done by being the most fundamentally polished player in the NBA. His post game is one of, if not the best and most effective offensive repertoire in the entire league. He is an enforcer down low and is one of the best defensive big men in the league. He is an exceptional rebounder and fearsome shot blocker.

Tim Duncan has a trusty bank shot from mid-range that is almost as consistent as KG's jumper, and if left open can shoot the three. An All-Star game staple, Tim Duncan is a role model to fans, players, and teammates because of his soft-spoken, lead-by-example attitude.

Tim Duncan is, and will be, the most dominant power forward for at least a few more years. And even when he declines, he'll still be one of the more productive big's in the league until his retirement, because with practice, athleticism fades but fundamentals never do.

Career Averages: 22 points, 12 rebounds, three assists, 2.4 blocks.

Hardest Omission from the List: Elton Brand

Like Tim Duncan, Elton Brand has been a twenty and ten player since his rookie season and has been for the majority of his nine-year career. He was the face of the Clippers and a selfless player who plays with his heart ripped out and placed on center court.

Like Charles Barkley, the fact that he puts up monstrous numbers despite his small stature makes him a worthy addition to any top five list. I feel that he and Chris Bosh are interchangeable in this list. Though Chris Bosh does not average as much statistically, this is because Chris Bosh rose from role player to superstar, boosting his career averages every year while Elton Brand came in as one of the best forwards in the league right from the start.

Elton Brand has already peaked, in my opinion, while Chris is still on the rise. If the debate is on impact, the highest win total for both players' teams with them as the foundation is forty-seven.

Career Averages: 20 points, 10 rebounds, 2.7 assists, two blocks.

08-02-2008, 02:22 AM
List looks about right.

08-02-2008, 02:22 AM
The debate about the top five power forwards is one of the hardest in the league
No, it's not.

08-02-2008, 02:29 AM
TD open for the 3!?! Only in the playoffs.

08-02-2008, 02:31 AM
No, it's not.

:lol when I read that

08-02-2008, 02:34 AM
PF is about the easiest of any to pick.

PG is second.

08-02-2008, 02:47 AM
Hey IM, who is that in your sig?

08-02-2008, 03:01 AM

I do not think you know what this means.

Extra Stout
08-02-2008, 10:49 AM

I do not think you know what this means.
People always say prototypical when they mean epitomical.

08-02-2008, 11:06 AM
Right list!..

08-02-2008, 11:08 AM
People always say prototypical when they mean epitomical.


08-02-2008, 11:16 AM
duncan is no longer the best forward in the league anymore....he is slighty above avg...i hate to say it, but dirk is a much better player right now...duncan has problems making layups, dirk can hit from anywhere......and lets not talk defense cos our defense this past season was the worst ive seen in yrs.....ive never seen duncan get alley-ooped on as much at last season, i expect it to get worst before better, with this current roster, and btw, kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better

08-02-2008, 11:18 AM
I love Tim but he has one flaw that pisses me off. Some games he doesn't come to play which makes Tim a little less of a player in my opinion compared to Garnett.

And Garnett had to play for years on teams without much hope of ever getting to the Championship round. You have to admire his desire to win under those circumstances.

Flame away.

08-02-2008, 11:28 AM
duncan is no longer the best forward in the league anymore....he is slighty above avg...i hate to say it, but dirk is a much better player right now...duncan has problems making layups, dirk can hit from anywhere......and lets not talk defense cos our defense this past season was the worst ive seen in yrs.....ive never seen duncan get alley-ooped on as much at last season, i expect it to get worst before better, with this current roster, and btw, kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better

please tell me you're joking...

08-02-2008, 11:28 AM
I love Tim but he has one flaw that pisses me off. Some games he doesn't come to play which makes Tim a little less of a player in my opinion compared to Garnett.

And Garnett had to play for years on teams without much hope of ever getting to the Championship round. You have to admire his desire to win under those circumstances.

Flame away.

^ :lol not sure if your being serious or not.

But fake-ass chest bashings and screaming 99% of the time on the floor doesnt mean someone is bringing it more so than someone with a laid back demenour.

08-02-2008, 11:38 AM
Thats an accurate list IMO.

PG -

1. Paul
2. Deron
3. Parker
4. Nash
5. Baron

SG -

1. Kobe
2. Wade
3. T-Mac
4. Manu
5. Roy

SF -

1. LeBron
2. Pierce
3. Carmelo
4. Butler
5. Deng

Center -

1. Dwight
2. Yao
3. Bynum
4. Jefferson
5. Kaman

Another edit

08-02-2008, 12:01 PM
No, it's not.

I was about to say the same thing, TD is still the best PF in the NBA and it's not close, end of debate.

08-02-2008, 12:04 PM
I love Tim but he has one flaw that pisses me off. Some games he doesn't come to play which makes Tim a little less of a player in my opinion compared to Garnett.

And Garnett had to play for years on teams without much hope of ever getting to the Championship round. You have to admire his desire to win under those circumstances.

Flame away.

Did you see any of the KG massive offensive choke job in the NBA finals?? The one game he did anything on offense, was the closeout game where he had no pressure because they were up a 100 pts. TD dominated the 1999 and 2003 finals, KG is a scrub next to TD, period.....

08-02-2008, 12:06 PM
duncan is no longer the best forward in the league anymore....he is slighty above avg...i hate to say it, but dirk is a much better player right now...duncan has problems making layups, dirk can hit from anywhere......and lets not talk defense cos our defense this past season was the worst ive seen in yrs.....ive never seen duncan get alley-ooped on as much at last season, i expect it to get worst before better, with this current roster, and btw, kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better

Duncan >>>> Dirk

08-02-2008, 12:07 PM
kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better

Are you serious? not only on what I quoted but your whole post.

08-02-2008, 12:09 PM
duncan is no longer the best forward in the league anymore....he is slighty above avg...i hate to say it, but dirk is a much better player right now...duncan has problems making layups, dirk can hit from anywhere......and lets not talk defense cos our defense this past season was the worst ive seen in yrs.....ive never seen duncan get alley-ooped on as much at last season, i expect it to get worst before better, with this current roster, and btw, kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better


08-02-2008, 12:25 PM
duncan is no longer the best forward in the league anymore....he is slighty above avg...i hate to say it, but dirk is a much better player right now...duncan has problems making layups, dirk can hit from anywhere......and lets not talk defense cos our defense this past season was the worst ive seen in yrs.....ive never seen duncan get alley-ooped on as much at last season, i expect it to get worst before better, with this current roster, and btw, kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better

mrs purs: Why do you even follow the Spurs or call yourself a fan? From what I've read from you, you think Duncan, Manu, & Parker are over-rated, and you don't like Pop or R.C. What's the point of rooting for a team stocked with and run by people you think are all idiots? Why don't you just find another team whose players and Front office are more in line with your way of thinking? You are the worst Spurs "fan" on this site by far.

08-02-2008, 12:40 PM
Funny how the write up on Amare doesn't even mention defense.

08-02-2008, 12:42 PM
Did you see any of the KG massive offensive choke job in the NBA finals?? The one game he did anything on offense, was the closeout game where he had no pressure because they were up a 100 pts. TD dominated the 1999 and 2003 finals, KG is a scrub next to TD, period.....

Have you never seen TD miss some easy layups in crucial playoff games? Hasn't he had some "off" nights and seasons? I've seen plenty of cursing here about his seeming loss of focus in big games.

08-02-2008, 02:57 PM
duncan is no longer the best forward in the league anymore....he is slighty above avg...i hate to say it, but dirk is a much better player right now...duncan has problems making layups, dirk can hit from anywhere......and lets not talk defense cos our defense this past season was the worst ive seen in yrs.....ive never seen duncan get alley-ooped on as much at last season, i expect it to get worst before better, with this current roster, and btw, kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better

Well that beacuse Duncan is older not quick and hes much stronger than that german looser!...

08-02-2008, 03:06 PM
pretty good list.

08-02-2008, 03:15 PM
Have you never seen TD miss some easy layups in crucial playoff games? Hasn't he had some "off" nights and seasons? I've seen plenty of cursing here about his seeming loss of focus in big games.

Did you actually just attempt to trash Tim Duncan's playoff career?? :rolleyes

By all means tell me what playoff game Duncan lost the Spurs because his head was in the clouds??

Anyone who whines on this forum about Duncan having an off night here and there and trashes him because of it, is just a selfish fan with no appreciation for the man. He has brought 4 rings to SA, Duncan has nothing left to prove to anyone, he is already a legend. KG will never be mentioned along with TD, not a chance in the world.

08-02-2008, 08:20 PM
Power Forwards are no longer the enforcers of the league. And Tim is the best power forward of this era or any era.

08-02-2008, 08:43 PM

08-02-2008, 09:50 PM
even after title still think dirk is better than KG.

08-03-2008, 12:22 AM
even after title still think dirk is better than KG.

Thats a far point.

Dirk is far more reliable in the clutch than KG and is a tougher cover.

KG is the better rebounder, defender and passer though.

08-03-2008, 12:54 AM
Thats a far point.

Dirk is far more reliable in the clutch than KG and is a tougher cover.

KG is the better rebounder, defender and passer though.

KG is a better all around player than Dirk, TD owns them both

08-03-2008, 01:01 AM
I might have to go with Dirk for 2nd, because he is so much more clutch, and he can just plain shoot from anywhere, plus he led a team to the NBA Finals, KG was 2nd fiddle to Pierce.

08-03-2008, 01:05 AM
No complaints with the list.

turiaf for president
08-03-2008, 01:05 AM
my list is






Taking it to the Hole
08-03-2008, 02:28 AM
Duncan has earned everything he has gotten in this league. Without Duncan, we wouldn't have one championship much less 4! Duncan is a winner, plain and simple, and people are going to miss him when he retires.There will never be another Tim Duncan. How can you ask any more from the guy then what he has given? Honestly, some posters on here act like he hasn't done anything and he is just some scrub. The difference between KG and Duncan is that Duncan is never satisfied with what he has and he has carried the team for many seasons winning championships in the process. KG has yet to prove he can carry a team and win a championship, and don't tell me he carried Boston in the playoffs this year. Any moron would have to be blind to see that Pierce carried them.

08-03-2008, 03:05 AM
duncan is no longer the best forward in the league anymore....he is slighty above avg...i hate to say it, but dirk is a much better player right now...duncan has problems making layups, dirk can hit from anywhere......and lets not talk defense cos our defense this past season was the worst ive seen in yrs.....ive never seen duncan get alley-ooped on as much at last season, i expect it to get worst before better, with this current roster, and btw, kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better

If you think Dirk is the new prototypical PF of the NBA you MUST be fucking young. Dirk is a freakishly tall guard who happens to be listed at PF (I think) and thats all. Go back and look at REAL PF's and you will See Tim is the man at PF even though, IMHO, he should NOW be classified as a Center since Oberto obviously has no ballsack whatsoever....

08-03-2008, 03:58 AM
Some Spurs fans have gotten a little bit spoiled and now think that championship teams are a given rather than something that takes time to build.

And a HUGE part of the 4 championships that we've gotten is Tim Duncan. For any Spurs fan to say that he's not the best PF now and maybe of all time shows that they really don't know what they've been treated to for the past decade.

08-03-2008, 01:19 PM

08-03-2008, 01:34 PM
I agree with this list, and as for PG's...

1. Paul
2. Nash
3. Williams
4. Parker
5. Kidd

08-03-2008, 02:10 PM
my list is






How in fuck's sake did Andrew Bynum's name get on that list? You're a fucking idiot if you rank Bynum over Andrew Bogut and Marcus Camby...

08-03-2008, 08:17 PM
good list.

08-03-2008, 08:28 PM
Can we shop duncan for a bench?

08-03-2008, 09:49 PM
Maybe Camby, but not Bogut.

08-04-2008, 01:41 AM
hmm heres my list..


paul (great passer, great player)
nash (runs the best offense)
kidd (example, team USA, look how one PG can change things)
parker (tony aint the best passer, but he sure knows how to get in the paint, plus unreliable jumpshot can be annoying)

Manu (clutch as hell)
T-mac (this fool cant stay healthy for 1 year)

Pierce(finals mvp)
Butler (awesome this year)
Marion (bit of everything)


Shaq (come on, shaq is still shaq, just his presence makes a team better)
Camby (hes like 30 somethin, and still got hops to shotblock)
Bynum (next up and comin big man) / Oden (havent seen him played in NBA yet..sooo)

08-04-2008, 02:22 AM
Timmy Pumpkin is not the #1 PF in the league, Amare is, followed by Garnett.

Lay down the pipe moron homers!

08-04-2008, 02:24 AM
Timmy Pumpkin is not the #1 PF in the league, Amare is, followed by Garnett.

Lay down the pipe moron homers!

You're so funny.

08-04-2008, 02:30 AM
Timmy Pumpkin is not the #1 PF in the league, Amare is, followed by Garnett.

Lay down the pipe moron homers!

I wish stupidity was bannable....

08-04-2008, 02:33 AM
Can we shop duncan for a bench? That's a good idea

08-04-2008, 02:37 AM
Timmy Pumpkin is not the #1 PF in the league, Amare is, followed by Garnett.

Lay down the pipe moron homers!

Considering your true allegiances, Louis, I'm shocked you didn't mention Scola. :lol

08-04-2008, 07:52 AM
Tim Duncan is the best power forward of NBA history. and the number 1 winner power forward of NBA history.

08-04-2008, 12:53 PM
Dirk and KG both have their positives and negatives. but ill take the clutch scoring of Dirk any day, over KGs useless 4th quarter ass. not to mention, head to head, Dirk always destroys Garnett.

08-04-2008, 12:58 PM
where is Luis Scola?

08-04-2008, 01:35 PM
Bleacher Report doesn't thrill me but this write-up on Duncan was too nice to pass on. :smokin


The NBA's Top Five Power Forwards
The debate about the top five power forwards is one of the hardest in the league, right up there with the Lebron verses Kobe topic.
by Richard Le

Power forwards are the enforcers of the NBA. They usually play the opposite side of the paint of the centers, but are also known to be quite versatile. Of the many power forwards in the league, a staple of the best big men is averaging around twenty points and ten rebounds.

The debate about the top five power forwards is one of the hardest in the league, right up there with the LeBron verses Kobe topic. While there is no real right and wrong when comparing elite and very similar players, there seems to be a core group of players who seem to always get shuffled around in and on the outskirts of the top five power forwards.

5. Chris Bosh

Chris Bosh, the face of the Toronto Raptors, is known for his small forward like versatility. He is a prototypical power forward rebounder averaging between 7.4 and 10.7 rebounds throughout his five-year career thus far. Chris Bosh is a potent scorer with superior athleticism and ball handling for a big man.

He can take it to the rack and play the perimeter very well against other bigs, and has a repertoire of reliable moves in the low post as well. Chris Bosh is known to be really unselfish and is a good passer out of double teams. Being only twenty-four years old, Chris Bosh has yet to peak, and he's already a solid twenty-and-ten player who's best years are yet to come. Though not a superior interior defender like some other elite power forwards, Bosh is an above average defender who can block shots should the occasion arise.

Career Averages: 19 points, nine rebounds, two assists, and one block.

4. Amare Stoudemire

Amare Stoudemire is a prototypical monster. He is a beast on the offensive end of the floor. His knee injury did not seem to slow him down in slightest, and helped him develop a very dependable mid-range jumper to complement is torrid inside game.

Amare is a slam dunk artist able to get to the rim and finish with a ferocity not seen since Vince Carter's Raptor days. Though not known for his fundamental low post moves, Amare is a dominant scorer with a skill set that is very similar to Lebron James' repertoire.

Amare put up monster numbers while playing out of position as a center, but with the addition of Shaquille O'Neal, Amare averaged a monstrous 29 points and nine rebounds for the remainder of the season. That proves that when Amare plays power forward for a full duration of a season, he is one of the most dominating players in the NBA.

Career Averages: 21 points, nine rebounds, one assist, one steal, and 1.6 blocks.

3. Dirk Nowitzki

Dirk Nowitzki, alongside underachiever Rasheed Wallace, has the most versatile skill set for a power forward. He is one of the best shooters in the NBA, and that is surprising considering power forwards are supposed to be bullies in the paint.

Don't take his shooting to mean he is one dimensional, like Andrea Bargnani so far in his career. Dirk Nowitzki can play the low post just as well as other solid power forwards in the NBA. With a turn around fade away jump shot that is almost impossible to stop, Dirk can go from premier shooter to dependable post player every possession.

Though not known as a premier interior defender, he makes up for it by being a low turnover, offensive nightmare. With a career average of 1.9 turnovers, Dirk Nowitzki is one of the most efficient players in the NBA. Want proof? Dirk Nowitzki won the 2006/2007 MVP through his stellar contributions to the 67-win Dallas Maverick squad.

Career Averages: 22 points, 8.6 rebounds, .379 3P%, .870FT%, .471FG%

2. Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett is one of the most emotional and intense players in the NBA. He is one of the best interior defenders in the league. He is a horse that plays with 100% effort every game. He has one of the best and most efficient mid-range jump shots in the NBA and is a terror on the low block. His variation of the "Dream Shake" is but a few of the moves KG employs in the post.

Garnett can run the floor and finish with ferocity. He can play like a small forward and drive in and finish, or he can play like a five and become a terror in the paint on both ends of the floor, though he feels just right setting up on the outside for one of his money mid-range J's. On top of that, Kevin Garnett is possibly the best passing power forward in the NBA today, with a career assist average that rivals those of premier shooting guards and small forwards. When Kevin Garnett is on his game he is impossible to guard.

Career Averages: 20 points, 11 rebounds, 4.4 assists, 1.4 steals, 1.6 blocks.

1. Tim Duncan

Move over Sasha, Tim Duncan is the real "Machine". This man is a twenty-and-ten machine, averaging that amount since his rookie season. The only two seasons he did not average twenty-and-ten ('05-'06 eighteen and eleven and '07-'08) sandwiches another twenty-and-ten year, meaning Tim Duncan is barely slowing down despite his age.

This man is the prototypical power forward, a player all power forwards should model their game after. An above average but not spectacular athlete, Tim Duncan gets it done by being the most fundamentally polished player in the NBA. His post game is one of, if not the best and most effective offensive repertoire in the entire league. He is an enforcer down low and is one of the best defensive big men in the league. He is an exceptional rebounder and fearsome shot blocker.

Tim Duncan has a trusty bank shot from mid-range that is almost as consistent as KG's jumper, and if left open can shoot the three. An All-Star game staple, Tim Duncan is a role model to fans, players, and teammates because of his soft-spoken, lead-by-example attitude.

Tim Duncan is, and will be, the most dominant power forward for at least a few more years. And even when he declines, he'll still be one of the more productive big's in the league until his retirement, because with practice, athleticism fades but fundamentals never do.

Career Averages: 22 points, 12 rebounds, three assists, 2.4 blocks.

Hardest Omission from the List: Elton Brand

Like Tim Duncan, Elton Brand has been a twenty and ten player since his rookie season and has been for the majority of his nine-year career. He was the face of the Clippers and a selfless player who plays with his heart ripped out and placed on center court.

Like Charles Barkley, the fact that he puts up monstrous numbers despite his small stature makes him a worthy addition to any top five list. I feel that he and Chris Bosh are interchangeable in this list. Though Chris Bosh does not average as much statistically, this is because Chris Bosh rose from role player to superstar, boosting his career averages every year while Elton Brand came in as one of the best forwards in the league right from the start.

Elton Brand has already peaked, in my opinion, while Chris is still on the rise. If the debate is on impact, the highest win total for both players' teams with them as the foundation is forty-seven.

Career Averages: 20 points, 10 rebounds, 2.7 assists, two blocks.

WTF ???????????????????????????? :lmao

08-04-2008, 09:22 PM
duncan is no longer the best forward in the league anymore....he is slighty above avg...i hate to say it, but dirk is a much better player right now...duncan has problems making layups, dirk can hit from anywhere......and lets not talk defense cos our defense this past season was the worst ive seen in yrs.....ive never seen duncan get alley-ooped on as much at last season, i expect it to get worst before better, with this current roster, and btw, kurt thomas is a waste of time, just like mighty mouse,id rather have rasho he's as slow as kurt but by just raising his arms makes him better

Duncan is the reason why ShaQ made it to the Suns' roster.

Gasol is now with the Lakers because of Tim Duncan.

Duncan's trey is the reason why we had beaten the Suns in the 1st rnd against Phoenix.

think about that 2008 All-Star games, remember that Duncan half-court shot? :p:

08-05-2008, 12:06 PM
Hey, a member of the media that actually gets it.

08-05-2008, 12:09 PM
Duncan is the reason why ShaQ made it to the Suns' roster.

Gasol is now with the Lakers because of Tim Duncan.

Duncan's trey is the reason why we had beaten the Suns in the 1st rnd against Phoenix.

think about that 2008 All-Star games, remember that Duncan half-court shot? :p:


First try!!!

08-05-2008, 04:34 PM
Timmy Pumpkin is not the #1 PF in the league, Amare is, followed by Garnett.

Lay down the pipe moron homers!

Amare sucks on D.

08-05-2008, 05:45 PM
my top 10

1) Chris Paul
2) Deron Williams
3) Baron Davis
4) Tony Parker
5) Gilbert Arenas
6) Allen Iverson
7) Steve Nash
8) Jason Kidd
9) Andre Miller
10) Jose Calderon

1) Kobe Bryant
2) Dwyane Wade
3) Tracy McGrady
4) Manu Ginobili
5) Joe Johnson
6) Andre Iguodala
7) Vince Carter
8) Brandon Roy
9) Michael Redd
10) Ray Allen

1) LeBron James
2) Paul Pierce
3) Carmelo Anthony
4) Luol Deng
5) Caron Butler
6) Josh Smith
7) Richard Jefferson
8) Ron Artest
9) Andrei Kirilenko
10) Tayshaun Prince

1) Tim Duncan
2) Kevin Garnett
3) Amare Stoudemire
4) Pau Gasol
5) Dirk Nowitzki
6) Elton Brand
7) Al Jefferson
8) Chris Bosh
9) Carlos Boozer
10) David West

1) Ming Yao
2) Dwight Howard
3) Shaquille O'Neal
4) Andrew Bynum
5) Tyson Chandler
6) Chris Kaman
7) Andrew Bogut
8) Marcus Camby
9) Mehmet Okur
10) Zydrunas Ilgauskas

08-05-2008, 07:21 PM
Timmy Pumpkin is not the #1 PF in the league, Amare is, followed by Garnett.

Lay down the pipe moron homers!

Look at the homer calling Spurs fans homers. Check Power Forward rankings on the net, no way Amare ever ranks higher than Duncan Dirk and KG. Those 3 PF are impact players, Amare is good but not that good.

08-05-2008, 08:49 PM
my top 10

1) Chris Paul
2) Deron Williams
3) Baron Davis
4) Tony Parker
5) Gilbert Arenas
6) Allen Iverson
7) Steve Nash
8) Jason Kidd
9) Andre Miller
10) Jose Calderon

1) Kobe Bryant
2) Dwyane Wade
3) Tracy McGrady
4) Manu Ginobili
5) Joe Johnson
6) Andre Iguodala
7) Vince Carter
8) Brandon Roy
9) Michael Redd
10) Ray Allen

1) LeBron James
2) Paul Pierce
3) Carmelo Anthony
4) Luol Deng
5) Caron Butler
6) Josh Smith
7) Richard Jefferson
8) Ron Artest
9) Andrei Kirilenko
10) Tayshaun Prince

1) Tim Duncan
2) Kevin Garnett
3) Amare Stoudemire
4) Pau Gasol
5) Dirk Nowitzki
6) Elton Brand
7) Al Jefferson
8) Chris Bosh
9) Carlos Boozer
10) David West

1) Ming Yao
2) Dwight Howard
3) Shaquille O'Neal
4) Andrew Bynum
5) Tyson Chandler
6) Chris Kaman
7) Andrew Bogut
8) Marcus Camby
9) Mehmet Okur
10) Zydrunas Ilgauskas

Davis over Parker at PG?

McGrady over Ginobili at SG?

Amare over Dirk at PF?

Yao over Howard at C?


Spaceman Spiff
08-06-2008, 02:54 AM
Davis over Parker at PG?

McGrady over Ginobili at SG?

Amare over Dirk at PF?

Yao over Howard at C?


Not really.

Have to question Gasol as the #3 PF in the NBA, thought. I'm sure the Lakers would rather have Elton Brand, Boozer, Bosh or Dirk.

I think the list is otherwise fairly solid, with the exception of the point guard area, which is royally fucked up.

08-06-2008, 05:26 PM
Duncan is still the best. Look at his stats and you'll see they're pretty much the same as they've ever been, and he got the team to within a few games of yet another Finals appearance. He may have fallen off a bit, but what he's lost in speed and hops, he makes up for with experience and savvy. Still the best PF. Deal with it.

08-07-2008, 01:14 AM
duncan is the best although he is a center right now but anyways. for a top 5 brand is better than bosh.

no way does parker get ahead of nash or baron davis. no way at all.

08-08-2008, 12:53 AM
That list sounds about right.

08-08-2008, 01:46 AM
Duncan's on the decline. He's not nearly as clutch as either KG or Dirk, and his numbers just don't match up, particularly on the defensive end. The fact that his teams never seem to do as well as KG or Dirk's teams do just seals it. I'm not sure how he belongs on that list.

Showtime24 LAKERS
08-08-2008, 02:47 AM
Pau Gasol is defintely a top ten pf's..

he's better than west, boozer, and jefferson imo.

08-08-2008, 10:29 AM
1) LeBron James
2) Paul Pierce
3) Carmelo Anthony
4) Luol Deng
5) Caron Butler
6) Josh Smith
7) Richard Jefferson
8) Ron Artest
9) Andrei Kirilenko
10) Tayshaun Prince
I mean.....if we take the headcase factor out of the equation entirely Ron Ron is better pound for pound then prob 80% of ALL the ballers listed in this thread.
Just sayin.

08-29-2008, 03:41 PM
It's Bleacher Report again, but I can't pass on what they write about Duncan. :smokin
This list is different, and deeper, than the one the thread started with. Have fun!

Erick Blasco's Top 30 NBA Power Forwards (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/51596-erick-blascos-top-30-nba-power-forwards)
Tim Duncan stopped dead in his tracks in anticipation of Erick Blasco's Top 30 NBA power forward list. Find out where he, and the rest of the NBA's elite power forwards rank in Erick Blasco's estimation.
by Erick Blasco

While centers may be the biggest and the strongest of the NBA giants, the supreme big men in the league today inhabit the power forward position.

The best power forwards are the most versatile specimens the NBA displays, with some exhibiting guard-like speed and leaping ability, some possessing powerful strength combined with ballerina-like footwork, and others demonstrating an uncanny combination of outside shooting, post moves, and rebounding prowess.

This list does not take into account a player’s future prospects or past salad days. The criteria is simple: Which NBA power forward is best suited to being an integral part of a championship team this year.

Due to the way some NBA lineups are presently constructed, a handful of potential power forwards will be asked to play different positions this year. For that reason, Rasheed Wallace, Al Jefferson, Udonis Haslem, Jermaine O’Neal, and Al Horford are listed as centers, while Lamar Odom, and Josh Smith are counted as small forwards,

No rookies made the list, as neither you nor I have seen them play in meaningful games against meaningful competition to know where they should be ranked.

Introduction aside, the list:

1) Tim Duncan—San Antonio Spurs

Though 32 years old, Duncan remains the standard by which current NBA big men are judged.

His post up game is exceptional, with superior footwork, balance, and upper-body strength allowing him to unleash an arsenal of precision post-up moves, ranging from quick spins, sweeping hooks, and powerful face-up drives, all capable of being executed with either hand, though he prefers his right hand from the left box.

Duncan’s face-up bankers have diminished in effectiveness, but still must be respected. He remains the premier passing big man in the NBA, as his court vision allows him to dissect double teams and find open cutters and spot-up shooters. He sets screens with earnestness, will never yield a loose ball, and is the second best rebounder in the game, aside from Dwight Howard.

What sets Duncan apart is his genius-level defensive IQ, as TD is constantly in perfect position on defense to close off whatever gap an opponent might have seen. Duncan only blocks shots as a last resort as his positioning consistently forces slashers to pass the ball, take difficult attempts, or pick up unnecessary charges.

Still, he can wait as long as possible for offensive players to shoot, allowing himself to defend his man an extra beat while still being in position to alter shots.

Duncan is not without his flaws. His ability to defend players who can turn-and-face is only average at best, as is his ability to pass after being double teamed on the move. Inconsistent free throw shooting has also been a thorn in his side.

Still, there are few players in the game, as talented, as smart, and as unselfish as Duncan, and nobody as consistently clutch in pressure situations.

2) Kevin Garnett—Boston Celtics

Garnett’s defensive strengths lie in his incredibly long wingspan that allows him to swallow up screens, front and three-quarter big men, and grab rebounds simply by being taller in a scrum. He gets real low on screens, forcing defenders on and endless journey to circumnavigate him. He’s a hard-working rebounder, and he’s one of the best jump shooters for his height (6-11) in NBA history.

However, Garnett isn’t exceptionally strong and can be pushed around by even the most modest of big men, especially on the offensive end. Garnett also has the sad tendency of not showing up in big moments of big games, riding on the coattails of Latrell Sprewell and Sam Cassell in 2004, and Paul Pierce and Ray Allen in 2008 to achieve his only playoff successes.

Honestly, Garnett is one of the top three role players of all time, but isn’t the all-everything superstar fans and lazy media members make him out to be.

3) Elton Brand—Philadelphia 76ers

It’s hard to accurately rank Brand because of his ruptured Achilles tendon, and the uncertainty as to exactly what level he’ll be at when the season begins.

Before the injury, Brand was a ferocious post player, with an abundance of low post moves, a reliable short jumper, above-average passing and defensive skills, and the ability to rebound in traffic. In fact, until last season, Brand was the most feared post threat in the Western Conference not named Tim Duncan.

However, the injury questions, as well as the fact that Brand isn’t as gifted a perimeter defender as Garnett is leaves him the third spot unless he proves he is back to his 2006 playoff form.

4) David West—New Orleans Hornets

Underappreciated due to Chris Paul’s exploits, West is a triple-threat scorer—outstanding with his back to the basket, driving to the cup, and knocking down jumpers from 18-feet and in.

West is also an outstanding defender, a diligent rebounder, and a leader who sets examples for his teammates.

Powerful, explosive, and disciplined, West is one of the finest all-around players in the game.

5) Amare Stoudemire—Phoenix Suns

Stupendously athletic, Stoudemire may be faster than some NBA shooting guards. He gets his points by catching the ball at the elbow and blowing by stuck-in-quicksand defenders on hoopward drives. If his defender sags off, Amare’s mid-range jumper has developed to the point where it’s automatic if his feet are set.

Stoudemire can also curl off screens and hit jumpers, runs the floor like a gazelle, and is a freakish leaper, allowing him to block shots and corral rebounds most mortals could never reach.

With all that said, Stoudemire is one of the most immature players in the NBA, constantly griping with the media and fans alike about a perceived lack of respect.

This coming from one of the worst defenders in the NBA, with too upright a defensive stance, an appalling lack of judgment, a propensity to turn his head and lose sight of the ball, or his man—or both—and the unwillingness to improve those deficiencies. In fact, Stoudemire may be the only player in the NBA whose defense has gotten worse since his rookie year!

Plus, Stoudemire’s never learned how to box out, never accepted physical contact, and has always expected praise without putting in the work. He’s one of the most physically talented, yet unjustly celebrated players in the league.

6) Chris Bosh—Toronto Raptors

Bosh is soft, a below-average defender, a mediocre passer, a so-so rebounder, and all finesse.

What he does well is drive along the left baseline with his left hand to use his long strides and arms to gain space to flick in an assortment of nifty layups and hook shots.

Bosh can also hit jumpers out to 20-feet and will run the court looking to catch defenses before they set. If a defender is too short, or too slow, Bosh can put up prodigious numbers, but he’s really just an average NBA star.

7) Pau Gasol—Los Angeles Lakers

Like Bosh, Gasol is too soft, and too finesse to be a truly elite big man in the NBA. However, Gasol is an exceptional passer, especially out of the high post, and his presence will allow a team’s off-ball movement and halfcourt offense to proliferate if it can take advantage of his passing skills.

Gasol uses his length and an array of effective pump fakes to set up his hook shots and step-throughs. His length allows him to be an effective rebounder when not muscled away from the ball, and a useful defender against offensive players that lack explosion, or teams that lack spacing. Still, Gasol’s overall defense is worse than Bosh’s and drops him on the list.

8) Carlos Boozer—Utah Jazz

Boozer’s elbow jumpers are automatic when given space, his drives from the elbow are unstoppable when he can attack his defender without help arriving, and his assaults on the backboard are primal in their ferocity.

However, Boozer is too short and not athletic enough to be a good defender, and he becomes tentative against long defenders with help shadowing him. He’s a quality player, but he isn’t explosive enough to be elite.

9) Ron Artest—Houston Rockets

The premier wing defender in the NBA, Artest actually defends the post even better than he defends the perimeter. This is because of his inner psychological makeup of never yielding an inch, never giving less than his best efforts, and never conceding anything to anybody.

Artest is also a capable shooter, can drive with either hand, and is a respectable playmaker who generally looks to make the correct pass.

However, the same inner psyche that makes Artest such a tenacious defender, is wound too tight for him to function sanely. He needs the ball in his hands to be useful offensively, and if he doesn’t get the ball, he’ll self-destruct.

He’ll take bad shots when the mood pleases him, will feud with coaches and players who don’t adopt his overly rugged style, and is immune to attempts to coach him. Nobody else in the league is at risk for imploding and destroying locker room harmony more so than Artest is at any given moment.

10) Dirk Nowitzki—Dallas Mavericks

Slightly tougher now than a couple of years ago (but only at home), and a much more willing rebounder, Nowitzki is still, essentially, an oversized jump shooter.

Defenders who can get up in Dirk’s grill and move their feet neutralize Dirk’s ability to pull and shoot going left, and only the weakest of post defenders have difficulty pushing Dirk around near the shadow of the basket. Combined with the inability to rouse his troops when all the chips are on the table, and a complete lack of defense, Dirk barely cracks the Top Ten.

11) Shawn Marion—Phoenix Suns

Marion is a smart, athletic, forward who slashes to the rim like a blade, utilizing superior quickness and hops to excel in transition and in early offense. If undersized, Marion is a gutsy defender who’ll accept the responsibility of defending a team’s best player, and is as good at defending his own man as he is in coming over from the weak side to block a shot.

Because of a below average jumper, and a lack of size, Marion isn’t the type of player who can consistently get off a quality shot at the basket on a regular basket, therefore, he isn’t really a franchise player.

Also, he’s developed a reputation for grumbling in the locker room and for putting himself above his teammates. What else does it say when he desired to be traded from the first place Suns, to the going-nowhere Heat last season?

12) LeMarcus Aldridge—Portland Trail Blazers

A touch soft, Aldridge is a young, rising player with a soft right hook over his left shoulder, a feathery mid range jumper, and the ability to get low and move his feet on defense, allowing him to defend quicker, faster players along the perimeter.

As the number of years in the league and the muscles in his upper body increase, so too will his spot on the list.

13) Rashard Lewis—Orlando Magic

Lewis is a versatile player who adapts his game to the role his team needs him to perform. In Orlando, Lewis is a long-range bomber who spaces the floor so Hedo Turkoglu and Dwight Howard can operate one-on-one, and to make help defenders travel extra long journeys to tag the players they’re sent to double.

Besides being a prolific shooter, Lewis is a strong rebounder for a small forward miscast as a power forward, can post up, is a decent defender, and is a willing, if turnover prone, passer. He’s not worth the exorbitant contract Orlando gave him last summer, but perhaps the spacing he’s opened up for his teammates is.

14) Marcus Camby—Los Angeles Clippers

Camby is a test as to which fans and media members do their homework and watch basketball games, and which simply base their opinions by looking at box scores.

Camby’s athleticism allows him to outrace or outleap landlocked rebounders to loose balls, and he’s clearly a talented shot-blocker, but that’s where his positive attributes end.

Because Camby’s constantly drooling over shot-blocking opportunities, he often focuses all his defensive attention on potential paint penetrations, losing track of his own man under the basket. Also, he overreacts wildly to ball penetration, again, resulting in open looks for his primary defensive responsibility.

Camby won’t challenge shots he can’t block—which sounds like common sense, but in reality, it means that shots that can be altered if he closed out on a shooter hard, or threw his hands up in the shooter’s line-of-vision, never get altered, and a shooter can get comfortable even in Camby’s vicinity.

Camby could never defend anybody with the strength to attack his chest, he often gets outmuscled in rebounding scrums, and he takes an alarming number of bad shots for somebody with as limited an offensive game as he possesses.

His shot-blocking ability, and athleticism are certainly deserving of respect, but Camby is one of the game’s truly overrated players.

15) Antawn Jamison—Washington Wizards

A small forward in disguise, Jamison is a streaky scorer who gets his buckets with perimeter shooting, slashing, and the occasional fadeaway jumper in the paint. Jamison is a decent rebounder, but he can’t handle physicality, can’t defend, can’t pass, and can’t do much else besides score in streaks.

16) Antonio McDyess—Detroit Pistons

A smart, capable banger, McDyess’ mid-range jumper is automatic when given space, his individual defense is solid if unspectacular, and he plays better team defense in the playoffs than he does the regular season. McDyess is a terrific rebounder, screen setter, and role-player, allowing his four more talented Pistons teammates to excel in the spotlight, while still producing in ways invaluable to the team.

17) Jason Maxiell—Detroit Pistons

An explosive rebounder, defender, and finisher, Maxiell plays with unbridled energy and anger, which he channels into sudden changes in tempo for opponents to deal with. However, at only 6-7, taller forwards will always be able to excel against Maxiell’s lack of height, and his offensive game is limited to developing post moves, and finishing on broken plays.

18) David Lee—New York Knicks

One of the best pure rebounders in the NBA, and a strong finisher, Lee is a poor defender who can’t create his own offensive looks. Smart, talented, and athletic, as his defense improves, so will his ranking on the list.

19) Drew Gooden—Chicago Bulls

Gooden can knock down mid range jumpers, has strong face-up skills, can hit turnaround jumpers in the post, can play defense, and can rebound.

However, Gooden is mistake-prone, doesn’t pay attention to detail, and repeatedly botches defensive assignments.

He also tends to disappear in games, making him maddeningly inconsistent. Those are reasons why a player as versatile as Gooden has been mentioned in trade rumors his entire career.

20) Brandon Bass—Dallas Mavericks

Bass has prime-time athleticism, and a big-time baseline jumper which he can stretch out to 20 feet. He runs the floor with abandon, can defend small forwards, power forwards, and centers effectively, and is an explosive rebounder. All he needs to prosper in the league is continued playing time and experience.

21) Ben Wallace—Cleveland Cavaliers

Like a rusted wagon, Wallace is old, breaking down, and should be permanently left in the shed. He’s no longer the agile defensive force who’d beat his opponents before a play began by outworking them on the block, denying post position and subsequent entry passes.

Instead, the current Wallace incarnation isn’t quick enough or strong enough to ball deny, and he’s much slower and weaker than at any point in his career. He’s still slightly above average defensively, and he’ll still rebound, but his diminishing skills combined with his utter lack of any offensive talent whatsoever, leave him as a ghost of what he used to be.

22) Luis Scola—Houston Rockets

A tough rebounder and a hard worker, Scola survives on guts more than athleticism. He isn’t particularly quick, but he’ll split defensive seams on twisting drives from the mid-post or the elbow.

His jumper is accurate, he’ll box out, and he sets solid screens. He’s a poor defender, falling for too many head fakes and lacking the foot speed to adequately defend the quicker power forwards in the league.

His lack of ups leave him helpless when trying to finish over bigger or stronger players near the hoop, and he misses a lot of layups, traits that keep him in the mid-twenties of the list.

23) Marvin Williams—Atlanta Hawks

Williams can hit mid-range jumpers when given time to wind up, and is athletic enough to snake along the baseline past slow defenders on his way to the hoop.

However, Williams is too lean to be a forceful post player, rebounder, or defender, and isn’t athletic enough where he’ll be a major nuisance to match up with. He’s versatile, but profoundly unspectacular.

24) Paul Milsap—Utah Jazz

Milsap punches his time card, puts on his hard hat, and rampages through any opponent not tough enough to handle his sheer physical strength and endless hunger for loose balls. His screens are pulverizing, his rebounding technique is rock solid (as are his muscles), and he’s an earnest defender, though his lack of height holds him back.

His offensive game is non-existent, but his hard work alone often wins games for the Jazz.

25) Eduardo Najera—New Jersey Nets

Najera is one of the most energetic players in the entire league, always hustling, always defending, always cutting, and always game enough to go up into crowds of opposing rebounders, only to come away with the ball.

Plus, his newfound three-point proficiency is proof that sometimes old Xoloitzcuintles (Mexican Hairless Dogs) can learn new tricks. Najera’s a consummate professional and human being, and a welcome addition to any team.

26) Zach Randolph—New York Knicks

Sure, Randolph is clever enough to know how to use angles in gaining leverage over defenders, sure he’ll rebound at a steady clip, but his defense, his screens, and his attitude are all lazy.

He’ll only pass as an emergency option, and he’s completely useless if the ball isn’t in his hands. Plus, he’ll bitch and gripe at coaches and teammates if he isn’t constantly fed the ball, or if a defender is able to bottle him up.

Fat Zach will produce on a stat sheet, but never in a win column.

27) Joe Smith—Oklahoma City TBA’s

Smith is a versatile veteran who can hit mid-range jumpers, defend some, rebound more, and out-quick slower defenders with a crafty face-up game near the basket. He gets the nod on the list for the lack of quality talent behind him.

28) Kenyon Martin—Denver Nuggets

Martin wants you to think he’s tough—why else is he screaming and yelling after every block or dunk?—but he never shows up on the road, or down the stretch, or in the playoffs against quality teams.

His quick feet and upper body strength should enable him to be a quality defender, but he makes boneheaded defensive mistakes all the time, and he shrinks against elite opponents.

Not to mention his post moves are crude, his jumper is average at best, and his most potent offensive weapon is, after a teammate comes up with a steal, to run the break and slam down a Jason Kidd lob pass. Too bad he hasn’t been able to pull off that move in four years.

29) Jeff Foster—Indiana Pacers

Foster won’t do much, but he’s an excellent rebounder and screen setter, who makes quick outlet passes, and defends earnestly. He’s dependable and reliable, if unspectacular.

30) Nick Collison—Oklahoma City TBA’s

Collison is a tough-nosed rebounder, who isn’t long enough and whose feet aren’t quick enough to enable him to be more than an average defender. He’ll fight his way for buckets under the basket, and he’ll utilize an accurate turnaround jumper while being another crafty, dependable, if unspectacular player.

08-29-2008, 03:48 PM
WTF, Dirk at #10?

Elton Brand at #3?

Scola at #22 and worse than Ben Wallace, David Lee, Jason Maxiel and Drew Gooden?

08-29-2008, 04:28 PM
West is good, but no way I'd take him over Amare or Dirk, and probably not over Bosh.

Yeah, and Dirk at 10? :lol

The writing style smells of Charlie Rosen.

08-29-2008, 10:59 PM
Thats an accurate list IMO.

PG -

1. Paul
2. Deron
3. Parker
4. Nash
5. Baron

SG -

1. Kobe
2. Wade
3. T-Mac
4. Manu
5. Roy

SF -

1. LeBron
2. Pierce
3. Carmelo
4. Butler
5. Deng

Center -

1. Dwight
2. Yao
3. Bynum
4. Jefferson
5. Kaman

Another edit

Bynum= Curry

08-29-2008, 11:11 PM
Not really.

Have to question Gasol as the #3 PF in the NBA, thought. I'm sure the Lakers would rather have Elton Brand, Boozer, Bosh or Dirk.

I think the list is otherwise fairly solid, with the exception of the point guard area, which is royally fucked up.

I would take Brand, Dirk, and Bosh over Pau out of those people you listed. not Boozer

08-29-2008, 11:20 PM
My top 5


Wade(from what i've seen these olympics)
T Mac



Jefferson(although, i could see Bynum jumping to this spot.)

08-30-2008, 02:41 AM
I'd agree with the list and with everyone who reinforces the notion that Tim Duncan is still the best power forward in the league. However, with respect, I do believe he has started to decline.

As for the top 5 power forwards in the league being a difficult thing, it might be after the first 4. I could see arguments for guys like Boozer or even Gasol being better than Chris Bosh. But, I think the top 4 are correct.

08-30-2008, 03:02 AM
2. Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett is one of the most emotional and intense players in the NBA. He is one of the best interior defenders in the league. He is a horse that plays with 100% effort every game. He has one of the best and most efficient mid-range jump shots in the NBA and is a terror on the low block. His variation of the "Dream Shake" is but a few of the moves KG employs in the post.

Garnett can run the floor and finish with ferocity. He can play like a small forward and drive in and finish, or he can play like a five and become a terror in the paint on both ends of the floor, though he feels just right setting up on the outside for one of his money mid-range J's. On top of that, Kevin Garnett is possibly the best passing power forward in the NBA today, with a career assist average that rivals those of premier shooting guards and small forwards. When Kevin Garnett is on his game he is impossible to guard.

Career Averages: 20 points, 11 rebounds, 4.4 assists, 1.4 steals, 1.6 blocks.

:lmao:lmao at KG being rated higher than Dirk. While KG is a better defender/passer, I would trust Dirk late in games much more than I would KG. Dirk is a proven leader (and had his share of clutch playoff performances) while KG is a proven DEFENSIVE leader and a sidekick.

08-30-2008, 03:27 AM
Bleacher Report doesn't thrill me but this write-up on Duncan was too nice to pass on. :smokin


The NBA's Top Five Power Forwards
The debate about the top five power forwards is one of the hardest in the league, right up there with the Lebron verses Kobe topic.
by Richard Le

Power forwards are the enforcers of the NBA. They usually play the opposite side of the paint of the centers, but are also known to be quite versatile. Of the many power forwards in the league, a staple of the best big men is averaging around twenty points and ten rebounds.

The debate about the top five power forwards is one of the hardest in the league, right up there with the LeBron verses Kobe topic. While there is no real right and wrong when comparing elite and very similar players, there seems to be a core group of players who seem to always get shuffled around in and on the outskirts of the top five power forwards.

5. Chris Bosh

Chris Bosh, the face of the Toronto Raptors, is known for his small forward like versatility. He is a prototypical power forward rebounder averaging between 7.4 and 10.7 rebounds throughout his five-year career thus far. Chris Bosh is a potent scorer with superior athleticism and ball handling for a big man.

He can take it to the rack and play the perimeter very well against other bigs, and has a repertoire of reliable moves in the low post as well. Chris Bosh is known to be really unselfish and is a good passer out of double teams. Being only twenty-four years old, Chris Bosh has yet to peak, and he's already a solid twenty-and-ten player who's best years are yet to come. Though not a superior interior defender like some other elite power forwards, Bosh is an above average defender who can block shots should the occasion arise.

Career Averages: 19 points, nine rebounds, two assists, and one block.

4. Amare Stoudemire

Amare Stoudemire is a prototypical monster. He is a beast on the offensive end of the floor. His knee injury did not seem to slow him down in slightest, and helped him develop a very dependable mid-range jumper to complement is torrid inside game.

Amare is a slam dunk artist able to get to the rim and finish with a ferocity not seen since Vince Carter's Raptor days. Though not known for his fundamental low post moves, Amare is a dominant scorer with a skill set that is very similar to Lebron James' repertoire.

Amare put up monster numbers while playing out of position as a center, but with the addition of Shaquille O'Neal, Amare averaged a monstrous 29 points and nine rebounds for the remainder of the season. That proves that when Amare plays power forward for a full duration of a season, he is one of the most dominating players in the NBA.

Career Averages: 21 points, nine rebounds, one assist, one steal, and 1.6 blocks.

3. Dirk Nowitzki

Dirk Nowitzki, alongside underachiever Rasheed Wallace, has the most versatile skill set for a power forward. He is one of the best shooters in the NBA, and that is surprising considering power forwards are supposed to be bullies in the paint.

Don't take his shooting to mean he is one dimensional, like Andrea Bargnani so far in his career. Dirk Nowitzki can play the low post just as well as other solid power forwards in the NBA. With a turn around fade away jump shot that is almost impossible to stop, Dirk can go from premier shooter to dependable post player every possession.

Though not known as a premier interior defender, he makes up for it by being a low turnover, offensive nightmare. With a career average of 1.9 turnovers, Dirk Nowitzki is one of the most efficient players in the NBA. Want proof? Dirk Nowitzki won the 2006/2007 MVP through his stellar contributions to the 67-win Dallas Maverick squad.

Career Averages: 22 points, 8.6 rebounds, .379 3P%, .870FT%, .471FG%

2. Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett is one of the most emotional and intense players in the NBA. He is one of the best interior defenders in the league. He is a horse that plays with 100% effort every game. He has one of the best and most efficient mid-range jump shots in the NBA and is a terror on the low block. His variation of the "Dream Shake" is but a few of the moves KG employs in the post.

Garnett can run the floor and finish with ferocity. He can play like a small forward and drive in and finish, or he can play like a five and become a terror in the paint on both ends of the floor, though he feels just right setting up on the outside for one of his money mid-range J's. On top of that, Kevin Garnett is possibly the best passing power forward in the NBA today, with a career assist average that rivals those of premier shooting guards and small forwards. When Kevin Garnett is on his game he is impossible to guard.

Career Averages: 20 points, 11 rebounds, 4.4 assists, 1.4 steals, 1.6 blocks.

1. Tim Duncan

Move over Sasha, Tim Duncan is the real "Machine". This man is a twenty-and-ten machine, averaging that amount since his rookie season. The only two seasons he did not average twenty-and-ten ('05-'06 eighteen and eleven and '07-'08) sandwiches another twenty-and-ten year, meaning Tim Duncan is barely slowing down despite his age.

This man is the prototypical power forward, a player all power forwards should model their game after. An above average but not spectacular athlete, Tim Duncan gets it done by being the most fundamentally polished player in the NBA. His post game is one of, if not the best and most effective offensive repertoire in the entire league. He is an enforcer down low and is one of the best defensive big men in the league. He is an exceptional rebounder and fearsome shot blocker.

Tim Duncan has a trusty bank shot from mid-range that is almost as consistent as KG's jumper, and if left open can shoot the three. An All-Star game staple, Tim Duncan is a role model to fans, players, and teammates because of his soft-spoken, lead-by-example attitude.

Tim Duncan is, and will be, the most dominant power forward for at least a few more years. And even when he declines, he'll still be one of the more productive big's in the league until his retirement, because with practice, athleticism fades but fundamentals never do.

Career Averages: 22 points, 12 rebounds, three assists, 2.4 blocks.

Hardest Omission from the List: Elton Brand

Like Tim Duncan, Elton Brand has been a twenty and ten player since his rookie season and has been for the majority of his nine-year career. He was the face of the Clippers and a selfless player who plays with his heart ripped out and placed on center court.

Like Charles Barkley, the fact that he puts up monstrous numbers despite his small stature makes him a worthy addition to any top five list. I feel that he and Chris Bosh are interchangeable in this list. Though Chris Bosh does not average as much statistically, this is because Chris Bosh rose from role player to superstar, boosting his career averages every year while Elton Brand came in as one of the best forwards in the league right from the start.

Elton Brand has already peaked, in my opinion, while Chris is still on the rise. If the debate is on impact, the highest win total for both players' teams with them as the foundation is forty-seven.

Career Averages: 20 points, 10 rebounds, 2.7 assists, two blocks.


08-30-2008, 05:07 AM
Bynum= Curry

Bynum is better than Kaman, and Curry shouldnt be compared to him.

Kaman shoots a shooting guard like 47% from the field.

You saying Kaman > Dwight also?

08-30-2008, 07:08 AM
To those of you who think Tim does not bring it everygame. Do you think its easy to get ready for a Jan game against the bucks at home, or the Clippers? Anyway Tim brings it in the playoffs, when we lose a series, its definitly not because of him.

08-30-2008, 07:38 AM
To those of you who think Tim does not bring it everygame. Do you think its easy to get ready for a Jan game against the bucks at home, or the Clippers? Anyway Tim brings it in the playoffs, when we lose a series, its definitly not because of him.

Just to play devil's advocate, 20 million a year can't buy you any excuses for taking nights off.

08-30-2008, 09:14 AM
Hail to TD, prince of winners!

08-30-2008, 10:21 AM
I love Tim but he has one flaw that pisses me off. Some games he doesn't come to play which makes Tim a little less of a player in my opinion compared to Garnett.

And Garnett had to play for years on teams without much hope of ever getting to the Championship round. You have to admire his desire to win under those circumstances.

Flame away.

KG was and is a playoff choker, so he knew he had to bring it in the regular season because he'd be golfing by 1 May. Tim does pace himself, but I'd rather have him hitting stride in late April thru mid June than November thru March.

08-30-2008, 10:23 AM
Just to play devil's advocate, 20 million a year can't buy you any excuses for taking nights off.

Sure it can. You have to pace yourself when your goal is 100+ games in a season.

08-30-2008, 10:31 AM
KG doesnt like to play in the 4th

08-30-2008, 01:20 PM
Just to play devil's advocate, 20 million a year can't buy you any excuses for taking nights off.

True it is his job to play every night, but if it keeps him rested until the playoffs which means a better chance of a championship i can look the other way. Then again I am not the one paying him 20 mill a year.

08-30-2008, 08:57 PM
Thats an accurate list IMO.

PG -

1. Paul
2. Deron
3. Parker
4. Nash
5. Baron

SG -

1. Kobe
2. Wade
3. T-Mac
4. Manu
5. Roy

SF -

1. LeBron
2. Pierce
3. Carmelo
4. Butler
5. Deng

Center -

1. Dwight
2. Yao
3. Bynum
4. Jefferson
5. Kaman

Another edit

Bynum hasn't proven anything yet.

08-31-2008, 05:06 PM
TD got owned by Gasol in the playoffs, his lack of athleticism and age are catching up with him. He won't be the best PF or C in the league this coming year.

08-31-2008, 05:13 PM
TD got owned by Gasol in the playoffs, his lack of athleticism and age are catching up with him. He won't be the best PF or C in the league this coming year.

??? you are senile if you think Pau owned Duncan

08-31-2008, 05:23 PM
??? you are senile if you think Pau owned Duncan

ok, owned relative to Duncan's greatness, in absolute terms "neutralized" might be the better word. Gasol made more of his shots over "the greatest PF in the league" then "the greatest PF in the league" did over him.

09-01-2008, 06:27 AM

:lol :lmao