View Full Version : Racism grows further

08-15-2008, 06:53 PM


08-15-2008, 06:57 PM
I don't understand why it's racist to point out that Chinese people have slanted, squinty eyes. I mean, it's true. Mexicans are brown and have thick mustaches, black people have nappy hair, white people are evil, and Chinese people have squinty eyes.

It's fact people.

(This is not a serious post so don't call me a hate monger and bash me)

08-15-2008, 06:59 PM
And you let the Burger king smoke weed when he should be thinking about the children FACT.

08-15-2008, 07:00 PM

08-15-2008, 08:36 PM
It's certainly kind of thoughtless, if nothing else. I'm not sure how it's racist, but then again I'm evil.

08-15-2008, 11:15 PM
I don't understand why it's racist to point out that Chinese people have slanted, squinty eyes. I mean, it's true. Mexicans are brown and have thick mustaches, black people have nappy hair, white people are evil, and Chinese people have squinty eyes.

It's fact people.

(This is not a serious post so don't call me a hate monger and bash me)

you wont understand because you are not Chinese . and i am a Chinese . it is annoying when people keep imitating you . 'cause that makes me feel like i am a joke . you can try to imagine the way i am feeling . i think the spanish people should learn to show their class .

08-16-2008, 12:04 AM
you wont understand because you are not Chinese . and i am a Chinese . it is annoying when people keep imitating you . 'cause that makes me feel like i am a joke . you can try to imagine the way i am feeling . i think the spanish people should learn to show their class .

dude your signature rules

08-16-2008, 12:20 AM
The Chinese should paint their bodies black, wear nappy afros, find some ugly Spanish bitches at the Olympic village, and take pictures of them gang raping them. Then they can just say they are honoring the history of Spain when Moroccan men traveled up to Spain and raped Spanish women in centuries past.

08-16-2008, 12:39 AM
you wont understand because you are not Chinese . and i am a Chinese . it is annoying when people keep imitating you . 'cause that makes me feel like i am a joke . you can try to imagine the way i am feeling . i think the spanish people should learn to show their class .

I agree-- while it's not on a level with actual racist hatred, it is tacky and it just perpetuates the lazy uninspired idea that all races can be summed up with one stereotypical thought or gesture. It is annoying to hear people make the same dumb joke for the trillionth time-- it's usually just a gut reaction from someone who knows almost nothing about a culture or race and decides it's imperative anyway to make some sort of a statement, which in the case of Asians is almost always pulling the eyes and saying something like ching chong...

On a slightly related topic: I got a good laugh from a Yao Ming interview that I read last year in which he pointed out that one of Kenyon Martin's Chinese character tattoos is a symbol meaning "indecisive."

08-16-2008, 02:05 AM
you wont understand because you are not Chinese . and i am a Chinese . it is annoying when people keep imitating you . 'cause that makes me feel like i am a joke . you can try to imagine the way i am feeling . i think the spanish people should learn to show their class .

You gotta learn to take it with a grain of salt man. I'm Mexican, and it's not like I've ever ever shit about tacos, hopping the border, etc etc. At this point in my life I just shrug it off.

08-16-2008, 10:09 AM
The Chinese should paint their bodies black, wear nappy afros, find some ugly Spanish bitches at the Olympic village, and take pictures of them gang raping them. Then they can just say they are honoring the history of Spain when Moroccan men traveled up to Spain and raped Spanish women in centuries past.

well , we can't do that . that will raise up some political problems . plus , i didn't use to make joke of other people , but i dont know if the others Chinese will do that . and guess what ,the Chinese government has covered up this event , they can't afford the negative things happend during the Olympics . if the Spain really made the apology , then let's move on .

08-16-2008, 10:14 AM
You gotta learn to take it with a grain of salt man. I'm Mexican, and it's not like I've ever ever shit about tacos, hopping the border, etc etc. At this point in my life I just shrug it off.

yeah , i am learning that . and i am not a cried person at all . just hope we can pay respects to each other .:toast

08-16-2008, 10:31 AM
Because finding an entire race's appearance to be funny is so thoughtful.

08-16-2008, 11:20 AM
well , we can't do that . that will raise up some political problems . plus , i didn't use to make joke of other people , but i dont know if the others Chinese will do that . and guess what ,the Chinese government has covered up this event , they can't afford the negative things happend during the Olympics . if the Spain really made the apology , then let's move on .

I wasn't serious.

08-16-2008, 11:23 AM
You gotta learn to take it with a grain of salt man. I'm Mexican, and it's not like I've ever ever shit about tacos, hopping the border, etc etc. At this point in my life I just shrug it off.

Jokes happen in everyday life, even prejudice and racist jokes. While I don't think it's racist, this is under different circumstances. These are Olympic athletes representing their country poking fun of the citizens of the host country for the Olympics. It was stupid and distasteful. No, not racist, but moronic nonetheless. You don't mind jokes about tacos or hopping the border, but you might not like it if it was someone who had celebrity status or had an international stage where those prejudiced remarks lead way and extend to a much bigger audience. It was just not a very tactful thing to do.

08-16-2008, 11:27 AM
Jokes happen in everyday life, even prejudice and racist jokes. While I don't think it's racist, this is under different circumstances. These are Olympic athletes representing their country poking fun of the citizens of the host country for the Olympics. It was stupid and distasteful. No, not racist, but moronic nonetheless. You don't mind jokes about tacos or hopping the border, but you might not like it if it was someone who had celebrity status or had an international stage where those prejudiced remarks lead way and extend to a much bigger audience. It was just not a very tactful thing to do.

Why? Now you have to be a registered comedian to make jokes?
I don't see them doing it with any bad intentions. And at the end of the day, you're going to have the people that think it's distasteful, or the people that will have a good laugh. Nobody died here, nobody got hurt. I don't see what's the big deal about it.

08-16-2008, 11:31 AM
I didn't say it was a big deal. I said it was stupid and distasteful. I already said it wasn't racist. It was just done in poor taste. How is that making a big deal out of it? The Chinese themselves said it wasn't a big deal and moved on. I'm just talking about it because I have an opinion. It's not a big deal. That doesn't mean it wasn't moronic and distasteful.

Ill Cosby
08-16-2008, 11:51 AM
So of you need to check the definition of racist...This was done to offend a certain 'race' of people....Asians.....yea it's racist

And this does nothing to disspell the sterotype that Spainards are arrogant

08-16-2008, 06:03 PM
I didn't say it was a big deal. I said it was stupid and distasteful. I already said it wasn't racist. It was just done in poor taste. How is that making a big deal out of it? The Chinese themselves said it wasn't a big deal and moved on. I'm just talking about it because I have an opinion. It's not a big deal. That doesn't mean it wasn't moronic and distasteful.

Sorry, I wasn't necessarily meaning it was you that made a big deal out of it, but in general it was made a big deal out of it.

08-16-2008, 06:04 PM
i think the Spaniards were just trying to send a message. what that message was i have no clue. life is filled with.......what ifs........

08-16-2008, 06:04 PM
So of you need to check the definition of racist...This was done to offend a certain 'race' of people....Asians.....yea it's racist

And this does nothing to disspell the sterotype that Spainards are arrogant

That's where you have it wrong. It was not DELIBERATELY made TO OFFEND anybody. It was made to make some people laugh. That some people took offense is a different thing.

08-16-2008, 06:21 PM
So of you need to check the definition of racist...This was done to offend a certain 'race' of people....Asians.....yea it's racist

Racism is often socially differentiated from prejudice and insulting or distasteful jokes in that racism are hateful acts, more specifically with respect to acts of violence. A group of black kids beating up a latino kid for being latino is a racist act. Burning crosses on a lawn is racism. Vandalizing a home or car with racial epithets is racism.

In this particular instance, the chinky eye thing the Spaniards did is a stupid, distasteful joke, in my opinion. But, it doesn't come close to being a racist act. Prejudice, maybe. Ignorant humor, sure. Racist, not really.

Ill Cosby
08-18-2008, 04:25 PM
That's where you have it wrong. It was not DELIBERATELY made TO OFFEND anybody. It was made to make some people laugh. That some people took offense is a different thing.

Racism is often socially differentiated from prejudice and insulting or distasteful jokes in that racism are hateful acts, more specifically with respect to acts of violence. A group of black kids beating up a latino kid for being latino is a racist act. Burning crosses on a lawn is racism. Vandalizing a home or car with racial epithets is racism.

In this particular instance, the chinky eye thing the Spaniards did is a stupid, distasteful joke, in my opinion. But, it doesn't come close to being a racist act. Prejudice, maybe. Ignorant humor, sure. Racist, not really.

I still fail to see the difference between callin' an Asian a chink and actually imitating them by chinkin' their eyes on a photo. If the games were in Zimbabwe and the Spanish team took a photo in black face...

It would be the same thing. It was a racially charged insult, tasteless and ignorant it was racist. Stop being scared of the word, no one's callin you out on anything

I. Hustle
08-18-2008, 04:31 PM

I. Hustle
08-18-2008, 04:32 PM

I. Hustle
08-18-2008, 04:34 PM

I. Hustle
08-18-2008, 04:35 PM

I. Hustle
08-18-2008, 04:35 PM
All racist!

08-18-2008, 06:42 PM
I wouldn't necessarily call is racist, but it is definitely racially insensitive.

I. Hustle
08-19-2008, 09:39 AM

08-19-2008, 10:53 AM
down with PC!

08-19-2008, 12:10 PM
porch monkeys!!!

08-19-2008, 02:36 PM
This is getting out of hand. Its ok for Dave Chappelle to do it but no one else? People need to calm down. A joke is a joke is a joke. It's going to offend someone. You make a joke about dead babies, offensive. Joke about an American, offensive. Joke about tacos border hoping, offensive. Jokes about Jesus's abs, offensive. But guess what they're all funny. The thing is most funny people don't discriminate who they offend, even themselves in most cases. I think people should concentrate more on the feelings behind a joke and stop raising hell whenever something offends you.

Just as stupid was the "outrage" over Tropical Thunder because they use the word retard. Some people actually started using "the R-word" Are you fucking kidding me? Those people should be offended because they are retarded!

08-19-2008, 02:54 PM
Chappelle uses racist stereotypes to show the absurdity of racism and racist stereotypes (and to make people laugh, of course).

The "slanted eye" pics at the Olympics, on the other hand, are simply tasteless and lame.

08-19-2008, 03:00 PM
Chappelle uses racist stereotypes to show the absurdity of racism and racist stereotypes (and to make people laugh, of course).

The "slanted eye" pics at the Olympics, on the other hand, are simply tasteless and lame.

It's still a joke, just because it's not that great of a joke doesn't mean it's any worse. I'm not even defending what they did, its just ridiculous how "outraged" people get. Shut the fuck up, you babies!

08-19-2008, 03:16 PM
I don't see any outrage in this thread, but yes, I agree that there are much more important things worth getting outraged about.

I. Hustle
08-19-2008, 03:19 PM
:lol @ racism

08-19-2008, 03:54 PM
Dave Chappelle is a comedian. The Spanish basketball team are acting as ambassadors of their country in a good will world athletic competition in China. It's not about it just being a joke. It's not grade school recess. The joke itself isn't bad. It's not racist. It's the fact that the Spanish team has an international platform where this "joke" takes away from the spirit of the Olympics.

Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock can tell "######" jokes. Think it would be cool if John McCain told a "######" joke at a Republican rally in front of thousands of black people? I mean, it's just a joke.

08-19-2008, 06:39 PM
Dave Chappelle is a comedian. The Spanish basketball team are acting as ambassadors of their country in a good will world athletic competition in China. It's not about it just being a joke. It's not grade school recess. The joke itself isn't bad. It's not racist. It's the fact that the Spanish team has an international platform where this "joke" takes away from the spirit of the Olympics.

Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock can tell "######" jokes. Think it would be cool if John McCain told a "######" joke at a Republican rally in front of thousands of black people? I mean, it's just a joke.

I agree with your point about the basketball team and being ambassadors. But what does all of this complaining and whining about it do? Will it happen again? yes. Some people will always get offended. who cares.

As to your point about "######" jokes, if he was funny enough and had the balls to do it, then by all means. It wouldn't outrage me and it's a ridculous double standard anyway. Use the word or don't, but don't bitch when someone else uses it. No one has the right to tell anyone on this earth what they can and can not say of their own free will.

They tell "cracker" jokes too. Is that cool? it probably offends some white people but no one gives a shit if white people get offended.

08-19-2008, 06:57 PM
I agree with your point about the basketball team and being ambassadors. But what does all of this complaining and whining about it do? Will it happen again? yes. Some people will always get offended. who cares.

As to your point about "######" jokes, if he was funny enough and had the balls to do it, then by all means. It wouldn't outrage me and it's a ridculous double standard anyway. Use the word or don't, but don't bitch when someone else uses it. No one has the right to tell anyone on this earth what they can and can not say of their own free will.

They tell "cracker" jokes too. Is that cool? it probably offends some white people but no one gives a shit if white people get offended.


08-19-2008, 07:18 PM
But you would understand why people would blast McCain if he did tell "######" jokes in front of thousands of black people. You might not be offended, but you have to understand some people would be, and it would be stupid for McCain to do such a thing. It's not about the joke. It's about the circumstances surrounding when an insensitive joke is being used. Around your close friends, fucking around or at a bar with a bunch of drunk people, who cares is exactly right. When you are taking a picture for a newspaper in your national team's uniform representing your country in the Olympics in China, perhaps save "that" particular joke for another time and place. That's the issue. If we want to have fun with racist or borderline racist jokes, it's cool because it's only seen, heard, or otherwise observed by a handful of people and probably people who know us. If someone in the public eye says a borderline racist joke and in the newspaper, in front of a camera, on a stage where the whole world can see, not such a good idea.

08-19-2008, 07:20 PM
But you would understand why people would blast McCain if he did tell "######" jokes in front of thousands of black people. You might not be offended, but you have to understand some people would be, and it would be stupid for McCain to do such a thing. It's not about the joke. It's about the circumstances surrounding when an insensitive joke is being used. Around your close friends, fucking around or at a bar with a bunch of drunk people, who cares is exactly right. When you are taking a picture for a newspaper in your national team's uniform representing your country in the Olympics in China, perhaps save "that" particular joke for another time and place. That's the issue. If we want to have fun with racist or borderline racist jokes, it's cool because it's only seen, heard, or otherwise observed by a handful of people and probably people who know us. If someone in the public eye says a borderline racist joke and in the newspaper, in front of a camera, on a stage where the whole world can see, not such a good idea.

I agree with you, I was just glad someone pointed out that there is a double standard for blacks.

08-20-2008, 12:02 AM
But you would understand why people would blast McCain if he did tell "######" jokes in front of thousands of black people. You might not be offended, but you have to understand some people would be, and it would be stupid for McCain to do such a thing. It's not about the joke. It's about the circumstances surrounding when an insensitive joke is being used. Around your close friends, fucking around or at a bar with a bunch of drunk people, who cares is exactly right. When you are taking a picture for a newspaper in your national team's uniform representing your country in the Olympics in China, perhaps save "that" particular joke for another time and place. That's the issue. If we want to have fun with racist or borderline racist jokes, it's cool because it's only seen, heard, or otherwise observed by a handful of people and probably people who know us. If someone in the public eye says a borderline racist joke and in the newspaper, in front of a camera, on a stage where the whole world can see, not such a good idea.

Great points. I don't think I've disagreed with a thing you've said. I'm just sick and tired of the press and blogs drumming up the "hate speech" drum everytime someone says or does something dumb. It does nothing to prevent it from happening in the future. It doesn't teach the people a damn thing except to find a new type of hate for PC a-holes and it leads to shit like this DUMBASS (http://www.myfoxdfw.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=6950042&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1)

Here's the youtube

Dallas County Commissioners black hole video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1aNcd5cLm4)

08-20-2008, 08:24 AM
For any joke, comment, or action to be considered offensive, the offending party declare that they are offended by the gesture. In this case, I've read the Chinese people of Beijing have not yet expressed that sentiment. Until they do, case closed.

08-20-2008, 05:23 PM
Stick your lower lip out so far it curls under, then stick out your tongue a bit.

08-20-2008, 05:37 PM

08-20-2008, 05:38 PM


08-20-2008, 06:28 PM
Dave Chappelle is a comedian. The Spanish basketball team are acting as ambassadors of their country in a good will world athletic competition in China. It's not about it just being a joke. It's not grade school recess. The joke itself isn't bad. It's not racist. It's the fact that the Spanish team has an international platform where this "joke" takes away from the spirit of the Olympics.

Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock can tell "######" jokes. Think it would be cool if John McCain told a "######" joke at a Republican rally in front of thousands of black people? I mean, it's just a joke.

I agree completely. It all has to do with context. Growing up, my best friend was Italian-- he would jokingly called me shanty irish and or whisky mick and I'd call him a dumb wop or greasy guido... but we were best friends, we knew the joke. I wouldn't walk into an Italian restaurant and say the same thing to strangers. And if I accidentally stepped on someone's foot on the subway and they said watch it ya dirty irishman, it just wouldn't be the same scenario either. You have to establish rapport with people before you can joke in certain ways. Chappelle is an established comedian-- no sensible person watches him perform not expecting him to make racial jokes. But he's not only very good at it, he's also pretty fair when it comes to satirizing almost everybody. I understand why some people get frustrated at the PC stuff-- and it does go too far sometimes, but the general rule should be don't purposely do something that would offend a reasonable person. It's no different from meeting someone's parents or interviewing for a job-- just be as respectful as possible. It doesn't mean you can't have a sense of humor, but we all make adjustments every day, and this is another area where making adjustments makes sense. You don't tell the same jokes at a picnic with your grandmother as you would to a bunch of buddies on poker night, and you shouldn't make the same racial jokes around strangers as you would around friends of that same race.

08-21-2008, 12:36 AM
But at the same time, a person shouldn't be accused of being a racist for making a joke about race, if their was no malicious intent behind the joke.

If I were to make a joke about another race to a person of that same race, and it was meant to be humorous and satirical, you could say that I'm being insensitive if that person gets offended... but how could you say I'm being racist? I was joking!

It's important to think about who your audience is when you make a joke about race if you care about the feelings of others. But a non-racist person who makes a racially-oriented joke with no malicious intent shouldn't be tagged as a racist simply because the audience couldn't handle the joke.

And I find it humorous that a group of Spaniards aren't allowed to make slanty-eyed gestures, but it's okay to say that all Spaniards are arrogant. Interesting.

08-21-2008, 12:42 AM
Racism would be less and less of an issue if people weren't so quick to call others racist.

08-21-2008, 08:18 AM
this is ridiculous. bigotry begets bigotry. what was supposed to be an innocent jab turned into a insensitive joke which in turn became a racist remark. go figure.

08-21-2008, 09:17 AM
I am more offended about people in this thread who tell other people who do not share their sense of humour are weak-minded babies.

08-21-2008, 09:19 AM
1st comment on the 3rd page!

08-21-2008, 11:28 AM
i think the spanish people should learn to show their class .

They are mexicans, not spanish. They have class like chicken has teeth.

I. Hustle
08-21-2008, 11:54 AM

08-21-2008, 01:15 PM
I.Hustle wins

08-21-2008, 03:25 PM
I don't understand why it's racist to point out that Chinese people have slanted, squinty eyes. I mean, it's true. Mexicans are brown and have thick mustaches, black people have nappy hair, white people are evil, and Chinese people have squinty eyes.

It's fact people.

(This is not a serious post so don't call me a hate monger and bash me)

i thought black people have something else

I. Hustle
08-21-2008, 04:35 PM
I.Hustle wins


08-21-2008, 07:47 PM
Don't even respond to this idiot. There is probably pcp on that joint.

08-22-2008, 12:44 AM
I didn't make a fuss about this PARTICULAR event whatsoever, as a Chinese. What's interesting is that at the first glance of the pic I had no idea what they are doing. I showed it around to my collegues (the pic was not showing up on major Chinese website) and the reactions were the same like "What is it?".

I think it might be the cultral differences. This is the first time I got to know that Asians are characterized as having slanted eyes by some other races. The point is that most Chinese ppl might not regard it as something offensive because we dont know what's their intention at all. Of course if some foreigners tell me that this is sort of provokative or the "slanted eyes" gesture was invented to humiliate Chinese, it's another story.

I am glad that the pic isn't being circulated that much in China. Anyways things gotta be stired up otherwise I believe.

08-22-2008, 01:59 AM
It does look like a bad joke, but i can understand when people take offense of this..I'm European and if there's any country where people repeatedly discriminate, it's Spain. Thats why its such a controversy right now. Not becuz its a bad joke, bud becuz it happens to be Spain once again, being involved.

08-22-2008, 11:13 AM
you can make jokes all you want. but dont do it in a team picture about the host of the games you are going to.

I. Hustle
08-22-2008, 11:32 AM
As a half chinese half mexican half native american half black half irish american male I am offended! Utterly outraged! Or as my dear old mum would say “Yo soy ching ching chung mad for many moons you jive talkin’ air biscuits!