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View Full Version : Thinking of buying a prosumer digital camcorder

08-17-2008, 04:38 AM
Any indie filmakers in here? I was looking to invest anywhere around 3k to 5k on one of these babies, but I'm unsure what to go for.

Anybody know enough about the subject to make suggestion? If you do, please explain your reasons and the price range that model is in.

I'm leaning towards the Panasonic Ag-HVX200. The advantages of the P2 cards are just too overwhelming. Plus I've been hearing wonderful things about it. Problem is, the HVX200 is around $3500. We're talking bare bones, that means no P2 card included (P2 cards go anywhere from $900 for a 16gb to $1500 for a 32gb). Plus I would like to buy a good travel kit and a good tripod as well.

Another option I was looking into is buying the Canon XH A1, which from what I hear is extremely good all across the board. Price range for this one is around the $3000 mark.

If anyone has any input, I would very much appreciate it.

08-17-2008, 12:02 PM
While it's not specifically a site for filmmakers, you can find some good advice at NewsVideographer.com (http://www.newsvideographer.com).