View Full Version : Who Said Baseball Was A Non-Contact Sport

08-18-2008, 02:58 PM
Seems that isn't so when it comes to the China/USA game.


The United States and China traded insults after a bruising Olympic Games baseball clash which ended with the Chinese manager and relief pitcher thrown out of the game.

America's 9-1 win was overshadowed by fierce on-field rows which will make for a high-voltage final should the two sides now get through their semi-finals and meet in the gold medal match.

China manager James Lefebvre was the first man to be ejected after twice leaving the dugout to protest plays before relief pitcher Chen Kun was also given his marching orders for delivering a fast ball drilled into the helmet of Matt Laporta.

In the course of the game, China catcher Wang Wei was injured and had to leave after a collision with Laporta while replacement catcher Yang Yang was taken out by Nate Schierholtz.

Not to be outdone, US manager Davey Johnson also came out of the dugout when Laporta was hit.

"We not only lost the game but we may have also lost our catcher Wang Wei for the rest of the Olympics. He got hit in the leg. They play hard and we play hard," said Lefebvre who was furious with Schierholtz.

"If you have a guy at homeplate, you never come up and try to hit the guy in the chest. I felt that was an illegal slide and the umpire should have ejected him. After that the game got out of hand."

Lefebvre also defended Chen's controversial pitch.

"We do not throw to hit people. He tried to throw the ball inside and it got away from him. The umpire lost control of the game. He created this."

Schierholtz insisted he did not mean to hurt Yang.

"We're not here to fight. I would rather have slid but the catcher was in the way," he said.

The United States (3-2) will face Taiwan (1-4) on Tuesday for a place in the final while China (1-4) tackle Japan (3-2).

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08-18-2008, 03:30 PM
The replay is on MSNBC right now. Pretty funny stuff. Judging by the size advantage the USA has over the Chinese players, I don't think China would've stood much of a chance if a brawl had broken out.

08-18-2008, 04:13 PM
Lol. China's one run came on a home run in the top of the ninth. The guy who hit it was one of the chinese catchers who got ran over at home plate earlier in the game by one of the U.S. players. He celebrated as he rounded the bases and stomped on home plate to rub it in. After the last out, the U.S. pitcher looked over to the chinese dugout and called him a "little bitch." :lol

I really hope these two teams meat up again. There would definitely be some fireworks.

08-19-2008, 02:59 PM
Schierholtz was nailed twice that game. He had the right to retaliate. It's a shame it happened in the olympics though.

Tomorrow will be the greatest game of these prelims as Team USA and ace Stephen Strasberg (a virtual lock for the #1 pick next year) takes on Team Japan and ace Yu Darvish (who is called the next Dice-K).

08-19-2008, 03:22 PM
Why is baseball (and softball) getting kicked out of the Olympics? It's not like the US is the only country in the world that plays the sport.