View Full Version : These two are a dissgrace to the colours!

08-24-2008, 10:43 AM

aHole #2 and aHole #1.

How can an American, non-Thuggets nor Hornets fan, cheer for these 2 bastards?

See you soon again boyz!
We'll be the ones sending you on vacation yet again.

08-24-2008, 10:48 AM
Melo I can see, but Paul? I don't know, I just think the kid was a bit immature at times, but not an ahole. Plus he is one hell of a competitor.

08-24-2008, 10:49 AM
Yeah Alamo, I'm not sure where you're going with this one...

08-24-2008, 10:52 AM
I cheer for the team, not the individuals.

08-24-2008, 10:53 AM
No matther how they act, they are still Americans...they are part of Team USA, you can't cheer for Team usa without cheering for them too.

T Park
08-24-2008, 10:53 AM
Whats wrong with Chris Paul?

Anthony I can understand, but you could see he was giving it his all and was genuinely happy and really wanted to win the gold.

Your way way off on this alamo.

08-24-2008, 11:17 AM

08-24-2008, 11:19 AM
Whats wrong with Chris Paul?


The Franchise
08-24-2008, 11:24 AM
I cheer for the team, not the individuals.

This comment I can agree with. As far those two.....

08-24-2008, 11:32 AM
Whatever antics they display here in the USA are probably what a lot of non-Americans consider "typical American arrogance" anyway. :) But as far as these Olympics go, they were model citizens and represented well. I'm proud of them!

08-24-2008, 11:38 AM
What the hell did Paul do? Except help bring life and pride back to a city that was hit with devastation when a hurricane destroyed it. If that is not an american I should cheer for, then I do not know who is.

08-24-2008, 11:40 AM
Chris Paul is my favorite player in the NBA bar none

08-24-2008, 11:42 AM
how in the world did chris paul become a disgrace?

08-24-2008, 11:44 AM
I actually think this US team represented the US as best as anybody could have hoped for. They were ridiculously dominant and any sign of arrogance about it... well, can you blame them? I mean, they just decimated everyone they played. I don't even think they were arrogant about it, to tell you the truth.

There's nothing to take away from what this US team has done. Great, great job in my book. Any mishaps in the past, shouldn't detract from the fact that they represented their country with flying colors.

08-24-2008, 11:51 AM
I have no problem with Paul. Melo yes. He did sucker punch someone and talked shit.

08-24-2008, 11:57 AM
I actually think this US team represented the US as best as anybody could have hoped for. They were ridiculously dominant and any sign of arrogance about it... well, can you blame them? I mean, they just decimated everyone they played. I don't even think they were arrogant about it, to tell you the truth.

There's nothing to take away from what this US team has done. Great, great job in my book. Any mishaps in the past, shouldn't detract from the fact that they represented their country with flying colors.

Couldn't agree more. And from a conduct and comportment perspective, this team exceeded that of the Dream Team in that they actively took part in the full Olympic experience. They attended the other events, pubically and privately rooted for their countrymen, and were accessible to fans, media and the other athletes. They also took time to "soak up" the local flavor and culture of the country. They were very aware of the stage they were on and did nothing to embarrass themselves or the fans back home. A good job both on and off the court.

08-24-2008, 12:00 PM
CP3 is an arrogant fuck.. not Melo level but an idiot still

08-24-2008, 12:05 PM
I actually think this US team represented the US as best as anybody could have hoped for. They were ridiculously dominant and any sign of arrogance about it... well, can you blame them? I mean, they just decimated everyone they played. I don't even think they were arrogant about it, to tell you the truth.


There's nothing to take away from what this US team has done. Great, great job in my book. Any mishaps in the past, shouldn't detract from the fact that they represented their country with flying colors.

I understand people being upset with Anthony, I think he did kinda go overboard in his actions, but I didn't see anything by anyone else that displayed arrogance. I saw geniune enthusiasm and there should have been. They just won the Gold medal, they should be happy. I think there is, on the part of some, a willingness to throw the "arrogant" tag on the US team and US athletes for just about anything. Have some deserved it? Absolutely but some people will apply that just because someone wears the Stars and Stripes. If they do, let them, it doesn't mean its true.

08-24-2008, 12:05 PM
What a joke of a thread. CP3 is the shit.

08-24-2008, 12:35 PM
Melo I can see, but Paul? I don't know, I just think the kid was a bit immature at times, but not an ahole. Plus he is one hell of a competitor.

yeah melo is a homo but paul fine...

08-24-2008, 12:46 PM
What did they do?

08-24-2008, 12:49 PM
I hate them both

But still, if not for Melos treys and Cps and-ones the outcome of the finals could be different.
And Melo was a strong piece of this team. (unfortunately)

Red Hawk #21
08-24-2008, 12:49 PM
I hate Paul and Melo but I don't think they they are a "disgrace"

K-State Spur
08-24-2008, 01:26 PM
What the hell did Paul do? Except help bring life and pride back to a city that was hit with devastation when a hurricane destroyed it.

I have nothing against Paul (except that he gets a media pass on his flopping when Manu gets attacked relentlessly), but that's a bit of an overstatement.

Regardless of what the media would have you believe, New Orleans without the Hornets would be pretty darn similar to New Orleans currently with the Hornets.

I have yet to encounter the New Orleans resident who lost their house and job, but still maintains their life and pride thanks to Chris Paul.

08-24-2008, 01:30 PM
I hate Paul and Melo but I don't think they they are a "disgrace"

Melo is, he has a behavior of a gangster, it's a shame that he was chosen to represent the United States

Kori Ellis
08-24-2008, 01:31 PM
"Disgrace" is a pretty harsh word to use. No matter if you think they are cocky or whatever else, that doesn't make them a disgrace to the United States.

08-24-2008, 01:32 PM

08-24-2008, 01:35 PM

USA! USA! USA! :lol

08-24-2008, 01:55 PM

aHole #2 and aHole #1.

How can an American, non-Thuggets nor Hornets fan, cheer for these 2 bastards? What a dissgrace to the colours.

See you soon again boyz!
We'll be the ones sending you on vacation yet again.

Yeah, a couple of black drug addicts. Very unAmerican. Hate 'em both!!!

08-24-2008, 01:56 PM
Are you speaking of how Melo is wearing the American flag like a skirt and upside down? That is disgraceful but I also saw the small wrestler freak out and take the flag down to the ground while celebrating.

The flag is not supposed to touch the ground but most athletes don't have a clue how to treat the symbol of our nation properly. Heck even the idiot in the White House was shown carelessly treating the flag with no respect so how can you get on the athletes?

08-24-2008, 01:57 PM
I have nothing against Paul (except that he gets a media pass on his flopping when Manu gets attacked relentlessly), but that's a bit of an overstatement.

Regardless of what the media would have you believe, New Orleans without the Hornets would be pretty darn similar to New Orleans currently with the Hornets.

I have yet to encounter the New Orleans resident who lost their house and job, but still maintains their life and pride thanks to Chris Paul.

I think she said he "helped" and i dont think that means he gets all the credit for that

Kori Ellis
08-24-2008, 01:58 PM
Yeah, a couple of black drug addicts. Very unAmerican. Hate 'em both!!!

You hate them because they are black? Or because you think they are drug addicts? Melo may smoke weed, but I doubt either of them are a drrug addict.

200 miles
08-24-2008, 01:59 PM
melo is a horse's ass

but if you think paul is a disgrace, well then so is: lebron

08-24-2008, 02:00 PM
This thread title is racist, they are referred to as African Americans

08-24-2008, 02:01 PM
You hate them because they are black? Or because you think they are drug addicts? Melo may smoke weed, but I doubt either of them are a drrug addict.

I just hate 'em. Period. What they dids to the flag and all.

08-24-2008, 02:02 PM
melo is in a class of his own, unfortunately.

and i wouldnt use the word disgrace either.

but paul annoyed me in most of the US games i saw, and it was basically a confirmation of what i saw in the NBA- whining and flopping. I realize a lot of people hate Manu for this reason, but Paul to me is worse.

the one that I didnt know would annoy me, (perhaps I hadnt seen enough of him), was dwight howard. Not at all the "Drob Christian" type he'd been hyped up to be. It seems he thinks because he's big he can do whatever he wants, like old Shaq used to.

and i think its a shame, in the sense that they are so young and so talented, but thats probably the reason they are that way.

surprisingly, Kobe used to annoy me A LOT a few years back, but not so much recently and in the olympics he didnt do anything to piss me off, too much

all personal opinion anyway, I wouldnt start a thread about it...

08-24-2008, 02:21 PM
Melo is, he has a behavior of a gangster, it's a shame that he was chosen to represent the United States

And kobe raped a chick, why isn't anyone bitching about him?

anyways, like has been said before, this is a team effort, they all contributed and all got rewarded. they were cheered on as Americans not individuals.

08-24-2008, 02:25 PM
After you leave the bitch beach, make sure you get the sand out of your vagina.

08-24-2008, 02:27 PM
Like I said in the USA-Spain thread:

Carlos "Yes of course, I'll definitely sign the contract. (unless someone else gives me more)" Boozer
Kobe "I asked her if I could cum on her face and she said no" Bryant
Carmelo "I can't drive sober after showing that I'm a total pussy in a fight" Anthony
Jason "Wife Beater" Kidd
Chris "Nut Puncher" Paul
Mike "NBA Champion who lost aka Cry Baby aka Phil's Bitch" D'Antoni.

:stirpot: :p:

08-24-2008, 02:30 PM
What the hell? Chris Paul?

Melo I don't like either. His thuggish immature tattoo-ed ass is sad and I wuold never root for any team he is on.

BUT PAUL!?!?!? Chris Paul is awesome, off the court.

08-24-2008, 02:32 PM
Would it have been better if they just posed making slanty eyes?

08-24-2008, 02:32 PM
You hate them because they are black? Or because you think they are drug addicts? Melo may smoke weed, but I doubt either of them are a drrug addict.

Any test that he might used weed?

Otherwise ...

08-24-2008, 02:32 PM
The USA team behaved VERY well for the most part during the Olympics. They were gentlemen for the most part and really represented good sportsmanship.

As for their personal lives or what they've done in the past, I am sure there are foreign players who have also done something wrong in their lives.

08-24-2008, 02:38 PM
cp3 was talking trash it look like to manu in that one game maybe thats why hes in talked about in this post.

08-24-2008, 02:46 PM
Melo I can see, but Paul? I don't know, I just think the kid was a bit immature at times, but not an ahole. Plus he is one hell of a competitor.

Thats exactly what I was thinking. Chris Paul is an all-American boy.

08-24-2008, 03:08 PM
I have no problem with Paul. Melo yes. He did sucker punch someone and talked shit.

:lol mello punch a guy and run when jeffries n gang look for him..that was funny

08-24-2008, 03:32 PM
the one that I didnt know would annoy me, (perhaps I hadnt seen enough of him), was dwight howard. Not at all the "Drob Christian" type he'd been hyped up to be. It seems he thinks because he's big he can do whatever he wants, like old Shaq used to.

and i think its a shame, in the sense that they are so young and so talented, but thats probably the reason they are that way.

My thought exactly.
And what was up with Howard being the only player on the squad not placing his hand over his heart during the national anthem for every single game???
One time, I can understand because of nerves or whatever, but consequently every game?

I must say that my word "disgrace" was a little to harsh a chosen word as I posted this in my dissapointment that team arrogance won the gold. I should have sticked with just aHole #1 and aHole #2.

You'll remember my remarks against CP3 when we play the Hornets again in the coming playoffs.

Kori Ellis
08-24-2008, 03:35 PM
My thought exactly.
And what was up with Howard being the only player on the squad not placing his hand over his heart during the national anthem for every single game???
One time, I can understand because of nerves or whatever, but consequently every game?

I must say that my word "disgrace" was a little to harsh a chosen word as I posted this in my dissapointment that team arrogance won the gold. I should have sticked with just aHole #1 and aHole #2.

You'll remember my remarks against CP3 when we play the Hornets again in the coming playoffs.

Do you hate Tim when he doesn't put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem too? Or is your judgement just for non-Spurs?

08-24-2008, 03:35 PM
I cheer for the team, not the individuals.

Extra Stout
08-24-2008, 03:54 PM
[whiny euros]waahh waahh the americans won we hate them and now we are going to cry[/whiny euros]

08-24-2008, 04:04 PM
USA won fair and they deserved gold. Most of the team was classy and played very good basketball. I don't think Chris Paul did anything bad, he just played basketball. The only asshole who doesn't deserve anything is Carmelo. First, he punches Scola from behind and runs like a bitch (that seems to be his go-to-move), and then, THIS:


Compared to this:


08-24-2008, 04:06 PM
I have nothing against Paul (except that he gets a media pass on his flopping when Manu gets attacked relentlessly), but that's a bit of an overstatement.

Regardless of what the media would have you believe, New Orleans without the Hornets would be pretty darn similar to New Orleans currently with the Hornets.

I have yet to encounter the New Orleans resident who lost their house and job, but still maintains their life and pride thanks to Chris Paul.

I didn't mean he brought back life and pride to a person. I said city. As in the city of New orleans. Oh but I am sure you will find away again to twist my words.

08-24-2008, 04:09 PM
I am sure there are foreign players who have also done something wrong in their lives.

Exactly, we don't know the personal lives of some of these players. maybe it just does not make the news like it does here in America.

08-24-2008, 04:13 PM
Pointless, pathetic thread. No matter what Melo did in the past, he still gave it all and really really wanted to win gold. Paul can be cocky and arrogant at times but he's a straight up baller and helped USA big time. And who cares if Melo hit Scola? Scola himself said that the Argentinians were trying to "maul" melo the entire game. Scola deserves it.

08-24-2008, 04:15 PM
See you soon again boyz!
We'll be the ones sending you on vacation yet again.

I'm still tryin to figure this out...

Holland send the U.S. on vacation?

Does Holland even have a basketball team?

08-24-2008, 04:18 PM
I'm still tryin to figure this out...

Holland send the U.S. on vacation?

Does Holland even have a basketball team?

He means the spurs and hornets.

08-24-2008, 04:19 PM
My thought exactly.
And what was up with Howard being the only player on the squad not placing his hand over his heart during the national anthem for every single game???
One time, I can understand because of nerves or whatever, but consequently every game?

Does it say somewhere that you have to do that? In Slovenia it's not a custom.

08-24-2008, 04:24 PM
He means the spurs and hornets.

Ah ok yeah that would make sense.....
but at this point I don't think many people are mad that they won other than Europeans and South Americans...

And this seems like a generalized comment for Spurs fans.

08-24-2008, 04:28 PM
I'm European and I'm not mad. They won fair and square.

08-24-2008, 04:35 PM
No matther how they act, they are still Americans...they are part of Team USA, you can't cheer for Team usa without cheering for them too.

Actually, that's the only way I could cheer for them. I had to ignore the guys on the team that I can't stand.

As for someone else's comment about Melo using the flag as a skirt, I've seen plenty of other athletes do that. Manu has done it every time he's won an NBA Championship. Technically, there are a lot of rules as to what you aren't supposed to do with a flag, but I seriously doubt that any athlete that does it means any intentional disrespect.

08-24-2008, 04:37 PM
alamo50 I'm embarrassed for your behavior. These two represented their country well and we should be proud of the work they did.

08-24-2008, 04:38 PM
Do you hate Tim when he doesn't put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem too? Or is your judgement just for non-Spurs?

Who said I hate anybody except Blowme Bryant?
I was asking a simple question.

Also, I am not mad team arrogance won the gold.
I am dissapointed that this team is filled with mostly cocky arrogant players and I think that's a bad reflection compared to the Dream Team.

08-24-2008, 04:45 PM
Ah c'mon these guys are just reppin their culture like Ron Artest.

08-24-2008, 04:48 PM

rude!!! he is definitely an aHole.

08-24-2008, 04:49 PM
alamo50 I'm embarrassed for your behavior. These two represented their country well and we should be proud of the work they did.

If you are proud for what these 2 individuals displayed on the court wearing USA on their chest, than I hold no grudge against you being embarrassed for me as I pitty you.

I would have loved to cheer for Team USA, but aHole #1 and aHole #2 made it just impossible for me to cheer for them. I just couldn't ignore their behaviour like Spurschick pointed out to do.

Furthermore, I see the difference between LeBron and Kobe's cockyness.
That comes with the game. Trust me, there is nobody I hate more than Blowme Bryant, but when he held his finger for his lips to silence the crowd, I had nothing against that. It's the foul cowardy plays of Melo and CP3 that got my blood boiling.

So typicaly that Melo was known for throwing that punch in an NBA game and than running away, now CP3 did the same.

08-24-2008, 04:56 PM
Whatever, I'm glad they were arrogant, the only other country on this earth I care about is Israel.


Kori Ellis
08-24-2008, 04:57 PM
Who said I hate anybody except Blowme Bryant?
I was asking a simple question.

Also, I am not mad team arrogance won the gold.
I am dissapointed that this team is filled with mostly cocky arrogant players and I think that's a bad reflection compared to the Dream Team.

So you are disappointed in Dwight Howard for not putting his hand over his heart, but for Tim it's okay, or not okay?

08-24-2008, 05:01 PM
Oh, and that "cocky arrogance" you're talking about is just the "urban" attitude. That's not racist, that's fact.

08-24-2008, 05:17 PM
just because you dont like some players, doesnt mean that you dont respect the team's accomplishment or are whining.

I wouldnt have started a thread about it, and I still respect the ability of CP3, Howard, and Melo, but I don't like their attitude/personality, that is all.

When the lakers were threepeating in dominant fashion, did every one like rick fox? shaq? No, not even in california (I lived there at the time and got into the NBA at the time), and a lot of it had to do with their attitude on and off the court, not their ability (ok, in the case of fox, that would have been unlikely as he had little ability to begin with...)

08-24-2008, 05:26 PM
So you are disappointed in Dwight Howard for not putting his hand over his heart, but for Tim it's okay, or not okay?

Who said I am dissapointed in Howard for not putting his hand over his heart?
I asked a question.

Especially before the final game, each and every single US player had his hand over his heart while listening to the national anthem. I know a lot of the players didn't do it previous to the other games in the Olympics nor before NBA games, but for this game it looked as they talked about it and everybody stood proudly....except Howard as he had been doing all tournament.

I was just wondering if he has reasons to make a statement or something.

That Tim doesn't do it doesn't interest me and if you read carefuly wasn't my point.

08-24-2008, 05:34 PM
just because you dont like some players, doesnt mean that you dont respect the team's accomplishment or are whining.

Agreed and not claiming nor acting otherwise.

08-24-2008, 05:38 PM
Melo is one self centered jackass, that's for sure. His whole persona and attitude is a dead give away to why he isn't on the same level as LeBron and Kobe like he could be. It reflects in his game sometimes too.

Paul is one arrogant cry baby. He has too much attitude and ever since the series against them last season I realized what kind of guy he is. Looking to get bailed out on every play, and earlier in the season the incident getting blamed on Bowen was just proof the NBA protects its stars. He should have been suspended the same way.

However they act like stupid thugs on the podium, and that whole chant before they got their medals was embarrassing. But that's how most of these guys are these days so whatever. I don't think they disgraced us but they could have acted more professional after winning gold on the podium.

08-24-2008, 05:41 PM
If you are proud for what these 2 individuals displayed on the court wearing USA on their chest, than I hold no grudge against you being embarrassed for me as I pitty you.

I would have loved to cheer for Team USA, but aHole #1 and aHole #2 made it just impossible for me to cheer for them. I just couldn't ignore their behaviour like Spurschick pointed out to do.

Furthermore, I see the difference between LeBron and Kobe's cockyness.
That comes with the game. Trust me, there is nobody I hate more than Blowme Bryant, but when he held his finger for his lips to silence the crowd, I had nothing against that. It's the foul cowardy plays of Melo and CP3 that got my blood boiling.

So typicaly that Melo was known for throwing that punch in an NBA game and than running away, now CP3 did the same.

Why did you even bother watching it? There was no way this US team would lose this year. And if you only watched hoping for the United States to lose you were bound to be dissappointed.

It really was unwatchable and non competitive and held no interest for me. I didn't waste my time watching it. Were most of the games on tape delay and the results already known?

08-24-2008, 05:48 PM
I just realized Carmelo didn't even bother to shake the guy's hand and just quickely did the black panther salute lmao.

Also the chant and their dances they did on the podium sucked.

08-24-2008, 05:53 PM
Regarding putting your hand over your heart during the national anthem:

Recall David Robinson stood at rigid attention during the playing of the national anthem. In the military, you are taught, if you are in uniform, you salute during the playing. If you are in civilian clothes, you stand at attention. The hand over the heart thing is respectful but not necessary.

08-24-2008, 06:36 PM
I hate them both, equally, when they play against our Spurs. But when they carry our flag against anybody else, I am 100% for them, ALL of them. I loved their behavior when we won the gold. I even had a tear or two. As much as I dislike Kobe, I was very impressed with his behavior.

You've got to get over your prejudices.

We are all Americans.

Capt Bringdown
08-24-2008, 06:39 PM
Hey, we ain't brits, it's "colors," not "colours."

I don't think these guys have done anything wrong, other than treat the flag somewhat disrespectfully.

I do think there has been a gradual erosion of sportsmanship over the years. That's why I admire Duncan's throwback stoicism so much.

Out of respect for the competition, your opponent and yourself, you try to control yourself when you win or lose. This is a value that is vanishing.

08-24-2008, 08:27 PM
If you are proud for what these 2 individuals displayed on the court wearing USA on their chest, than I hold no grudge against you being embarrassed for me as I pitty you.

I would have loved to cheer for Team USA, but aHole #1 and aHole #2 made it just impossible for me to cheer for them. I just couldn't ignore their behaviour like Spurschick pointed out to do.

Furthermore, I see the difference between LeBron and Kobe's cockyness.
That comes with the game. Trust me, there is nobody I hate more than Blowme Bryant, but when he held his finger for his lips to silence the crowd, I had nothing against that. It's the foul cowardy plays of Melo and CP3 that got my blood boiling.

So typicaly that Melo was known for throwing that punch in an NBA game and than running away, now CP3 did the same.

So if its just because of aHole #1 and aHole #2....why do you refer to Team USA as "Team Arrogance"?

08-24-2008, 08:40 PM

08-24-2008, 09:47 PM
Dont forget ahole #3 and his butt licking side kick...kobe, wade. Melo is a born loser and will always carry himself poorly....he will never win a ring. Paul is very overated and acts as if he is the best player in the NBA....win something first pal.

They showed a lack of respect for the game.

08-25-2008, 12:12 AM
Can we all agree that Carmello is a worthless pos and be happy the US won in spite of him being a douche?

08-25-2008, 12:14 AM
Dont forget ahole #3 and his butt licking side kick...kobe, wade. Melo is a born loser and will always carry himself poorly....he will never win a ring. Paul is very overated and acts as if he is the best player in the NBA....win something first pal.

They showed a lack of respect for the game.

wanna go look at the 2003 final 4?

08-25-2008, 05:20 AM
So if its just because of aHole #1 and aHole #2....why do you refer to Team USA as "Team Arrogance"?

Because almost the entire team showed arrogant behaviour during the entire tournament. Why was everybody talking about this in concern to "Dream Team II" and now all is OK?

What is difficult to understand about what I have to say???
People should get their heads out of their asses!

About people claiming for CP3 to be a class act:


08-25-2008, 06:06 AM
Because almost the entire team showed arrogant behaviour during the entire tournament.

Who and what did they do?

I will give you Melo and I know you are going to refer to Kobe's "shhh" to the Spanish crowd so that is two. Who else and what specifically did they do?

08-25-2008, 06:12 AM
Couldn't agree more. And from a conduct and comportment perspective, this team exceeded that of the Dream Team in that they actively took part in the full Olympic experience. They attended the other events, pubically and privately rooted for their countrymen, and were accessible to fans, media and the other athletes. They also took time to "soak up" the local flavor and culture of the country. They were very aware of the stage they were on and did nothing to embarrass themselves or the fans back home. A good job both on and off the court.

One thing they didn't do is stay at the athletes village. But everyone can't be perfect.

BTW Boozer is an arrogant cunt, wouldn't help up players in garbage time after he commits a hard foul.

08-25-2008, 06:21 AM
One thing they didn't do is stay at the athletes village. But everyone can't be perfect.

BTW Boozer is an arrogant cunt, wouldn't help up players in garbage time after he commits a hard foul.

IMO, that's not arrogance, but it is bad sportsmanship.