View Full Version : Garnett>>>>>TD?

02-08-2005, 09:52 PM
Yeah the wolves just lost 6 staright, what now all you TD haters?

Sense 1997 the spurs have the best record in professional sports.

02-08-2005, 09:52 PM
Where is Wolves009??????????????

02-08-2005, 09:56 PM
he's over at some wolves message board complaining about the coach and the supporting cast.

02-08-2005, 10:10 PM
Seriously man, watch the games. It appears that KG rejuvanated an aging sam and spree last year but it has nothing to do with Kev this year.

Box score as of right now.

KG 32 minutes 24 pts, 9-11 FG, 6-7 FT, 5 boards, 4 assists, 3 steals, 2 blocks. Dude could be dropping a 5x5 on them but it doesn't matter when spree is 3-10, an injured cassell is barely playing even when he is, etc....

02-08-2005, 10:11 PM
On NBA Nation they are sayin that KG is averaging only like 16 - 17 ppg in this losing streak. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

02-08-2005, 10:15 PM
Seriously man, watch the games. It appears that KG rejuvanated an aging sam and spree last year but it has nothing to do with Kev this year.

Box score as of right now.

KG 32 minutes 24 pts, 9-11 FG, 6-7 FT, 5 boards, 4 assists, 3 steals, 2 blocks. Dude could be dropping a 5x5 on them but it doesn't matter when spree is 3-10, an injured cassell is barely playing even when he is, etc....

Memphis is killing them....what is your point?

02-08-2005, 10:17 PM
Yeah in 32 minutes he has 5 boards....that will help his team on D.

02-08-2005, 10:18 PM
And i hate to break it to you, but Duncan was never surrounded with this many great players until very recently, but he still made the playoffs every year and routinly beat some of the nest teams in basketball

02-08-2005, 10:20 PM
104-88 Memphis in 4th

02-08-2005, 10:21 PM
RtD you can lay smack on KG for being a dickhead, a low class guy, and someone that fails to make any noise in the playoffs. Hell you call him a loser but he can certainly rebound the ball dont try and discredit him there.

If your going to abuse someone at least do it so that it has some merit and doesn't get thrown back in your face.

02-08-2005, 10:21 PM
(do you think we should tell him that mephis beat us too, Jim?)

02-08-2005, 10:21 PM

02-08-2005, 10:21 PM
I don't understand why Minnesota is playing like this. I haven't watched them this year, but maybe one time. Are they going to flip the Pop switch in March? WTF?

02-08-2005, 10:22 PM
pity on a great player like KG, he'll never win a title. and thank God for the Spurs for not signing Spree"got-to-feed-my family". :p

02-08-2005, 10:22 PM
Xcoriate, his team is losing and that's why i bring up his rebounds, because everyone knows he can rebound the ball but in a game when his team needs him to......well were did he go.....?

02-08-2005, 10:24 PM
(do you think we should tell him that mephis beat us too, Jim?)

They barely beat us by 3 points back in Nov....hardly the same.

02-08-2005, 10:25 PM
So Sickdsm, do you like Garnett because he has "street cred"?

good point jim.

Yeah yal are getting your asses handed to you by the Memphis Grizzles....Haha

02-08-2005, 10:25 PM
My point is the rest of the team (besides management since they always were) turned to crap in a hurry. Even guys like Hoiberg has stunk, hitting 27% of his shots the last five games. You know theres a problem when Kandi dropps 21 and 9 and you still lose.

Kevin has been averaging less but its because he's been taking less shots. His FG% has been great, actually better than ever. He's hitting 52 % in the month of Jan and Feb. combined. What do you expect? Guys are constantly tripling him hanging all over daring everyone else to make a shot because they know they can't. Why do you think his assists are higher this year?

02-08-2005, 10:26 PM
KG can rebound the ball, its a weak take.

02-08-2005, 10:28 PM
I can make fun of a lackluster effort all I want Xcoriate, you dont have to agree with that.

02-08-2005, 10:36 PM
No, i like him because he chose MN. He didn't have a franchise guy to make him like the team. He had to grow up in the NBA losing for the first few years until he was ready. He had to endure losing a player like Marbury and HE CHOSE MINNESOTA. He's the type of guy that would literally take a bullet for the team if he had to. He's what every fan pines for in a player. A guy that with superstar ability that plays with the heart and all-outness of a mark madsen. He feels exactly how us devoted wolves fans when they lose, hell, It was obvious last year that he felt exactly like us devoted wolves fans when they win big games.

When your isolated like MN this means alot. Chuck Knoblauch and Stephon Marbury still get booed very loudly and stuff thrown at them to this day because of that.

Is he my faverite wolves player? Never really has been. I've always had a thing for the lesser players. Reggie Slater, Joe smith especially and last year I loved watching Hassell play. I still think he's better than Duncan. I don't see the Spurs choking to the lesser teams by 20 consistantly when duncan's out.

T Park
02-08-2005, 10:49 PM
He had to endure losing a player like Marbury

Probobly that was better for him.

Marbury is nothing but a loser.

Hes a losing player and a guy that will never win anything.

Good for KG to get rid of that clown.

02-08-2005, 10:53 PM
My thoughts exactly but my point is that as a young guy in the leauge that must have really been hard on him losing his Robin in the way he did.

I watch the games alone now bc i hate all the idiot-speak. The morning radio show actually talked about getting Steph back in a trade and people are for it.

02-08-2005, 11:10 PM
I don't see the Spurs choking to the lesser teams by 20 consistantly when duncan's out.
I don't see the Spurs choking to lesser teams by 20 when Duncan's in, either. ;)

Everyone fawned all over McHale for doing those deals for Spree and Cassell, but I saw this coming. You're in trouble when you entrust your backcourt to two thirtysomethings. In this league, guards get old QUICK. With a couple of exceptions like JKidd who play close to the floor and rely on exceptional vision and passing, most guards rely on quickness or explosiveness to the rim. Those are the first things to go with age.

T Park
02-08-2005, 11:12 PM
Parker better start improving his passing and vision.

Of course, this isnt a worry for another 7 8 years, and by then Im sure he will

02-08-2005, 11:15 PM
I thought this coudl happpen. But the guards are the reasons the wolves are lossing not kg

notice the wolves have not lost 19 in a row like the magic did in te weak ass east last year

02-08-2005, 11:23 PM
TPark - Cassell is 35 and Spree is 34. Tony is 22, and will turn 23 during the playoffs. He will probably get ANOTHER contract out of the Spurs after this one. I think that Tony signed and extension, which means 6 years after this last one on his rookie contract, expiring right about when he turns 29. He should be able to get one more nice contract at that age.

This might sound harsh, but the Spurs probably won't sign Manu again. He's 27, and has 6 years on this contract since he wasn't Full Bird, which puts it's expiration almost right at his 33rd birthday. Danger Zone.

02-08-2005, 11:48 PM
KG is too immature to lead his team. Spurs fans have witnessed KG's immaturity on several occassions. Probably the product of him being stupid. In his mind he just needs some more Glocs and Oozies.

02-08-2005, 11:54 PM
knew the Wolves overachieved last year, but I never expected them to tank like this.

02-08-2005, 11:57 PM
even if they tank this year, they cant even a first round draft pick correct?? ose of the penalty stern imposed on them for the under the table dealing with joe smith.

as long as KG is losing its good to see.

02-09-2005, 12:34 AM
nbadraft.net shows them with a pick this year.

Duff McCartney
02-09-2005, 12:55 AM
Yeah I think last year was the end of their sentence.

02-09-2005, 01:02 AM
The T'Wolves would be damn scary if they fire Flip and hire Phil. KG in the triangle offense would be a nightmare.

Please don't do it.

T Park
02-09-2005, 01:04 AM
Yeah only if KG had a supporting cast would it be scary.

02-09-2005, 01:04 AM
Is it really Flip's fault the team has underacheived to such a great degree this season?

There is no reason the Twolves should be under .500 right now, even if Cassell and Spree were not playing at all for most of the season.

I expect them to eventually turn things around and become respectable come playoff time, but I mean it is almost at the point where if they are not careful they might find themselves out of a playoff spot.

When will they turn it around?

02-09-2005, 02:02 AM
Is it really Flip's fault the team has underacheived to such a great degree this season?
If he weren't McHales bud, he'd be gone by now.

I expect them to eventually turn things around and become respectable come playoff time, but I mean it is almost at the point where if they are not careful they might find themselves out of a playoff spot.
That's why you don't wait too long to can the coach. It seems to me that Flip has "lost" the team. There's no going back from that point.
There are also only two types of coaches: Those that have been fired, and those who are going to be fired.

02-09-2005, 06:23 AM
Duncan 1A, Garnett 1B. Great talents period.

Who is better?

Championships define players, i.e. Tom Brady is better than Payton Manning.

Therefore, Duncan > Garnett. No excuses.

02-09-2005, 09:45 AM
Youre probably the only one that believes Brady>Manning but if you do i can't argue with your logic. To me the age wasn't that big of a deal because Cassell didn't ever really use his (lack of) speed last year. Hassell picked up the slack defensively for him and whenever sam would shoot it would be his push-off mid range and every time it looked like it was going to get blocked. Thats a shot he still can get anytime he wants to. Spree had already lost it last year. He seemed to rely on leaners and 3's. If he makes them thats all right with me but he isn't.

02-09-2005, 11:04 AM
What do you expect? Guys are constantly tripling him hanging all over daring everyone else to make a shot because they know they can't.

Gosh, Timmy's never had to deal with doubles and triples and teams forcing other players to beat them with jump shots. :rolleyes

*cough* Spurs 1999-2000; Spurs 2000-2001; Spurs 2001-2002 *cough*

Look, I think KG is a great player, but when you're comparing elite level players, there are other factors that come into play. To me, a major factor in comparing elite players is the degree to which they make their teams better. It's not just about assists. It's about picking teammates up and helping your team to find a way to win, no matter what the circumstances are. For years, the rap has been that KG had no help and that he couldn't be expected to lift the shlubs who surrounded him. Well, now that excuse is gone. Last year, that group flew out in front, never encountered any real turbulence and ran to the WCF. Now, they suffer some adversity and, viola, it's right back to "same old Timberwolves." I don't think that KG can fairly shoulder the blame for their struggles, but you'd think that he could find a way to lift that boat, for a game at least. Of late, that team has blown a great opportunity to beat Houston (in Minnesota!!), they didn't show up at all against Phoenix (again in Minnesota!), they lost in Milwaukee, they lost to Boston. The lack of competitiveness at the end of games is troubling and it makes me wonder if KG isn't just a stat fiend who lacks any real leadership qualities.

It's easy to lead when things are going along smoothy; it's something else entirely to be the guy who has to lift his team out of adversity. Tim Duncan has done that repeatedly during his career; I've yet to see the same from KG.

T Park
02-09-2005, 11:12 AM
how many times have players had career years around KG? About 1 year last year with Cassell and Sprewell.

And Duncan??

Hmm, Stephen Jackson, Derek Anderson had a huge year before screwin the Spurs over.

Only one guy I can think of that made a player better on offense than Duncan is Rasho Nesterovic.

Rasho had a fantastic year next to Garnett in 02 03, and since he hasnt shot as well.

Not even close to how well he shot in Minnesota.

02-09-2005, 12:04 PM
"Youre probably the only one that believes Brady>Manning but if you do i can't argue with your logic."

What a laughable statement! Manning is by far the biggest choke when it counts so far in NFL history following similar 4 years of choking at Tennesse vs. Florida. First it was Tennesee (pros how ironic!) now the Patriots have his number. Who will it be next?????

Brady is rightfully earning praise as a Joe Montana (and likewise Tim Duncan is threatening to put his stamp in history in the Bird, Magic, Jordan, Russell, Kareerm types) while Garnett although supremely talented is like a Kelley or Marino (except he never even gets that far) and unless it changes will always be thought of as a Ewing, Barkley, Malone clone (unless Mailman somehow gets here and actually in 30 games and the playoffs proves worthy) of being one of the ultimate losers. At least these made the finals at least once and whose to say that as his young legs go away Garnett will fall back ala Kemp! Duncan with his much more fundemental and brainy play seemingly could go on into his young 40s ala Kareem and still make a major impact.

And don't give me talent. Garnett has had more to work with the majority of his Career than Duncan.

I would take Garnett as the second player on a good team, ala one already with another superstar but unlike Duncan he will absolutely never win one without playing alongside one in his prime (and Robinson was not). His best bet is to get wait to later in his career and to latch onto a James, Wade or someone else cause he sure ain't going to do it alone.

02-09-2005, 12:24 PM
When Manu Scores 18,7 PPG in January and 17 PPG in February and TP with 16,4 in January and 21,00 in February, who need more than 19 PPG in Jan and 17 in Feb

If Tony is Going Up, and Manu Too, TD must to be down in Score

02-09-2005, 12:26 PM
Can you see Phill Jackson moving to Minn?

I do not think Jeanie would move there with him.

02-09-2005, 01:41 PM
KG is much more athletic (not to mention a better FT shooter) than Duncan, but I think Duncan is smarter and more disciplined. Who does that make a better player? Hard to say. KG is the best fantasy player in the game today, but stats don't equal wins. Right now I'll take Duncan. You can argue about coaches, supporting cast, whatever until the cows come home, but I can't start believing in KG until his team does something.

Kori Ellis
02-09-2005, 04:02 PM
wolves009, I think you've hit your daily posting limit.

02-09-2005, 04:39 PM
This might sound harsh, but the Spurs probably won't sign Manu again. He's 27, and has 6 years on this contract since he wasn't Full Bird, which puts it's expiration almost right at his 33rd birthday. Danger Zone.

It al depends on his speed
if he accepts a vet min I am ok with it
but he uses his speed to do what he does. Now he can hardley play 35 minutes a game. after this contract he might be good for 15 minutes :blah

02-09-2005, 04:40 PM
If his team keeps going South, he's going to have to reserve the handle wolves010.


T Park
02-09-2005, 04:44 PM
lol^^^ :rolling

02-09-2005, 04:47 PM
Just look at who has more MVPs.

Um, how about who has more playoff wins?

Who has won more titles?

Who has won head-to-head matchups?

At least KG has more commercials.....I think.....