View Full Version : I have no experience in ____....

08-28-2008, 04:29 PM
Back when Bushed Oil n War Co I was runnin for reelect in 92, Ross Perot was looking huge so the Repugs had Bush Sr. puppet Perots lack of political experience.

Perots response during the debate was "You're right, I have no experience running up a trillion dollar debt". Huge applause ensued. Well as we know the 'Pugs went on to threaten Perots daughter and make fun of his suggestion that gas be a $1.50 a gallon to fund much needed programs like pre birthing care, of which at the time the US was woefully behind.

Using the same formula, what could those vs current 'Pugs use when Obamas lack of *experience* is parroted?

Oh my let the games begin.
"I have no experience":

Making up stories of WMDs to start a huge assed war as cover to send the Oil Bois in.

Making sure gas gets doubled to pay back the gassers who put me in.

Flying around on Enron jets during my campaign. Pardoning such sleasballs once they were finally convicted. Or killing them as neccessary.
